Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1412: Fairy and vast!

"It makes sense!"

Yan is looking at his own feet and lingering around the ice peaks. If the clouds are condensed by the waves, if you think about it: "I originally thought that it was not enough for the sacrifice of the three secret swords. Only when I can't reach the realm of human and sword, but I want to come to it, I don't have the whole heart to sacrifice their interest. It turns out that there is less emotion!"

Li Yaodao: "From the perspective of the wear and tear of your 'fourth sword', this sword should follow you for at least fifty or sixty years, and it will always be with you before you have risen. It must be very special. People give you an irreplaceable meaning to you?"

Yan’s eyes are deep and deep, like a distant memory. His face reveals a sorrowful expression, and he muttered: “It’s indeed a very special person to give me.”

"My body shape, you also saw it, there are congenital deficiency. At that time, everyone is not optimistic about my future, and I believe that no matter how hard I try, the achievements are quite limited."

"Only she is optimistic about me alone, believe me, support me, after I have been deprived of all the cultivation resources, secretly give me my own elixir and heavenly treasure, and do everything, buy this sword. Give it to me."

"When you see the scabbard, what is the jewel of the jewels? Oh, she is not a person who knows the sword. She only thinks that the more gorgeous the appearance, the more powerful and powerful the sword. This sword almost dumped her. Everything is counted as a knife!"

"I still remember that when she sent me this sword, it was the lowest time on the road to my cultivation, even down to the abandonment of the kendo, and turned to be a handyman who handled the task!"

"The identity of her at that time was far higher than that of me. I saw this sword, and I was surprised, but also happy, but I had some inferiority. I didn’t dare to pick up the sword for a time. The ghost asked me, she was so Believe me, if I am really as others say, can't cultivate a famous church, can't be the unparalleled sword fairy in the world, what should I do?"

In the whistling ice wind, Yan’s voice was with a strange magneticity, which made Li Yao unconsciously attracted by his story. He couldn’t help but ask: “How does she answer?”

Yan smiled and laughed. Li Yaoxin refining the perfect short sword, slanting it into the crack of the rock, still pulling out the broken old sword in his waist, holding it in his arms, watching the sea of ​​clouds Under the world, Yoo said: "She laughs, smiles very stupid, says it doesn't matter, she sent me this sword, and there is no relationship with Jian Xian, not Jian Xian, just like to see what I looked like when I went out!"

Li Yao said with a deep oh.

"It’s a realm like you and me. If you find a suitable magical power, you have to reverse the shape of bones and flesh and blood and completely change your appearance. It is not absolutely impossible."

Yan Yiren continued to look at the unpredictable clouds, said, "The purple pole swords up and down, but also spent a lot of time to help me find the heavens and the sea, can change the body type of practice, and sure enough, they found several kinds of can pull high Body shape, the secret of extending the limbs."

"Although it is impossible to reach the height of eight feet, the degree of the tiger's back, but it becomes an ordinary person, can still be done."

"I know that although they don't say anything in their mouths, they always feel that I have such a sign that they are not good-looking. It is really a matter of hindsight. Jianxian, it should be handsome and elegant, and it’s the right thing to do. How can it be me? What about deputy honor?"

"However, since she likes to watch, it is the way I am going out of the sword now. Why should I change my true colors for the eyes of this unrelated person?"

"To understanding!"

Li Yao Chang Shu breathed out, sincerely, "Yan brother is so open and honest, I know how this sword should be recast, but this is a water mill, I can't wait for a year and a half. The Yan brothers are not safe." !"

"I do not mind."

Yan is a faint smile. "The spirits and friends are coming slowly. Don't say that for a year and a half, it is three years and five years, and ten or twenty years, Yan can wait."

"What is this?"

Li Yaoyi, Shen Yan said, "Yandao friends do not want their own secret sword, the sooner you recast it, the better?"

“It’s good to be able to recast it early.”

Yan frowned and frowned. "It’s just that Yan’s swordsmanship is now so fascinating, exquisite, and rare in the world. If you add a secret sword that blends perfectly with me, isn’t it really invincible?”

Li Yao: "...cough, cough, cough, invincible, what's wrong?"

"The world is invincible, it is too lonely."

Yan sighed and sighed: "With my strength today, under the universal sky, it is worthy of me to condense all the spirits, and the people who throw the most perfect sword will not exceed ten, kill one, and one less. ”

"I really can't bear to kill!"

"But no matter how much I can't bear it, one day, all these people will be killed. Even the two powerful gods in the past, Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin will inevitably be found out by me. The flesh is with the soul, completely dying!"

"Now there is a spiritual friend who helped me to build a sword. When this day came, it was greatly shortened!"

"When all the masters in the world are under my sword, then, who should I throw the most perfect sword to whom?"

Li Yao: "..."

"Oh, heaven, why are you unfair!"

Yan suddenly jumped up and screamed, glaring at the endless sky, "Why, why do you want to make Yanmou so strong, let me be so easy, and cultivate to the invincible realm of the world! But I want to put this world Born so small, looking at them are all chickens, but not a few masters to let me kill!"

"Why, why is this?"

If Yan is a madman from the human form, the invisible swords are whistling, tearing the scorpio into a long and narrow gap and turning it into a pale trace!

Li Yao: "...Yan, Yan brother, don't be excited. In fact, have you ever thought about mountains outside the mountains, heaven and earth, maybe there is a world beyond the world, and there are more masters worthy of you. What about the match?"

"What do you say is the fairy world?"

Yan vented a vent, and slowly calmed down. He looked back at Li Yao and shook his head. "For tens of thousands of years, there has always been a legend in the realm of cultivation. As long as it is cultivated to the realm of the gods, plus the mysterious and mysterious The secret law, you can break the void, fly up the fairy world, become the immortal immortal!"

"However, where is the so-called "Fairy World"?"

"I have seen many ancient notes. Tens of thousands of years ago, the aura of the ancient sacred world was far more intense than it is now. The masters of the gods and gods emerged endlessly. Many super masters once rushed out of the ancient sacred world and flew to the Xinghai. Above, look for 'Fairyland'!"

"However, most of the super masters who have turned the gods are gone, disappearing into the vast sea of ​​stars!"

"The master who escaped to the ancient sacred world said that there is no fairyland outside the ancient sacred world. Instead, there is no darkness, no life, no resources, no darkness, and there is no end to this darkness. Like the vast sea of ​​hundreds of millions of times, it can't be washed out!"

"If you forcibly rush out, you will only exhaust all resources and psionics after a long flight and become a dry corpse in the dark!"

"For tens of thousands of years, countless peerless powerhouses in the ancient sacred world are so dead!"

"I have seen a volume 20,000 years ago, in the era of the Great Chu Dynasty, a note of a monk."

"This monk is a nobleman of the Great Chu Dynasty. It is ambitious. It takes a whole hundred years to raise supplies, prepare magic weapons, and accumulate psionic power. It is to rush out of the 'black sea' wrapped around the ancient holy world. Go find the fairy world!"

"He drifted in the dark sea of ​​stars for a full thirty years. He thought he had come to the place where there was no one in the world before, but he accidentally discovered a more powerful and more than a hundred times of the Xinghai flying boat, and within this flying boat, It is also a lifelike body."

"Searching for the items left on the corpse, he found that the corpse was a famous 50,000-year-old dynasty dynasty!"

"Even the "Digital Period" monk, plus the Xinghai flying boat more than a hundred times more precise than him, is dying in the search for the fairy world!"

"This big Chu aristocrat of the peak of the gods of the gods, all of them are gray, the heart is swaying, almost did not go into flames, completely lost the courage to continue to search for the fairy world, and in a few decades, finally escaped to the ancient sacred world!"

"Oh, many ordinary people think that the unpredictable stars in the sky are the dwellings of the immortals. In fact, the vast stars we see, but floating in the dark sea, some shiny gods and wrecks!"

"Sinto is vast, the so-called fairyland, where is it, how can we arrive!"

Li Yao’s heart moved and said: “Why should the Yan brother sigh, since the world knows the name of the “Xianjie”, it’s not really illusory? Maybe the fairy world really exists, but it’s not a strong force to reach outside. But to use some kind of magic weapon like a transmission array, you can send it out!"

Yan used his very strange eyes and swept Li Yao. He said: "Interestingly, your statement is somewhat similar to Wang Xi's statement."

Li Yao’s heartbeat missed a beat and lost his voice: “What?”

“Wang Xi once asked me if there is such a feeling that our ancient sacred world is like an island surrounded by the dark sea, or a bottomless shaft, and we are called “peaceful masters”. It’s just a bunch of frogs that can’t jump out of the way!”

Yan smiled and said, "Well, Wang Xi said, maybe we have used the wrong method for 100,000 years. This deep well can’t jump, but drill a hole from the side. It is possible to drill out!" -

It’s so exciting for a few days in a row, I can’t help myself. I’m taking a break today, changing my mind, sorting out the ideas behind me, and I’m going to do it. Let’s forgive me! The idea is sorted out clearly, and the speed will definitely be brought up again! (To be continued.)


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