Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1394: It’s too exaggerated!

Two super-class masters stood together to form a slightly funny picture.

They are the opposite of the two types.

Qi Zhongdao is tall and thin, like a black nail. Yan is short and fat, only to the waist of his opponent, his skin is white, like a big white-faced girl.

However, the strong opposition between the two people, a circle of ripples spread, but the pores of all onlookers have shrunk to the limit, half silk smile can not be born.

At this moment, people, grass, trees, wind, clouds, and sunlight above the copper furnace peak seem to have solidified.

Qi Zhongdao and Yan are separated from each other, just like two magnets, sucking together.

"Yan Daoyou."

Qi Zhongdao said faintly, "You and I are both praised by the world's monks, and they are among the "big dry three holy", but they have never been..."


Yan’s eyes, which have been trembled, have solidified to the opponent for the first time. Seriously, “Do not talk nonsense, hit it!”

The voice has not fallen, Yan is away from the feet of the people, and the aura has torn hundreds of cracks in the earth. Each crack is like a sword that is unstoppable and attacked in the middle of the road!

Qi Zhongdao's face changed, and the cobwebs were intertwined with cracks, such as lightning and thunder, and the cracks of the swallows!


Hundreds of cracks are interlaced, the earth is fragmented, and countless gravels are stirred up by the aura of the two. They rise up and scatter in the midair, but they are once again wrapped in the aura of the two, the plain gravel. All of them have become colorful, crystal-clear gemstones, drawing hundreds of gorgeous arcs, turning into a bundle of beautiful and beautiful streams, from an incredible point of view, to the opponent!


Every stone that was infused with Reiki was crushed by the opponent's gravel and turned into the most delicate dust, and these dusts were sucked back by the two, lingering around them, forming a The shape of the head and the beastly beast, or a sword that is unbreakable and unstoppable!

In the two ancient worlds, the masters of the world’s culminations, in such a way that they can’t catch up!

Their first collision, although the power control is extremely subtle, the gravel did not splash out, but the raging spirits could collide with each other, or a group of shock waves, whizzing in all directions.

Most of the shock waves are heavily shackled on the defensive ban, and several defensive bans are trembled and brilliance.

The self-cultivators outside the defense ban have changed their faces, and many people have quietly retreated.

In the first innermost circle, many Yuan Ying have opened their own psionic shields.

Only a handful of Yuan Ying old geeks, including Li Yao, are still carrying their hands, and they are strolling in the sensation of the turbulent waves.

Li Yao did not even stimulate the psionic power of the Yuan Ying series, but only slightly accelerated the speed of the psionic energy in the body, and kept himself at the level of "the middle stage of the knot."

These disdainful masters are extremely eye-catching and see each other at a glance.

Most people except Li Yao are famous high-ranking seniors.

They are like a water, and it is impossible to see if Li Yao is really amazing, or ignorant and fearless. He does not know the consequences of being shocked by the shock wave.

"When you are cut off by your sword, you know it's amazing!"

In the third circle, the "Liao Shishu" of Jie Xinghuo and Lushan Road looked at the back of Li Yao, and the fire in his eyes was secretly in his heart.


The two masters of the peerless test were finished, and when they shot again, they were the real killers.

Yan Yiren completely turned into a white ball of light, and “Drip” rolled all over the whole test sword field. More dozens of colorful flying swords shot from his Qiankun ring, and the power was better than just now. The gravel is a hundred times!

Qi Zhongdao is really like a nail, nailed to the ground, letting the other side's sword shadow like a blast, always standing still, only the wide robe sleeves shake, releasing hundreds of black iron hoops .


Every hoop is in the middle of a flying sword!

In the dense rune of the iron ring, the aura is constantly flowing, so that the iron ring is full of colors, such as the luster of gold like jade, but it is a strong and unparalleled force of strangling, trying to sprinkle all the flying swords. !

Yan’s original face was expressionless, and the big face like the white skull only wrote the word “seriously”. At this moment, he was even more engrossed. Every flying sword violently trembled and hit a series of hedgehog eyes on the iron ring. Mars!


Many flying swords were twisted into twists by the force of the hoop's strangulation, and they were torn and turned into pieces!

"When it is!"

However, there are also many iron rings, and the glory of Guanghua, which was released by Feijian, has been torn apart!

It’s like two meteors striking the top of the head, bursting out thousands of meteorite fragments, rubbing against the air at high speed, igniting a colorful flame, at a speed of at least five times the speed of sound, and radiating around !


In the first circle, many of the psionic shields of the Golden Dan strong were torn apart by the debris. They almost did not poke a few blood holes on them. They scared them to retire backwards and retracted to the second and third laps. Now!

The psionic shield of Yuan Ying Lao Ge, the intensity is naturally much higher. After the magic weapon fragments hit the shield, they are often smashed into powder, as if they are surrounded by them, and they have a colorful fog!

The expressions on their faces also lost their calmness and arbitrage, and they all gnashed their teeth and tried to move to the limit.

Even the senior Yuan Ying who had not opened the psionic shields, they were all secretly screaming at the moment, and they took out the defensive magic weapon and opened the psionic shield.

If nothing else, there will be only two or three senior Yuan Ying who are Li Yao and a few.

Li Yao is like a shard of magical weapons that has not been seen in the face. In order to achieve the best angle of view, he is still walking around in the “storm”.

It’s strange to say that I don’t know if he’s Hongfu’s day, or is it really meticulously calculated. Every time he walks, he’s just right, just can escape the magic weapon indiscriminately, and there are very few swords and swords!

The most dangerous one, a piece of iron ring containing the huge psionic power of Qi Zhongdao, only two inches from his sun, as long as his head is slightly off, he is afraid to be shot out!

But he didn't even tremble with his eyelashes, and walked over without expression.

I really don't know if the strength is low, I didn't find this deadly debris, or I was confident that it was incredible, and calculated the trajectory of this piece!

"This, this is a very lucky luck, every time I happened to escape the deadly attack, or -"

"I still said that he could capture the attack routes of the two peerless masters, carefully calculated the scope of all the debris, and hid from the safest place?"

"Is it really a hidden master, really see what clues, so guess the result of this war?"

Xing Xinghuo and "Liao Shishu" looked at each other and saw each other sweat on their foreheads.

This question has not only echoed in their two minds, but has emerged in the hearts of most practitioners.

Only the purple-spirited swordsmen who had long known the Yuan Yingjian repairs, but secretly nodded, this "Lingling Master" is really worthy of killing the Black Moon Supreme, suppressing Han Yuantai's super monk, strength More outstanding than they think!

"Yan Daoyou!"

The hoop and flying sword in the air almost shattered and filled the whole space, like a small meteorite sea. Qi Zhongdao suddenly shouted. "Qi Mou is coming today, not to see these broken copper. Where is the secret of the wilderness, let Qimou teach it!"

"it is good!"

In Yan’s small body, there was a roar of wild and fierce beasts. “Take your ‘Pantianyin’ to pick up my sword!”


Three dazzling streams of light, rushing out from the shackles of Yan’s people, condensed into three different kinds of flying swords on his head, the sword shadow has not yet solidified, and the three invisible swords first ran around, such as The autumn wind spreads like a leaf, and it has a lot of anger and anger.

The largest flying sword, full of fifty or sixty meters long, all over the body is pure black, there are still a few rusts that can not be washed away, but more and more seemingly simple and sullen, such as the celestial pillar, like the sea **** needle It is not so much a "sword", it is better to say that it is a super big iron rod!

Secondly, a flying sword, twenty or thirty meters long, blue and blue, wrapped around the "噼噼啪啪" electric awn, expanded into a group of spherical lightning, the momentum is extremely embarrassing!

The most "small" one-handed flying sword is also seven or eight meters long. I don't know what the material is refining, almost transparent, as if it is melting in the air, and even changing color with the background, such as the chameleon is silent. The interest is swimming, and at first glance it is a weapon to hide the assassination!


Li Yao was stunned and his chin was on his instep.

It’s not that these three big and surprisingly wild swords have their own horrific magical powers. It’s not that they are so surprised that the Yan Kun’s ring is so advanced, there is such a large space to accommodate these three swords, but...

"This, this, what, this is not the weapon used by the ‘Great Gods’!”

Before Li Yao launched the ultra-long-distance Xinghai expedition, he has been studying giant warriors in the Kunlun ruins. He is the leading expert of the giants of the Xingyao Federation.

He recognized at a glance that the three "salty secret swords" used by Jian Duanyan were the weapons used by the Terran's strategic battle weapon "Giant Soldiers" during the War of the Great!

He has seen the remains of the largest giant warrior, and is nearly 100 meters high. It is no wonder that this super epee of 50 or 60 meters can be used!

"The ancients are too exaggerated!"

"It is obviously a weapon used by the giant soldiers. It can be broken down. It is purely manipulated by God. Big Brother, how do you cultivate?"

Li Yao is simply admiring the five bodies.

This admiration is born early.

When Qi Zhongdao took out the "Fan Tianyin", which is known as "the most powerful magic weapon in the ancient holy world", Li Yao was even shocked by the brain!

"Is there any mistakes, even this thing, can be used as a weapon!"

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