Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1392: Cherish life...

Lingshan Road is the side branch of Taixuan Road.

After any sect, the scale will reach a certain level, the internal will always differentiate into different interest groups.

Under the infighting struggle, many interest groups were unable to arbitrarily confuse their opponents, and they were unwilling to lose both sides. They reached an agreement and divided a branch from the sect, carrying a lot of resources and going to the vast world outside.

Sometimes, in order to enter a new state, or to open up an uninhabited frontier, it will give the expedition to the local doormen more power and incentives, from the "division", "diving the altar" and the like, slowly evolve into new Branch veins.

Even some small and medium-sized sects in the local area have been shocked by the power of the foreign sects and are willing to take the initiative to accompany the vassals. This is also a source of collateral circulation.

According to the words of modern self-cultivation, it is almost the concept of branch companies, subsidiaries and brand franchisees.

Although they are separated, they have deep roots and inextricable interests. If they did not completely tear the skin when they were separated, the relationship may not be bad. Even when they are "brothers", they are intimate and intimate. Going back together.

In particular, the world’s largest party, such as Taixuandao, has numerous branches and branches, and most of them have a harmonious relationship. It is equivalent to a group of younger brothers who are supporting themselves. They are usually scattered around Dagan and weaving a complex network of interests. At a critical moment, They can also gather together and wave a variety of flags to shout for Taixuan Road.

Lingshan Road is one of the "little brothers". It is the elder of Lingshan Road and the first master of the sect.

As a younger brother of Taixuan Dao, I heard someone use such a disdainful tone to call on the names of their ancestors. They also said that a real person will lose. How can one not jump out and blame?

When Li Yao landed just now, she took the lotus jade dish, which was mysterious and unpredictable. It was unclear to his bottom, and there was a purple pole sword in the back. If the star fire would not dare to put it right.

However, the communication between Li Yao and Ziji Jianzong Linglan was not smooth, which made his position a bit embarrassing. It seems that he is neither on the side of Taixuan Road nor on the side of Ziji Jianzong. He is a lonely man!

In this case, what else can you care about?

Xing Xinghuo intends to make a loyal look in front of many of his fellow practitioners, and vigorously maintain the reputation of Qi Zhongdao. It also stands out from many sideline branches and is valued by Taixuandao!

Thinking of this festival, the tone of the Xing Xinghuo went up again and screamed: "Which is the identity of a real person, why is it that the younger generation can feel the humiliation at random? What is the friend of the Taoist, the roots, actually Dare to speak out, disrespectful to real people?"

The sound of the sparks of the fire, and indeed the eyes of many monks around the back from the Yan people, and re-projected to Li Yao.

Li Yao’s nosebleeds, his chest full of **** wolverines, made these people laugh.

Li Yao also smiled in her heart.

He is not a person who likes nothing. This sentence is indeed a slap in the face. People are the branches of Taixuandao. It is only natural that they should be in the lead of the Lord.

Changed to the true character of Li Yao, perhaps not entangled with the other side, go straight away; or reveal a magical power, let the other side see their true strength, do not rush to death, but also resolve a contradiction, never The method of "playing pigs and eating tigers" will be used to make the contradictions more and more troublesome and get out of control.

However, he is now playing the "Lingling Master"!

The ancient sacred world may be backward, but the one-child babies are as good as the monkeys. If they want to not reveal a little flaw, they can only perform their demeanor according to the character of the "Lingling Master".

"It’s going to be forced again, it’s so painful!"

Li Yao’s heart secretly said that he did not say a word, and he stared at the Xinghuo.

The solution to Xinghuo was felt in his heart, and he couldn't help but step back. He reached out and wiped a hand on his cheek. He said, "Does the Taoist friends say nothing, is it a reason, can't you look down on our Lingshan Road?"

Li Yao still looked blank and looked at him in an unpredictable way, as if to see every pore in his face clearly.

Xing Xinghuo was shocked, angry and imaginary, holding a flying sword and gnashing his teeth: "What do you look at!"

"The road friend is angry."

Li Yao finally spoke, smiling with a soft tone, saying, "I have never seen such a profound relationship with the Daoyou, and the face of the fierce and sorrowful, this wonderful, unparalleled in the world, this is a moment of disappointment, but also hope Friends are more than me!"

"The blessing is deep, and the face of the fierce singer?"

The expression of the Xinghuo and the surrounding monks and many monks suddenly became weird.

Everyone can't think of this mysterious and anonymous rehearsal to say such an irrelevant word. Is this the meaning of obedience?

Xing Xinghuo couldn't help but touch two more on his cheeks without dry meat. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but hook up, and the sound softened: "How come?"

"If the solution is not a good blessing, if you are in a good position, will you meet me today?"

Li Yao’s hands are shoulder-bearing and long-distance. “In the past few decades, I have been living in the depths of the mountains and forests. I often listen to the streams flowing between the mountains and forests, such as the silver beads falling into the jade plate. I have seen the sun rise and fall, the moon The yin and yin are lacking, the grass and the trees are succulent and biochemical, from which they understand the reincarnation of the heavens and the impermanence of the world, and finally they will wash away all the suffocating qi, and a Taoist cultivation will be perfected.

"The solution to the Tao has just met me today, and I can barely survive a life. This is not a deep blessing, how to explain?"

"If the problem is solved by a hundred years ago, I will rely on the words of "small generations, demon words to confuse the public", but I am afraid that the Taoist friends have already died so badly that they will become a pus, and even the soul will suffer. Life is worse than death!"


The Xinghuo and the four surrounding monks were all stunned.

The bird was silent for a while, only then someone slowly understood the meaning of Li Yao’s seven-round bend and couldn’t help but laugh.

Jie Xinghuo blinked his eyes and reacted. He was born with a Buddha, and the two Buddhas rose to the sky. A yellow face rose red, and he did not pick up thousands of tiny blood arrows from the pores. Xueliang Feijian took half of it and roared: "You, what are you talking about!"

Li Yao looked at him with a very confused look.

It is very, very incomprehensible. Why do some people leave the road to heaven and do not go to the nine secluded Huangquan?

He sighed long and said with a strong heart: "Resolve your friends, don't worry, listen to me."

"I lived in the mountains and forests. I once saw the grass sprouting from the gravel. I have seen the scorpion bitten by a tiger wolf. I still use three feet to jump for a living. I have seen it in the cold winter." Before, countless ants knew that they must die, still work hard, store food, and strengthen the nest!"

"These weeds and livestock are struggling, fighting hard, what are you doing, not to live more than one day?"

"The so-called '蝼 蚁 is still stealing life', life is the most valuable priceless treasure in the world, even the animals know the things cherished, not to mention the friend Hong Fu Qitian, the generation of human tires, and after thousands of difficulties, cultivation to the realm of today, How hard it is!"

"If you don't think about yourself, you should think more about your family's wife and wife, and become a pair of children and a white-haired high church. Why don't you cherish your own hard-won life? Do you want to die?"

"you you you!"

The star fire smashed the red ear, the neck like a guy, almost did not squirt the internal organs with blood, roaring, "Who are you? Solve a sword under the nameless ghost!"

"Changing Mountain, Feilei Cave, Lingbi Master."

Li Yao squinted and said a word.

Broken Intestine Mountain Feilei Cave, that is the master of the famous Lingling Master, the practice of the Wuyin ancestors.

However, Wuyin’s ancestors had long been killed by the Lingbi Master and the Black Moon Supreme, and now the Black Moon Supreme is killed by Li Yao, that is to say, the descendants of this vein are left with only the “Lingling Master”. "One, according to the rules of the realm of cultivation, he is the new owner of the Feilei Cave."

This is the brand of Wuyin's ancestors. Whether it is really practicing in Feileidong is irrelevant.

"Lingling Master..."

This slightly eared name made the Central Plains monks such as Jie Xinghuo fall into meditation.

Perceived the scent of Li Yao's secret, the Xinghuo fire even went backwards two steps, waiting for it.

However, when he finally remembered who the "Lingling Master" was, he was "squeaky" and laughed: "Who is my way? It turned out to be a coffin that used to slash in the past and later disappeared." People, I haven’t heard of your news for decades, I didn’t expect to dare to go to the Longquan conference, I really don’t know how to live!”

In the land of Wunan, the self-cultivator is best at raising ghost dance snakes, condensing soot and poisonous mist, and has always been treated by the Central Plains monks, taking them as the side door.

Only a very small number of prostitutes, such as the Black Moon Supreme in the realm of Yuan Ying, can be reluctantly recognized by the Dagan Xiu.

What kind of "Lingling on the people" flow, disappeared decades ago, I do not know where to go to the knot period, not even in the eyes of the Central Plains monks, at most "oh, it seems that there is such a person" degree!

Perhaps in the jungles of the high mountains and dense forests, their tricks of jumping up and down are still somewhat difficult. However, in the test sword field, there is a big fight in the light, and the witches are simply vulnerable!

"Lingling people, although Lingshan Road is small, it does not allow you to be so insulted!"

Xing Xinghuo thought that Li Yao’s roots were clear, and his mind was very determined. “嚓”, the flying sword took it back, but the murderousness became more and more intense, staring at Li Yao, a word and a word from the teeth. Come out, "But here is the Longquan Conference. It has its own rules and rules. It is about to have a confrontation between Jiandie and Zhengyi, your blood, not worthy of smudging the copper furnace peak!"

"Our Lingshan Road, recently got a sword that blows hair and breaks hair, but it is a person who lacks a real test sword! After the end of the confrontation between Jianzai and Zhengyi, you can dare to test the sword field and try it. Three-footed Qingfeng of Lingshan Road?"

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