Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1393: Onlookers are at risk!

"The ancient people lived in Wunan for a hundred years. The first time they set foot in the Central Plains, they wanted to set their own name and test the sword in the great dry cultivation world. Naturally, they would not refuse."

Li Yao said coldly, "However, on this road, the people of this place have been willing to kill, have not shot, just want to find an object worthy of shot!"

"You, it is not worth my shot!"

Xing Xinghuo angered and laughed: "Ha ha, hahahaha, I didn't expect the witch monk to be so good in addition to the snakes, the tongue is so good, just don't know your sword, whether it is as sharp as your tongue! ”

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said: "Okay, good, good, since the solution to the death of a friend, the person is naturally willing to adult beauty, but a shrimp and crab like you, one is not enough, what brothers, masters, As soon as you make friends, hurry up and invite you to find ten or eight, and make the death rules you want to be listed one by one. This is a custody that allows you to get what you want!"


Stars are so angry that they look at Venus.

"Not too fast!"

Li Yao's eyes, two small green flames flashed again, slamming into the depths of the soul of the solution.

Li Yao did not really want to open the killing.

He has killed countless people in his life, but he killed the people who killed him.

Because of guilty crimes, anger and murder, this is not a modern self-cultivation civilization, the self-cultivator who grew up in the legal society, what should be done.

The two green fires went straight into the brains of the Xinghuo, and the "砰" burst open, causing the solution fire to tremble. The world around them seemed to become green and shining. If you look at Liyao, look at Li Yao, it is a face. Ghost king!

His forehead instantly oozing cold sweat, only to realize that he really offended a very uncomfortable character, "ah", and was on the spot.

Li Yao’s eyes were over, and Ling Lan walked with a few Lingxiao swordsmen.

Apparently this little girl was afraid that he would not be able to open a killing ring, and even afterwards he would look for Lingshan Road to retaliate, causing endless troubles.

When Li Yao saw it, he received it. He shook his sleeves and turned and walked away.

This small dispute quickly spread to the surrounding area. Many monks pointed at the two people, and the name "Lingling Master" spread among many monks.

After hearing the words "Lingling Master", Qi Zhongdao once again cast a dignified and suspicious look on Li Yao.

This made Li Yao's evaluation of him a lower level.

Li Yao stared at Yan Yan, this gnome Yuan Ying has ended the calculation of the sky, but it is to sweep the eyes one by one to the monk, the eyes are still demented, the lips are still shaking, ten thick and short Fingers are random, I don't know what is being calculated.

This time, his gaze was also projected on Li Yao.

However, the eyes of the two did not collide, but like two blue smoke, they were interspersed with each other in the light.

Li Yao can feel that Yan is not looking at himself as a "person", but an item, an obstacle on the test field.

Li Yao suddenly understood what Yan’s people were thinking about indecently.

How many "obstacle" he has in calculating the test sword field, and the size, distribution and position of these obstacles, will compare the fighting, how much impact!

"Yan is getting away!"

Li Yao secretly said in his heart that he can use the head of the man to guarantee!

At this time, Ling Lan changed a set of purple yarn skirts, and the money went to the "bull heart" in the center of the test sword field.

Starting from the bull's-eye, the ring of the circle on the ground all made a "beep" sound, releasing a strong psionic wave.

"You are a predecessor, you are friends, welcome everyone to come and participate in the five-year Longquan Conference!"

Ling Lan continued to salute in all directions. "Every time at the Longquan Conference, in addition to the various weapons and magic weapons that have been reorganized in the past five years, we will show some of us from the ancient sacred circles. The treasures that have been collected are for the predecessors and friends to evaluate and study!"

"This year's Longquan Conference is more successful than in previous years, but there are three ancient swords from the era of the wilderness to complete the sacrifice!"

"The ancients called the sword-named, before the sword was cast, the millennium was red, the mountain broke out of the tin, and the dynasty of the river, the river and the river, and the copper! When the sword was built, the thunder hit the iron, the rain was drenched, and the dragon held the furnace. The Emperor of Heaven, the charcoal, casts the swordsman to inherit the fate of the heavens, and sorrows and blood and the gods cast the mill for ten years! After the sword is completed, the gods return to heaven, the Chishaoshan is closed as ever, and if the Yajiang River waves rise again!"

"The three ancient swords that have been completed by the new rituals are not cast in such a way that they are so godly, but the sharpness of their sharpness is quite impressive!"

"This kind of ancient sword, want to inspire all its edge, you have to have two world-leading masters!"

"This time, the sects have had the privilege of inviting Taixuandao to go to the top of the door and be a real person. He and the elders of Yan’s elders have tried together to test the sword. There are so many predecessors and friends who watched it. Hui, I am honored!"

Ling Lan’s words aroused a “squeaky” sound, especially the monk of Taixuandao, whose face became extraordinarily ugly.

The first news they got was that the purple sect of the sword had completed a new sacred sword, and it was necessary to use this sword to compete with the "Pantianyin" of Qizhongdao.

I did not expect that the Ziji Jianzong sacrificed, but it was not an ancient sword, but three handles!

However, the competition in the realm is like this. The magic weapon is also a part of the strength. As long as the body is installed, the spirit can work. Of course, how many magic weapons are used, not to mention the three handles. Sword, that is also the ability of others.

"The Ziji Jianzong does not relax in order to bite the interests of the mouth. It is really even the coffin."

Li Yao’s heart is in the midst of this, and he is expecting more and more attention to this fight. What is the so-called “red sword” and “Pantian Yin”?

"The ancient spirit sword is absolutely powerful, and the Fantian Seal is the first treasure in the world. Under the impact of each other, it will inevitably spread!"

Ling Lan continued, "The sect has been on the test sword field, set up a ten-defense ban, all seniors and friends, please also do what you can, choose the right place for your own battle, so as to avoid unwarranted damage!"


Accompanied by Ling Lanyin, the ten rings embedded in the ground, respectively, emerged a psionic shield that defended to the inside, as if it were a transparent eggshell, constantly placed on the test sword field.

Li Yao understands the meaning of this huge "arrow target" on the ground.

The strong dialogue between Qi Zhongdao and Yan Ren’s hand-held peerless soldiers is of course a grand voice, a mighty and powerful, and the shock waves that both sides collided with and smashed, and the magic weapons attack each other’s spattered pieces, which may hurt others. .

There are a total of ten laps on the ground. If you stand on the outermost side of the battle, you can get the protection of the ten-defense prohibition. Even if the magic weapon fragments penetrate the ten-fold ban, it must be greatly weakened and weak.

Of course, if you are strong and self-defeating, and you are not afraid of being confronted by the two masters, you can stand inside.

The closer to the "bull", the fewer the number of protective layers, and the higher the risk factor.

Because the psionic shield itself is full of colorful light waves, and will also slightly distort the surrounding space, across the ten layers of colorful bans, the scene inside is certainly quite vague.

Only the more you stand inside, the more clearly you see things, which is a reason to buy tickets to watch the game.

This is the time to test the strength and timidity of the audience.

Since the spirit of the scorpion can be thick and deep, and you want to clearly understand the two masters, you can naturally stand at the center and close at a distance.

If you just want to join in the fun, for the sake of life, then stand still behind!

At the Longquan Conference in the past, there have been some tragedies that have accidentally injured others. Many monks are familiar with this set of rules. When a circular arc-shaped defense ban is slowly rising, most of the self-cultivators will retreat. .

Some people have withdrawn from the third floor, some have withdrawn from the 5th and 7th floors, and some have retired from the floor. They have no friends around, and the old face is red, and they bite their teeth to advance two layers.

Only the masters of thirty or fifty yuan infants, as well as the Jindan strong who is swollen and fat, still stand on the innermost side, that is, there is no protection, and they will be swept in the position of the two master swords.

Li Yao is naturally one of them.

He embraced his arms and stared coldly at Yan, but he turned a blind eye to the long-awaited Yuan Ying, who was also in the "first circle".

The solution fire of the Lingshan Road, back three circles, while looking for his own friends and teachers, and locked Li Yao's position.

When he saw Li Yao not retreating, after he reached the first lap, he couldn't help but breathe a cold breath, and his teeth became more and more painful.

"After dismissing the teacher, why is it so stunned!"

A fat head is big, afraid that there is not a super fat man with three or five hundred pounds, shaking the fat of the whole body and arching to him.

"Liao Shishu!"

The solution to the Xinghuo fired the life-saving straw, and hurriedly bowed down, gnashing his teeth and gnashing his teeth. "Teacher Shu Mingjian, just now the Wuman monk Lingbi’s master said that he not only insulted our Lingshan Road, but also insulted the true name of a real person. Even the whole big dry repairing realm has been degraded by him!"

"What else did he say, let Xiaoxuan go to find ten eight masters, uncles and uncles, and go forward to die together. This is even the "Yushan Road" of Liao Shishu, not in the eyes!"

"Well, your conversation, this way is naturally heard."

"Liao Shishu" said with a smile, the two small eyes filled with fat, but burst out of a fierce killing, "Wu Nan smashed out of the frog at the bottom of the well, even a big word is not such a point, it is ridiculous!"

"Where is this spiritual friend? Now, dare you stand on the first lap?"

"Liao Shishu" turned his eyes and smiled. "Is it really a madman who has no knowledge. Even the greatness of the Longquan Conference does not know! And look at him later, how can you lose your ugliness!"


The sound of a sword that slammed the sound of the sword made the noise of some people in the place gradually stop, and an unpredictable chilling air slowly opened.

All viewers are standing in different circles.

Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren, Tiesheng and Jianzai, slowly move toward the "bull heart" in the center of the test sword!

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