Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1390: The decision of Ziji Jianzong!

While Li Yao looked at many of the ancient sacred powerhouses, he also became the focus of attention.

In particular, the high-ranking monks from the five major sects, such as Taixuandao, saw a young indifferent look and a pretty young monk who even fell on the highest level of lotus jade. It was even more surprising.

Many high-ranking monks communicated with their eyes, and none of them knew Li Yao.

That is obviously the Ziji Jianzong aspect. In order to cope with this crisis, the heavy gold gift was hired to help the boxing.

The way to comprehend the truth, the "Funds of the Land" is indispensable. Generally, only by joining a certain sect, and receiving huge resources to support it, it is possible to cultivate and succeed.

There is no door, no singularity, or a lack of resources, and the strength is low, not enough.

Either have a secret resource channel, such as having a secret cave house, and the repair is unpredictable, quite scary!

Since this monarch can come to the lotus jade dish, I want to come to the purple sect of the sword to invite the boxing to help the boxing, the most profound one, but later it is necessary to pay attention.

Many high-ranking monks swept Li Yao's eyes, and they regained their gaze and closed their eyes.

Scattering is a loose repair, where is the strength and high?

What's more, it is such a nameless person, no one knows the generation, I am afraid that I will practice in the wilderness of the Tiannanhaibei for the rest of my life. I don’t know how to be collected by the Purple Swordsman. The most golden realm is his limit. Now!

Such dispersal is just worth "taking care of it".

At this time, all the high-ranking monks of the five major sects, including "Tao Xuan Dao", did not know that the Wunan chaos had settled, and Li Yaoyi slayed the black moon sage of the first stage of the infant, and another claw was suppressed. Yuan Yingzhong, the news of Han Yuantai, the leader of Kunpeng.

If you know, their expressions will never be so easy.

This incident has already been told by Ling Lanyin’s Linghe Book, the elders and sovereigns of the Purple Sword.

Just because Ling Lan saw them, they also rendered Li Yao’s powerful and flamboyant.

She is Jin Danjian, in addition to the six Yuan Ying, the most outstanding master of Ziji Jianzong, if it is said, naturally will not be suspected.

Therefore, on the side of the purple pole swordsmen camp, there are several cranes and children's faces, the sacred wind bones, the elegant and dusty sword repairs, and they respected Li Yao and rushed to him.

However, they also provoked the overseas retreats invited by the Purple Swordsman, a suspicion and dissatisfaction - when they came to the Bronze Furnace Peak, they did not enjoy the treatment of Li Yao.

Ling Lanyin also talked with several Yuan Yingjian in the flag of Ziji Jianzong. When he saw Li Yao appearing, his eyes lit up and he was allowed by Master’s permission. He flew over and made a regulation to Li Yao. At the ceremony, take out a re-wrapping list of materials and bring them in both hands.

Li Yao started the list and saw that in addition to all the materials he requested, he even added hundreds of extremely rare materials. Even the power of the three worlds of Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon could not be collected for more than ten years. A few dozen grams!

Li Yao’s eyes and his mind turned. With these new materials, dozens of new enhancement methods have been added to the maintenance of the Star Torch. The signal sent back to the hometown seems to be clearer, more concealed and more Clear.

While drawing a new remodeling map in the brain, I looked at Ling Lanyin with a suspicious look. The new bill of materials has a total value that is at least three times that of the original bill of materials!

"The predecessors of the world have been famous for their glory. They have been admired for a long time. They have learned that their predecessors have just left the customs, and they lack the magic weapon to pick up their hands. They are willing to send all the materials on the list, plus the best refining facilities for The predecessors used it indefinitely at any time, for the predecessors to cast swords, a little bit of power!"

Ling Lan smiled. "However, there is also a small ruthless invitation from the sects. I hope that when the seniors are helping the squad to send their hands, they can be self-supporting and secting the status of ‘the elders!’

Li Yao’s eyebrows rose high.

"This identity is not permanent!"

Ling Lan was afraid of Li Yao’s anger and explained in a hurry. “Only the predecessors can be sent to the elders for half a year to help the sects resolve this difficulty!”

"If not?"

Li Yao asked quietly.

Ling Lan shook his body and bite his teeth: "If not, the transaction demanded by the predecessors could not be reached. If the predecessors insisted on standing opposite the school, try to use the sword to benefit the sword. Yuan Ying, hundreds of knots, five thousand Lingjian swordsmen, hundreds of thousands of disciples, but also had to go all out, not let the seniors disappointed!"

Li Yao did not turn his eyes and stared at her.

Not far from the purple pole swordsman several Yuan Yingjian repair, is also the gas machine is locked here.

"Oh, hehehe!"

Li Yao chuckled. "You are a purple sword, you really have a good calculation!"

At first glance, the list of materials is worth three times more than Li Yao’s expectation.

However, Li Yao originally only wanted to help the purple pole swordsman to shoot once, is a simple and neat one-handed trading, after the two sides are not owed.

The Purple Swordsman wanted him to be a "dedication to the elders" for half a year. Within half a year, he must be arrogant in the chariot of the Purple Sword. All troubles have him.

On the surface, it seems that the Ziji Jianzong has taken so many rare materials and is greatly disadvantaged.

However, in the following six months, it was the key period for the Ziji Jianzong and the rest of the giants to re-define the pattern of the post-Wang Xi era.

With Li Yao as a "super Yuan Ying" to join, the benefits they can share are far beyond the value of all the materials on this list.

The principal of the Ziji Jianzong is also a courageous person, killing and cutting, and in such a time when the soldiers are in danger, they are still so domineering!

Either when the purple pole swordsman is dedicated to the elders, either take a shot and become the enemy of the Purple Swordsman, and even half of the spar will not want to get it!

"The wisdom and strategy of ancient repairs, really can't be underestimated!"

Li Yao confirmed this again.


Ling Lan’s heart jumped out of his heart and looked at Li Yao very nervously, waiting for his answer.

"You go, let's see it... look at it!"

Li Yao shook his hand and put the list of materials into his sleeve. He smiled a little and didn't give Ling Lan a good answer because he had a clear answer.

His communication with Ling Lan was seen by many comprehensions on both sides.

Although the two talked, they used a higher level of spiritual waves than "transmission" to interfere with the magical powers, so that others could not hear their conversations.

However, because of the disappointment of Ling Lan, the color of disappointment is reflected by many comprehensions.

Moreover, after Li Yao landed at the Bronze Furnace Peak, he did not like the other heavy-duty hirings. He stood under the "Purple Electric War Flag" and went to see the head and several Yuan Yingjian.

These sharp-eyed, thoughtful high-ranking monks immediately noticed a rather subtle relationship between Li Yao and Ziji Jianzong.

"What do you mean?"

"Is this not knowing that the sky is thick and the side is deserted, the price is too high, and the purple pole swordsman collapses?"

"Looking at our masters like the clouds, the strong lineup like the rain, knowing that they are not opponents, have they changed?"

Li Yaozhen didn't care about the eyes of everyone. The black scorpion flashed two green flames, and the vulture-like eyes ignited again, sweeping away from the many monks in both camps.

The ancient world, the strong is the respect, he is sure to shoot today, to establish his "peaceful power" status!

These high-ranking monks, regardless of the side of the purple swordsmanship, or the side of the Taixuan Road, all have the potential to become his opponent, his prey!


Li Yao’s gaze, as if he had encountered a magnet, was under the banner of “Tao Xuan Dao”, and several people who had been called by Yuan Ying had been sucked in.

This person is tall and thin, with dark skin, wearing a simple and unadorned crown, wearing a pure black robe with no variegated hues, in the many sacred bones, the battlefield of the Yuan Ying strong, it appears The appearance is not amazing, even a little bleak.

However, absolutely no one will ignore the existence of this person.

He is like a black hole. The light in all directions is bright and bright. He will be absorbed by him all and swallowed up. He completely ignores everything around him and only notices his existence.

Generally tall and thin people will use "penny" to describe.

However, Li Yao saw this person, but only thought of two things.

A black scorpion, deep into the ground, thundering nails.

Or an absolute straight, never half-bending, can be used to measure the earth and the stars of the iron rule!

"Iron St. Qi Zhongdao!"

Li Yao muttered, and he was madly gazing at the peerless powerhouse who is very likely to compete for the throne of the ancient master of the ancient sacred world!

Under the banner of "Tao Xuan Dao", Qi Zhongdao and the other elders, sovereigns, heads, and other Yuan Ying monks are talking about the words.

Qi Zhongdao is the head of the world's first big school "Tai Xuan Dao", and it is also the lord of the various factions in the realm of comprehension. The strength is superb and the status is lofty. Even the "super-sects of the wind and thunder valley" and "flying island" The giants, their attitude towards him is quite respectful.

"Sword idiots leave people, and it is also one of the ‘three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sects.

"On the other side, perhaps there are still some chances of winning, but he is trying to break through the ancient swords of the ancient era, and it will break the Taoist friends for hundreds of years to suppress the world's Fantian Seal? It is really a big tree, ridiculous the amount!"

The owner of the island of Feiling Island, a crane-faced child, the old man with a white jade sneer.

"Can't say that."

The voice of Qi Zhongdao is like a two-handed iron rule. Ding is Ding, and he is awkward. "It’s the level that I have and Yan’s departure. I can’t infer from the previous record before I really fight. The strength of both sides!"

"not to mention……"

"My Fan Tianyin is also a treasured treasure from the hands of the gods and devils. Naturally, I don't fear the ancient swords that Yan has left."

"But he and Wang Xi have been in-depth discussions, fighting, and swords every year for the past ten years!"

"While Wang Xi is a despicable and shameless disobedience, but it is also the sword of the world. With the refinement of Wang Xi, Yan is a sword from the people. How far is it sharp?"

"Really -"

Qi Zhongdao was about to send some emotions. Suddenly, "Hm", the pupil suddenly shrank, turned slightly and looked over Li Yao.


The eyes of the two collided in the void, bursting with silent, but thrilling bursts!

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