Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1367: The insights of ancient repairs (fourth!)

Li Yao’s murderous glory, his cold eyes like a scraping steel knife, staring at Han Yuantai.

Han Yuantai bites his teeth and slams his teeth. He stalks his neck and Li Yao. He has been against the edge of his eyes several times. He wants to avoid overdoing it, but he is supported by the flame in his chest. !

By the two of them, the lotus in the pond trembled, and the blossoms quickly withered.

The goldfish and the small shrimps jumped on the lake, and they turned white one after another, as if they were not ponds, but oil pans.

Just when Han Yuantai was about to hold on, and when he was going to collapse completely, Li Yao’s murderousness in his teeth was suddenly swept away, as if it had never appeared.

He smiled a little: "It's so sweet!"

Han Yuantai Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, the iron man of the Northland, the status of respected Yuyun Yuan Ying, in front of this unfathomable old monster, almost to tears!

Until now, his legs trembled involuntarily, and he sweated without sweating. He hurriedly gasped for a few breaths before he barely smiled. "I have won the prize, I have only discovered that I have underestimated the Master." The realm of the above, the above-mentioned people's cultivation today, may be among the ranks of the top ten masters in the world, really one person and one sword, against one family and one country!"

"Forget it, since everyone is a discerning person, don't have to circle like this!"

Li Yao puts a hand in his hand. "The way of comprehension, the landlord of wealth and wealth, is indispensable, especially the cultivation of the Yuan Ying realm like you and me. The resources consumed every day are astronomical figures, and it is necessary to have a fixed base and a large population. To support it!"

"With one enemy, one country, short-term damage may be possible, long-term contend, that is absolutely impossible!"

"Hey, I don't need you to say that I know that Wunan is a place with a remote place, a rugged mountain, and a suffocating atmosphere. In addition to the snake worms that are not allowed on the table, it is rare to find the treasures of heaven!"

"And this place has been extremely desolate since ancient times. There has never been a strong sect to establish a foothold here, so it is extremely difficult to find Dongfu and ruins at the bottom of the earth!"

"In such a harsh environment, the monk of Wunan is trapped in a squat, and can be practiced in the first stage of the Yuan Ying period with the technique of the side door and the voodoo. It is already the limit! Even if I have another chance, I can cultivate to the realm of today. I want to go further and look at the realm of mysterious and mysterious gods, all of which are idiotic dreams!"

"Speaking of it, the pond in Wunan is too small, even the bigger Wang Ba can not raise it, let alone the high level of the Yuan Ying period?"

"If you want to break through to a stronger realm, you must have a larger population, more rich land, more caves and relics. How can I not know this simple reason?"


Li Yao suddenly sneered a few times, not Xu did not swear, "These things, you can give me, Dagan can also give me! With my retreat for sixty years, there are today's realms, magical powers and magic weapons, come to Where is it not a distinguished guest, a devotion, an elder?

"What do you think of the Black Moon Supreme? I don't know. Anyway, I don't want to understand. Why should I abandon the rich and powerful Dagan and go to your glory?"

"Yes, the savannah is indeed vast and vast. There have been several powerful dynasties in tens of thousands of years, and many remains of the remains have been left."

"However, your population is too small, and the number of people who carry the self-cultivation is very small. There is no such thing as a big name."

"I heard that you are doing what you want to do, and you are going to annihilate all the sects!"

"Hah, it’s not a joke, there isn’t a half sect in the whole world."

"In contrast, Dagan, deep-rooted, flourishing, hundreds of famous decents are all passed down for thousands of years or even thousands of years. They have been left over from the past, strong as clouds, masters like rain, various exercises, cars Fighting!"

"Three hundred yuan in the world, there are more than two hundred in the big dry!"

"I heard that you started a war with Dagan last year and played a small victory. The soldiers went straight to the gods. Then, how about it, isn’t it just a rush to run? Do you dare to stay with the big scorpion?"

"Hey, the Black Moon Supreme may be confused by your rhetoric, but I am not so easy to believe those ghost words, for you to take the fire!"

"Han Yuantai, don't take it as a person, I really don't dare to kill you. In the middle of a meta-infant period, it is a bug-like thing. It is really pinched to death, what is it?"

"Leave you a dog's life, but I want to see what ivory can be spit out in your dog's mouth. What kind of idiots will be used to incite the people on your thief boat!"

"Come and come, this person has just retired for sixty years of practice, and once he broke through, he did not know much about the world. You have to give me a means to confuse me, saying, "What are you?" Qualification challenge is a big deal!"

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you blow the ghosts to the heavens, it's okay, this time, people can't tell the truth, but don't forget, the two people still hold two big dry knots and monks in their hands. What is the contrast between you and the two sides, naturally black and white!"

"If you are really deceiving yourself..."

Li Yao smiled again and again.

Han Yuantai took a deep sigh of relief. He only felt that a gust of wind was deep into the bone marrow. Every joint seemed to be inserted into dozens of rusty nails, and it was impossible to move.

"The people look like a torch, I don't dare to say a word!"

Han Yuantai took a deep breath and was about to make a long story. Li Yao put his hand on the face and said: "Don't use the rhetoric of the set of words, all the time to talk like this, it is really exhausting! This person is a wilderness, If you don't understand the things that are imaginary, you can use the simplest vernacular to say, where are you strong in ghosts and Qins, and where are the big and weak, and why do you, even the sects who do not even have sects, I am confident that I can compete with thousands of sects and countless monks!"

Han Yuantai took a deep breath and suddenly raised his neck, laughing, laughing like a long river and a river.

Li Yao pulled his face down and didn't please: "Speak well, pretend, and get rid of your mouth!"

Han Yuantai knows that this peerless murderer is so ruthless, absolutely speaking that it is done, this is the convergence of laughter, and the color is correct: "There are many sects in the voice of the population, many Yuan Ying, is not that the more sects, the more self-cultivators Is the country stronger?"

Li Yao’s eyes turned and he laughed: “No bullshit, isn’t it?”

"of course not!"

Han Yuantai smashed the railway. "Although hundreds of thousands of years, the hundreds of dynasties in the ancient sacred circles think so, but we Yunqin people are doing the opposite and think that the sect is the country's cancer, the stronger the sect, the more Yuan Ying The country is weaker!"

"At the moment, Dagan has 3,725 sects of the size and sect, and 221 of the Yuan Ying masters. This is not only the foundation of Dagan's strength, but it is the end of its path, the sign of self-destruction!"

"The more sects, the weaker the country, this is fresh!"

Li Yao smiled a few times, lazily, "Speak and listen?"

Han Yuantai struggled to get up, but his body was screaming and screaming, but his heart was stirring and bloody, triggering a ban.

Han Yuantai finally snorted and revealed the painful color.

Li Yao succumbed to the ring finger of his right hand, and pointed to the wind in the past. The "Lingshu intercepted the broken pulse lock" and then "squeaked" and detached from Han Yuantai, re-condensed into a small skeleton vulture, flying around his head. After three laps, I flew back to Li Yao.

Li Yao stretched his arm and let the vultures of the cheekbones fall on the arm, and then swayed into the ring.

Han Yuantai revealed an incredible look and muttered: "I heard that there used to be an artifact in the ancient times, and the ban on the sacred sorcerer.

Li Yao coldly said: "Remove your ban, not to make you nonsense."

Han Yuantai settled his mind and entered the state in an instant. The correct color said: "The more the sects, the weaker the country, it seems ridiculous. If you think carefully, you will know the truth!"

"Any country, if it is to be strong, it must have a strong and united imperial court. It is said that 'there is no day, no land is the second master', and the emperor's mouth contains the heavenly constitution, and the words and the law are followed, and the killing is given. No one can violate In order to make the decree smooth, the place is stable, and the people live and work in peace, this is the unchanging truth!"

"But the existence of the sects of sects, especially those that have been passed down for thousands of years, are deeply rooted in the place, and are full of hands, and the existence of the "Famous School" of the eternal power of the Yuan Ying series is a serious weakening of the authority of the court and the emperor. !"

"There are nine days in the sky, and many orders are made, and each other is shackled. There is no end to fighting. Even in the local area, I only know that there is a certain sect, a certain family, a certain Yuan Ying, but I don’t know if there is a country like the court and the emperor. Can not be weak, how can it not die!"

"For hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of dynasties in the ancient sacred world, no matter how beautiful the flowers are in the heyday, the fires of the fire, the scene of the rise of the sea, in the end, they will inevitably be eroded by this dysentery, sucked by these 'tumor' After doing the blood and anger, it was finally destroyed!"

"This is a terminal illness in the dynasty. There is no medicine to cure. How can we survive today?"

"Lingling Master, you just asked, why do we Yunqin rely on the two clouds to fight against the whole country?"

"Oh, if Dagan is really a united and uninterrupted country, then we really have no chance!"

"But in reality, the so-called "big dry" is not really a real country. It is just a myriad of intrigues and cultivators who are cherished by ghosts and sects.

“There is no country like ‘big dry’, only hidden under this counterfeit country, a sect of sects scattered in the sand!”

"Dagan, like a seemingly violent wild beast, but was emptied of the internal organs by countless locusts and rats, leaving only an empty oil skin, blowing a sigh of relief, it is torn apart, thoroughly collapsed!"

"And when this monster collapses, the locusts and mice that are hiding in it will only rush to escape, to find the next new behemoth, and will not coexist with it!"

Continue to help the wife and other people and ... medical expenses! (To be continued.)

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