Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1378: Three holy and four fierce, one singer and one emperor!


Ling Lan was like a big insult, a pretty face rose red, high-pitched, "Wang Xi, Wang Xi is just a five-body indecent person, but also for the sake of blame, sin is extremely evil, what qualification is called 'the world Unparalleled'? My uncle is the strongest sword fairy in the ancient holy world!"

The sword idiot is the highest force of the purple sword sect. Like Ling Lan, who is so obsessed with the martial art, he is of course the most insultable idol.

Hearing that Li Yao had put a sinister monk on the head of the teacher, she shouted desperately.

When this sentence was exported, I realized that I was talking to whom, and I was so scared that I was so eclipsed and cold and sweaty.

Her own life is still second. If she completely angered this old monster and brought disaster to the family and even the Zongmen, then she is really sinful!

Fortunately, she sneaked into the eyes, the old monster did not mean to be furious, the black scorpion, such as the beast's throat, swept over her for a long time, but grinned: "Han Yuantai said, you are a purple sword sect. Party Yu Yan, isn't that a group with Wang Xi, how come, your evaluation of Wang Xi is so low?"

"Who, who is the embarrassing party?"

Ling Lan was extremely angry, but he did not dare to let go of it again. He suppressed the voice and reluctantly argued. "Our Ziji Jianzong is a famous decent faction that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. The rules are strict and the atmosphere is very good. After the disciple enters the door, Master teaches him. The first reason is to mention the three-footed Qingfeng, the heroes and the devils, the devil's way, how can it be rebellious with Wang Xi?"

"It's just that, my teacher, Shu Jian, and Yan Yan are indifferent to each other. Those who are sincere in the sword, in addition to the kendo, do not care about everything in the world."

"Wang Xi, what is more or less a kendo master, he knows that my uncle's swordsmanship is the first in the world today, and I have come to my teacher's sword for three times and five times."

"My uncle is a master, lonely, and finally find an opponent who can fight, see the hunter, where will the other party be?"

"In this way, my uncle and Wang Xiding will agree on the next year's meeting. The two will take out ten days each year to learn from each other."

"Yes, for a few years, they have also traveled together in the mountains and rivers, and it is said that they are looking for the battlefields that suit them, or the depths of the misty mountains, or the winds and waves of the ocean, or the dark days. Deep underground cracks..."

"In fact, we all go up and down, including my master and several other elementary infants, and I am not in favor of being too close to such ambitious heroes like Wang Xi."

"But my uncle is an idiot, and it is the peak of the Yuan Ying period of the peak. What kind of friends do he want to make, how can others stop?"

"In short, my uncle and Wang Xi have been entangled for seven years. Even if we cover it, this matter will inevitably be slowly known by the whole comprehension community."

"However, I can refer to the oath, my uncle and Wang Xi are really just about the sword. Apart from the sword, there is no more connection. We say that we are the embarrassing party. This is really a bloody, shameless Extreme!"

Li Yao squinted and sneered: "Is there really no connection?"

Ling Lan was very popular because of his pretty face, and he coughed twice. He whispered: "In the past few years, when Wang Xi was in a big situation, the power was turned into the wild, the swords and swords used by the court army, and so on. It all depends on his hand."

"At that time, just a few strong soldiers such as the Royal Forest Army and the Qilin Army of the imperial court had to be replaced on a large scale to purchase new swords and magic weapons. We have done a few big business.

"However, our Purple Swordsman was originally the first sword school in the world. The refining of the blade and the magic weapon are first-rate. Even without the relationship between my uncle and Wang Xi, these businesses will still fall on our heads. Now, other sects will seize this point and slandify that we are Wang Xi’s party. It’s really deceiving people!”

Looking at the girl’s indignation, Li Yao’s heart was amused.

It’s a stupid girl who is not deeply involved.

The government's bulk procurement, especially the high-profit arms procurement, is not just about quality and price, the most important thing is the relationship!

If there is no such relationship between your uncle and Wang Xi, why should you hand over the big orders of the government forces for large-scale dressing?

The entire ancient sacred world, only your family will not make a sword?

On the other hand, in the past few years, Ziji Jianzong must use the personal friendship between Jianduyan and Wang Xi, and embezzled a large number of major arms purchase orders that belonged to other sects, and dominated the entire market, thus causing public anger.

Now Wang Xi has fallen, and other sects are not attacking. "I ate my spit out," then it is strange!

According to the words of Han Yuantai and Ling Lan, the uncle of Ling Lanyin’s "Sword Devils and Yan Ren" is the "Jian Sheng" recognized by Dagan Xiuzhen, the first master of swordsmanship.

Wang Xi was actually qualified to entangle with him for seven years, and there is still room for discussion between the two.

It is also evident that the swordsmanship is sanctified!

Regarding the details of Wang Xi and Yan’s departure, you can ask again later. Li Yao does not want to be too entangled in this issue. The words turn: "Da San San Sheng, and who are the two saints?"

Ling Lan, because of the beauty of the turn, thought of the second holy, but his face was flashed with a smile that he did not know how to describe it. He said: "The second one that can be compared with my uncle is the "strange holy", called Hanziba. Xiaoyu."

"Call the flower, Ba Xiaoyu?"

Li Yaoyi, what is this broken name?

And people are good at a level of infants and old geeks, so it is called "Huahuazi", is it too fat?

"It's not 'calling a flower', it's a flower ‘child’, and this ‘child’ is to be accented.”

Ling Lan also explained with some sorrow and sorrow, "We have people who are in the realm of the real world, and there are many such slogans called "Zi", such as Tianjingzi, Yunmingzi, Qingxuanzi, Chisongzi, etc. As a younger generation of Ba Xiaoyu, he created a Taoist name, called Hanako!"

Li Yao violently coughed up, barely held back and laughed, and said: "It is a wonderful person."

"is not it!"

Ling Lan said, "From the self-styled slogan of the Pakistani predecessors, you can see that the predecessor is indulgent and free-spirited."

"He was originally the son of the island owner of the Dagan Donghai Floating Island. He was surrounded by the Jinshan Yinshan, which was accumulated in the maritime trade. He was the source of the cultivation resources collected from the overseas Xianshan. He was a well-known rich man in the realm of the realm. ”

"However, when he was a boy, the island of Float was joined by thirty-seven pirates."

"It is said that the family of the rich enemy country, after the demise of the dynasty, the great predecessors of the Pakistani people will fully realize the truth. From then on, they will fall into the mundane world, hide in the market, and practice in the ordinary people. I don’t know how, I really realized the world-famous magical power and became the ancient holy The most famous dispersion in the world!"

"Since the predecessor's self-reported 'Hua Zi', naturally he often shows people with rude and ruined people. His cultivation and seniority are extremely high, but his character is eccentric, and he is dismissive of the nobles and high-ranking monks. Even often, these people are used as objects of mischief; they are extremely good for the poor people, and they often do everything they can to help the people. When they encounter natural disasters, they can often see the predecessors of the Pakistani."

"His evaluation in the private sector is extremely high. It is a character who is truly regarded as a **** by six people. It is not an exaggeration to call a word "holy"!"

Li Yao nodded slowly.

Calling the flower "子" Ba Xiaoyu?

It seems that there has finally been an object that can be fully engaged and recruited.

"The third holy, that is, 'Iron St.' is a real person."

Ling Lan continued, "This is a predecessor before the retreat, and the leader of the comprehension world in Megatron, do not need to introduce more to the younger generation?"

Li Yao secretly frowned, said, you still introduce the introduction?

If you think about it, if you are a leader in the realm of comprehension, you must be famous. If you go out and ask for it, you will know that it is not worth revealing here.

"The name of Qi Zhongdao, of course, I have heard it, I really don't have to say anything more!"

Li Yao indulged for a moment and slowly said, "Fangcai Han Yuantai told me about the world's "four murders", now you have said 'three saints', but I don't know the strength of this 'four savage three saints', it is considered to be today's next day. Ten?"

Ling Lan hesitated for a moment, or nodded and said: "My teacher Shu Shu Yan Yan is the world's first swordsmanship; called Hanzi Ba Xiaoyu has a strange and ever-changing magical power; Zhengyizhen Qizhong Road is in control of the wild Lingbao 'Pantianyin', the three of them, can be regarded as the top three!"

"White Lotus Madonna, the mother of the world, is the mother of the world, and the gloom of the world is unparalleled; the longevity of the king of the heavens is the indiscriminate form of the drought and the sorrow, the cultivation of the "Red Thousand Miles" magical power, the tyrannical tyrannical to the extreme; Wang Xi cultivation "The illusion Condensed Yin Shentong, able to fight with my uncle for seven years, but also slightly lower than the wind; plus the North Landlord, created "Dragon Wolf", sweeping the thousands of miles of Han Daling! This 'four evils', It is also worthy of the title of 'the top ten in the world'!"

"it is good!"

Li Yao’s eyes are flashing, and Yuan Tian’s domineering domineering is constantly being released. All the flowers and trees in the garden are trembled. “Three holy and four fierce, together, are seven, small dolls, if If you want to rank in the top ten in the world, which three can be among them?"

"There is a single word, there is no very definitive answer. After all, many first-class masters, no less than a last resort, can't really fight out all the strength to fight!"

Ling Lan has a meal, and he has reluctantly replied, "The master of bitterness of the floating sects may have the same strength as the three sages, but he is a person outside the party, paying attention to compassion. Huai, Pudu sentient beings, and not very involved in the battle between the sects, so did not rank among the 'three holy'."

"Also, my Master once said, don't look at the age of today, but it is very likely that it has all the inheritance of the emperor of the great ancestors of the past. It is the absorption of the great dynasty of the millennium, which can be turned into a mad, ZTE. The dry Ming Jun, its repair is also unfathomable!" (To be continued.) 8

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