Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1396: He has... fallen!


Yan’s swordsmanship is like lightning, like a dragon, almost full of the sky, rushing to rush to the sky, but under the suppression of Fantianyin, twisted into twists, a bunch of tears, shattered, Annihilation!

Yan is one step at a time, like walking in a five-foot thick snow. His size is short. Every step forward, most of his body will be deeply buried in the earth.

Under the suppression of super-gravity, he not only bleeds blood, but even a crystal clear **** bead is oozing out from every pore. The original face of the white skull is pressed into a biscuit and the appearance is extremely flawed. people.

Qi Zhongdao is still the same, but as if the whole world is spinning around him, he will divide the square and formulate the rules!

The contrast between the two sides has caused many viewers who are not aware of the truth at the periphery to scream for Qi Zhongdao and shout.

Li Yao’s pupil was suddenly contracted. He had been squatting all the time. He did not move. He suddenly fell backwards, and the heel was heavily pedaled, like a frightened strange bird!

Almost at the moment of his retreat, Yan’s chest and abdomen suddenly expanded into a ball, and a roar of the gods and devils, the black giant sword of fifty or sixty meters long, somehow broke away from the gravity field. The bondage, the skull covered the brain, and went down to the sky!

If this is to be sturdy, I am afraid that Fan Tianyin will not be split in two, but directly flattened!

Qi Zhongdao snorted, the corner of his mouth faintly overflowed with blood, and the orbital rotation speed around Fantianyin reached its limit. A force field visible to the naked eye, with black light waves, spread rapidly!


The black giant sword was directly crushed by Fan Tianyin!

The people still had no time to applaud. The fragments of the black giant sword were further exploded, completely turned into a black mist, swept in all directions, and instantly covered a huge space of hundreds of meters!

"not good!"

"It’s Yan’s initiative to smash his own secret sword, which is to interfere with the power of Fantianyin!”

"With such an ancient sword, he is willing to give up? He is willing to give up!"

The exclamation of the people has not stopped, but in the dark fog, there is an unprecedented powerful wave of explosions, such as a hurricane crossing, like a huge wave, and the sun is falling heavily on the copper furnace peak!

Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, who did not react as well as Li Yao, were swallowed by the shock wave in an instant, like a leafy boat in the stormy waves, flying out!

Around the ten defense bans on the test sword field, from the inside to the outside, a ring of explosion, distortion, annihilation, only the blue smoke!

Everyone’s eyes are temporarily stabbed by the glare that was triggered by the collision of the ancient treasures. Even if you close your eyes immediately, it will not help.

Their ears were completely blocked by the banging cracks, and hundreds of loud noises were overlapped. The remaining sounds smashed and repeatedly hammered their eardrums, causing them to have a splitting headache and chest tightness!

After a full dozen breaths, all of them were shocked to the comprehensions outside the test sword field, in order to gradually set their minds, release five senses, scan the audience.

Presented in front of them is an incredible picture.

In the original flat test field, the center of the two top masters confronted each other, and the folds of the circle were piled up in all directions, as if the earth was turned into waves, and the waves were frozen into ice peaks of more than ten meters high!

Qi Zhongdao and Yan Yiren, each according to a lonely peak, back to back, faceless, deep-eyed.

Some careful monks found that the position of the two of them was exactly the same as before the moment.

Fantianyin still slowly rotates on the top of Qizhong Road, but it no longer emits colorful and colorful light. It is perfect, and the surface of the silver ball is accurate to the extreme. There is a shallow scratch!

Although it is extremely thin, extremely short, and extremely shallow, it is like a scar on the face of a beautiful woman, making it hard to pay attention.

Yan is off the top of the head. In addition to the black giant sword, the two ancient swords are also left and right. The volley is suspended. The swordsman also trembles like two giant snakes that are seriously injured.

"This war..."

All the comprehensions are shocked and inexplicable. They don’t know who wins or loses!


Suddenly, a comprehension exclaimed in the sky.

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, but saw a few colorful clouds on the top of Yan’s head. They were all compressed into a ball of spheres, which seemed to be unable to support their own weight and fell from the sky!

"Hey! Hey!"

Everyone was too late to be surprised. After Qi Zhongdao, a few towering mountains and rocks on the edge of the copper furnace peak also burst into a loud bang. They even slanted down and revealed a smooth mirror-like cut surface, apparently being swept away. The sword of kilometer is broken!


The huge mountain rock with a weight of 10,000 tons fell on the edge of the copper furnace peak, and suddenly the mountain shakes, as if the entire copper furnace peak can not withstand the destruction of the two masters, it will collapse!

Hundreds of Ziji Jianzongmen rushed to go, and there was a Yuanjian sword repair of the Purple Swordsman, which was busy to strengthen the surrounding array, so as to avoid the scene of the collapse of the entire mountain.


Another person who had just stood on the first lap and watched the battle, had to send a white senior infant mouth to vomit blood, and he stepped back three steps, sitting on the ground as if he was dead, not sure!

"It’s not good. The old Lei Lei’s old predecessors were beaten by Jian Qi and Fan Tianyin. They were seriously injured and quickly helped!”

Qing Leizi is a highly respected old predecessor in the realm of comprehension. I didn't expect to stand a little closer, and escaped a little slower. It was affected and hurt.

For a time, it caused a lot of turmoil.

Everyone is amazed, this battle is really wonderful, enough to beat the two sides of the two sides of the evil spirits a hundred years ago!

Just, who wins and who loses?

The tense air, like a frozen glacier, seems to be able to hear the cracking of the ice cubes, whether it is Taixuan Road or the Purple Swordsman camp, all the monks hold their breath and stare at the lonely front. Above, the two masters who are as solid as a statue.


Li Yao Chang Shu breathed and shook his clothes completely sweaty. This trip to the ancient world is really worthwhile. It’s just a close look at the confrontation between the two peerless masters, and it’s worth the price!

"Appreciating such a hearty battle is great for my own combat practice. I can feel that I can make a breakthrough in the near future!"

"Unfortunately, I can't stop the battle between the two ancient elites. No matter which one of them, it should not be dying in this situation!"

"Qi Zhongdao, really is the head of the Dagan monk, just, just..."

Li Yao sighed and his eyes swept to his side. There were several monks who were wearing the robes of Taixuan Dao. They waved at them and they regretted it. "Go and let you converge on a real person. He has already... Fallen!"


When the audience was silent and quietly waiting for the final result to come out, Li Yao’s whispering voice was like a clear sky!

"Is a real person defeated? Dead? How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"How did he know, how did he see it?"

"This is rude, but dare to confuse people here!"

"Don't say this, this Lingbi master has some doorways. I just stood in the inner circle and watched the battle. Even if the psionic shield is not open, I dare to walk around in the sword and the sword, but it is unscathed!"

"And, before the real killer and the swordsman exerted the strongest killings, it was his first reaction, the first one to withdraw!"

"Before the two sides did not fight, he predicted that a real person would be defeated. Now he is so determined, maybe it is really amazing, it is not a slap in the face!"

"This, this, this -"

Everyone stared at Li Yao with horror and anger.

Especially those who are too sacred, even with a horrified look, glance back and forth between Qi Zhongdao and Li Yao.

Even at that time, he provoked Li Yao, saying that he was going to "sword" with him, and that "Liao Shishu" was scared to shrink his head and went straight into the crowd, for fear of being seen by Li Yao!

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yao can predict the two great peers before the fight, and the image becomes more and more unpredictable, and even some secrets are secret!

At this moment, above the Lonely Peak, there was finally a change.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qi Zhongdao suddenly swayed, vomiting blood, how can he stop, and it will fall from the lonely peak!


Sure enough, the "Lingling Master" material, many monks are like thunder, I do not know how to react!

He also listened to the sound of "咔咔", another lonely peak, two dragon swords lingering on the top of Yan’s head, and instantly bursting hundreds of criss-cross cracks, surrounded by dense crusts and damaged. The ground is not the same!

Two secret swords, falling weakly from midair, one obliquely inserted into the ground, the other is more like a dead fish on the ground, where there is still a little bit of the glory of the ancient Lingbao, it is simply two fire sticks !


Yan Yan is also a **** mad squirt, like a meat dumpling from the lonely peak, rolling into the cracks of the earth's cleft, disappeared into people's sight.

Everyone was dumbfounded and waited for a long time, but it was waiting for a sullen voice in the fold: "Yanmou... defeated!"


Qi Zhongdao spit a half-day blood, and swayed for a long time, but died and died, still the black bitter face of the bitter gourd, the swallows in the cracks of the ground, arched hands, dry.

The sleeves of the robe were swept away, and the Pantian Seal in the air retracted the bag. The head of the Dagan monk looked at Li Yao’s direction intentionally or unintentionally. His eyes were extremely complicated, and he sneaked a smack in the direction of the flag of the Purple Sword. , volleyed, along the ladder that does not exist, returned to the side of Taixuan Road.


All the high-ranking monks standing on the side of Taixuan Road, just fell to the bottom of the mind, and instantly reached the air, bursting out of the fireworks, it is so happy to cry!

"Swordsman is not really a real opponent!"

"Three hard-working swords that have been painstakingly honoured for decades, met with a real person's Fantian Seal, a complete burst, two serious injuries!"

"This battle, won the crisp and neat, sigh!"

"Tao Xuan Dao is the first strongest in the world. It is the first of the world's monks!"

"What a ridiculous thing to say -"


Suddenly, countless sharp eyes smashed into Li Yao!

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