Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1374: The birth of a country!

"Wolf, sheep, grass!"

Li Yao carefully pondered the words of Han Yuantai.

These words explain the relationship between the self-cultivator and ordinary people and resources. Although it is still rudimentary and rude, it is much more advanced than the early days of the ancient times when the ordinary people were purely servants.


Han Yuantai suddenly excited, waving his fists and loudly. "You think that I came to Wunan alone in this risk, just to realize the change of the dynasty, let me Yunqin replace the purpose of Dagan, so simple?"

"Then you look down on the ambition of our Yunqin people!"

"My brother, Han Daling, often said that if it is an ordinary change of the dynasty, and if it is a gas-transfer, then it will not change!"

"Because the ancient sacred world has been born hundreds of times in the past 100,000 years, no dynasty can last for three thousand years, even if it is a dynasty dynasty, after thousands of years of wind and rain, it is inevitable. To decay and fall, once destroyed, turned into dust!"

"The name and age of each dynasty are different, but the process of their rise and fall is exactly the same!"

"The first is the chaos in the world, the sectarians are standing, the weak meat is strong, and the cruelty is killing. The number of ordinary people or self-cultivators is drastically reduced!"

"When the number of comprehensions is as small as possible, and the demand for resources such as 'Finance Lawlors' is not so urgent, the contradictions between each other will be eased. Understanding the principles of compromise and cooperation will eventually establish a unified and stable dynasty!"

"But in this unified and stable dynasty, the comprehensions have no external threats, and their longevity is long. They will multiply and expand, and the number will increase. The desire for resources will become more and more. After all, the whole world will be The extent of unsupportability is just like the current month of the year, so it is a reincarnation and a troubled world!"

"The same story has been repeated hundreds of times. If we want Yunqin people to change the dynasty, then even if we establish a new dynasty, we can set a thousand or two thousand years. After all, we will inevitably die for ourselves!"

"So, my brother, Han Daling, is not just about trying to overthrow the big dry!"

"What he thinks, all of us in Yunqin think about it, completely destroying the sectarian system, establishing a sect without a sect, and having no internal struggle. All the cultivators are highly united and cultivated under the overall planning of the country, so they can maintain long-term stability. Jiangshan Yonggu, ruled the ancient sacred world for 10,000 years, 50,000 years, 100,000 years, a powerful country of tens of thousands of years!"

"Senior, this is the unprecedented great cause of the ancient sacred world 100,000 years ago! A very ordinary person like you, if you can't devote yourself to such a brilliant eternal life, and practice this magical power, what is it for? !"

Li Yao’s eyes continued to sway, his eyes slid for a long time, and he was cold and cold. “So, you Yunqin’s cultivation of the real world is a ruling and law-abiding army. Even if Yuan Ying’s ancestors joined you Yunqin, I have to be controlled by the law, I can't do whatever I want, happy and happy?"


Han Yuantai smashed the railway to Yunqin, the largest military law, Yuan Ying breaking the law, and the same people with sin! ”

"Oh, ridiculous!"

Li Yao sneered at the nose. "I am a wild man who is used to idleness. I don't like to be constrained by nature. I can clearly claim the king in Wunan and even the big dry. I am going to be influenced by your Yunjun. control?"

"Because only the most rigorous and fair military laws can bring the strength and the will of every Yuan Ying and every comprehension to the limit!"

Han Yuantai looked directly at Li Yao’s eyes, and there was a slash in his eyes. “As a high-end Yuan Ying, you can of course choose whatever you want, happy and happy, what you want to do! But in this way, you are not destined to be ours. The military law is bound, the heart is firm, and the opponents of Yuan Ying, who will maximize their combat power and warfare!"

"You can now figure it out quickly, and enjoy it between the mountains and rivers, but it won't take long for our Steel Yuan infantry regiment to completely crush all the "Happy and Happy" Yuan Ying including you!"

"This is the power of the organization. This is the power of discipline. This is the power of the country! This is the general trend. This is the destiny! Now that the destiny is in my hands, we are highly united, like the mother of the steel-like country, you are It’s a loose sand, and it’s your own Yuan Ying! No matter how strong you look now, don’t join us, die sooner or later!”

"Be bold!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and crossed his fingers.

A shadowless and invisible shackle immediately rips the air, and the shadows form a skinny ghost hand, which firmly holds the mind of Han Yuantai!

"Hey, hey!"

Han Yuantai’s skull and facial bones suddenly sounded horrible, and he bleeds seven times and his face is distorted!

Li Yaoxiao laughed: "Is it true that this person is dead, and it is still unknown. You are the master of the Pengpeng in this hall, and you will die of Huangquan now!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Under the suppression of Li Yao, Han Yuantai shuddered and his face was pale, but he was desperately laughing. "Han has been in the clouds for more than a hundred years. When he was young, he used to be arrogant and arrogant, using thirty-three days. A total of 145 people will be killed in the grassland, and the knife will be wiped out.

"I went to the north of the earth again, and I was in the dark night, and I was smashed by the glory of the light. I jumped into the depths of the icy ocean and beat the giant whales that were hundreds of meters long!"

"When I was old, I went to Hanling Mausoleum with my brother, and there weren't many grassland men. I drove the dragon and wolf, waved the sword, and drove straight in. It was like a broken bamboo, lashing the Central Plains, killing 300,000 iron armor, riding a helmet and throwing away the armor. !"

"Our army trampled on the Dagan cultivation of the sectarian mountain gates countless, the soldiers front directly to the gods, I even saw the Golden Dragon tile of the Imperial Palace, I have seen it!"

"Han’s life, the most profitable knife, the fastest sword, the most heroic brother, the most courageous hatred, the most wonderful, most happy, and most courageous in the world. I have tasted enough, even if I die now, what regrets?"

"It's the last person!"

"After all the hardships, I have been working in the wild mountains and ridges for decades. I don’t know how many hardships I have experienced. I finally practiced the world-famous magical powers. I broke through the customs and did not make a half-point work. I have never tasted the tastes of the world, admiration, hatred, fear, love, etc. As a result, I have to go against the sky, and I have been crushed into powder by the iron and steel giants of Yunqin, and I have no meaning in my death. !"

"I am really worthless for the people, not worth it!"

"you you you!"

Li Yao was so angry that the ghost hand was more fierce and deeply embedded in the head of Han Yuantai, causing a blue smoke on his head.

Han Yuantai hurts his eyes red, blood and tears in the eyelids, hard to fall, just laughing.

Li Yao was glaring and bluffing for a long time. Seeing that he always died and was unyielding, he was finally discouraged.

I received a supernatural power, gnash my teeth, and my face was quite gloomy.

Han Yuantai fell to the ground as he fell down, and he couldn’t help but scream and laugh, tearing his tears and reluctantly saying: "More, thank you for not killing!"

"say no more."

Li Yao waved his hand in a blank voice. "I will let you put your hands in the future. You will go back to the clouds with the fire!"

Han Yuantai blinked and instantly understood Li Yao’s thoughts. He said: "Okay, I know that it’s not enough to say that it’s not enough to say that it’s just a matter of moving people. The people just broke through and know little about the world. Be careful. It’s okay to be cautious! I will leave a way to send a secret letter. Whenever, our Yunqin gate is always open to the public. My brother and I are Han Daling, and I am looking forward to coming to Yuyun. The grasslands are a grand feast!"

"I believe that when the Master sees the smog of the Dagan Xiuzhen world, this day will never be too far!"

"go away."

Li Yao said coldly, "Before this person changed his mind."

Han Yuantai crossed his hands and gave a deep ceremony to Li Yao.

This is not a barbaric ceremony.

It was the iron and blood ritual of the Yunqin Empire in 100,000 years ago!

When his figure disappeared outside the garden, the hustle and bustle of Li Yao’s face suddenly swept away, revealing deep excitement and admiration.

His heart is tidal and he can't be calm for a long time.

He knows that he is witnessing the birth of a true "reconstruction country."

Han Yuantai said that it was true. In the early days of the ancient times, the sectarians were strong, and the strong ones were rampant. Not to mention the Yuan Ying and the gods. Even if the small gas refining foundations were built, they could be banned by martial law, arrogant and arrogant, depending on the state law and the court. Majesty is nothing.

At that time, even if there was a dynasty or an empire in name, it was not a real country, but a "tribal alliance" disguised as a country!

This so-called dynasty, which is sectarian, often suffers from serious internal friction. The efficiency of collecting and utilizing resources is extremely low. The overall mobilization ability is weak to the extreme, and with the expansion of the number of comprehensions, it is impossible to escape the historical law of the glory!

Li Yao learned from the history books. In the middle and late period of the ancient era of 40,000 years ago, the ancient revisions of the 3,000-year-old world have realized the "cultivation sects" after their tens of times and hundreds of dynasties. It is a national cancer, and the comprehension must be based on steel discipline, highly organized, and nationalized, in order to maximize the utilization efficiency of resources such as 'the land and the law' and to jump out of the dynasty of the dynasty!

Since then, almost all the ancient worlds have integrated a sect of scattered sand in different ways and embarked on a highly centralized road.

After all the sects have been integrated, in the end, every ancient world has almost one of the largest and strongest forces left.

The names and forms of this power may be very different. Some are called dynasties, some are called empire, and some even use old names. They are still called "some certain" and "something".

However, they are very different from the past dynasties and sects.

All the self-cultivators have been firmly condensed together, and the control has extended from the central to the lowest level of the villages and towns. The authority of the state and the power of the organization have completely overwhelmed the personal strength of the strong, and their overall control and Mobilization is more than a hundred times better than the era of sectarianism and endless consumption in the past!

This is the embryonic form of the modern comprehension country. (To be continued.) 8

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