Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1379: The first stop, Ziji Jianzong!

"Plus them, only nine, the last one?"

Li Yao asked fiercely.

Ling Lan flew two red clouds on his face. It is obviously not the person who is good at slipping the horse. He hasn’t started to flatter yet. He’s embarrassed first: “Three holy and four fierce, bitter master, plus the emperor. It is the nine most powerful infants who are the most outstanding in today's world. They may have reached the high-end and even the peak of the Yuan Ying period. The rest of the Yuan Ying monks have a certain gap with them."

"If you have to say it, the younger generation thinks that the predecessors are enough to be juxtaposed with them, and they are called the top ten invincible players!"

"is it?"

Li Yao sneered a few times, suddenly fiercely revealing, shouted, "You lied, want to deceive the people!"

Li Yao spit on the air, Ling Lan because it seems to be crushed by a hurricane, full of silver teeth are biting sour, hard scalp: "The younger generation does not dare, it is not because of the desire to discuss the predecessors !"

"Black Moon Supreme is the first master of Wunan, and the first stage of the Yuan Ying period is not repaired."

"Han Yuantai, the master of the Peng Peng, is a well-known master on the Yunyun Prairie. In the middle of the Yuan Ying period, the ghost of the Qin Qin wolf trampled on the Central Plains. He played the role of a vanguard. Several mountain sects of the northern sects, killing a Yuan Ying, nine Jin Dan, fierce names spread throughout the north and south!"

"This kind of murderer and the black moon sages together are not even the enemy of the predecessors. In the twinkling of an instant, they will die and hurt. It can be seen that the cultivation of the predecessors has reached the peak of the peak!"

"Before going down the mountain, Master once told the younger generation, the general division of strength in the realm of cultivation."

"It seems that the 'three saints and four fierce's just mentioned, plus the masters of the emperor and the bitterness, are regarded as the level of 'first-class masters', and the middle-level of the Yuan Ying period such as Han Yuantai is the 'first-class master'. There is a huge gap between the first-class masters and the first-class masters. If there are no rare opportunities and adventures, and they are not a very good root and a natural environment, they can hardly cross!"

“Predecessors can easily suppress a ‘first-class master’ and want to come to the ranks of ‘first-class masters’. They are definitely qualified to compete for the title of “the top ten in the world!”


Li Yao burst into a mad scream, and the black screams sparked two green and flamboyant fires. He looked at Ling Lan for a long time and nodded. "Good, good, well said!"

"There are people who are in the wrong place, and there are some people who can't think of the greatness of the world. They have been working hard for decades, endured the pain of numerous suede cramps and reborn, and have gone from fire to countless times. In the sinister sinister sinister escape, and finally trained this body magical power, naturally can not be buried in the land of Wunan smog!"

"The top ten in the world?"

"Oh, hehehehe, or not, to be a, the person must be the first in the day!"

"Little dolls, the ambitions of the people, do not have to hide from anyone, the Wunan Baizu this messy little things, this person has no interest at all, in any case, you are ignorant, and there are Wunan What do the patriarchs, priests, and wizards love, how to do it!"

"The people on the list are going to travel around the world, and they will be the best in the world, including the ‘first-class masters’ in your mouth, the three holy and four fierce!”

"This trip, let's start with your Purple Swordsman, how do you mean..."

Ling Lan was turned to the heart, and the wild man Yuan Ying of this wilderness area suddenly became a peerless supernatural power. It was like a backcountry township, suddenly falling into the wind and wealth, and getting rich overnight, wanting to show off in the world of flowers and flowers, it is human Normal.

Anyway, this old monster now needs the resources and refining space of the Purple Swordsman. There is a lot of trading space between the two sides. If you want to come to him, he will not be able to fight when he arrives at the Purple Swordsman?

Moreover, he acquiesced to be the new Wunan Tusi by fire, and did not interfere with his father’s actions in Wunan. Obviously, he still prefers to work hard.

That being the case, it will be easier!

In recent months, it is the most dangerous moment of the Ziji Jianzong. If there is such a fierce old monster sitting in the town, others don’t know that he just borrowed the local refiner, and thought he was the purple sword Please come to the helper of the boxing. If you have any friction in your life, you should pay more attention to it.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan was deeply worshipped: "The spirits are willing to come and visit, it is an honor to be sent to the party. Welcome, welcome!"

After Li Yao and Ling Lan had roughly negotiated the conditions, Ling Lan also reported the news to Ling Shoujing.

Although I couldn’t get tens of thousands of Wu Man’s army immediately, I was able to say that such a high-level old monster in the middle of the Yuan Ying period went to the Ziji Jianzong guest. This is a better ending than the recruitment of 100,000 troops. Ling Shoujing naturally has no dissatisfaction. .

Wu Wuji, Meng Duo, Gu Siyu and other Wu Man heads heard the news that Li Yao would go out to "cloud tour", but he couldn't say whether it was happy or not. On the surface, it was natural that all of them were like a death test. Li Yao’s thigh, crying and shouting not to let him go.

Li Yao feared that some of these witches and monks had been old with the spirits, and they saw what was there, and they all played them out in a few words.

Including Ling Shoujing, Huo Wuji, Mengduo, Gu Siyu and many other heads, lords and wizards of the Wunan Baizu, and sent a large number of local resources of Wunan, what snake worms, scorpion scorpion, arm thickness The locusts came up in a basket of water, and they looked good and saw Li Yao frowning.

On the night of the same day, Li Yao released Han Yuantai and hundreds of knights from Yuyun Ghost Qin.

There are still a lot of Wuman monks who are innocent, and if they stay here, they will be in conflict with the fire-fighting people, and they will all be taken away.

Release is released, souvenirs still have to stay a little.

When Li Yaochu came to see it, it is impossible to use the federal currency here. It is a poor and white, and it is relying on the big wealthy people like Han Yuantai to help each other.

Anyway, Han Yuantai went south, and originally carried a lot of gold and silver treasures and spar resources. The original new owners of these things are the black moon sages and the lords, heads, and wizards. Now they have to change their surname "李".

After the people of the Yuyun Qin Qin were finished, Ling Shoujing’s recruiting army officially supported the fire-fighting Wuyi Tusi.

Anyway, Li Yao has already released words and will not interfere with these worldly customs. He sees that the fire is not like a foolish loyal person. Instead, he is a little stupid and full of guilty feelings. He wants to send his soldiers out to fight. You are going to go slowly!

Ling Shoujing’s army is still stationed in Wunan, preaching the court’s Tianwei and maintaining the cleanliness of the place.

Ling Lan is a purple pole sword sect who came to support Ling Shoujing, and is not subject to the temperance of the king, naturally coming to freedom.

Li Yao was led by Ling Lan, and the two men went to the sword. They were not affected by the terrain and flew all the way to the Central Plains.

With Li Yao and Ling Lan’s current cultivation, coupled with the rich aura of the ancient sacred world, even if the sword mang is flying out for thousands of miles, even for seven or eight days, ten days, fly back directly to the purple pole. Jianzongshan Gate is not impossible.

However, Li Yao was bent on investigating the customs and customs of the ancient sacred world. When he flew to the upper reaches of the Wujiang River at the junction of Wunan and the Central Plains, he took up the swordsmanship, dressed up slightly, disguised as a low-level scattered repair, and bought again. A psionic-driven 'sportsmanship', let Ling Lan go straight along the river because of his own embarrassment.

Ling Lan was extremely anxious in his heart. I was afraid that when he left, the division had already conflicted with other practitioners. I can’t wait to put the two ribs in the flying sword and fly back to the purple sword.

However, she knows that this old monster is indefinite and moody. Although there is a hint of cooperation with the Purple Swordsman at this moment, if it is not irritating, he may turn his face at any time.

Ling Lan, one of the youngest Jin Dan female swords in this world of comprehension, has been praised by countless people as the most dazzling existence in the new generation of Ziji Jianzong. When Wang Xi was in the forefront, he was also praised by the people in the real world. Why is one of the "Four Great Fairies", the fairy of the orchids, and this can only cover the face, swallow the voice, and serve Li Yao with all his heart and soul, waiting for his interest in the mountains to play with the water.

Although Wujiang is not the longest of the rivers that cross the Dagan River, it is definitely the most tortuous, the most dangerous, and the most surging.

Especially in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River, the deep forests and valleys, the big rivers are stirring, the cliffs on both sides are towering, and there are many dragon snakes and tigers and leopards. One leaf boat floats between the waves and the waves, listening to the depths of the cliffs and the misty cliffs. The sound of the demon's cockroach swallows, and there is a thrilling feeling between the nine secluded yellow springs and the red dust world.

Li Yao has a fascinating appreciation of the magnificent rivers and mountains that have not yet been opened by the ancient sacred world. Every time they arrive at a pier, they will stop and observe the villages and towns along the river.

He is now saying that Han Yuantai is correct. In the place of the Dagan Dynasty, it was indeed controlled by the sects of the sects and became an independent kingdom of feudalism.

Wherever they go, almost every town of a relatively large scale has a sect of cultivation, and the sects of cultivation often dominate the best inner city, building magnificent and row-like buildings and even fortresses. The bright and colorful defensive arrays are open all day long, and the sunlight is reflected by the defensive array, which shows the resilience of these cultivation sects.

These scenes stand in stark contrast to the ragged “outer city” where ordinary people live, almost two worlds.

Li Yao even saw that in some places, two or three hundred meters in the sky, it is a lush floating mountain, surrounded by pavilions, waterfalls, rainbows, and flying birds. It is a good place to be filled with fairy tales.

However, on the ground just a few hundred meters away, the ordinary people's residence is a "ground nest" that smashes a hole in the ground and casually smashes it with banquets, fences and mud. (To be continued.) 8

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