Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1411: feelings!


Li Yao’s ten fingers turned into a puffy fog, and hundreds of fine needles of cattle were shot out of the fog like a blast of wind, and the enthusiasm of the wind rushed away from the swallows, but they all looked different in midair. The ground turns, sputtered onto the rock, and pierced the hard rocky mountain rock into a hive!

That is the sword of Yan’s departure, accurately capturing every needle of Li Yao’s hair, and cutting them off in the middle of the road!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

It seems that there is nothing in the void, and there is a sound of broken bowstrings. Li Yao God knows that dozens of single crystal mica silks set in midair are also cut off by Yan’s invincible sword!

Li Yao's movements are getting faster and faster, and the streamer flashes between the mountains and peaks, almost at the same time in the dozens of corners of the peak!

Yan’s body shape has solidified, but he squats deeply, like a high rotation, so that it seems to be a stationary gyro, the right hand gently holds the hilt, and the left hand is gentle on the scabbard, in the mouth. With a word in mind, a charming smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes closed even slightly. He didn't look at Li Yao's eyes.



The dozens of ghosts scattered around the peak of the Shenshen Peak were simultaneously annihilated. Li Yao screamed, and there was a "squeaky" noise in the body. The figure seemed to be split into two, splitting from the left and right sides, and Re-gathered dozens of meters away.

His face was pale, his breath was like a cow, his sweat was like rain, and the extreme coldness of the ice condensed into a white frost on his face.


Behind Li Yao, a rock cone with a diameter of ten meters, splits unbiased from the middle, runs through, falls down, and falls to the foot of several kilometers, and the sound of "bang and boom".

Before the rock cone had not yet fallen, Li Yao saw that the section was as smooth as a mirror, and could not find a half-way gap and unevenness, just like the slow-dissolving of the most sophisticated Xuanguang shocking knife of the Xingyao Federation.

"Oh! Hey! Hey!"

The three-layered breastplate of Li Yao’s chest burst one by one, and the fragments splashed around until the last layer of the protective mirror was barely resisted.

However, there is also a deep crack in the center of the heart guard. When you touch it, it turns into two pieces in a half moon shape.

Li Yao’s chest and back, there was a tingling pain in the cone, a slender red line gradually extended, and a drop of crystal clear blood beads, rushing out.

"Good sword!"

Li Yao looked down at the wound on his chest, and Yan Yan sighed in unison.

He lamented Yan’s swordsmanship.

Yan is lamented by people, but it is the secret sword of his refining.

This is the first sword that Li Yao has refined for Yan for three months.

In the past three months, Li Yao’s life has been quite comfortable.

At the Longquan Conference, Yan and Yan were talking and laughing. After the "Fourth Sword" was made public, they defeated the three middle-aged monks in the Yuan Ying period. They lost their convictions and then presided over a law that was exclusive to them. Yes, I will combine some of the swords of Bailianzong and the imaginary Zhou Dynasty dynasty meditation notes, and I will have a lot of strength.

The plan was a success, and the name of the "Lingling Master" was quickly spread throughout the comprehension world by returning from the Longquan Conference to the mouth of the self-cultivator.

Later, Li Yao took advantage of the situation and successively visited Taixuandao and Jinjiazong rank sects, further consolidating his position as a "master of swords."

He was born at the Longquan Conference and took a lot of benefits for the Ziji Jianzong. The Ziji Jianzong naturally voted for the rewards, and he responded to all the materials he requested. It took only over a month to complete.

With these materials, Li Yao only used it for more than a month, and basically rebuilt and repaired the components of the Star Torch. Many of them used the structural properties of Tiandi Dibao, even more than the performance of the Federal Original components. Be good.

As long as these components are sent to the Mars on the satellite for assembly and then released into the Xinghai, the coordinates of this boundary can be sent back to the Federation in an instant.

The most important work was completed, Li Yao put all his thoughts on Yan Yan.

The so-called "no desire is just", on the other hand, there are weaknesses in the existence of **.

Yan is not a person without **, his biggest ** is the sword, as long as everything related to the sword can make him crazy.

Li Yao possesses the memory fragments of Ouyezi. There are various wild history transcripts about the sword and the kendo. Even the absurd sacred and mysterious sayings are collected from nearly a hundred different worlds. The words of a family in the ancient sacred world are much more interesting and interesting.

As an expert in the list of weapons, Li Yao’s love for the sword is naturally self-centered and is not deliberately disguised.

Yan’s understanding of the kendo, including some secret swordsmanship, is also making Li Yao deeply indulged and unable to extricate himself.

In this way, the two people are inseparable every day, soaking in the world of kendo, day and night, there is a common language that can't be said, and in just a few months, a deep friendship has been formed.

And Li Yao is in the middle of Yan and Northwest, and the strength is arrogant!

Yan Yan is really the most terrible swordsman he has ever encountered in Li Yao’s life. He is even more powerful than Xiao Xuan’s killing force!

However, Li Yao himself is an incredible monster. If you don't say anything else, he said that he has been strengthened by the blood-stained family and has strong cell division and self-repair ability.

From the past, Yan Yan can connect his own half of the remnant with the murderous and savage body of the beast, and you can imagine the power of the "day robbery body"!

As long as he didn't completely drop his head and kicked off a hundred thousand miles, just half of it, Li Yao was sure that he could escape the vitality.

His morality is that he is getting more and more brave, and the more he is fighting, the more powerful he is. Every time he makes a big increase, he almost burst out in a state of sudden death.

In the last five years of the Xingyao Federation, although there are still a few opponents who can have a hearty battle with him, very few people can bring him the thrill of life and death, and this "stimulus" is exactly Drive his biggest motivation for continuous improvement!

For Li Yao, this month's cultivation of swords and swords is really worthy of the past five years!

Perhaps the illusory "realm" has not broken through, but the destructive and lethality has definitely doubled!

You know, this is still the case when he didn't wear the crystal!

At this point, the first goal of coming to the ancient holy world has been successfully realized.

He completed the preparations for repairing the Star Torch, had a fairly reasonable identity, and even made it to the peerless powerhouse in this world.

New goals, but still have no clue.

He didn't know how to find the mysterious signal that was shot to Tianyuan and Feixing two hundred years ago.

I don't know if there is a spy in the real world.

According to Li Yao’s idea, it is an inevitable choice to substitute himself into the spy of the real human empire and to contact Yan.

On the one hand, at the Longquan Conference three months ago, although the battle between Yan and Qizhong Road was defeated, the mysterious fourth sword existed, but it was faintly placed on his "the first master of the ancient sanctuary". title.

On the other hand, Yan’s “sword idiot” has no attitude and position, and he does not even have to pay much attention to it. As long as he uses the exquisite swordsmanship and modern sword of the real human empire, he can be moved.

But in the past three months, Li Yao and Yan have been living together, and there have been no people who are suspected of being a real human espionage. It is really strange!

Isn't the real human empire not the existence of the ancient sacred world?

Li Yao secretly hopes so.

Yan is away from the cold moonlight above the snow peak, admiring Li Yao's first sword for his refining, the intricate lines, and marveling.

After enjoying it for a long time, I reluctantly put the sword into the sheath, and both feet went to Li Yao.

"This sword is very similar to my own sword!"

He danced like a child who got a new toy, and he was so happy that his nose was coming out. "The length, the weight, the center of gravity, and the feel are the same!"

“It’s exactly the same.”

Li Yaodao, "I am casting according to your 'fourth sword'. Every detail, including the distribution of tiny bubbles in the blade, is the same!"

"But I still feel a little different."

Yan is reminiscent of the battle just now. "Weird, obviously the same, the length, weight and feel are not wrong, why is there still a trace of stagnation?"

"Of course, even if all the data is the same, this sword is still missing one thing."

Li Yaodao, "So I said, I want to repair the sword for you in the past, instead of casting a new sword for you."

"It's easy to make a new sword. Just try to figure out all the characteristics of the sword in the past and copy it on the new material."

"But in the past, the repair of the old sword with a lot of holes and scars, it is necessary to make it reborn, regain new life, and can not hinder the most unique charm in the depths of the blade, it is difficult. It must be one year!"

"Oh, that new and old two swords, since the length, weight, center of gravity and sharpness are the same, what is the difference between them?"

Yan fell away from the **** and sat down on the frozen rock, asking with interest.

This is the time for the two men to practice the sword and start again.


Li Yao sat cross-legged on the opposite side of Yan, and replied calmly. "The best magic weapon is not the cold and dead, but the things that carry all your spirit, will, dreams and even memories. I will take these spirits and wills. , dreams and memories, collectively referred to as 'feelings'!"

"For a self-cultivator, a magic weapon with feelings is a real good magic weapon. If you have no feelings, it is like three secret swords that you drove at the Longquan Conference three months ago. Powerful, and only a broken end!" (To be continued.) 8


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