Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1413: Wang Xiqiren

Li Yao took a deep breath and forced her heart to sway: "If you can't jump out, just drill it out? It's really unheard of!"

"Wang Xi often has some strange talks like this."

Yan is humane. "For example, he once asked me if I had thought about what the world outside of heaven looks like, what is the so-called fairy world, what immortals living in the fairy world, and what are the differences between us and mortals? ?"

"He still suspects that the idea of ​​breaking the void and flying up the fairyland will be a conspiracy? Can the predecessors of the 'definitely become immortal' really immortal in the immortal world? If it does, why is it 100,000 years? Didn't these 'immortal's return to the ancient sacred world to look at it and teach us how to fly?"

"I remember that the most bizarre question he asked was that everyone knows that the so-called "Ancient Holy Land" is a huge ball that is suspended in the vast expanse of the sea."

"So, why is this big ball not falling down, and where is the 'below'?"

"And, this ball is constantly spinning. If so, why is the sea in the sea not pouring into the sky? Why are we not going to be thrown out by this ball?"

Li Yao’s heart is getting more and more shocking. He almost fell from the peak of the horror. He endured the horror and nodded. “It’s kind of interesting. These strange problems, I have never thought about it before. Yan brother, you How did you answer it?"

"no answer."

Yan is faintly ignorant. "I am not interested in these things. Even if there are immortals, I only care about how it feels to kill."

Li Yao was dumbfounded: "Also, talking with Yan brothers about these vast seas, the mysterious and mysterious things, it is just playing the piano!"

The words "on the cow playing the piano" did not make Yan angered. He admitted quite frankly: "Yes, I only care about kendo, and Wang Xi’s annual meeting. The most talked about is the sword. Wang Xi is on the kendo. There is indeed an outstanding genius, or he can be a first-class master in any field if he is serious."

"I still remember that nearly ten years ago, when he first met Wang Xi, he was already a big man of power, but he made a special trip to ask me for the mystery of Kendo."

"I was so addicted to the sword in my life, I didn't have any interest in the trend. I didn't want to waste time on him. But it was the head of the brothers who pleaded and said that this matter is related to the future exhibition of the Purple Swordsman and had to waste a few days. Time, just take care of it!"

"Unexpectedly, I only know when I try it. Wang Xi’s cultivation is unfathomable. The obsession with Kendo is also from the heart. It is a good opponent worthy of a battle!"

"At that time, only on the kendo, he and I still have a long way to go."

"But once a year, I can feel that he is flying and growing up. It’s not worth three or five years. It’s worth it to spur all the swords to deal with it!"

"In the last year, he can even dial out and let me not let me indulge in the power of the three secret swords!"

"It's a sword, not a sword!"

"I remember, Wang Xi said that at the time!"

"This sentence is like being a good drinker. It makes me wake up like a dream. When I look back at the process of cultivating three secret swords in the past few decades, I am now ridiculous and ridiculous. I almost lost it!"

"At this point, I completed the ritual of the 'fourth sword' and truly reached the perfect state of the integration of human and sword!"

Li Yao secretly sighed and listened to Yan’s commentary. The great **** Wang Xi, who is one of the “four murderers”, is really not a simple character!

From the modern self-cultivation civilization, Li Yao certainly knows that in the era of the wilderness, the secret treasures of the Pangu civilization, although powerful, may not be invincible!

There are two fatal flaws that cannot be changed by the ancient secret treasure.

First, most of the ancient secret treasures were not originally refining for human beings. Their original owners may grow strangely, such as the human tail, three heads and six arms, and so on.

Then, the operation of these secret treasures is very likely to conflict with the physiological characteristics of human beings.

It’s like the thirty-fifty-meter-long black giant sword that Yan is driving away from, not to mention that he is a dwarf. Even a strong man with a height of ten feet and a tiger’s back, it’s impossible to wave in his hand.

If you use the driving of God, there will be problems such as disturbing the mind, delaying the command, etc. After all, it is better to wave freely.

Second, after hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, most of the ancient secret treasures will appear all kinds of corrosion and damage, even if the appearance looks bright as new, the inside will inevitably have various symptoms of darkness and metal fatigue.

This is the conclusion reached by the Xingyao Federation after the five-year opening of the Kunlun ruins.

They searched for a full five years on Kunlun, and they barely found a magic weapon component that could piece together five giant soldiers!

Therefore, the magic weapon is not as old as possible. There are both artifacts and garbage in the era of the flood.

Li Yao came from the modern cultivation of the true civilization, and it took a long time to overcome the blind worship of the ancient civilization of Pangu, and realized that it is not the older the better.

In the closed environment of ancient sacred circles, Wang Xi was able to produce so many whimsy and even consciously recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the ancient secret treasure.

This eunuch, who once used his own power to disrupt the entire Dagan repairing realm, is terrible!

Who is he, will it be?

Li Yao fixed his mind and showed his interest. He directly asked: "The name of 'Wang Xi' has been echoing hundreds of times in the ear of a half-year period. It is said that he is now four. One of the fierce ones, and Han Daling, Wan Mingzhu and Yu Changsheng are the same name! Yan brother, you used to fight with him seven times, he should have some understanding of him, in your opinion, what kind of person is he really? Is it rumored to be a big wicked person?"

"Is it a big deal, I don't know, I don't know."

Yan left his head and thought for a while, showing some strange expressions. "In any case, if I want to say, he is a 'absent" person.

"Anyone who is absent-minded?"

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse, "How do you say?"

"He seems to be absent-minded about everything, even out of the world."

Yan’s eyes are slightly twitching and biting his teeth. “Even in the moment of fighting with me, the sword and the sword, I can see a few things from the depths of his eyes that I can’t tell, knowing that he’s not All my heart is on my fight!"

"I always have a feeling that Wang Xi is this person, not belonging to the ancient sacred world. At least it should not belong to the ancient sacred world. He belongs to another larger and broader world. Perhaps it is the so-called ‘仙界’!”

In the end, Li Yao’s face changed a lot, sucking in a cold air and screaming in his throat.

In order to cover up, he hurriedly said: "What, the meaning of Yan brother is that Wang Xi can compete with Yan brothers in the case of 'absent absent-minded', just to get down the wind?"

"When Wang Xi is able to concentrate on all the souls, psionics and thoughts on top of the three-footed Qingfeng, isn't it possible to become the world's first sword fairy?"


Yan smiled and shook his head. "Unfortunately, he will never be able to condense all the spirits into a small sword, just as a spiritual friend can't do it."

"He has his way, you have your way, I have my way, and each of us has chosen our own way, even though we have the same path, but what we can see on the road is different!"

Li Yao was silent for a moment and exclaimed: "Listen to it, Yan brother's evaluation of Wang Xi is very high!"

"It is really high."

Yan is indulging in a moment, "Let's say, if you give me a choice now, Lingxiao Daoyou, Qi Zhongdao and Wang Xi, among the three of you, I can only choose one to kill in this life, then I don't hesitate. , will definitely choose to kill Wang Xi!"

"My evaluation of Wang Xi is so high, wouldn't the minds of the Lingxiao Dao do not mind?"

"I don't mind if I don't mind, I don't mind if I don't mind. Yan brothers, even if they go to Wang Xi, Qi Zhongdao, and the swords of Chang Ming Wan Mingzhu Han Da Ling, I am not in a hurry, take it slowly, take me It’s OK to be behind two gods!”

Li Yao took a breath and turned his eyes. "The world is really nothing, I really can't imagine that Wang Xi, such a male figure, why he wants to self-mutilate his body, go to the palace to be a eunuch? With his talents and If you are talented and change your identity, can you not excel?"

Yan smiled and said: "A lot of things, I didn't have a choice at the beginning, I could only stagnate in my heart, I was so worried for decades, I could wait until I could choose, and then I went back and looked at it. It’s not so important to choose not to choose the sky, just like I chose to be a... gnome.”

"How is that all the same?"

Li Yao frowned. "The body shape of Yan brother is born. This is going to be a **** in the palace, but it is,"

"Then you are wrong."

Yan’s eyes are shining with strange brilliance, saying, “I don’t know if the spirits and friends have heard of it. Is there a kind of ‘Scorpio person’ in the world?”

Li Yao was shocked: "Yan brother wants to say, is this Wang Xi a ‘Scorpio person'?”

"It’s just a vain rumor. Who knows if it’s true or not?”

Yan is humane. "This kind of thing, apart from yourself, is difficult for others to figure out completely."


Li Yao smiled bitterly. "Besides the madman who is not desperate, I am afraid that no one dares to ask him in the face of Wang Xi. Hey, I heard that you are a god, is it really fake?"

"That's not it."

Yan touched the nose and touched his nose. If nothing happened, "I once asked him in person, and I wanted to see a sword in his pants to see what happened..." (To be continued.) 8


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