Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1369: White lotus origin!

Li Yao and the more he heard the more frightened, and seriously looked at Han Yuantai.

Before the dialogue with Han Yuantai, especially when he easily suppressed the two Yuan Ying, no matter how he warned himself, his heart would inevitably give birth to a few contempt for the ancients, and some of them were floating.

It is even difficult for him to regard this as a dangerous task in the blood demon world. Instead, he has the feeling of swimming in the mountains in the "Essential Age Theme Park".

Unexpectedly, an ancient world that is completely isolated from the outside world can even produce such people of insight as Han Yuantai!

Han Yuantai has been so good, what kind of hero is the ghost Qin Xiong, the leader of Han Daling!

Such a character, if not born in the ancient sacred world wrapped up by the Dark Nebula, but in the vast expanse of the sea outside, what a wonderful encounter?

However, it may not be too late.

Regardless of Li Yao’s willingness to do so, these “ecological masters” who are arrogant and arrogant in the ancient holy world have the opportunity to break through the dark nebula in different ways and appear in the modern world of comprehension!

Three hundred ancient Yuan Ying, appearing in the middle of the Federation, the Empire and the Holy Alliance, what would it be like?

Li Yao took a look at his heart and pretended to be unbelievable. He sneered: "The exaggeration is true. We have been developing the realm of Wunan in the realm for so long. Why is there no such thing?"

"Wu Nan and Da Gan are different."

Han Yuantai said very calmly, "I tell the truth, it is not difficult for the Master to listen to the true world of Wunan. In fact, it is still in a rather backward stage. The number of Wuman monks is not much, nor is it too bloated sect. The inheritance of masters and apprentices is usually three or five people and more than a dozen people."

"It’s like respecting the five ancestors of the five divisions. In total, they only accepted the two apprentices of the Master and the Black Moon. They lived in the caves of the Shenshan Cave. There is not much demand for the Miaozhai tribe!"

"And the jungles of Wunan, although they are full of suffocating, but for ordinary people, the products are also quite rich, it is really forced, even if you can not grow food, you can eat bananas!"

"So, when the smoke is rising outside, when the water is hot, Wunan Wulu is a unique and quiet place!"

Li Yao was a slogan.

Han Yuantai, the grassland Yuan Ying, is really astronomical geography.

This place in Wunan Wulu is a typical tropical and subtropical rainforest environment. It seems unlikely that a strong civilization that is too prosperous to develop. But if the demand is not high, the indigenous people can survive by eating banana cassava jackfruit.

Therefore, don't look at the witches and monks as if they are all dancing snakes and ghosts.

But even if you really eat a living person every day, you will eat three or five hundred a year.

Outside a ****, a hundred and a half years of starvation and death, millions of people, it is commonplace.

Many times, whether the rule is cruel, can't just look at the surface.

Li Yao sighed at the bottom of his heart and raised his eyebrows: "Is it different?"

"Of course, for ordinary people, the environment of Dagan is more sinister than Wunan!"

Han Yuantai is not flustered. "The number of comprehensions in Dagan is 100 times more than that in Wunan, and it is highly organized. It is also greedy for all kinds of enjoyment, and its control is strong. The demand for the people is higher than that of witches. Pretty monks are a hundred times!"

"In the various state capitals of Dagan, as long as they are cultivated by the sects, even if they are the land of fertile southeast fish and rice, the people are still struggling under the suppression of the sects of the sects, and they are struggling between life and death."

"how come?"

Li Yao blinked and said, "I heard that the southeast of Dagan is a land of abundance and abundance. The ancient holy land is one hundred and eight places, and the southeast is more than half. How can the people survive?"

"The Master only knows one, I don't know the other."

Han Yuantai smirked, "Because the southeast aura is too abundant, the land is too fertile, and most of the farmland is ‘Lingtian’ which is nourished by the spar veins, so the people there can't live!”


Li Yao is really strange. "Why is this?"

"It’s very simple. Since it’s ‘Lingtian’, the things that are planted are of course enjoyed by the true people. Where are the ordinary people?”

Han Yuantai said, "In the southeast area, near the town controlled by the sectarian sects, there are fifteen acres of Lingtian, of which at least seven or eight mu will be used to plant the 'Lingdao' that is specially for the comprehensible. It is full of crystals, full of pearls, and has ample psionic power. It is also known as 'Yu Jingzi'. It is good for solid foundation, supplementing aura, and improving cultivation. It is the most common staple food of the cult. !"

"There is a lot of benefits of this 'Yu Jingzi'. The ordinary people who plant it are of course not eligible for it. The cultivation sects have forbidden people to eat ‘Yu Jingzi’!”

"What's more, even if the people want to eat, they can't eat it. This thing contains too much psionic power. If you have to use all the secrets of the big secrets, you can nourish your body, activate the meridians, and strengthen the roots!"

"If ordinary people don't know how to eat it, even if it's just one grain, it will be blown up by the aura, and the internal organs will burst and die!"

Li Yaodao: "Is there still seven or eight acres?"

Han Yuantai smiled and said: "The true people can't just eat rice, there are still seven or eight acres of land, most of which are used to grow all kinds of raw materials of medicinal herbs, as well as the feed of rare birds and animals, as well as those worn by practitioners. The silk of satin, the raw materials of various robes and sages, must also be produced from Lingtian."

"As a result, a total of fifteen acres, a large part of the output must be supplied to the cultivation sect, can really fall into the hands of the people, but only half a mus."

Li Yao lived: "Only half acre?"

"Which is half acre?"

Han Yuantai said, "The local cultivation sects, how can we not put the big gods in the eyes, more or less always have to pay a little tax, most of the taxes, or not from this half acre of land? ?"

Li Yao has nothing to say.

Han Yuantai continued: "Yu Jingzi is a good thing. After eating the jade crystal, the cultivation is more than half the effort. Together with the blessing of Dongtianfudi, the number of comprehens in the southeast area is increasing and getting stronger. The more monks are stronger, the stronger. The demand for jade crystals has also increased exponentially! The more you eat jade crystals, the more self-cultivators, the more self-cultivators, the more consumption of jade crystals... The more water, the more water, the more people think, what Is it a big time?"

Li Yao’s eyebrows became a skeleton.

"So, even if it is the land of the southeast, the land is so fertile that the land of fish and rice that can be squeezed out of the water, the people are still famine for years, and they are going to be unable to survive. Otherwise, how can there be a riot of white lotus?"

Li Yao’s heart moved and stretched his neck and asked: “The name of Bailian’s religion, I have heard it in these few days. What is it? I heard that it was made by a woman named “White Lotus Madonna” Wan Mingzhu. 'The mother of the world, is the method really so powerful?"

Han Yuantai nodded and said: "White Lotus, the Virgin of the Virgin, is indeed the king of the ghosts of the ancient sacred world. It is definitely among the top ten masters of the ancient sacred world. Even my brother Han Bingling appreciates her. plus!"

"However, the appearance of this "Mother of the Virgin" is purely a self-cultivator in the southeast of Dagan, and he is self-sufficient!"

"I didn't say it before. In the southeast area, the cultivation sects, in order to cultivate more comprehensions, forcibly expand the area of ​​the cultivation of 'Yujingzi' and various elixir in Lingtian. The output of the fields is all ordinary people. Unusable, the southeastern people are in a hungry state all the year round, and when there is a slight change in the weather, famine will occur."

"In the famine, people are hungry to the extreme, and they all come to work. Even if they know that they have eaten 'Yujingzi', they will die. It is inevitable that there will be a large number of people, and they can't help but the scent of "Yujingzi" is fragrant and fragrant."

"If you don't eat, you are starving to death. If you eat it, you will swell and die. It is better to have a meal before you die. Be a full-fledged ghost!"

"People have gone on and on, this phenomenon has been repeatedly banned, but no matter how tragic, the self-cultivator can not let himself hungry, but use precious Lingtian to grow food that can be eaten by ordinary people!"

"The self-cultivator did not expect that the jade crystal rice, which has been hybridized in recent hundreds of years, has an unexpected beauty."

"Yu Jingzi contains extremely powerful psionic power. Although ordinary people have no blessings to suffer, they will swell and die after eating. But this psionic energy can nourish his soul and make his soul change when he is dying. It is quite powerful and greatly increases the possibility that he will become a ghost repair!"

"Haha, often a famine is over, no hundreds of surnames have eaten jade crystals and die, leaving a dead body full of intestines, and countless hateful ghosts!"

"These people, when they are alive, are the hands of the unarmed chickens, and there are no threats to the self-cultivators. However, the jade crystals have greatly strengthened their ghosts, and they have the ability to breathe the heavens and the earth."

"And they are so miserable, they have become a very difficult ghost since they have a sorrowful sorrow between the souls!"

"This white lotus is organized by countless such ghosts and family members of the devil."

"Because the 'Yu Jingzi' has washed away their souls, keeping them clear and clear, and retaining some memories of their lives, it is not a general embarrassment, killing innocent ghosts, but still knowing the family, but all the hatred is poured. Practice the sect's head!"

"Nature, these ordinary people transform the devils, are very low-level ghost repairs, even if the refining period of the comprehension can easily kill dozens, at first did not be cultivated denominations in mind."

"However, the planting area of ​​the jade crystal and the panacea is not shrinking day by day, and the famine in the southeast will not end one day. The number of ghosts will only increase."

"There are millions of people, and they are raging in the southeast. Even though the cultivation sects can kill 999,999, ninety-nine, the only fish that slips through the net will absorb the grievances and hatred of their companions and become stronger! ”

"This is the same thing as your Wunan area, refining the 'King of the Kings'. There are countless locusts, the survival of the fittest, and the last one left is definitely strong!"

"White Lotus, the Virgin Mary, is the mother of a million ghosts who have absorbed millions of ghosts and grievances!" (To be continued.)

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