Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1389: Offend the last person!


Thousands of Lingxiao swordsmen’s sudden actions made all the other monks on the scene scared. They took a breath of cold air and couldn’t believe their eyes. They couldn’t figure out the number of Li Yao’s roads. !

"He, he, who is he?"

"In the realm of comprehension, it seems that I have never heard of such a person. Why can we let thousands of Lingjian swordsmen be respectful and even dare not say anything!"

"Is it a foreign practice for the Ziji Jianzong to help the boxing? It seems ordinary, there is nothing surprising!"

In the crowd's arguments, the black iron tower general Dan Dan monk, "Ben Lei Jian" Wu Jiuxing, personally obtained a diameter of seven or eight meters for Li Yao, carved into a lotus shape, crystal clear, flashing , the most luxurious jade dish.

As soon as this jade dish came out, all the monks present were even more stunned, and the eyes were falling out.

Most of the high-ranking monks have the magical power of the sword flying, but here is the key to the mountain gate of the Purple Sword. If the two sides do not completely tear the skin, they must obey the rules of the master and cannot fly indiscriminately.

In order to attract many high-ranking monks to enter the bronze furnace peak battle, Ziji Jianzong has prepared a lot of floating jade discs.

Floating jade discs are also graded.

The most common jade disc, with a diameter of about ten meters, is a large disc that can stand dozens of monks at a time.

The relatively high-grade jade disc, with a diameter of three or five meters, is engraved with dragons and phoenixes on the surface. It is inlaid with various colorful spar and pearls. It can only be carried by one person. It is prepared for the sects and heads of the general sect.

This statue is more than seventy-eight meters in diameter. If the lotus flower is slowly blooming, the fascinating jade dish that fascinates the fairy spirit is the most advanced method. The big man of the non-Yuan Ying series is absolutely not qualified to ride!

Look at Li Yao's servant's servant, dressed in plain style, and the faint appearance of the flames, how can it not look like Yuan Ying master, can actually make the purple pole swordsman such a big bang!

For a time, the silence of the copper furnace peak, nearly 10,000 monks intricate eyes, all projected to Li Yao alone!

Li Yao frowned.

He has repeatedly warned the doorkeepers of Ziji Jianzong that they should not call themselves "grandfathers" until they have promised their own conditions.

The so-called "ancestor" is of course a high-ranking monk who is far above himself. However, the original meaning is to be used within the same sect and between the two sides. The meaning of "ancestor, ancestor".

Li Yao does not mind helping the Ziji Jianzong to help the boxing, but it is good to first negotiate the appropriate price.

Otherwise, it’s a big fight for the “old ancestors” who don’t want money, isn’t it too expensive?

I did not expect the Ziji Jianzong guys, but he played with him.

Yes, he obeyed his instructions and did not call him "master" or "grandfather". However, thousands of elite swordsmen were given a big gift at the same time, and he was given a sacred jade dish. What is the difference between this and his "grandfather"?

"The ancient repair is also very embarrassing!"

Li Yao is a little crying and laughing.

These are all trivial things. They don’t touch their faces and they don’t bother to care about them. Li Yao’s face is indifferent. He gently nods to the sturdy “Ben Leijian” Wu Jiuxing, naturally stepping into the lotus jade dish, hands Carrying, the psionic power flow, the jade disc spread out of the road, and like a thousand butterflies flying, holding the jade plate to vacate, slowly rising toward the copper furnace peak.

The many monks who ate his tail flame below, naturally burst into a burst of envy, envy, hatred and incomprehension.

Li Yao’s hearing is so sharp, all the contents of the sigh are heard clearly, and he hears a yin and yang squeaky voice. He uses the self-righteous method of converging sound waves, and is saying: “尉迟道友,紫极剑宗做事Why is it unfair! You are also ruined and repaired, and the fires in Luo Valley have not met the enemy. Wan Lie rushed to join the game, but he was stopped here!"

"This kid looks like a ruined side, and his face is very tight. He doesn't want to be a big man who is famous for his name. He doesn't see him revealing a bit of amazing accomplishments. He was invited by the Ziji Jianzong so much!"

"Everyone is ridiculously repaired. Why can he go up, but you can't? Is it necessary to see the confrontation between the two masters of the world? Do you need to rely on the relationship?"

Li Yao turned back and glanced coldly.

I saw a head of oily noodles, a self-righteous white monk, with a face that was not good, was stimulating a seemingly stupid, but the body shape was stronger than the "Ben Lei Jian" Wu Jiuxing, like a A red-faced monk with a copper wall.

The red-faced monk looks at the type of limbs that are well-developed, simple in mind, and easily prone to being shaken.

What's more, he comes from the side of the wild, savage, unruly, just stopped by the Ling Jian swordsman, has already pressed a belly of fire.

Seeing Li Yao, who was also "in the past," was taken up by the Ziji Jianzong in such an exaggerated scene. The fire condensed into Mars, and the ones burst out of the throat.

It was also provoked by people, and the meaning between the lines in the words alluded to Li Yao’s internal relationship with the Purple Swordsman. Perhaps it was the elders who knew the Purple Swordsman, so they could go up!


The red-faced monk snorted heavily, pushing a few people in front of him, and two steps to the front of the "Ben Leijian" Wu Jiuxing, pointing to Li Yao in the air, loudly, "Who is this friend? Why? He can go up, but we can't, what is the reason!"

"Yeah, what is he coming, why is he sent, why can he go, we can't!"

"Unfair! Purple pole swords are too unfair!"

Many of the other monks, this time is to see the good play of the Purple Swords, since there are not afraid of the death of the head, naturally all the noise of the mouth.

"Ben Lei Jian" Wu Jiuxing a slight glimpse, a tiger face suddenly sinking, the bulls eyed a red-faced monk.

I was about to open my mouth, and I heard the red-faced monk behind me. There were many screams in the middle of the monks.


This voice, as if from the bottom of the nine secluded yellow springs, another rushed to the clouds, even the sky can be torn.

The apex of thousands of monks trembled fiercely, and the noise of the chaos was screamed by the screaming moment!

All the comprehensions, including the red-faced monk, looked at the source of the scream.

But seeing that the stomach is full of bad water, the white monk who just passed the "passing into the secret" and the red-faced monk is like being possessed by a hundred thousand souls. The whole person is not distorted, and one face is more red. Orange, red, green, blue, and purple, all kinds of colors are stirred up.

Not a moment, the mouth spit foam, twitching, "squeaky", the incontinence of the incontinence, under the pure white robes, a large piece of yellow-brown stains slowly spread, stinking!


"this is!"

"What is this!"

All the comprehensions are stunned, and at the same time they have the horror feeling of being stared by a vulture!

The red-faced monk was stupidly watching the rolling of the ground, and he did not want to give birth. The white monk who was screaming in the lower body, and then looked at the face in the air, the dark and deep Li Yao, he was only a slap, not really dementia. , scared to fly away, on the spot smashed down, gimmicks like garlic.

"Predecessors are forgiving! The seniors are forgiving! The seniors are forgiving!"

Many monks know that it is quite famous in the southeast, and the white-skinned monk of the "sentimental sword son" who has been ravaged by the wind, whoever offended someone, will fall into this kind of end!

At the moment, all the self-cultivators who have just said Li Yao’s bad words with the “transliteration into the secret” supernatural powers are pale and shivering, and they are shivering!

Under the big copper furnace peak, once again fell into a strange silence.

However, this time there is no one, and I dare to look at Li Yao casually!

Li Yao turned around and immediately left these small fish and shrimps behind their heads, pedaling on the jade dish and going straight to the peak of the copper furnace!

On the peak of the copper furnace, Ziri Dongsheng, Xiaguang Wanzhang!

The rise of a strange peak, the thorns of the mountains and rocks, sharp as a sword and sword, reflecting thousands of sharp and irresistible light!

Surrounded by the crater rock, it is a mountain flat with an inward depression. The battle flag is on display, and the bright light is flying. Hundreds of top masters in the real world are gathered together!

Li Yao was at the height of his height and looked cold.

The whole copper furnace peak is a super test sword field. The flat ground is inlaid with a dozen rings of a ring and a ring, each with different colors. Each circle is composed of a large number of spar, metal and matrix. It's like an archery target for the giant, and I don't know what it is.

Under the distant mountain wall, a magnificent VIP viewing platform was temporarily set up.

However, most of the self-cultivators still like to stand in a position closer to the "bull-eye", get together in twos and threes, and make friends with each other.

Those who are qualified to observe the death of Yan and Qizhong Road are at least masters above the knot period, and they are placed in the local sects, which is the status of the sovereign and the head.

Everyone is distributed in the north and the south, and it is not easy to go there. It is the best time to spread the relationship network like the "Longquan Conference".

Li Yao noted that hundreds of high-ranking monks, although in twos and threes, are patchwork and faint, and can be separated into different camps.

The five super-sects, headed by "Tao Xuan Dao", made a clear banner on the right side of the Bronze Peak.


Wind Thunder Valley!

Flying Island!

Jin Jiazong!


On each face of the battle flag, in addition to the sectarian name of the dragon and phoenix dance, it is a spiritual pattern containing infinite warfare and rhyme, and dozens of battle flags have become the momentum of the army!

Together with the small and medium-sized sects who followed them to fish and sneak in the water, they were all in the same camp, trying to bully and scarce the purple swords!

On the side of the Purple Sword, it is not alone.

In addition to hundreds of swordsmen wearing this robes, armor, and arrogant swords, there are also many other monks who stand with them, talk and laugh, and are quite harmonious.

There are also some high-nose, deep-eyed, purple-haired, and different monks and monks who are different from the Central Plains monks, and overseas scattered repairs. Under the banner of the Purple Swordsman, the swords and swords are murderously staring at the camp of Taixuan Road. .

Li Yao knows that these monks are either from the past and Wang Xi, who are closer to each other. There is a sect that is suspected of "the shackles of the party", or it is either overseas recruited by the Ziji Jianzong to help the boxing!

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