Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1368: The curse of the monk!

Li Yao did not think of the "old man" of Han Yuantai, and it was the "barbarians" in the mouth of the central dynasty. The relationship between the self-cultivator and the country turned out to be so thorough, and the person was bold and clear, and the idea was quite clear. Ghost Qin Xiong, the right arm of Han Daling!

From him, you can see the power of the Ghost Qin, and the terrible Han Daling!

Li Yao squeezed a scornful smile and said coldly: "Is it difficult to listen to it? If you have a self-cultivator, you have a cultivation sect. It has been like this for 100,000 years. Is it so unbearable as you said?"

"It's just so bad!"

Han Yuantai said loudly, "Because 100,000 years ago, the cultivation of the sect of this ‘throat tumor’ has been parasitic on the country, and there are hundreds of dynasties, the qi dynasty, the tragedy of the charcoal!”

"Don't say it, say when the rise of the Dagan Dynasty a thousand years ago!"

"Before Daqian, it was a **** and chaotic world for hundreds of years. At that time, thousands of sects of the entire ancient sacred world occupied the mountain as the king, and each side of the sect, killing each other, not to mention that ordinary people live in dire straits. The chances of even repairing the true life and ruining Huang Quan are all unbelievable. The so-called 'prejudice, not the end of the day' is the true portrayal of the monk at that time!"

"Until the predecessor of the Dagan dynasty, ‘Thunder Gate’ rose strongly, and the 80 sects swept across the country, and established the new dynasty and restored the calm of the ancient sacred world!”

"But this calm, but it is temporary!"

"The world is the same as the Leiganmen and the 80th sects. It is natural to smash the heroes. At that time, there are countless sects and monks who do not obey the big cadres. After killing these opposition forces, rely on them. The resources left behind can naturally be safe for hundreds of years!"

"However, in the past few hundred years, the songs and dances have been flattened, and the number of comprehensions has been greatly expanded!"

"The life of the self-cultivator is long and the ambition is greater. No one wants to live for a long time. If the teachers and brothers in a sect are in equal measure and have some contradictions, then in order to resolve the contradictions and expand the forces, they will be separated. Sidelines and tribes!"

"In this way, for hundreds of years, the 80 sects that originally assisted the 'Thunder Gate' did not break the branches, established new branches and collaterals, and the various parties also set up their own branches. Today, there are nearly 4,000 sects!"

Li Yao said coldly: "What are the bad things about practicing sects?"

"If resources are unlimited, it is naturally good."

Han Yuantai smiled and said, "But there are so many auras and treasures between heaven and earth. For every one who is a self-cultivator, other self-cultivators will have less one. For each additional cultivation sect, the pressure of the country will increase. Big one points, it seems that the strength of the big dry repair world is getting stronger and stronger, but in fact it is getting closer and closer to the cliff that has been destroyed overnight!"

"According to the rules laid by Dagan when he opened the country, ‘the emperor and the self-cultivator jointly rule the world’, the cultivation sect has countless privileges!”

"We don't have to say that the "Ziji Jianzong" is a strong sect of the world. It is said that a medium-sized ordinary sect is good. It often has hundreds of inner disciples, nearly 10,000 foreign disciples, and hundreds of thousands of good fields. The number of people attached to this sect is even more than 100,000!"

"According to the rules, the cultivation of the sects is very rare in the taxation and the stipulations. Once the fertile lands are attributed to the cultivation sects, it will be difficult for the country to accept the Tianfu. If the people become the gates of the cultivation sects, or the three relatives of the doormen Therefore, even if the aunt's aunt's coward, if there is a cultivation sect, it will be difficult to force him to serve and military service!"

"This kind of cultivation sect, rooted in the place for hundreds of years, to gather all the rights in the locality, from the local bureaucrats to the village sages, all of them are the sects of the sects of the sects, and even replace the national laws with the rules of the door, and raise thousands of people. The production of things, the smashing of bones and muscles all day long, the cultivation of supernatural powers of tigers and wolves, is an independent country!"

"This kind of 'following the country', using all kinds of tricks and stunned means to conceal the field, resisting the court's conscription and taxation, and screaming and crying to the imperial court, famine and natural disasters, demon-like behavior, demanding the court The benefits of all kinds of grace are not the ones that don’t contribute, they only **** blood, what is it?"

"When the big work was first established, there were only 80 such 'sick tumors', and the country was squatting and strong, but it could barely support it!"

"But now, the big tumor is getting bigger and bigger, and a series of small tumors are born, and the means of knocking the bones are getting more and more vicious, more and more reckless! So four thousand 'tumor' pressed on the body, already skinny and thin How can you not do it?"

Li Yao’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and he said coldly: “Even you, the ghost Qin people, are so thorough, and the big gods will ignore them? You are not saying that the 'Thunder Gate’ that the emperor belongs to is the first strongest in the past. Then, can't they think of ways to eradicate these 'cancers'?"

Han Yuantai smiled slightly and shook his head. "This should be the ninth and the fifth, and the arrogant emperor. Naturally, I don't like to see my own country. There are so many different things, and the unruly ‘toxoma is there.'

"But it is hard to get rid of these cancers!"

"Yes, the Thunder Gates of the millennium ago is indeed the first strongest in the world, but the Leiganmen are stronger, and they fight against a dozen or so sects, but if the remaining 80 sects are tied together, the Leiganmen will be there. No more!"

"So, Leiganmen had to hold his nose and cooperate with 80 practicing sects to establish this ‘Dagan Dynasty’!”

"This is not so much a country, it is better to say that it is the "eight-one sectarian alliance of the ancient sacred world". The so-called ninety-five sects, the dynasty of the emperor, are just a ally of the district!"

“When Dagan was just established, the contradiction between the “Thunder Gate” represented by the emperor and many local sects was not intense, and the two sides had nothing to do with each other for hundreds of years.”

"When the local sects are expanding and the tails are not big, and the contradictions between the two sides are intensifying, the Leiganmen is constantly declining and powerless!"

Li Yao indulged for a moment, saying: "Since Leiganmen occupies the center, it is the Dagan royal family. It should be the most abundant resource, the most superb magical power, the most mysterious magic weapon. Even if the local sects are expanding, the royal family should continue to become stronger. How can it decline?"

Han Yuantai smiled and said: "There are some people who do not know, the decline of the Dagan royal family, there are three main reasons!"

"First, when you are in the Son of Heaven, you have to take care of the world, co-ordinate the world, immerse yourself in the Wenshan Sea every day, and tear it with endless problems!"

"If the emperor diligently loves the people and personally works, there is no time to practice. Even if the realm is improved, the combat power will decline!"

"If the emperor handed over many national events to the minister to deal with, and he concentrates on cultivation, it gives the local sects the opportunity to rise, because most of the courtiers are from other cultivation sects, and it is impossible to One is big!"

"Second, the throne of the emperor, the position of the supreme, even if it is only the nominal world, it is also seen by countless people!"

"The battles in the courts, the conflicts between the hands and feet, and even the murder of the uncles and the murder of the uncle have never been cut off for thousands of years! The emperor does not trust the national affairs to be handed over to other sects, but they are even more unwilling. Give your brother to the doorman of Reganmen!"

"Since the establishment of Dagan, the Leiganmen and the entire royal family have fallen into the ruthless cruelty of each other. Counting the new emperor who was enthroned last year, the millennium has inherited a total of 66 emperors. On average, each emperor is In less than two decades, 'Dragon Royal Return to Heaven', that is, violent death! In the life of two or three hundred-year-old comprehensions, it is an incredible short-lived ghost!"

"It’s not always seen. They are all ‘Yang Shou has done it’. There are many hidden swords and shadows, and the sinister and sinister stories are not enough for outsiders!”

"The third, this world, is nominally the world of the Dagan royal family, so the emperor has become the target of all the cultivists. No matter how intriguing between the cults and the sects, they will fight in the dark, and once they encounter the trouble of the emperor, they will all become A piece of iron plate, to fight against the emperor!"

"The emperor is deeply in the Imperial Palace. He doesn't know the truth of the locality. Most of the soldiers and horses in his hands come from the local area. They really tear the skin, and they don't even know who the soldiers and warriors will listen to. How can we compete with the four seas and Kyushu?"

"The Dagan dynasty has supported the millennium. Today, the local sectarians are everywhere. The people only know that there is a head. I don’t know if there is an emperor. Whenever I go to find a comprehension, I don’t go to the newspaper to ask for help. It’s no surprise that the emperor’s decree can’t produce the gods, or even the palace.”

Li Yao thinks thoughtfully: "Listen to what you said, for the emperor, the cultivation sect seems to be a tumor that can't be dug, squeezed, and disgusting?"

"It’s true for the emperor, and for the people of Limin, it’s the same, even more intense!”

Han Yuan Taizheng said, "In any cultivation sect, the vast majority of the training is the martial arts of the brave warriors, the murderous tigers and wolves! These people do not know how to produce, do not understand the peasants, Everyday practice is a variety of means of killing!"

"But they have a lot of food, and every meal has to eat good meat, which is dozens of times more than ordinary people!"

"To feed a person who does not work all day, purely to fight the bones and muscles, to cultivate the magical powers, even the lowest level of the refining period monks are good, they need dozens or even hundreds of farmers, no day and night Bitter in the field!"

"What's more, the comprehension is not just a matter of eating and drinking, but also the enjoyment of various utensils, various spar deposits, all kinds of panacea!"

"So, when the comprehensions and cultivation sects of the Dagan dynasty, like the mushrooming expansion, the squeezing of the people is even more cruel, and the people attached to the sects of cultivation are completely unable to survive!" Continued.)

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