Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1397: High-end conversation! (fifth!)

"Budget, almost cheated by this serious look, I thought that the real person is really defeated, and unfortunately fallen!"

"This pretense has nothing to do with it. Even I have been convinced that I have been convinced that he is somewhat dependent on it. I did not expect it to be purely yellow!"

"This, this is not going to be a reputation in this way? He doesn't understand anything at all. It's just a gamble on the shop. If the real person is really unfortunately defeated, it will become his self-proclaimed capital!" ”

"Shameless, simply shameless, the head of the monk and the monk, the name of Taixuandao too on the head, is it so insulting to the younger generation?"

"Where is the Taixuan Daomen, where is the Dagan monk, where is the Longquan Conference? You can tolerate this side of the barren and so arrogant!"

No matter how many high-ranking monks stand in the position of Taixuandao, or the purple pole swordsmen, please come back to help the boxing, those who do not know the truth, all hate itching.

It’s really that Li Yao’s appearance is too confusing. I really thought that he was a hard-working man who had been immersed in the world for a hundred years.

I didn’t expect it to be such a commodity. It seems that a series of actions he had just watched in the inner ring were also likely to be mistakenly hit and lucky.

Suddenly, there are countless high-ranking monks who are inextricably linked with Taixuan Road. They stare at Li Yao’s eyes and sharply, and there is a strong murder!

The Yuan Yingjian repair on the side of the Purple Swordsman is also somewhat overwhelmed.

In all fairness, they really want to recruit Li Yao, and believe that he is truly amazing.

However, Li Yao’s two words are too out of date. They want to help explain and don’t know where to start!

Li Yao is stunned and immersed in his own world. Ten thousand people can't figure it out, and they don't even absorb the gossip around them into their ears.

"There is no reason, my judgment is absolutely not wrong, how can it be like this!"

"Qi Zhongdao clearly damn, Yan is a sword from the people, that sword..."

Suddenly, Li Yao was a spirited person, as if he was awake from a dream, his eyes sharpened sharply and strode toward the center of the test sword field.

"What do you want to do?"

"I still have to be a god!"

The monks around were shocked and angry, especially the high-ranking monks of Taixuandao, one by one, glaring at each other, and wishing to confess this now, I don’t know the so-called guys killed!

Soon, two monks came out in the crowd and stopped in front of Li Yao. They looked badly: "The spirits and friends..."

It is the elders of Lingshan Road who are in conflict with Li Yao and the Xing Xinghuo, as well as the "Liao Shishu" of Taishan Road.

The two were left and right, and they were sneer, like a red iron tongs, and they were clamped toward Li Yao.

"Without your business, climb away!"

Li Yao stared at the folds in the center of the test sword field. He didn't look at the two people. The ten fingers were like forks, and the lightning bolted the shoulders of the two. The two seemed to be wearing the cheekbones. Li Yao’s arms were shaken again, and the joints of his body were shaken, and he flew away and flew hundreds of meters away.

"not good!"

Several monks flew out of the crowd and wanted to catch two people, but the two men seemed to be wrapped in a secretive electric shell, and all the helpers were bounced back.

"啪嗒", the two landed, issued a pig-like scream!

"He turned out to be!"

The whole audience was shocked, and the birds were silent. Everyone could not believe everything they saw with their eyes!

Just when they thought that the "Lingling Master" was just a despicable and shameless reputation, Li Yao had two masters of the knot, like the eagle catching the chicken, throwing it up, falling, and others could not even rescue. !

Under the banner of Taixuandao, the heads of the five major factions, such as Taixuandao, all the elders stared at Li Yao inexplicably. After watching it for a long time, they slowly turned their heads and looked at Qi Zhongdao with some flickering eyes.

Qi Zhongdao's face is expressionless, but the black face is being replaced by a trace of whiteness. The lips tremble for a long time, and finally did not speak. Just from a light blue gourd, constantly licking the fragrant pill, swallowing it. Thunder in the belly!

Li Yao dropped two knots, one vertical and one squat, such as a strange bird condensed by lightning, fell to the center of the test sword field, above a lonely peak!

The defeated army, the sword idiot is leaving, is writhing a slightly clumsy body, re-climbing a lonely peak, ready to return to his camp.

Li Yao just cut off his way.

Li Yao and Yan are separated from the people. Two people, who are also blood-stained and wolf-stricken, are on the waves of two great earths and quietly confront each other.

After a wave of unrest, a wave of ups and downs, the air and killings of the two of them were more sharp, intense and exciting than when they were facing Yan and Qizhong.

No matter whether it is Taixuan Road or the Ziji Jianzong side, all the comprehensions are shocked. No one knows what this mysterious "Lingling Master" is doing.

Li Yao said nothing, and stared at Yan and looked at him for a long time, especially when he looked at him and he was stuck in his waist. The sword that was too jeweled for a long time.

Yan Yiren seems to have sneaked out in his oblique spurs. It is not so unexpected. Until now, this "sword idiot" finally took the right eye, carefully and carefully observed Li Yaolai.

That look is like watching a very interesting sword pile!

The two men observed each other for a long time. When they whispered for a long time, Li Yao suddenly said: "Why are you losing?"

This is really a question of entanglement and entanglement.

The iron saint Qi Zhong Road against the "big head of the monk" was suppressed by the world's first to Baofan Tianyin. Isn't it normal to lose?

Can retreat from the whole body, leaving a small life, it is worth snickering!

The surrounding monks finally couldn’t stand it, and the noise was one after another.

Yan is leaving his head, but he really thinks about this problem seriously. After thinking for a long time, he wipes the blood stains on his face with his sleeves. He said: "The repair of Qi Zhongdao is higher than me. If If I want to win, I won’t kill him!"

In Li Yao’s pure black eyes, the green fire is just around the corner, and the green dot of the eyebrows also releases thorny stripes, spreading to both eyes: "You don't want to kill him?"

"The brother of the head will not let me kill him."

Yan is like a nephew in a school. He is honest and honest. "The master of the school said that although Qi Zhongdao is standing opposite us, he is a very regular person. He only relies on him to preside over the overall situation. The Longquan Conference will be able to go on!"

"If I smash the sword in the middle of the road, I can certainly get the benefits at hand, but in that case, I might change some unruly people to the stage."

"The head of the master said that the current realm is very chaotic. It is all about Qizhongdao to preside over the overall situation. If you don't have the pinnacle of Qizhongdao, it will only be chaotic, and it will really fall apart. It will not benefit anyone. !"

"So, the head of the brothers told me in advance, if you have no choice but to do so, don't kill Qi Zhongdao, even if you lose a little, it doesn't matter."

When this statement comes out, everyone is lost!

What do you mean? Yan’s remarks are too exaggerated. It’s like the head of a monk who is arrogant, he can kill as much as he wants to kill!

Is it still reserved for the war?

How can it be!

Many high-ranking monks were stunned at the bottom of their hearts, and couldn’t help but cast a suspicious look toward Qi Zhongdao.

Qi Zhongdao still has no expression on his face, as if he has a layer of iron shell on his face. He can’t see the words of Yan’s departure from him. Does it have a slight influence on him?

Li Yao raised his eyes: "If you don't kill him, don't you fear that he will kill you?"

Yan smiled and said: "He can't kill me."

Li Yao’s eyes are getting thinner and thinner, like two snowy sabers: “You mean, you fully grasp the rhythm of this test sword. You can control the life and death of Qi Zhongdao. Qi Zhongdao can’t control you. Surviving?"

Yan Yi left his head and thought about it. He nodded. "Yes."

The four monks around the monk have nothing to say.

Li Yao continued to ask: "You just said that the repair of Qi Zhongdao is higher than you, but you can still kill him?"


Yan is humane. "It’s like your cultivation may be comparable to me. It may even be higher than me. But if you don't escape, I can kill you."


This sentence made the surrounding monks just take a break for a moment and exploded again.

No matter what the victory and defeat of the previous war, Yan is a super-class sword repairman who is unparalleled in the world, and can definitely be among the fierce people in the ranks of the "Top Ten Masters of Ancient Saints"!

He, he actually said that the cultivation of this spiritual master is equal to him, and even, may even slightly exceed his front line?

"They are two...what are they talking about!"

Not many well-known high-ranking monks, the brains are all blank, and everything that happens in front of them is really the most outrageous scene of their cultivation for hundreds of years!

Yan’s words left Li Yao’s eyes more and more intense, and his eyes slipped from Yan’s face of the pie to the stiletto dagger on his waist. “One thing, I don’t quite understand.”

"Before you and Qi Zhongdao have not yet played against each other, I have sensed that your winning face is relatively large."

"When you are in the process of confrontation, your black giant sword bursts, and the iron sand and black fog interferes with Fan Tianyin. I even perceive a sharp sword that can be killed even by the gods!"

"So, I mistakenly thought that Qi Zhongdao has been killed by you!"

"But afterwards, I thought about it a lot. Although the three secret swords are powerful, but you have just finished the ritual, you have not yet reached the level of integration, the degree of the sword, you can not control these three swords, kill Qi Zhongdao!"

"This and my initial predictions are contradictory!"

"So, I boldly speculate that you still have a fourth sword. That is the sword that is above the three secret swords, the strongest sword of the Great Juggernaut!"


Many of the other monks have been shaken, and the reaction is completely over.

Even most of the Ziji Jianzong's own true disciples have never heard of this, and they are stunned and can't believe to see Li Yao and Yan Yiren!

Yan is silent, and concentrates on Li Yao's neck. The scalpel's generally sharp eyes seem to penetrate the skin and fat, and Li Yao's neck artery, nerves and cervical vertebrae are all stripped out.

Li Yao stared at Yan’s waist, word-for-song, and slowly said: “The Broken Mountain, the Feilei Cave, the Lingbi’s daring, want to see the fourth sword of Jiandie!”


Hey, the fifth is even more, it’s really the power of the wild!

Beginning in September, it is a new journey. Everyone has a monthly ticket subscription recommendation, and throw it all over!

Today, the old bull is in a state of bravery, and I will come back later!

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