Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1380: What is wrong? (fourth more!)

When those who are dressed in feathers, the sacred bones, and the handsome and self-cultivating people, come out from the splendid mountains of the floating mountains, overlooking the tops of the yellow muscles, the ragged clothes, and even the ordinary people who emit stinks, the difference between heaven and man, Mo Over here!

"Ordinary people are ants!"

Li Yao, who grew up in a new era, is extremely difficult to agree with.

Because in the modern self-cultivation civilization of the Xingyao Federation, even the ordinary people without the power of the chicken can be well-dressed, clean and tidy, with a strong body and a good mental outlook, at least at first glance, not necessarily with the comprehension How big is the difference.

However, in such an ancient world of undeveloped productivity, the so-called "the difference between Xianfan" is real. Those ordinary people who struggle in the nest are not lambs and ants, but what What?

Therefore, the self-cultivators observed by Li Yao in the dark do not say that they are evil-like and ordinary to ordinary people. At least when they are in contact with ordinary people, they naturally reveal a high-quality taste.

They look at the eyes of ordinary people, not so much as "scorn", but rather as "indifferent", as if the distinction between them and ordinary people is a natural and natural thing.

Almost all of them have passed through more than a dozen sects.

Li Yao’s heart is secretly sighing, and he is trying to use the glorious theory of the Xingyao Federation’s “cultivator is a fish, the ordinary person is water, the self-cultivator is the sword of human civilization”, and these ancient revisions that look down on ordinary people are well criticized. .

Some of the ancient sacred natives’ words were slap in the face.

That is, he stayed in a town called "Shiwu City". Seeing the local sect "Shiwumen", the mountain gate is extraordinarily tall and magnificent. The fortress is exceptionally golden, but the villages of ordinary people nearby are particularly ruined. When the heart moves, it stops. look deep into.

He opened Ling Lanyin, dressed himself as a traveler and entered Shiwucheng.

Sure enough, the comprehens who saw this place were particularly arrogant and arrogant, and regarded ordinary people as nothing.

Waiting for the next tea break at the foot of the city, I heard a few tea chats, and Li Yao couldn’t help but anger.

It turned out that this stone Wumen separatist party, on its own, not only intercepted the food and taxes that should have been turned over to the court, but even replaced the imperial court to launch the servant!

The ordinary people in the sphere of Shiwumen’s sphere of influence must take advantage of the strength of Shiwumen. They can only get a very modest remuneration during the three or seven years, and even don’t give them.

The little son of this tea drinker was originally in the Shiwumen, and he was a horse for the comprehension. He had been bitter for three years and he was going to go home.

Suddenly, it turned into a cold body, and was thrown out by Shiwumen, saying that it was overworked and violent.

Looking at his body, it is indeed a skinny sputum, a blue veins burst, the appearance of qi and blood exhaustion, apparently caused by long-term labor.

The key point is that when the tea drinker talked about the death of the younger son, apart from the mourning, there was no dissatisfaction with Shiwumen.

Even other tea-goers just sighed that he was not lucky. The younger son Fushou was short-lived, but he did not dare to complain to Shiwumen. He did not even realize the responsibility of Shiwumen.

Li Yao really can't listen, what "sorry for his misfortune, anger is not contending", what is "natural human rights, equality of life", what is the "sounding arm, awakening the ignorant ancients" and so on. I couldn't help but swear a few words.

Unexpectedly, a few words and one exit, but it provoked the public anger, was attacked by the group, even the tea boy who died in the stone martial arts in the Shiwumen, screamed at him and spit.

The reprimand of many tea-goers, Li Yao was first stunned, and then there was nothing to say, but in the end it was red-faced and shy.

It turns out that the area where Shiwumen is located is the most dangerous mountain in the Wujiang River Basin and the densest mountain area in the jungle.

In addition to this small basin, it is surrounded by mountains and mountains, and the mountains and mountains are surrounded by clouds that are lingering all year round.

There are quite a few places in the mountains. Only two or three days in the year can see the sun. The rest of the day is a continuous rain.

These poor mountains and rivers are naturally full of demons and ghosts, dragons, snakes and leopards, not only will the mountain people who have strayed into the deep forests and old forests swallow, and even squadrons will sweep down the mountains and the whole village will eat only a pile of piles. Bone slag.

Such a harsh living environment, can also develop a big city, seven or eight large towns and dozens of villages, it is all the merits of the Shiwumen comprehension.

They are not afraid of death, and they go deep into the mountains and forests again and again, and demonize the demon to open up the living space. Only ordinary people can follow up, to burn the mountains and open up wasteland, and to build new villages!

"For more than two hundred years, Shiwumen has been sweeping through the Sifang Mountains for more than a dozen times every year, eradicating the nests of demons and beasts. Every year, there are no 50, and there are at least one dozen! ”

"Yes, that’s right, in recent decades, in order to demonize the demon, Shiwumen has even died in the head!"

"Without Shiwumen's immortal masters, all the villages and towns in the squares of hundreds of miles will be ruined by demons and ghosts, so we are called 'Shiwu City' in this place, and it is the great grace that grateful to the immortals! ”

"When you want to know the enemies, can you be ungrateful, the bad kind of wolf-hearted dog lungs? People are even dead with the vast majority of the masters, and the average doorman dies ten or twenty every year. What is it? ...... Trial, you can die seven or eight people, we have one family at home, what can we say?"

Li Yao did not think that these "stupid, ignorant and insensitive people" would say so, for a long time, in any case, Shiwumen should not intercept the court’s tax, should not levy a servant privately, but this is Where will the imperial court majesty be placed, and if every sect is like Shiwumen, it is a small kingdom, what about the stormy Dagan dynasty?

These words have even provoked a cheerful sneer.

Until now, many tea guests regard Li Yao as a stupid, stupid, and stupid, but he is too lazy to care about him.

An indigenous person who looks like a teacher, a little bit more scholastic, took his fingers and counted him.

First of all, in theory, Shiwumen certainly does not have the power to intercept the food and taxes paid to the court.

But then again, for the people, anyway, they have to pay taxes. If these food and taxes are turned over to the court, the ghost knows where to use it in the end, or in the hands of the imperial court. Turn, the last turn!

If you directly pay the grain and taxes to Shiwumen, Shiwumen is a local sect of homegrownness. If you squander it, most of it will be squandered locally. This is the pig's head pork is rotten in the pot, the water does not flow. The truth of the outside world.

What's more, annihilating the monsters and monsters in the surrounding forests to collect the rare materials on them, as well as the heavenly treasures in the depths of the mountains, is a great benefit to Shiwumen, and even the fundamentals of the development of Shiwumen. The way.

Even without the urging of the people, Shiwumen will try his best to demonize the demon, and most of the resources they collect will be used in this respect.

To a certain extent, this is also considered to be “taken from the people and used by the people”!

Therefore, the local people are of course wholeheartedly supporting Shiwumen. Every time they go to the tax season, they try to help Shiwumen to intercept food and taxes together.

The same is true of the servant.

For the common people, the left and right are all serving the servants, not to the Shiwumen, or to the imperial court.

But giving Shiwumen a bad job is a lot of benefits.

First of all, Shiwumen is in the hometown of the hometown. Even the high-ranking comprehensions are mostly folks in the village. Under the seven bends and eight rounds, there are some relationships.

As the saying goes, "One person gets the word, the chicken and the dog rise to the sky", when the self-cultivator can completely ignore the six parents, even the mother and the old man are treated as ants?

Naturally, it is impossible. At least for most of the low-ranking monks, it is still impossible to watch the 70-year-old mother sitting on the ground and splashing and indifferent.

Therefore, the introduction of the 70-year-old mother's hard work, the most indifferent attitude, but can not be deliberate, torture.

Therefore, after so many years, ordinary people who have been sent to Shiwumen are overworked and die. However, the situation of being killed by abusive life is rare. Even if it is, it is also a violation of the sect. Do the rules."

Another one, for Shiwumen, with more effort, you can let Shiwumen's comprehensions spend more time to practice, the more sturdy the cultivation, the more you can kill a monster, the place is not even more Is it calm?

What's more, in the practice of the sects, if you are smart, and you are lucky enough, you may be able to learn some sloppy fists, and even chances have come, and become a self-cultivator!

Although this possibility is extremely small, it is the only ascending channel for the people who are facing the loess and facing the sky and a sweaty ball.

Even if this road does not work, as long as you do your best to serve, you can take the favor of a certain immortal teacher, and walk in the countryside in the future, there is also a big backing!

These benefits, if you serve the court, are nothing.

First of all, to the imperial court, often to be sent to thousands of miles away, the place where life is unfamiliar, the soil is not convinced or trivial, being beaten, knocking on the bones and squeezing, but called every day should not, called the ground is not working, are commonplace thing.

Say ugly, die in Shiwumen, and leave it to the whole body.

Join the army of the court, die on the battlefield thousands of miles away, can leave a tank of gray back, even if the ancestors bless!

Another, the army of the imperial court composed of ordinary people is the lowest-ranking occupation. There is almost no contact with the self-cultivator, and it is possible to teach and find a backer.

In the end, the local youths were recruited to a hundred and eighty thousand miles away. What about the monsters and ghosts in the nearby forests? Can the immortals not do the heavy chores and go to the demon slayer?

What, the imperial court needs the army to fight the ghost Qin people?

What is the relationship between the **** ghost Qin and Laozi, and it is not the ghost Qin people who have ravaged Shiwu for hundreds of years. It is the demon ghost in the nearby mountains!

The ghost Qin wolf rides on the north ground, that is the thing of the northern shackles. Why do we want the southerners to bleed?

"The court? In our place, the court is an egg, and Shiwumen is the sky!"

"The demon is rampant, when the tiger wolf goes down, the immortal divisions of Shiwumen rushed to kill, where is the army of the court? No hair is coming!"

"Autumn harvest is ripe, when you want to collect food, it is very fast, and the immortal teacher named Shiwumen is called back!"

It seems that the indigenous people who teach Mr. Book, with a rough and proud tone, are right to Li Yao.

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