Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1366: Northland man!

Ling Lan stopped because of his words, and the overflowing confusion in the beauty of the United States clearly reminded me of the clouds over the heads of the family and the sects, but they did not insist on it.

Ling Shou Jing Coughed a sigh: "My son, although the spirit of the sorcerer is a savage character, he is fierce and sinister. Fortunately, he did not commit any sinful crimes in the Central Plains. He is a savage savage. Ru Mao, drinking blood, not educating, practicing some seemingly horrible witchcraft secrets is also commonplace!"

"At the moment, it is a big change that has never been seen before. When the imperial court is using people, there are more vicious enemies to deal with." If he is willing to work for the court, he will not care too much about his past! ”

"And if I can use the Central Plains rituals, the right way to cultivate the real world to teach him, and let him abandon evil and promote good, and change the evils, it is even more merit!"

Ling Lan was shocked and laughed, her heart was numb, her lips trembled for a long time, but she spit out a sigh of sorrow, saying: "This, this, this is really different from what my daughter thought before going down the mountain!"

"It's not the same!"

Ling Shoujing also felt that he had said something a little shameless, and even some meant to push his daughter into the fire pit.

Just in the whirlpool, even his tandem can only follow the tide, a little carelessly the entire family must be broken, in addition to desperate struggle, what is the solution?

"My son, you will understand in the future."

Wunan’s five-way plan to make it boring, “The world has said that it’s hard to repair, it’s harder than going to heaven. I don’t know how to survive in the red world. In the end, I have to retire, and it’s better than practicing the sword. Flying up is even harder than a hundred times and thousands of times!"

The two fathers and daughters were sighing and sighing. When they secretly calculated, the outside family reported to the family, and the two parents who went to see the coffin went back.

"Yuanwu, what do you know when you know, when can you meet me?"

The situation was urgent, and Ling Shoujing couldn’t take care of the shelves that he had asked for. He even claimed his identity and used the word "access".

The "Yuanwu" is a young man with a pretty look. He is about to touch the threshold of the foundation period. At the moment, it is like a frosted eggplant. He blinked and said: "Returning to the master, I have not seen the coffin." The face of the Master was pushed out by a group of Wu Mang monks. It is said that the Lingbi Master went to see Han Yuantai first. After you decide how to send Han Yuantai, you will have time to see us!"


Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan were like a thunder, and the two fathers and girls looked at each other and found that the other person’s face was white and full of sweat.

The Lingbi Master did not really kill the ghost Qin people, but also saw the ghost Qin people, goodbye Dagan people, this, this, this -

For a time, the image of the coffin in their hearts is more and more unpredictable!


In the center of Huo Luchengzhai, a mansion of the Central Plains style.

This place was originally the residence of the Hulu chief, the high wall and deep courtyard, the blue brick and the land, the backyard also dug a pond, planted with willow green bamboo, full pool lotus lotus, surrounded by fish and shrimp.

Being able to maintain such a quiet and elegant home in the area of ​​Wunan is quite expensive. It can also be seen that the Hulu tribe has strong strength in Wunan.

At this moment, this Yashe naturally became the temporary residence of the new generation of "the first master of Wunan".

However, in the backyard pond, sitting under the willows, but not the spirit of the people, but a temperament and the incomprehensible eight-footed Han, the leader of the Peng Peng Han Yuantai.

He was full of blood stains on his body, and there were several paw prints on the forehead of the coffin. The face was full of dense needles and sores, and his face was swollen and swollen.

The strange bones of the body have not been removed, but the deeper and deeper, not only does not make him run a half-aura, almost become a waste, and even a big breath to become a painful thing.

The look of the Northland hero is quite calm, even with a hint of interest, sitting on the edge of the lotus pond, but not looking at the lotus, but looking down on the shackles of the body.

"The exquisite magic weapon is more meticulous than the "Mid-day piercing lock" used in the gods' dungeons. It locks all the holes in my body and the meridians, and I can't get rid of it anyway!"

"I am afraid that Da Luo Jinxian, if you are banned from this magic weapon, you must beg for mercy!"

"Plus the ghost needles that are out of the ghosts, and there are ten times more thin needles than the poison needles, and almost no sense of the mica blade!"

"A pile, a piece, is a magic weapon for a broken child, a sinister poison to the ultimate magic weapon!"

"Thinking carefully, the spirit of this spiritual master can not be as high as I am, but he is wearing these weapons and weapons, but he still leads and does not send it. He hides in the poisonous fire pit and waits for the opportunity until the most suitable. The timing is only to launch a Thunder strike!"

"This heart is more terrible than a poisonous needle, a sharp blade and a shackle!"

"This time, the South is going to recruit the heroes of the world. This kind of outstanding figure, if it can be used by Yun Yun, I can't do it!"

Han Yuantai was thinking about it, suddenly felt the lotus in the pool trembled, his heart was as painful as a needle.

When looking up, the black-and-green robes, the face of the tender, the deep-eyed scorpio, appeared quietly in front of him!

The birthmark on the face of this peerless murderer has once again shrunk into a small green dot of the eyebrow, and the face looks quite "clear."

However, in the eyes of Han Yuantai who has personally experienced his means, this "clear show" has become another horror of another taste!

Han Yuantai endured his inner fear and suddenly laughed loudly: "The Master has finally arrived!"

Li Yao no expression.

The bottom of my heart is the side of the ghost Qin, plus zero points.

He deliberately dried up the two sides of the ghost Qin and Da Gan, but in the dark silently observed the reaction on both sides.

The ghost Qin Knight and the Han Zuling's right arm and the right arm are quite calm and calm, even if they are outfitted, at least on the surface, they are like copper cast iron castings, not much flaws.

On the side of the Dagan Wangshi, he was sighing and sighing, and even the performance of Ling’s father and daughter was quite unbearable.

When Han Yuantai saw himself, he was uneasy in his heart, but he could laugh and laugh, and he was a hero.

Li Yao’s gaze passed over the shackles of Han Yuantai.

This shackle is a pair of re-created by the ancient law refiner technology according to the principle of "drug erosive bone piercing and heart-locking", which is called "Lingshu interception and broken pulse lock", which condenses the hundred refining sects. The essence of the refinery of the series is that he tailored for this element.

Han Yuantai bears this lock, still arrogant, talking and laughing, so that Li Yao faintly gave him a good impression.

Li Yao turned his eyes, not yin and yang: "Han Daoyou saw this person, it seems very happy, how, not afraid that the person is here to take your life?"

"The coffin is a joke. If you kill in the morning, you will have to kill. Why wait until now!"

Han Yuantai burst into a splendid smile from the **** face, full of self-channel. "The sorcerer is a master of Wunan a hundred years ago, but the world is ignorant, and often treats the person as cruel and ruthless, moody. The generations are extremely afraid of the superiors, and they are really wrong!"


Li Yao looked up and down Han Yuantai, and Yin smiled. "Is it wrong? I was not a small person who killed me all the time!"

"Of course not right!"

Han Yuantai is the correct color. "The people who killed the people in the past were all inextricably linked with the old enemies. If these people do not remove them, it will be difficult to prevent new waves from being picked up in the future. This is the reason for scribbling and rooting. Killing innocents is very different!"

"After killing these people, the Master immediately stopped his hand and issued a deterrent to the entire Wunan comprehension community, setting out his own bottom line and revenge means. As a result, he guaranteed that there will be no peace for decades. Well water does not make river water."

"And in these decades, as long as others have not violated the interests of the superiors, the superiors have never started to kill!"

"It can be seen that the Master is a very intelligent person who knows how to make a difference. He knows that the person who is going forward and retreating is not the murderer of the moody and murderous in the next population!"

"This morning, it is also a testimony. Although the Master used the extremely cruel means to kill the Black Moon Supreme, but this is that you have grievances in front, and for us to come to Yunqin, although the superiors seem to be extremely heavy, It didn't really kill one!"

"It is obvious that everything is in the hands of the Master, and what the Master has shown is not just a matter of resentment and anger!"


Li Yao was a little unhappy with a cold sigh, and the black lacquered eyes suddenly appeared two green lights, like a sharp knife on the neck of Han Yuantai.

It’s like the old monster’s mind is broken, giving birth to a few violent murderous.

He was glanced at by Li Yao, and Han Yuantai was stabbed in the back, almost no snoring.

He knows that in the face of such an old monster, he must not be soft, and he must be surprisingly successful, and he will arouse the interest of the other party.

At the moment, I slammed my head and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, I will also represent my brother, Yun Qin Regent Han Daling, congratulations to the people! I want to come to the people to disappear, these decades, there must be an incredible encounter, after Thousands of years of tempering, today finally flew into the sky, among the world's unparalleled peers!"

"The above people are shocked by the cultivation of the world. A black moon sage in the district is really not enough. Even if you enter the Central Plains at this moment, you will be more than enough to compete with the world."

Li Yao didn't lift his eyelids and sneered: "This is nature, the black moon is a sacred person, but a Yuan Ying first stage, it really did not be put in my heart! Go to the Imperial Palace to see what the emperor's throne looks like. Or go to the Yunyun grassland and see how sultry your wife is. This is what the present person wants to do now, haha, hahahaha!"

Han Yuantai’s eyes flashed a raging anger, and he slammed the shackles and straightened his waist. He said: “The supernatural powers of the gods may be among the top 20 in the world, but the human beings are sometimes poor and want to use their own power. To fight against a country and a family, and even the mighty destiny, after all, it’s a car, and it’s going to be destroyed!”

Li Yao squinted and snorted, and a green awn in his nose, Han Yuantai slammed out and smashed a dog.

"You are really not afraid of death!"

Han Yuantai struggled from the mud and spit out half of the broken teeth. He laughed: "For me Yunqin, I don’t regret it!"



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