Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1388: Copper furnace peak, the highest to the highest!

"Sure enough..."

Such a test-and-sword fight against the ancient style is not a mess of local sectarians and can be compared. This is the way of negotiation in the upper class of the realm of cultivation!

Seeing this situation, Li Yao could not help but secretly sigh: "A group of neuropathies!"

This way, it seems to be very regular, very ancient, clean and neat, and even has a tragic beauty.

However, it can be cultivated to the middle stage of the foundation period, and in any case, it is considered to be one of the elites in the society!

If the elite of the whole society is so boring, how can this society progress?

Li Yao couldn't help but think of the comprehensions of the Starry Federation who died in the eruption of the beast.

Death is lighter than Hong Mao, but also heavier than neutron star. Compared with the absurd and ridiculous death of the ancient world, Li Yao still feels that the degenerate way of modern cultivation of civilization is more worthy of hard work!

He sighed and continued to move toward his destination, the Bailushan Copper Furnace Peak.

The copper furnace peak is a very strange mountain.

Surrounded by swords and swords, hundreds of sharp mountain rocks were poked into the sky, but there was a flat depression in the middle, which was like a huge crater and a super-refiner furnace.

As long as the enchantment is set at the top, and the aura overflows, what happens inside, the outside world is sneak a sneak peek.

Therefore, this peak was carefully constructed by dozens of generations of Ziji Jianzong, and the battalion created a top-notch test sword field. However, if there is any secret weapon, such as a treasure weapon, a wild treasure, or the like, if you want to test the power, you will Send it to the copper furnace peak.

Today is the rare day that the Bronze Furnace Peak has been open to the world.

Because there is an unprecedented peak matchup that will be played here!

The sword is a battle between the people and the iron-sacred Qizhong Road. It is said that it was the most exciting battle in the two battles of the two gods in the duel.

The most important figures in the entire comprehension world, the giants who are all over the world and the ones who dominate the party, all gathered here to watch the decisive battle between the two masters!

In the shortest possible time, Li Yao wants to break into the core of the ancient sacred circles and establish his own brand of “Wuhan Old Monsters” in order to participate in the big events that can influence the trend of the ancient sacred world. This is the best. Even the only chance!

"Qi Zhongdao, Yan is away from people..."

Li Yao's eyes sparkled, the green dots of the eyebrows were just around the corner, and the thorns formed by the war were released again in all directions.

Nor is he modest, he believes that it can represent the highest fighting power of the three modern worlds of self-cultivation, such as Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor.

Qi Zhongdao and Yan Yiren are the highest fighting power of this ancient world!

What is the highest level of the highest, what kind of spark can it collide?

Li Yao swallowed a spit and did not slide into the stomach, but was evaporated by boiling blood.

He was full of war and deep expectations, and headed for the copper furnace peak.

The copper furnace peak is like a star, and it is surrounded by mountains and mountains. There is no mountain road or chain connection. You want to reach the copper furnace peak, or fly a flying sword, or step on a jade dish, or take a ride. Cranes, golden eagle, giant eagle, etc.

Qi Zhongdao and Yan’s peak matchups are naturally not the only ones that can be observed.

The Ziji Jianzong doorman has long set up a sword array and a ban on the copper furnace peak.

The colorful swords and the knives that rushed into the sky, the whole mountain was surrounded by the wind, and a person's hair and half thoughts could not fly.

Only the big characters with face and face in the comprehension world can enter the ceremony. Some of the small-sized households, the masters, the heads, and the like do not have this qualification. They can only look forward to the peak of the copper furnace.

Of course, there are also some monks from the backcountry, especially in the land of barbarism. They are born with sorrow and ignorance. Second, they don’t know that the sky is high and the land is used to the king’s hegemony. The great disaster is the great opportunity for them to take the opportunity to rise and make a name for themselves.

Therefore, regardless of the strictness of the Ziji Swordsmen, they must be forced into it.

As a result, it is natural to touch a nose ash, or even throw a broken leg, it is known to be powerful.

When Li Yao came, there were thousands of monks gathered under the Bronze Furnace Peak, and they were so arrogant and noisy.

Opposite is the Lingjian swordsman of thousands of purple pole swords, the empty sky, the long sword slowly flowing around, such as a silent steel forest.

There was a pig-like roar in the crowd.

However, there are more than a dozen scattered repairs that have just come from overseas Xianshan. Since they have returned to the sea, they want to fight against the swords of the Purple Swordsman.

I don't know what the magical swords of the Purple Swordsman possess are. These people can't see a little bit of trauma on the surface. Even the small blood points poked out by the embroidery needles are not invaded by the sword, and they are invaded by the sword. It hurts.

They really couldn’t hold it, and they still remembered whether they were all witnessed, rolling around and mourning.

After they had smashed the time of the semi-column, several purple swordsmen were coming up, holding the hilt and slashing on them.

"噗噗噗噗", more than a dozen sea turtles vomited black blood, face pale, swear words can not say a half sentence, where dare to make times?

Among the monks, there are still a few newborn calves and unruly people who want to try the magic of the swords of the Purple Swordsmanship - even if they don't go in, if they can support the moment in the sword array, If you can still retreat, it is not famous, is it known all over the world?

Seeing a few unlucky ghosts still squatting like a shrimp, the wolf is extremely stunned, these newborn calves face each other, look like soil, secretly glad that they have not been impulsive.

Li Yao was carrying his hands and he was not slow to go to the crowd.

The whole body is like a layer of shadowless and invisible oil film, which makes him squeeze into the middle of the crowd like mud.

When I came to a few unlucky ones, he didn't lift his eyelids and walked over them.


Many monks looked at Li Yao with strange and inexplicable eyes.

Li Yao’s master of the coffin, with more or less a look of the southwestern barbarians, and the Central Plains monks have some differences.

Moreover, he went all the way to investigate the local customs and customs, wearing a gray robe with a little spiritual mark and a sign, which was already ragged and severely worn.

Li Yao maintains a good habit from the modern self-cultivation civilization, and the spiritual energy converges to drip, which is roughly maintained at the beginning of the foundation period.

This is his "standby state", which can maximize the endurance combat capability.

This point is not used by the ancient monks.

Because of the relatively rich aura of this place, in addition to a few strange temperament, such as the "strange holy" in the "big dry three holy" called Huazi Ba Xiaoyu, the general comprehension will rarely hide their own realm, often It is Daxie who releases power and demonstrates strength.

Especially in this kind of arrogant and arrogant scenes, it is more like a peacock to open the screen like a martial arts, only fear of weakening their own limelight, attracting others' challenges.

Everyone saw that Li Yao was just a young man with a face that was tender and unpretentious, but it was a big swing and a rush to the purple pole swords. It was strange.

"Hey, what is the barbarian doing?"

"Haha, it is also a singer who doesn't know how to be good and doesn't know the rules. I am afraid that I also want to eat the bitterness of the Purple Swords!"

"Hey, we didn't go up, this kid actually wants to go up? Did you eat the bear heart and the leopard, or did you have long eyes, didn't you see these people lying on the ground?"

"Don't worry, it's just a barbaric, let him go to the head and break the blood, let's all have fun!"

Dignified and dynasty, the monks of the Central Plains, these monks of the Central Plains have a bit of contempt for the monks who are from the savage state and play the snakes.

Moreover, they all heard that most of the barbarians were narrow-minded, and they must report, and there are all kinds of sinister and sinister means. Even if they are not good, they are extremely difficult.

Let this barbaric eat a big loss, and hate the purple pole swords, it is also very good.

At the moment, many people are squinting, using the self-righteous "transmission into the secret" supernatural powers, the sound waves are converged into a line, and there are many arguments.

On the surface, they all greeted Li Yao’s smile and even took the initiative to separate a road. They also gestured a “please” gesture to let Li Yao go to death.

Li Yaolian was too lazy to rush to the shrimps and crabs to fight, and walked to the front of the purple pole swords, and swept the lead sword to repair a look.

"Oh, this does not know the barbarians who live and die, even dare to provoke the ‘Ben Leijian’ Wu Jiuxing! I really don’t know how to live!”

"Hah, I have a good show. I really don't know which kind of ghost is in the mountain. Who is his master? Didn't teach him to go to the hall to do the real thing, to pick up the tail and be a man?"

After Li Yao was behind, many monks continued to pass the voice into the secret, almost laughing out loud.

The face of the "Ben Lei Jian" Wu Jiuxing is a sword repair of the knot Dan, the birth of a cow high horse, the sword is arrogant, the large face like a disc, is a black iron plate, two reddish bull's eye, It is like two red charcoal **** embedded in the iron plate.

Behind a giant sword, there is a door panel size, which is no different from an axe.

Seeing Li Yao's big swing, Wu Jiuxing's bull's eye is instantly enlarged, and even the breathing becomes heavy, and the muscles of Zhou Zhou are all tight!

The thousands of Lingjian swordsmen behind him also noticed Li Yao, and the original swordsmanship had become somewhat scattered.

"Ben Lei Jian is going to be furious, good guy, don't know if it is a shock to break the bones of this kid, or directly remove him from a shirt?"

Many onlookers looked at the eyes and tried to wear them. Even the dozens of Haigui monks who had been rolling all over the place, unknowingly held their breath, waiting to see Li Yao being photographed back.

People are such a psychology, they are unlucky, and always hope that there is a guy who is ten times more unlucky than himself. It is a little comfort.

But seeing the fierce "Ben Lei Jian" Wu Jiuxing quickly swept Li Yao's waist and a common pass, without a half-marked wooden sign, finally confirmed his identity.

Then, the furry and thick arms raised high, indicating the men, "哗啦", thousands of helmets and armored Ling Xiaojian, uniform, like a person, a deep gift to Li Yao!


There is something wrong today, only two more.

For a moment, the whole August has added 290,000 words, which is the first time in the past few months, the first time did not reach the index of 300,000 words per month.

From what point to say, at the end of July, my wife checked out a disease that sounded terrifying, and each other’s emotions were a bit low.

I basically ran the hospital throughout August. Fortunately, the operation was very successful now. The biopsy was no problem. I was relieved and thanked everyone for their concern and blessing.

I hope that in September, I will be able to spend more time and go all out to the world of "Fifty Years of Comprehension." The background of the ancient sacred world is basically introduced. The back should be more exciting. Please continue to look forward to it because I I am looking forward to it, the legendary ancient and modern war!

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