Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1381: Our past

This sentence has attracted many tea drinkers' laughter. Everyone shook their heads and glory, as if they were going back to the court's tax officials. It is their great glory.

While laughing, they cast a look at Li Yao’s “Caring for the Mentally Handicapped Children”.

Li Yao has a thousand words in his stomach, and he wants to be chronically malnourished, so he is dark and thin, full of hemorrhoids, described as wretched, and the practitioners are completely ordinary people of the two species.

However, under the gaze of their eyes, they turned their minds for a long time, and finally did not know how to talk about it.

After leaving the samovar, under the guidance of Mr. Teach, he went to a local temple where the incense was said to be very popular.

On the banks of the Wujiang River, theocracy is extremely heavy, the incense is strong, and there are many temples, Taoist temples and ancestral halls in various urban villages and even deep mountains and dense forests.

However, the place where these gods are incense is mostly not the illusory **** Buddha, but the local sect, the comprehension of the heroic sacrifice in the demon slayer.

It is said that after the fall of the comprehension, a trace of spirit will not die. As long as the incense is enshrined, it will still protect the people and protect the people.

Therefore, after the death of Shiwumen’s comprehensibles, if they are highly cultivated and have a high status, they will establish their own temples, that is, low-ranking monks with low strength, and will be assigned to various ancestral halls. Enjoy incense and worship.

There are more than one temple or ancestral hall in each village of the locality. It is often the tallest building in the village. The blue brick Manwa and the stone lion bronze door are in stark contrast with the low-lying muddy shacks nearby.

In every temple or ancestral hall, the spirits of three or five comprehensions are enshrined.

This is the most tight thing. Whenever there is a comprehension in Shiwumen, it will lead to the competition of all the villages and towns in Shili and Baxiang. Everyone has come up with the most abundant conditions and hopes to lead the spirits to their own villages and towns.

The amount of worship of the spirit is a symbol of the strength of a village!

In this temple visited by Li Yao, a total of four comprehensions were sacrificed, including an elder of Shiwumen and a head, called "four holy temples", which is said to be the largest one in Shili Township. Temple, no wonder the villagers will say that the incense is strong and extremely effective.

In the Four Holy Temples, there are four clay figurines of the comprehensions, painted with gold powder, and still engraved a few inspiring glare, colorful and colorful arrays, but also a bit of scent, lifelike meaning, if the night makes ignorance The villagers have seen it, and it is not strange to be a hero.

There are also a few bronze medals, but they are engraved with the stories of these comprehensions, especially the reasons for the fall.

Li Yao took a closer look. The three comprehensions were all fallen in the mountains and when the beasts were killed. The head of the peak of the foundation period was chasing a powerful evil that flowed to the local area. Killed by the other side.

These depraved deeds made Li Yao know what to say.

It is obviously impossible to practice the sects of the sects. It is impossible to live by the tax of ten miles and eight townships. If you want to cultivate, you must go to the deep forests to hunt the beasts and monsters, get their flesh and blood, and the spirits and demon. It is the foundation of a sectarian to plant the Tiandi Dibao and the Jingshi Ling Mine.

Therefore, Shiwumen went into the mountains to "devil and demon", which is the need for the survival and development of the martial art. It is not purely "for the heavens."

But objectively speaking, it is true that these comprehensions have been going forward for hundreds of years. They are not afraid of sacrificing land and fighting monsters, wolves and tigers and leopards to compete for living space, and have opened up a land that can barely survive for ordinary people.

When the demon and the tiger wolf went down the mountain, or when the evil sects came in, the "Xianshi" of Shiwumen were not vague.

Therefore, I would like to ask if the comprehension of Shiwumen has contributed to the ordinary people in this regard. Li Yao also has no way to squint and say "no".

"A self-cultivator of Shiwumen, today is very angry with the people, arrogant, disdainful, looks awful to the extreme."

"But maybe tomorrow he will go into the mountains and the demon to kill, unfortunately fallen!"

"Subjectively, of course, he is purely for his own cultivation. He is collecting demons, animal bones and various elixir. He has never considered the interests of the people; but objectively, he has given his life, and indeed he has to protect the people. , make a small contribution!"

"Are such an ancient repair, is it a good person or a bad person?"

For a time, Li Yao couldn't think of the answer to this question.

What's more, this ancient study is really not a little bit of consideration for the interests of the people?

Most of Shiwumen’s self-cultivators come from Shili Township and are natives of all ages.

Many of the 80-year-old mothers and three-year-olds of the self-cultivators are ordinary people, all living here.

Once the beasts and demons are really raging in the mountains, the family of these comprehensions will also suffer from the catastrophe.

When these comprehensions demonize the demon in the mountains, it is really only considering the interests of oneself alone. Is there a feeling of "defending the hometown" in it?

People are not grass, can be ruthless, the world, you can use the words "right or wrong, good or bad" to judge!

Li Yao secretly sighed and hesitated for a long time. Finally, as a modern comprehension, he finally gave a deep ritual to the four ancient masters represented by the four clay idols. He cried in a respectful manner in his heart. One voice: "Predecessors!"

In any case, these ancient masters represent the history of human civilization, the past of all modern comprehens.

No past, what is the future?

Li Yao noticed a detail when he was about to turn and leave.

In front of the four clay tire idols, there are dozens of dishes such as roast chicken, bad meat, steamed buns, green dumplings, and dried incense.

Li Yao knows that the poverty level of the local people in this area is not even able to drink even the millet porridge, roast chicken, bad meat, white bread and the like, and even the eternal treasures that don’t even think about the New Year.

The villagers have set up these things for the four clay tire idols. I don’t know how much effort I spent, how much effort I put on, and how much I have expressed!

However, these things are slowly in front of the mud tire idol, and finally the snake worm ant is cheaper.

There are a few clothes outside the temple standing, unkempt, like a child like a flower, but on the tiptoe, drooling, staring at these offerings, watching the chicken and the bad meat a little bit I am ruined, but I dare not go forward, even if I take a sip.

Li Yao heard the thunder and arousal in the children's stomach.

At the bottom of my heart, I just raised a glimpse of the ancients, and I was suppressed again.

At this time, there was a cry from the outside village, and the crying seemed to be contagious. In the same time, the whole village, even several nearby villages, were drowned.

When Li Yao turned out of the temple to see it, he saw that the whole village had already provoked hundreds of white faces, and many people were familiar with the filth.

"The elders of Shiwumen in the previous day led the 20 new immortals to the mountain for trial trials. Unfortunately, they were shocked by a crouching ground for dozens of years, and the quirks that were about to be degraded. Lei Elder and six new immortals were fallen, and fallen. It!"

Within the entire Shiwu City area, hundreds of miles round, with sound of cannons, crying into a piece.


Li Yao used a day to track and kill the quirky cockroach with a red tumor on his head, and pulled out the corpse of the thunder elder and three refining period comprehensions from its abdomen, and they converge Get up, when you stare at the stars and nights, put them at the intersection of the three roads at the foot of the mountain.

After three trips to them, this complexly returned to the Wujiang Wharf, above his own canoe.

After that, I went all the way east and inspected the towns along the Yangtze River, but I took up the arrogance from modern civilization and stood in the perspective of local indigenous people.

Dajiangdong went, and after that, there were almost a dozen or so towns, and each of them was centered on the cultivation sects, and then expanded outwards. The self-cultivators were indeed high above, arrogant and arrogant, and above the imperial power.

However, the entire upper and middle reaches of the Wujiang River are almost the same as those around the "Shiwu City". The mountains are dense, the beasts and the demons are numerous. There are no comprehensions and demons, ghosts, tiger wolves and dragon snakes. The ordinary people can't live. .

If Li Yao is a native peasant, what can he do in the face of the wicked demons and tiger wolves, except for pinning their hopes on the "Xian Shi"?

If Li Yao is a local comprehension person, I am afraid that this relationship will not produce a sense of guilt. Instead, I will feel that I am protecting the people and the people. Apart from the magic and the Tao, the cultivation is so hard, every day there is a danger of dying, and the people worship themselves. Is it not a matter of course to worship yourself and fear yourself?

This is the reason, but it is not clear how to say it!

A few days later, they finally drove out of the middle and upper reaches of the Wujiang River, where the mountains and forests were twisted and twisted, and entered the hills and plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River.

When I got here, I gradually entered the most potent southeastern scent of Dagan, and the degree of development was greatly improved. Naturally, there were not so many primitive jungles, and there were not so many demons and ghosts and wolves.

The hills and farmland here are highly utilized by the seams, and it is difficult to find out the wasteland of a fingernail size.

After thousands of years of mergers and accumulations, most of the fields and forests belong to the local surnames of the great families, and then they are given to farmers for cultivation.

The great surname of the tyrants is attached to a certain cultivating sect. There are many auras with the most aura and the best quality, which are directly belong to the sects of cultivation and never fall into the hands of ordinary people.

There are few people here, and the size of the soil is large. The sphere of influence of most of the cultivation sects is staggered and entangled.

Therefore, the biggest enemy of the sects of the middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River is no longer the demon and the tiger wolf, but the other cultivation sects!

Here, Li Yao first saw the battle between the two cultivation sects.

Under the leadership of seven or eight Zhuji monks, nearly 100 refining period comprehensions are playing the flag of their respective sects, like two groups of fierce tiger wolves, smashing together, swords and swords, swords and swords, sizzling Extremely, there is no such thing as a friend.

In just a short period of half an hour of fire, a total of three Zhuji monks and more than 20 refining monks were degraded.

The cause, neither for the sake of any peerless magical powers, nor for the sake of heaven and earth, is only for a cow, an ordinary cattle!


I am sorry, everyone, I went to the wife to go to the postoperative review today, and I stopped coming back in the afternoon, so the update was late.

Today is still three, rest assured

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