Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1398: The fourth sword! (sixth more!)

Every word of Li Yao is like a thunder, and it blows up in the hearts of everyone!

At the beginning, they thought that Li Yao was the reinforcement of the Ziji Jianzong who came back to help the boxing.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between Li Yao and Ziji Jianzong is quite subtle. It is more like a splendid practice. After that, it has released some amazing words, which have attracted people's attention.

Now, he wants to challenge the Dagan Sansheng. Yan, who is known as the "Jiansheng", wants to see his fourth sword stronger than the three swords.

"Which side is he standing on?"

"What exactly is he doing, is he really afraid of death?"

"Yan is really reserved, and there is a sharper fourth sword?"

Regardless of the camp, the sects, and the cultivation, all the self-cultivators have a sigh of arrogance.

Originally thought that after Qi Zhongdao and Yan Yiren were separated by a result of such no death and injury, the Longquan Conference could be opened according to the scheduled track. I did not expect such a inexplicable and inscrutable in the oblique thorn. The guy is really awesome.

For a time, no matter the surprised, the skeptics, the haters, or the spectators who have no interest in entanglement, they have left an indelible impression on the name "Lingling Master"!

Yan Yan is still staring at Li Yao’s neck artery with a focused look with a little appreciation. “With your cultivation, you are indeed qualified to do it with me. However, I want to see even Wang Xi and Qi. The fourth sword that the middle road has not seen, by what?"

This sentence, that is, acknowledging that I did have some reservations just now, was deliberately put aside the middle of the road, and naturally caused a burst of exclamation.

The monks on the side of Taixuan Road were all surprised and inexplicable. Even the flag of the wind and the wind was scattered and shaken.

Qi Zhongdao swallowed half of the gourd in one go, and finally slowed down. Hearing the words of Yan’s departure, he couldn’t help but “cough” and coughed half of the blood with pale gold. .

This is the most precious blood of the self-cultivator. Every drop is made up of blood from the body. It contains a strong spirit and is easily reluctant to inspire.

Qi Zhongdao quickly swept away his heart, and the black face was even more severe. Li Yao and Yan, who were staring at the lonely peak, were left behind.

This action is extremely small. Qi Zhongdao deliberately concealed it. If he wants to have some reservations, what do you think of others?

Above the Lonely Peak, Li Yao indulged for a moment and said: "If you can see the fourth sword of Yan Daoyou, I would rather be the elder of the Purple Swordsman for one year!"

This is the first time he publicly threw out his own trading with the Purple Pole Swordsman, which made the children of the Ziji Jianzong a bright spot, and the Taixuan Road was naturally more shocked.

Yan smiled and shook his head. "Please enshrine the elders. It is the idea of ​​the master. I have nothing to do with me."

"When you don't worship the elders, I don't care. Anyway, as long as there is me, my sword is here, and there are no people in the sky."

He said that from the tolerance, the plain, the arrogance is arrogant, but it is like presenting one of the most obvious facts.


Li Yao nodded, and looked up and down Yan for a long time. Suddenly, the front of the voice turned. "When you just played, you always looked up and looked at the sky. You read the words, you calculate the cloud in the sky, right?"

This problem made all the monks in the presence of the monk, the second monk, and the singer, but the singer was slightly stunned, and he said with a smile: "What do I calculate for the cloud?"

"You are calculating the direction of the clouds and the law of gathering."

Li Yaodao, "The sun is very fierce today. You are fighting at noon. The sun is very likely to interfere with your sight. However, the sky clouds may cover or refract the sunlight, and the angle and intensity of the sun will cause many mysterious and mysterious changes. !"

"After you calculate the direction of the cloud and the law of the gathering, you can use this point, constantly adjust the position and angle during the fight, and faintly mobilize the opponent. At the most critical moment, the opponent is suddenly in the backlight state and is disturbed! ”

"Nature, for a peerless powerhouse close to the realm of the gods, the interference of the sun is really negligible and almost negligible."

"However, a kendo master like you, as long as there is such a faint flaw, it will be enough!"

This statement is really unheard of and exaggerated. All the self-cultivators are stunned and face-to-face. It is not certain that Li Yao is blowing the air, or it is indeed true.

Yan’s smile is more prosperous: “Is there still?”


Li Yao continued, "Observing the direction and gathering of clouds, we can calculate today's wind speed, wind and wind direction, and calculate the weak interference that Feijian will suffer in midair, every time spurting, killing and resisting. At the time, you can use a faint wind force to accumulate less and gather more sand into a tower to play the most perfect sword!"

"The way to kill, the right place and the right place, are indispensable. Just said "the weather", then you continue to observe the surrounding monks, but they all treat us as "obstructions."

"Because you know that those who are qualified to watch this battle are at least high-ranking monks who have been repaired above the knot period, and when we watch the war, we naturally release the psionic fluctuations to withstand the aftermath of your fight."

"Then, the release of countless psionic volatility will also form an invisible psionic turbulence that will slowly spread to you and Qi Zhongdao, causing an unpredictable change!"

“You want to take into account the observations before the test of the sword, taking into account the factors of 'the location' and the 'personal harmony', all of which translate into the probability of your victory!”

"Before you fight the sword, even the most subtle factors are counted, but it is a blind eye to a master like me. The heart has solidified to such a degree, so I assert that you will win!"

"I didn't expect that this person has just broken the mountain and swayed the Central Plains. Then he met a peerless sword fairy who has cultivated into the realm of 'cloud computing'. It is really worth a lot of white!"

Li Yao’s words made many monks involuntarily look up at the sky.

Colorful clouds, fluffy like cotton wool, change like light smoke, what is the angle of the sun, wind and wind!

Qi Zhongdao's face is getting darker and darker, his eye sockets are getting deeper and deeper, his chest is high and he is bulging, then he screams and slowly dry down.

Yan’s smile is like a lotus flower.

This ugly gnome has grown a good-looking smile, and the look of laughter is like two people in peacetime, and even some "clear"!

"Is there still?"

He asked softly.

"and also."

Li Yao continued. "You don't need to be white, not even your hair and eyebrows, but I assert that it is not natural. You should be a person with thick hair, but you can wash your hair, eyebrows and beards with syrup, even hard. The roots of the roots are uprooted to create such a weird look!"


Yan’s gaze from Li Yao’s neck slipped into his heart, and the voice became softer. “Why should I do this?”

“Because hair, beard and eyebrows affect speed.”

Li Yaodao, "When you push the speed to the limit, these three things will hold a small hurricane, reducing your speed and agility down to a negligible point."

"In order to pursue the most perfect kendo, you will remove all the hair, and use a variety of secret drugs to smear the skin, just like the mud that does not slip your hands, and move around in the air, no hindrance!"

Many comprehensions heard the words, and each one showed a strange look.

If Li Yao said that it is true, then Yan Yan is too human... abnormal!

They are all people who are fascinated by the avenues, even those who don't ask the world, only know the madman of cultivation, but in order to maximize the swordsmanship, they will harden all the hair in their bodies. Is this too shocking?

Yan’s gaze continued to fall down and fell between Li Yao’s chest and abdomen. Dantian’s position, faintly said: “Continue, I’m already thinking about it, letting you see the world’s fourth sword that no one has ever seen. ""

"it is good!"

Li Yaodao, "More powerful than the three secret swords, the world has never had a fourth sword that the living people have seen, and it is inserted in the jewel of your waist, the vulgar scabbard!"

Yan’s expression is not chaotic: “Why?”

"Two reasons."

Li Yaodao, "The first one, you just seem to have been hit hard by Qi Zhongdao, blood is mad, and you are embarrassed, but this sword at the waist is not even contaminated with a drop of blood, a piece of mud, even in you and After the battle of Qi Zhongdao, even the slightest scratches did not appear."

"It is obvious that this sword is your most beloved thing. You would rather destroy the three treasures of the valueless city, and you will not be hurt by this sword!"

"Second, more importantly, I have observed you for a long time, letting out thousands of thoughts to perceive, obviously seeing the existence of this sword, but I can't sense it!"

“In the beginning, I thought that this sword has a unique hidden power, but after careful identification, I will understand where the problem lies.”

"I didn't feel the sword, but the sword has merged with your flesh and blood and become a part of your life. It is like your hands and feet. What I perceive is such a whole. '!"

"So, this is your fourth sword, the strongest sword that can kill everything in a flash!"

After Li Yao finished, he fell silent, like a long bow ready to go, slowly opened.

Yan’s gaze finally returned to his face. This time, the eyes were mixed with a few different tastes. Instead of looking at a perfect sword pile, he was looking at a living “person”. It is.

On the peak of the copper furnace, there is a dead silence. In addition to the hunting sounds from the peaks of the mountains and the battle flags, there is no half of the self-cultivators who dare to breathe!

Yan suddenly smiled and smiled while shaking his head.


He said with great regret.


Sixth more, brothers!

The old cow is really exhausted, the high-end dialogue between the sword and the vulture, continue tomorrow, everyone will give more votes, igniting the raging fire of the old cow!

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