Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1395: The glory of the dead end!

When the edge of the three-handed secret sword, tearing the world, deterring the audience, so that many Yuan Ying have shaken and retreat, Qi Zhongdao still does not move, just from the wide robe sleeves, once again shakes a silver awn Seeing that the wind is long, it has expanded into a Pangbao with a diameter of more than ten meters!

The body of this treasure is a large round ball with crystal clear and transparent inside. It is like a large round ball filled with translucent liquid. Its metal grinding and processing technology has reached an incredible degree. It is an absolutely accurate sphere, even if Li Yao will move his eyesight to the limit and reach the level of the psionic microscope. You can't find even one tenth of the hairline!

In addition to the large bead, the six-ring circular orbit that is interlocked with the ring is circling, and the ball is rotated around the center.

These circular orbits are covered with dense spirits and symbols, and they are constantly releasing colorful arcs, intertwined and connected together to make a "sweet" voice!

"Pan Tianyin! The world's first to Baofan Tianyin!"

From time to time, high-ranking monks exclaimed and went back!

When Pan Tianyin came out, it really seemed to have the power to suppress the world. The whole world was a hundred times heavy, like an invisible mountain, and it was pressed down!

Including Li Yao, all the closer comprehensions feel blood stagnation, difficulty breathing, being invisible and invisible, and the tighter the tighter!

Other comprehensions regard this as a secret treasure given by the gods and gods. Only Li Yaocai knows what this thing is.

"This is a 'gravity generator' of Pangu civilization!"

Li Yao’s heart is strange.

The vacuum of the universe, without gravity, the star-war battleships walk through them, naturally, regardless of the up and down, not affected by gravity.

For a living body born on the planet and accustomed to gravitation, it is impossible to live in a state of weightlessness for a long time, and it is necessary to refine some magic weapons to create an "artificial gravity field."

In some cases, they must develop and settle in a world where gravity far exceeds their parent star. Then there needs to be a facility that can adjust the environment of “ten times gravity” and “fifty times gravity” to suit their long-term. The degree of low gravity of survival.

The “gravity generator” is a magic weapon for this purpose, which can release a special force field and adjust the gravity in a specific space.

In the remnants of Kunlun, Li Yao also discovered several shipwrecks of Pangu or Lahu. Although these wrecks are extremely rotted, the appearance of the gravity generator at the core has been seen.

According to Li Yao’s speculation, the gravity generator used by Qi Zhongdao as “Pantianyin” should be dismantled from a fairly advanced assault ship, in addition to artificial gravity generated in the interior space of the starship. In addition, you can also put the force field outside, wrapped around the starship, to interfere with the movement of the physical projectiles attacked by the starship!

“The level of this respectful generator is high and the preservation is very good!”

"The ancient sacred world, and really has a thousand relations with the ancient civilization, there are so many treasures, all saved so well!"

"And, the ancient revisions in this world are too exaggerated?"

"Whether the weapons of the giant gods or the gravity generators of the Xinghai warships are originally connected to the main control crystal brain, under the blessing of massive computing power, input a lot of psionic powers to drive smoothly! ”

"They actually use their fragile brain, plus the psionic power accumulated in the body, to force the drive?"

"That would be like the hominid rushed to the tens of thousands of years of storm rushing in the lead era, but used it to fight bayonets!"

"Crazy, it's crazy!"

Li Yao really doesn't know how to describe it.


When the two great masters released the ancient treasures from the Qiankun ring, it means that this fight has reached its peak!

Yan’s three giant swords and swords are all entangled in the mind and fluttering up and down.

The fifty-six-meter-long black giant sword exudes a strong black mist, which is like a black tornado that falls down. When it is swept away, it is catastrophic, and the ghosts are crying and screaming, and the momentum is amazing!

And the more than 20 meters long Thunder giant sword, but followed closely, constantly releasing dozens of meters of lightning, such as the golden snake dance, claws and claws, although silent, but more deadly!

However, in Li Yao’s eyes, the gorgeous sound and photoelectric effects of these two giant swords are only to cover the third sword!

Under the cover of black fog and thunder, the third sword is completely transparent and completely melted into the surrounding world. If it is not concentrated on hundreds of spirits to perceive it, it will not perceive its existence!

"The Black Great Sword and the Thunder Sword are just to maximize the compression of Qizhongdao's activity space, confuse his gaze and mind, and create the best attack opportunity for the last ‘Assassination Sword!'”

"Jian Sheng, really worthy of the name! This kind of combat power, even in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor, can be called outstanding, is super-class!"

"Qi Zhongdao, how to deal with it?"

Li Yaochao looked at the leader of the Dagan repairing realm, but he saw that the whole person seemed to be more black and thin, as if the whole life was sucked away by the Pantian seal in midair, and the orbit around Fantianyin was rotating faster and faster. The gravity on the sword field is getting stronger and stronger!

Ten times gravity! Thirty times gravity! Fifty times gravity!

In a short while, the gravity on the test sword field was raised to no more!

Moreover, the so-called "gravity control" is not only able to strengthen gravity, but it can also be weakened, and even the gravity completely disappears!

As a result, in some places, gravel and magical debris are swaying into the air; in other places, the earth is deeply sunken, like an invisible behemoth, stepping on the footprints!

Even the onlookers like Li Yao feel that their eyes are prominent, and the internal organs must be squeezed by more than seventy times of gravity. As a target of the death of the gods, it is naturally more uncomfortable!

The Gnomes Juggernaut is like a drowning person who falls into the depths of the sea. It is also like a drunkard who is dizzy, squatting, squatting, and with the thick and short hands and feet, the appearance is funny to the extreme.

Li Yao knows how horrible the pressure Yan is now suffering.

What is even more frightening is that Qi Zhongdao will never apply a super-gravity to him.

For example, the fine control of the gravitational field allows Yan to take 50 times of gravity from the left half of the body, while the right half of the body is subjected to ten times of gravity, even making him in a state of weightlessness!

It’s just that the left and right halves are extremely unbalanced, and the feeling of being torn and torn is not something that ordinary monks can bear!

In the gravitational field that you can control as you wish, Qizhongdao does not even need any other magic weapon. The grass and trees, a stone or even a gravel can be turned into the most terrible weapon!

To be absolutely more, the difference between Yuan Ying and Hua Shen is whether it can release the "spiritual domain" and create a small world covered by its own laws.

Although Qi Zhongdao is not a god, but relying on the "Pan Tianyin", the treasure of the ancient treasures, but can barely simulate some magical powers of the realm of the gods!

No wonder, he is the head of the big monk!

No wonder, Fantianyin is the world's first treasure!

"I am a real person to win!"

"Pan Tianyin is the **** of heaven, the invincible treasure of the world, is it a random sword that can be broken?"

"Yan is a strong person, it is very strong, the title of Juggernaut, worthy of the name! Unfortunately, he met a real person!"

On the scene, it seems that Qi Zhongdao is slightly superior. Many of the comprehens who stood under the banner of Taixuandao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to comment on it.

Perhaps they still hold a few different thoughts, and they want to disturb the heart of Yan’s departure, then no one knows.

Many people, intentionally or unintentionally, cast their disdainful eyes on Li Yao, as if they had sneered at the predictions made before the war against him.

Li Yao is too lazy to pay attention to these three cats and dogs.

His mind was completely occupied by the peaks of the two ancient repairs.

He found that he had some problems with the evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the ancients and ignored a crucial factor.

Yes, the general ancient repair Yuan Ying, such as the black moon sages generation, is far less than the same level of modern Yuan Ying.

However, if an ancient repair Yuan Ying, after getting a flood of treasures, fully integrate his own soul, will and life into it, "a decade of grinding a sword", and strive to inspire the greatest power of this treasure to the treasure?

This is a dead end.

The reason is very simple. The power of the ancient treasures is stronger. After all, it is the product of hundreds of thousands of years ago. The civilization that created them is suspected of being destroyed. Therefore, it is used one less piece and will be used up one day.

Walking this road will inevitably lead to the situation that "the older the more powerful" and the "one generation is not as good as one generation".

Modern self-cultivation and civilization, but truly digested and absorbed the inheritance of some Pangu civilizations. On this basis, it developed a cultivation system and a magical refining industry that belonged entirely to human civilization.

Even if the magic weapon that is now refining is not as good as the Pangu civilization, but the potential is endless, the future is boundless, so slowly develop, step by step, one day, will evolve to a higher, faster, stronger level than Pangu civilization !

On the whole, Li Yao is full of confidence in modern self-cultivation and civilization, and is extremely optimistic!

But specific to the individual...

The ancient elites such as Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren have taken this "dead road" to the extreme and have reached the strong realm of "no more road ahead"!

The ancient world of the outside world has been completely annihilated or evolved.

They are like a prehistoric beast that has been trapped on an isolated island and has not evolved for hundreds of millions of years. It has unleashed the most primitive, wildest and most radiant brilliance, and the power of the word "古修" is vividly displayed!

Three thousand big worlds, the last glory of the ancients, in such a way of thunder and thunder, the way the heavens and the earth change, in front of Li Yao, fully presented!

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