Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1387: Classical era

Li Yao alone, deep into the Baiyi Mountains, stepping up the stairs, and enjoying hundreds of steep peaks like swords and swords, axe and forks, and the magnificent scenery.

During the Longquan Conference, most of the peaks of the Purple Swordsmen were opened to all sects in the world. The gates of different ranks, carrying the latest refining or excavating weapons of the gods, took the place to demonstrate the gods in a “testing sword field”. The powerful power of the weapon.

If there are other monks who have taken a fancy to these magical weapons, they can further negotiate the purchase business with Ziji Jianzong.

Of course, Feijian and Magic are all vital things. If you don't feel comfortable with the demonstration of the Purple Swordsman, you can personally end the game. In actual combat, verify the sharp edge of this flying sword.

On top of hundreds of peaks, there are fresh clothes and anger horses, and the various factions of the war flags, flying swords and rainbows, swords and waves, and the "clam dang" sound of swords and swords are endless. Jin Ge Iron Horse, the magnificent ancient music.

This year's Longquan Conference is different from the past. It is said that after the fall of the new emperor's **** Wang Xi, the entire political situation has undergone drastic changes, and the general assembly of the real world has redistributed all interests.

The amount of each sectarian interest must be determined according to the strength displayed at the Longquan Conference.

Therefore, in the music of Jin Ge Tie Ma, there is a bit of **** and savage.

In the depths of many mountain peaks, after a series of "clam dangling" attacks, there will often be screams of heartbreaking screams, and even screams will only come to an abrupt end.

It is conceivable that the screamer is by no means hard-pressed, but completely unable to make a sound.

Li Yao observed several "test swords" in the capacity of an ordinary casual repair. He found that both sides were in the name of "testing swords and learning", and they were killed and killed in five lives. The killer, there are three games that are both dead and wounded, and the injury is still quite serious.

What is worth pondering is that apart from the three test swords, it was launched between the Ziji Swordsmen and the other monks, and there were two trial swords, which were actually carried out between two other monks.

Moreover, the degree of enthusiasm between the two sides, even more contest between the purple swords and the other monks, is like a feud of the father, can not wait to be with the other party.

In this case, if you change other modern comprehension civilizations, you may have to pay attention to the second monk. It’s not that everyone is going to intimidate the Ziji Jianzong. How do you get the guilty first?

However, it is not surprising that Li Yao, who has the memory of Ouyezi, is equivalent to the ancient world of the "Eight Refining Elders".

The hundred refining sects are mainly based on refining equipment, and the magic weapons refining them must of course be sold to all factions in the world, and even other big worlds.

Therefore, Bailianzong also has a new product launch conference and annual special sale meeting similar to the "Longquan Conference". Its scale is even more than several times, which can attract seven or eight thousand worlds of comprehensions to come.

In the "Falun Expo" of Baizongzong, of course, it is also allowed to send monks to try the magic weapon of the refining of the refining of the sect, and then talk about buying and selling after the wish.

And every "Falun Exposition" of Bailianzong will also evolve into a "fighting competition" between the major sectarian monks. In the end, the customary conventions, Bailianzong simply opened up a piece of Yongtai District, let everyone Free fight.

This point was also welcomed by the major sects of the time. The scale of the competition was getting bigger and bigger, and the rules were more and more formal. In the end, the original intention of the "Falun Expo" was overwhelmed.

This is because, in the context of the shortage of resources and the explosion of the number of comprehensions, there are always some sharp contradictions between the various denominations, and even dozens of human lives are in it. Resentment.

If the small gates that Li Yao saw in the Wujiang River Basin had contradictions and grievances, a Martian could ignite their fighting and fire.

However, the scale is so large that it is such a degree that “Ziji Jianzong” and “Tai Xuan Dao” become “a big thing that cannot be poured down”. Anything that is swaying in the wind is moving all over the body. Of course, it is impossible to be like a country. Like the small sects, they rushed out of the nest and made a big fight. Both of them lost their lives and were cheaper.

Therefore, after reaching a certain scale, there must be certain rules and laws to resolve contradictions between the cultivators and sects, that is, to "draw down the road."

However, there are two very headaches when it comes to "draw down the road."

First, it is difficult to find a reason for being justified.

Most of the cultivation sects always have to talk about their faces, and when they want to be, the arches must be established. They are all clear-minded, self-cultivating, and not secular. They are not good for a pier. Attribution, the monopoly power of an industry is going to start? Did it become a triad?

Second, even if the two sides agree on the time and place and rules of the fight, it is difficult to ensure that the other party does not use intrigues, and even the possibility of not accepting the account afterwards.

Such a magical fair, such as the "Longquan Conference", perfectly solved these two concerns.

First, everyone is here to buy magic weapons. The magic weapon is used to save lives. Is it normal to try it out? How to use the most insurance, of course, is to simulate the actual battle as much as possible!

The sword has no eyes. In the actual combat, it is a mistake to kill someone. It is also the other party’s hit. It’s no wonder.

Secondly, such a conference is often organized by the most powerful sects in the locality, and will gather all the strong factions of the big factions to participate. Under the eyes of the public, the two sects resolve the contradictions in the name of “testing the sword”. It is very difficult to do the tricks and tricks. It is difficult to use intrigues and tricks in the process. After winning the game, it is difficult to turn your face and not accept it.

This can be regarded as the "hidden rules" in the realm of comprehension.

Anyone or force violates the unspoken rules, and the end is very miserable!

Once such unspoken rules are formed, the Longquan Conference is destined to be impossible to be a simple and faint magical expo, but to become a five-year one. The entire comprehension community resolves contradictions and re-divides the interests to maintain harmony in the next five years. Stable conference.

The new people from all walks of life will also take advantage of this great opportunity to jump out of the glory and glory, and make a name for themselves.

Names, interests, rights, desires, all intertwined, this is the realm of comprehension, this is the rivers and lakes!

"Good sword!"

Next to a test sword field, surrounded by hundreds of comprehensions.

In the center of the sword field, it is a Lingjian swordsman of the Purple Swordsman. He sits on both knees, five hearts to the sky, his eyes are slightly closed, and he is entwined with a red-red flying sword, flying in the air. , leaving a strip of flame trajectory, long time does not scatter, in the end actually formed the "Zi Ji Jian Zong" four characters, suddenly attracted a burst of exclamation.

"I am Jiang Junai, a disciple of Fengjian, and I am a middle-level repairer!"

A young man wearing a red and light armor, with a tender face and arrogance, suddenly jumped up and slammed on the sword. He first sneaked a lap around him, and then he gave a sigh to the Lingjian swordsman. , Loud, "This is a new refining of this 'Red Fire Cone Sword' is really extraordinary, but I do not know whether it is equally sharp in actual combat? Jiang daring, want to try this sword!"

"it is good!"

"It is Jiang Junai, the newly emerging master of 'Bashan State' in recent years!"

"I heard that he has seen few opponents in the younger generation in Bashan."

The monks around the scene applauded, faintly mixed with the surprise of several female practitioners, Jiang Jun Ai was a good face, the light in the eyes was more prosperous.

Sitting in the middle of the test sword, Ling Xiaojian is a faceless expression, such as a piece of dead wood, but the eyelids are slightly open, and Jiang Junai is looked up and down. Cold and cold: "Dao Youxiu is pure, mana is boundless. I really want to fight together, and I will go all out in the next place. This sword has been newly refining, and it has not been retracted freely. The so-called sword has no eyes. If it is wrong for a moment, it will be damaged, and the wind blade and your relatives will blame it. Extreme swords, but can't afford it!"

"No problem!"

Jiang Junai rose his face and took a jade card from his waist and threw it over. "I have a 'life and death order' here, the brand of my master and our lord has been branded on it, to test the sword and kill it. blame!"

The Lingjian swordsman copied a copy of Jiang Junai’s life and death order, and also found a black iron mixed token from his arms. "This is the life and death order of the purple sword sect, and there are also the lower divisions." And the spirit of the lord's imprint! If the skill is not as good as people, unfortunately killed by the Taoist friends, never pursue a little responsibility, but with this handle 'Red Fire Cone Sword' delivered, all eyes, all the friends are witnesses!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Junai copied the life and death orders of Ling Xiaojian, and he did not look at it. He stuffed it into his arms and laughed. The long sword behind him was hidden as a tiger and a dragon. "If you have changed your life and death, then come -"

A word of "bar" has not yet been exported, and the swordsman of Lingxiao, who is opposite to the dead wood, suddenly turned into a flame storm!

"call out!"

In an instant, like a fireworks, such as a volcanic eruption, the red mans shrouded the whole test sword field, and many onlookers had a flower in front of them, and there were two things that made a "beep" sound and flew into the air.

First, the left arm of Ling Xiaojian.

Second, Jiang Junai's head!


Arms and heads, landing.

Ling Xiaojian's left shoulder was **** and mad, his face was pale, and his face was still expressionless.

There is neither the pain of the cone of heart nor the joy of victory. It just silently picks up its broken arm, and rushes across the opposite side, still dancing, and the violently twitching headless body is slightly gifted:


Then, step by step, back to his rest area, and then the rest of the doorman came forward to heal the wounds and continue to break the arm.

Until now, the headless body was "squeaky" and the blood from the cavity left a new mark on the test sword field that was originally covered with blood stains.

Two middle-aged monks wearing the Wind Blade League armor jumped onto the test sword field.

One of them had a pale face, difficulty breathing, and his hair turned gray in a blink of an eye. He looked at the opposite Ling Xiaojian, and his lips trembled for a long time, hoarse and throated: "Sure enough sword! This sword is worthy of geometry? We wind blade The alliance bought it and paid three times the price to compensate the bad friend's broken arm!"

To put it bluntly, one person holds his head, and one person holds the headless body, and in a silent silence, he suddenly leaves.

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