Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1410: The burning wind is coming! (fourth more!)

After three months, the gods are big.

I don’t know if it’s not the best, or the new emperor is really the one who bears the dynamism of the millennium, and the owner of ZTE came into being. The Dagan dynasty entered the phoenix for two years, and the grass grows in April when it was attacked by the enemy last year. The wolf rides straight into the air, and the suffocating and dilemma of the soldiers are all swept away.

This is about the spring of the most dry weather in the last ten years.

In the north, Yuyun Qin Qin suffered a lot of losses in the armed robbery last year. Since retracting from the old nest, he is slowly wounding and digesting the spoils. In a short period of time, there seems to be no second attempt to go south.

In the southeast, Bailian teaches that there has not been a large-scale raging for a long time, and the horror scenes of thousands of households singing and singing have become nightmares of the old people.

In the west, Yan Changsheng, known as the “Mixed Heavenly Army”, was defeated by the imperial’s “Tiantian Camp” before the winter of last year, and hundreds of thousands of displaced people surrendered on the spot.

Including Qi Changsheng and hundreds of self-cultivators who slayed the ancestors, the high-ranking army rushed to the top, and squatted in the ice and snow, splitting into dozens of thieves.

According to the news from Shadowong, it is said that Chang Changsheng himself was seriously injured in the shackles and was not known.

Although the White Lotus and the Mixed Heaven Army are all worms, dead and not stiff, in the past, this scene of desperate encounters has been encountered countless times, and every time they are revived by them.

However, within at least a year and a half, these two forces will not make waves, but they can also look forward to it.

More importantly, since the fall of the great emperor Wang Xi, who represented the interests of the emperor, he has been arguing and escaping the realm of comprehension. After a Longquan meeting, he negotiated a new division of interests and barely stabilized it. The balance between the sects, the sects, and the new emperor.

This means that many large monks can finally reach out from the intricate infighting, and clean up the external problems such as white lotus, mixed heaven army, and ghosts and ghosts.

After the new emperor was in place, the air transport had such a improvement. It is no wonder that even in a short period of one year, the gods recovered from the depression trapped by the ghost army, and restored the prosperity and embarrassment of the past, even better!

God is the largest city in the ancient sacred world.

This glorious city, once regarded as a capital of more than a dozen dynasties, is known as “the year is not falling” and is divided into four layers.

The lowest underground space is the residence of ordinary people.

Like hardworking ants, they used thousands of years to excavate intricate and exquisite space on the ground, and introduced hundreds of sunlight into the earth through a series of huge bronze mirrors through refraction and reflection. Meter.

In this way, not only the bottom of the earth is golden, but the whole **** looks at it all at the same time. It floats like a blooming golden lotus. It is magnificent and magnificent, and it is called the heavenly city!

The buildings above the ground belong to the cultivation sects that built Zongmen in the gods, as well as their vassal families, and the red-walled courtyards, which are row upon row and unfathomable.

Among the sky, dozens of floating mountains are arranged in a square manner, which is where the Dagan Center is located, including six provinces, six provinces, eighteen battalions, and various tea houses, restaurants, trade fairs, auction houses, and gambling houses. There are also six major sects of the main mountain gate, or stationed in the capital, the most important rudder, all stand here.

Above the seven-seventy-nine floating mountain, it is a huge floating mountain, hollowed out, and a palace complex. It is also the gate of the "Thunder Gate" that was built in the past. Xia's shining ban is lingering, even if the Yuan Ying monk is fully attacked, he can't shake his points. He is known as the "City of the Forbidden City", which is the palace that can nominally order the entire ancient sacred world!

Just after the first light of the Hua Deng, under the Forbidden City, dozens of tea houses and restaurants in the floating mountains were all full of friends, and the comprehens of the north and the south were gathered together.

Those who are qualified to sit here, at least the backbone of the comprehension community above the foundation, even if the knots and even the Yuan Ying are not in the minority, all are well-informed people, what they are talking about, of course, the latest changes in the realm of the realm in recent months and Famous people.

No matter which tea house, which restaurant, the food has five flavors, after the wine has passed three patrols, it is inevitable to mention the same name.

The coffin is a master.

This is really the most popular name in the entire three-month history.

Whether it is the icefields of the extreme north of the desert, the hot volcanoes of the Western Regions, the Xianshan Islands dotted in the depths of the East China Sea, or the jungles that are hot and humid in the south, as long as there are cultivation sects and places where there are practitioners, there will always be a mysterious mention of this. first name.

It is said that he is the most powerful self-cultivator of Wunan in the past few hundred years. He has been tempered to the point where he has been ruined. At the Longquan Conference, he has suppressed the three middle-aged monks in the Yuan Ying period and is still at ease.

It is said that he not only repaired it as unfathomable, but also possessed a skillful refining technique. When he appeared at the Longquan Conference, he pointed out the shortcomings of the three weapons of the gods, even on the spot. , so that the three weapons of the gods have been completely renewed.

Later, at the Longquan Conference, he personally presided over a puja, preaching the mystery of the ancient sword-making technique. When it comes to the beauty, the sky is falling, and countless senior swordsmiths are so crazy!

It is said that after he became the enshrined elder of the Ziji Jianzong, he did not stay in the Ziji Jianzong, but traveled to the north and the south to find the fire, water and various materials suitable for the refining, and visited them again. Xuan Dao, Jin Jiazong, Fei Lingdao and many other sects, on the one hand, and the masters of these sects to learn the skills, on the other hand and the sects of the various sects of the swordsmen to compare the magical power of the refining!

How to win or lose, it is not easy to say, anyway, there is a saying in the realm of comprehension. The coffin is the most refining tool in all sword repairs and martial arts, and the most able to fight among all swordsmiths!

There are even good people who are pushing the waves in the dark, saying that the spirits of the priests will come out of the mountain, and that one of the "three sacred sacred sacred sacred ones" must be added to become "big sacred four holy"!

"Is it heard? In the past few days, the coffin officially opened the furnace and completely repaired the 'Jin Wudang Magic Sword' of Jin Jiazong. How the repair effect is unknown, but Jin Jiazong paid the price, the size of the light fist 'Ten Fangxingzhuzhu', there are twenty!"

"More than that, it is said that this sorcerer got the inheritance of the sword of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the most will be the sword, the sword, now not only the magic weapon of his refining is hard to find, there are countless people going to the purple sword Looking for him, the quality of the magic weapon and the dark injury, just ask him to check the cost, it is scary!"

“I also heard a very interesting news. It is said that the ‘that’ in the Forbidden City is bent on asking the sorcerer to go to the celestial treasury, to tasting the secret treasures left over from the millennium, and to clean up and repair it!”

"Oh, that's really"

In countless teahouse restaurants, conversations such as this one after another.

At the same time, it was interrupted by a long whistling sound that broke through the clouds.


This shouting, like a clear sky, caused all the self-cultivators on the dozens of floating mountains to tremble, throwing away wine glasses and chopsticks, flew out and looked up.

Sure enough, a pair of golden shadows with a golden stream of light, galloping from the southeast, dragging a long tail flame, but it seems to tear the night sky into two!

"Get out!"

Between the floating mountains, there were many self-cultivators who drove the flying boats, the cranes, the jade plates and flew slowly.

Above the red shadow, a servant knight was glaring, violent, and even smashed a red sword, sweeping away many of the comprehensions who blocked the road, ignoring that they were very likely to respect the incomparable identity.

This red shadow makes the faces of all the self-cultivators very ugly.

"It's 'Red Electric Flying Ride'!"

Some of the comprehensions said that some of them were stunned. "Even if the ‘Red Electric Flying Ride’ does not hesitate to spur the local limit, there must be a big event in the southeast!”


The red electric fly rides straight into the Forbidden City, and the purple Xia shackles that linger around the Forbidden City gently sway and **** it in.

Before the middle of the night, there was a rumor message, which spread in the streets and alleys of the seven-seventy-nine floating hills, causing an unbearable heavy blow to the Dagan dynasty that had just passed away.

It is said that the largest burning wind in decades has been in the southeast!


Just as the news of the burning of the wind and the 6th, stirring the countless self-cultivators to sleep at night, the gods are nine thousand and five hundred miles south, and the highest peak in the deep edge of the Baidao Mountains is "shocking the peak".

Two illusory figures, like two clouds that were torn by the mountain peaks, suddenly gathered and flickered, flickering, and fighting!

Jingshen Peak is the highest peak of the Baiyi Mountains. This peak is especially dangerous and fierce. It is like a spiked thorn in the sky. The cliffs in many places are perpendicular to the ground. There is no place to step on the climb.

This peak has no pioneering value. The top hundreds of meters are frozen all the year round, and even the Dongfu is too tall, too steep and too cold. It has been abandoned by the Purple Swords for hundreds of years.

It was not until the sword idiot was born, that it became the quiet place of his meditation.

At this moment, the two people who struggled above the peak of Jingshen are naturally Li Yao and Yan Yan.

Yan’s sword is fast, but it’s not invincible. If the fast sword has an attack distance, you need to lock the enemy.

Then, as long as you find a way to let Yan leave people unable to lock themselves, or have been free from his attack distance.

In theory, it is indeed true.

But in reality...

Li Yao will move his body to the limit, and he will have to roll around the mountain with four feet to barely get rid of the sword-like meaning of the bones.

He has always maintained the mobility of triple sound, and only then can he escape the lock of Yan’s sword.

Once his degree falls to 2.9 times, and after three seconds, the neck, waist and ankle will gradually produce a feeling of cold and cold.

That is the sword of Yan’s departure!

The fourth is sent!

These two days, the book review area is really lively, and there are many books and friends who reward and red envelopes. The old cows really have a long-lost feeling of boiling blood!

Many of my friends are very concerned about the rankings of the old bulls on the leaderboard. To be honest, many things are clear to everyone. There are so many factors in the rankings, so the old bulls have never been forced.

It can only be said that the old cows are writing in a down-to-earth manner, and others are handed over to everyone. The results are all good. As long as there are such readers, it is enough! (To be continued.) 8


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