Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1375: Classical military country!


"This road will still not work after all!"

Li Yao felt a heart.

Han Yuantai is full of confidence, and their new generation of "Yun Qin", after eliminating the ills of the sectarian struggle, can be permanent and ruled for thousands of years.

But this is impossible.

Even in the most perfect situation, these comprehensions belonging to the "state" are really highly united, do not create any contradictions internally, and stimulate the use of resources to the extreme, and cannot solve a fundamental problem.

That is to say, the comprehens of the classical era are basically bottomless pits that can only be entered, and consume a lot of resources, but they do not produce too many "products" that are useful to the society.

A self-cultivator starts from the awakening of Linggen, and cultivates all the way to the realm of Jie Dan, Yuan Ying and even God. How many spar, how many panacea, and how many treasures?

These spar, panacea and heavenly treasures, how many people, how many Lingtian and how many mountains and rivers can be provided?

After swallowing up so many resources and practicing as a peerless master, what can this peerless master offer to the society?

As far as Li Yao knows, the self-cultivators of the classical era, aside from the evil spirits and the devils who are not righteous in their minds, even if they are true monks, they often only pay attention to force and scorn any profession that cannot promote force.

Even if it is "the sorcerer, the demon slayer", it is blunt, the main product they can provide to the society is "force"!

When the vast majority of elites in a world have swallowed up most of their resources, the only product they can export is "force". So many "forces" will definitely be surplus.

If we want such a society to embark on a virtuous circle and continue to show its path without being over-expanded by force, there is only one way to expand to the outside world with "excessive force" and continually plunder more resources!

Therefore, at the end of the ancient era, many of the world's three thousand worlds took the lead, completely eliminating the chaos of internal sectarianism and endless disputes. After a high degree of centralization, its aggressiveness and combat effectiveness instantly exploded to the extreme, and they embarked on the scene. The road to expansion and the external expansion!

The federal historian called this road the path of "classical militarism"!

In the beginning, this road seemed to be successful.

In the practice of classical militarism, the concept of "state" is highly condensed. In the face of the steel-like iron-cultivation army, those who are still deeply immersed in the sects and the chaos of the internal chaos, the self-cultivators are free and unorganized and undisciplined. In the Middle Ages, the real world, without any help, was destroyed and destroyed.

However, the good times are not long, and there is always a limit to expansion. When most of the "Middle Ages of the Ancient World" in the three thousand worlds are eliminated, and the rest are like the "classical militaristic comprehension" of the wolf, the strong collision It is inevitable.

That is the "first 3,000-day world civil war" era in the history books.

That is to say, at the end of the civil war that swept the three thousand worlds in this war, the Yaozu was created in large numbers, and each of them was defeated by the "classical meditarianism". When the time was over, the anti-customer dominated and dominated the Xinghai. The prelude to the "Three Dark Ages of 30,000 Years".

In the final analysis, the problem of the classic militaristic world of comprehension is that it cannot solve the contradiction between the comprehensibles and the "inaccessible" resources. It only uses constant aggression and conquest to cover up this contradiction again and again.

However, in the process of constant aggression and conquest, the desire of the self-cultivator for "force" will only intensify. When the aggression and conquest are frustrated, the powerful military country will collapse!

The situation in the ancient sacred world will only be more tragic.

Because the outer world of three thousand, when it was in the era of ancient repairs 40,000 years ago, the star torch and the Xinghai transmission array left by the Pangu civilization have not been destroyed. The three thousand worlds are connected into a network, and communication is very convenient, even The technical level of ancient repairs can achieve an expedition across the Xinghai.

Therefore, when an ancient world completes the transformation from the "Middle Age sectarian era" to the "classical militarism era", it can easily move outwards to aggression and transfer internal contradictions!

If you are lucky, it can even swallow up several or even dozens of relatively backward comprehensions in hundreds of years and thousands of years, becoming a behemoth across the Xinghai, and its life cycle can last for thousands of years!

But the ancient sacred world was wrapped in a thick dark nebula, and it was difficult to jump out.

And the times are different. After tens of thousands of years of war, the outer Xinghai traffic network has already been destroyed seven 7 eight eight, and the difficulty of moving the Xinghai expedition is greatly enhanced!

Besides, the outside world is very dangerous. There are no half soft persimmons in the current Xinghai. It is not a monster like the real human empire and the Covenant League. Even the Starry Federation, a hundred years ago, is not worthy. World!

Even if the ancient sacred world really showed up in the era of "classical militarism", who can conquer it?

There is no new conquering object, and this system of drinking and quenching thirst is simply unable to maintain.

Li Yao believes in the sincerity of Han Yuantai and believes in the ambition of Yunqin Regent Han Daling. He also believes that Yunqin Xiuzhen is now in the best state of unity and efficient organization!

But this is because they face a strong external threat, and there is a reason that the whole world can continue to conquer.

After they overthrow the big dry, sway the world, and dominate the world?

Li can not find a new export for "excessive force". Li Yao does not think that this so-called "Yun Qin Dynasty" can survive the world of five hundred years.

"This is a fundamental contradiction that cannot be resolved."

"The only self-cultivator has erected the idea of ​​'serving the people', and has returned a large amount of resources that he has swallowed to the public in various forms including but not limited to 'forces', so that resources are between the self-cultivator and ordinary people. With constant flow and endless life, this society can embark on a virtuous cycle of sustainable development!"

"In the end, the so-called 'cancer' is neither a sect nor a military country, but a self-cultivator who only knows to ask for it, does not know how to return, and devours resources like a black hole, but does not have a bit of fart!"

"The birth of a Yuan Ying old monster, how much resources do you need to consume, and how much manpower and material resources are hidden behind it?"

"Don't say that this Yuan Ying old blame is self-proclaimed and arrogant, and it is a slap in the face, and it is rampant and destroys the existing social order."

"Even if he admires the leisurely wild cranes, free life, focus on his own cultivation, do not ask the world, do not make a little contribution to the society, cultivation to the end, was robbed by the sky, broken, empty, so many resources are not wasted? ?"

"Even, even if he occasionally comes out to be a singer, a demon is a demon, is this contribution proportional to the resources he consumes?"

"This deformed realm of comprehension, even with the armor of 'classical militarism', has evolved into a modern state, and it is unsustainable!"

Yunqin people are on the wrong road.

Li Yao knows this very well.

However, he did not despise the Yunqin people, and despised Han Yuantai and one of the more "heroes" of the more heroic, Han Daling!

Li Yao has a self-knowledge.

He can understand these truths, not that he is clever, but that he is standing on the shoulders of countless predecessors, which is summed up by countless historians and sociologists.

The self-cultivators of the ancient sacred world know nothing about the outside world. Any lessons and lessons must be summed up by themselves. It is like a blind man, and he has been struggling to explore this long night. It is already amazing!

So, is there a possibility for Yunqin people to cooperate?

This question is said by two.

On the one hand, Yunqin people are following the path of "classical militarism" and similar to the "modern militarism" road of the real human empire. The two sides may hit it off.

However, it can be seen from Han Yuantai’s talk and temperament that his brother Han Bingling is a handsome man who is above the era.

If such a person can bring him to the Federation and let him go deep into the history, will he learn some lessons from the tragic ending of the "first civil war in the realm of comprehension" and realize that "this road is not feasible" and thus embark The opposite road?

"It's a little embarrassing."

"The most critical issue now is that the troublesome factor of the real human empire is mixed in. If the federation does not want to accept these ancient repairs, they will definitely be drawn over by the empire!"

"If I am a scout of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, now the ancient sacred world, and understand the situation in this place, Han Daling must be my target of contact!"


"Will Han Dingling be there, there will already be an empire of immortals, and some plans in the dark?"

Li Yao faintly had some toothache, thought about it, gently coughing, and recruited two monks and monks from Mengduo and Gusi.

This fat and thin two witches, after learning the identity of his "spiritual master", scared the soul to fly, the fart and the urine flow, the station could not stand up, kneeling on the ground and gimmick, begging for his life.

Li Yao is naturally not interested in these small fish and shrimps. Anyway, these days and the two people are mixed together, knowing that the two have not done anything wrong, the evaluation in the area of ​​Wunan is not bad, let them Both act as temporary followers.

"Call the two fathers and daughters of the surname Ling."

Soon, the restless Ling Shoujing and Ling Lan appeared in front of Li Yao because of their two fathers and daughters.

"We don't want to waste time."

Li Yao did not wait for the other party to give a gift, and waved his hand in a straightforward manner. "This person has just talked with Han Yuantai. The general situation is also clear. Let me talk about it. What do you want specifically? What are the conditions?" (To be continued.) 8

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