Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1377: Purple sword


Li Yao’s hands were behind him, and he did not hesitate to step forward. If he thought, “A hundred years ago, when the people had not entered the realm of Yuan Ying, they did not know much about the situation of Dagan’s cultivation. You are purple swords. Zong, known as the world’s first sword school, is the disciple of the door, naturally it is the practice of practicing and flying the sword?”

This is almost a nonsense, the name is called "Ziji Jianzong", is it that the disciples will not practice the mace?

Ling Lan did not dare to show a slight disdain in front of this old monster. He honestly said: "The person who said it is right, the doorman of our purple swordsman is indeed based on cultivation of flying swords. There are some martial arts swords and long guns as magic weapons. In short, they are all 18 weapons. They are rarely like the Wunan Xiuzhen world. They are domesticated with poisonous beasts and sacred wars."

"We have a purple sword sect, and now there are 100,000 people, and the martial arts swordsmen are 5,000. Each is a sword and a rainbow, and it is a master of the nine scorpions. There are seven... six Yuan Ying Jian Xian, that is It’s incredible that the means are superb."

Ling Lan originally wanted to say that Ziji Jianzong had seven Yuan Ying, but when he said that he was exporting, he realized that one of the Yuan Ying "Thunder Swords" Lou Chongzhen had already lost his life, but he had to change his mouth, but he was stunned. God hurts, even the self-promotion of the back, said that there is no taste at all.

"among them"

She feared that she would weaken her momentum, and she would be blinded by the old monster in front of her eyes, biting her lips and aggravating her voice. "My teacher, Shu Yan, is a person, and he is repaired into a state of affairs, and he rushes to the peak of the Yuan Ying period. He is right. The martyrdom enthusiasm, in the realm of the world, there is the title of 'Jianzai', which is recognized as one of the "Three Saints" of the Dagan Xiuzhen world. One person and one sword can make a million heroes tremble!"

"Yuan Ying period peaks, Jian Xiyan is away from people..."

Li Yao slowly chewed the name, and put it aside for a while, and continued to ask, "Well, since you have a hundred thousand people in the purple swords, and five thousand swordsmen, there must be a larger number of vassal families and sects. Disciples, so many people are practicing swords, then where do your flying swords come from, whether they are refining themselves or purchasing from elsewhere?"

"It is self-refining."

This is not a secret. Ling Lan is one of the fifty-one and ten. "We are the purple swordsman. Since it is the first sword school in the world, there is a great demand for swords and swords. Every day, we must destroy countless flying swords. How can I purchase it from elsewhere?"

"Ziji Jianzong, sitting on the famous mountain 'Baijianshan', is the center of the gathering of the world's veins. There are thousands of rare gold and stone materials in the mine. The iron and bronze that are excavated every year are not counted. number!"

"And, within the sphere of influence of our Purple Swordsmanship, there are nine spirits that are extremely abundant and contain all kinds of wonderful materials. This spring water, together with the depths of the Baijian Mountain, is not for many years. Extinguished fire, you can sacrifice the unparalleled weapon of the world!"

"On the other hand, since our establishment of the Purple Swordsman for hundreds of years, we have collected countless swords and scribes from the dynasties of the dynasties. From this, we have found many clues, and also discovered a large number of sacred sacred remains in various places, and obtained many ancient times. The weapon of the gods, the treasures of the wild, if it is the sword fairy of the Yuan Ying series, often use these ancient Lingbao!"

Li Yao’s eyes are stunned: “So, you Zizhen Jianzong, you must have a large-scale refining site, and you still have a lot of unique stone materials?”

Ling Lan nodded because of it: "Yes."

This is a thing that is known all over the world. Ling Lan is impossible to lie.

"it is good."

Li Yao nodded and straightforwardly said, "There is no need for you to marry you. In the past few decades, I have had a small chance. I have gotten some of the inadequacy of the outside world, and I have the realm of today! ”

"What is the chance, the creation, you do not need to know, know too much, no good."

"At the moment, the people of this predecessor have achieved great success, but they still need some magic weapons and weapons!"

Ling Lan was eager to see her eyes: "We are purple swords, some are good magic weapons, soldiers!"

Li Yao waved his hand and said: "The magic weapon used by the people of this book is inextricably entangled with the **** of the life, but it is to be sacrificed by himself. However, Wunan is remote, and the products are not rich, especially the gold and stone veins. Less, the metal grades produced are also quite inferior, and there are no Lingquan, different fires and furnaces suitable for refining!"

"Since you are a purple sword, these things are not lacking, but I would like to ask if I can borrow a refining place from your purple swords, as well as spiritual springs, fires and rituals. The magic stone deposits of the magic weapon, the heavenly treasures and the like, this is not the rule of yours?"

It turned out that the old monster was playing this idea. Ling Lan was so relieved that he smiled and said: "There is no problem at all. If the person is willing to come, I will welcome you!"

"The flying swords of our purple swords refining system were originally used not only by their own disciples, but also by a large number of exporters and sold to other sects. Even the strong soldiers in the court, including the Guards, mostly used We have the sword and flying sword of the purple sword sect refining!"

"There are also many high-ranking monks who share the same ideas as the Master. They are not willing to use the magic weapon of others to refine their own sects, but they lack the refinement of the strong treasures. They also lack some key materials. Will come to borrow the place of our Purple Swords, purchase essential materials, and refine your own magic!"

"In this respect, our Ziji Jianzong has always been in good standing, not only can provide the most complete rare materials in the whole world, the best refining facilities, even the fire boy, forging workers, test swords required by the refining equipment. Masters are all available, no matter whether in the process of refining or after refining, they will never reveal a secret!"

"No matter what magic weapon the master wants to refine, come to our Purple Swordsman, it is the best choice. There is no second sect in the whole world. We can surpass our Purple Swordsman in this respect!"

Li Yao nodded.

In fact, he was able to figure out through eavesdropping on the way. This "Ziji Jianzong" is the largest arms group of the Dagan Dynasty, a super complex of military and mining.

So he will be patient, and Ling Lan will talk so much.

Li Yao really needs to refine some magic weapons, but it is not a flying sword for combat, but a part of the star torch.

When Li Yao started from Tianyuanjie, the storage space of the "Mars" was indeed carrying a high-grade star torch and a large number of spare parts.

However, the vast expanse of the Xinghai, the journey of twists and turns, there have been countless accidents in the past 100 years, especially the escape from the "double star system", which caused him to consume a large number of parts on the Star Torch to repair the Mars.

On the other hand, the thickness of the Dark Nebula and the degree of disparity in various cosmic dusts far exceeded his predictions. Through several experimental launches, the Lingbo signal transmission in the Dark Nebula was not good.

Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, Li Yao must carry out comprehensive repair and reinforcement of the Star Torch to ensure that the signal tears the four-dimensional space in an instant and launches back to the home.

The home then launched a large number of members of the door of the starry sky, and Li Yao completed the assembly to achieve a seamless connection between the two worlds.

The work of repairing and strengthening the Star Torch can be carried out on the satellite of this planet, even in the outer space.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice. Li Yao must first refine a large number of repair and reinforcement components.

This is a refiner in the real world. It is not a game. It is impossible to drop a little iron ore casually. It will take a long time to cast the finished product.

Li Yao received targeted training before departure, and the repair and reinforcement program was well-versed in the chest. There was not much technical problem.

However, he roughly estimated that there are a total of one hundred and twenty-two kinds of rare materials, which are not carried or insufficient in his shackles.

Moreover, since it is based on the ancient method, the coolant and the different fires used in the refiner directly affect the quality of the finished product.

It is impossible for him to refine the most sophisticated modern magic weapon components in the Wunan jungle, where there is no basis for the refining industry.

There is no sect in the ancient sacred world that is purely a refining device.

The "military and mining complex" such as Ziji Jianzong is his best choice.

Moreover, Li Yao still counted one thing.

The Ziji Jianzong was implicated in the case of Wang Xiyi, and became the object of hunting in the entire realm of comprehension.

Among them, there may be high profits in the arms industry, causing embarrassing factors.

However, the Purple Swordsman is a deep-rooted super-fashioned group. There are five or six Guangyuan infants, among them, the super masters of the peak of the Yuan Ying period!

They can never be shackled and sit still.

Then, between the purple sects and the rest of the sects of the comprehension, there is a high probability that some frictions and even conflicts will erupt.

Li Yao wants to use the identity of "Lingshi Shangren" in the shortest time, and reasonably and reasonably name the world, enter the core of the ancient high-level monks in the ancient sacred world, this is the best entry point!

Regardless of whether he ultimately chooses to cooperate with any other party, or whoever is not jealous and makes new plans, the Star Torch must be repaired and strengthened.

Therefore, he must go to the Ziji Jianzong to get a glimpse of a large amount of rare metal materials and refine a batch of suitable reinforcing members.

If you can observe the "Swordsman" Yan away from the people, the peak of the monks in the Yuan Ying period, in order to evaluate the top level of the ancient sacred world, it is even better!

Thinking of this, Li Yao’s heart moved: “You just said that your teacher’s uncle is one of the “three holys” in the real world. Who are the other two?”

Ling Lanin said: "My uncle's sword swearing Yan is away from the sword" is unparalleled in the world, is recognized as the 'Jian Sheng'!"


Li Yaobiao squinted and interrupted her words. "I just heard Han Yuantai say that the sword of the great **** Wang Xi is the unparalleled in the world. It is the strongest sword fairy in the ancient sacred world. How?" (To be continued.)

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