Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1429: Who is going to break the battle?

Many of the doormen of Taixuandao and the high-ranking monks of the major sects have come up, or filled with indignation, or are full of concern, or have an unpredictable expression.

"What do you say about Huang Elder, Zhentianfu and Feibao Palace?"

Qi Zhongdao asked a senior elder Tai Xuandao with a black face. "When can I get the food together and use the flying boat to pick it up?"

"What about this..."

The elders of the surname Huang have been coughing a few times. "Shen Tianfu and Feibao Palace have all been attacked by natural disasters. It is said that the losses are not small. There are still many victims who are surrounded by them. The most important thing at the moment is to settle down first. These victims who went to the door! Of course, with the relationship between these two and our Taixuan Road, there must be food and food, and they are powerful! Both sides have promised, and they are making every effort to actively raise food, medicine and warm clothing, as long as Hu Xiaotang first allocated a small amount of materials, and after three or five days, their rescue will arrive!"

"Three or five days!"

Qi Zhongdao’s anger is unstoppable. “After three or five days, the relief supplies of our six major factions have arrived, and what are they to use! Also, there are more than a dozen state capitals in Xijiang Prefecture and nearby, and the rest of the cultivation sects? Send people to ask the principals of these sects, go to the Tiger City to gather together, and discuss the plans for disaster relief and ghosts? Why is it that a master and a leader are not seen up to now?"

"It’s too good to know the door..."

The elders of the surname Huang were helpless. "From yesterday, our disciples of Taixuandao ran around and ran dozens of sects. However, the situation of these sects is too clear, the wall is clear. Low, can't withstand the wind and waves, it is said that the losses in the natural disasters are not small, and now they are self-sufficient. Where can they draw people to discuss this matter?"

"However, since it is too much to speak in person, these sects are of course only yours, and they all agree, as long as the big sects like Hu Xiaotang, Zhentianfu and Feibao Palace, first allocate a batch of supplies. Ten days and a half on the top, they can pick up the clues from the chaotic situation and come up with big supplies!"

"Heavenly disasters, natural disasters, natural disasters, all use natural disasters as an excuse, floods and burning winds are even more powerful. Can you smash thousands of miles and sweep all the sects?"

Qi Zhongdao was trembled and pointed to a hill on the psionic sand table. The mountain was very high. "The area around Qingyun Mountain in the south of Xijiang Prefecture, there is no burning wind and no flood, and it is in the Qingyun Mountain. A few practicing sects, why don't you pay for food!"

The elders of the surname Huang squinted, "this is this" for a long time, and the words are stopped.

Qi Zhongdao looked around for a circle, and the sound was cold like a piece of hail: "Say!"

The elders of the surname Huang surnamed one another and said: "Returning to the top of the head, the largest sect of the Qingyun Mountain area, the Qingfeng School, said that although they have not been affected, the second largest sect of the Qingyun Mountain area, Lingyunmen. A lot of friction, Lingyun door 嚣 Zhang Hao, ambitious, will always have a heart of annexation!"

"If this time, Qingfeng faction will take a lot of resources to help the victims, I am afraid that it will be followed by Lingyunmen. When the Lingyunmen Daxing kills and slays, how should the Qingfeng faction resist?"

"So, it is OK to send money out of Qingfeng, but to Lingyunmen first out, how many Lingyunmen, how many Qingfeng factions, a copper plate, a glutinous rice will not be less!"


Qi Zhongdao narrowed his eyes, cold and cold, "How do you say that Lingyunmen? It would not be said that the Qingfeng School should be first out, and how much Qingfeng sent out, how much more do they have?"

"That's not it."

Huang surnamed the elders, "Ling Yunmen said that the Qingyun Mountain area has recently suffered from frequent frequency, and there are many shadows of the 'black martyrdom' murderers. It is obvious that they want to smash the scourge of the natural disasters, killing and looting! ”

"Tai Shang's head and all the friends of the Tao are clear. This 'Black Skull' is a magical cult that ravages the southeastern thirteen states. It sells people, refines large cigarettes, burns and looters, has no evils, but has traces and strength. Many sects have suffered from the black martyrdom. Sometimes a whole fleet of flying boat business groups will be looted by the black martyrdom, and even the belt bones will disappear without a trace!"

"Black sects are not the same as small ones. It is not that the forces such as Lingyunmen and Qingfeng School can resist. Therefore, they can only strictly guard the portal and strengthen their defenses. Where can they dare to act rashly? Even if they have raised a large amount of materials, they will be transported in transit. The black martyrdom has been looted, isn’t it even worse?”

"All in all, in short, in the head, I am not saying what I should say, these "land snakes" in the southeast are looking at the results of the Tiger City, if we can first from the tiger Xiaotang opened a gap and let Hu Xiaotang take out a large amount of supplies. The other denominations naturally said it!"

"If you eat at the Huxiaotang side, other sects are naturally difficult."

"Yes, these sects are not as big as the Tigers. If we are under the city, they must only open the gates, but once they come to the nameless, secondly, it is easy to open their gates. It is difficult to find the materials they have hidden. Compared with the sky, these local snakes who have been working hard for hundreds of years in the local area, there are few hidden secrets in the family?"

The words of the elders of the surname Huang, let Qi Zhongdao, the top master of the peak of the Yuan Ying period, have been rushing for a long time, and then turned their attention to Li Yao and many other high-level practitioners.


The voice of Qi Zhongdao contains incomparable resentment and excitement. He tried his best to suppress his anger and hoarse his throat. "This is the situation. If you can't get a lot of food in a short time, there will be countless victims who will die. When a thousand victims die, the white mother will not be able to get the power of the squad, but the squad will not only ravage the southeast, but also ruin the Lingtian, which is not affected by the disaster, and may also besiege the southeastern city of Dongning. Let the world shake, the evil spirits of the four sides will rise up! In the end, the entire real world, no one benefits!"

"So, on the surface, it is only the southeast disaster. In fact, it is the chaos of our entire comprehension community. No one can take off the relationship!"

"To open up the situation and resolve the crisis, we must convince Hu Xiaotang to open the warehouse to release food, but Hu Xiaotang is so ruthless and unwarranted, and there is no heart-warming attitude! Let’s talk about it, to Hu Xiaotang. Regardless of the sect of the overall situation of the realm of the truth, what should be done!"

As soon as this statement came out, there were many high-level discussions in the realm of comprehension.

Many people have been blaming the scenes of Hu Xiaotang’s paintings, and seeing the words of death and invincibility. They are full of indignation and indignation. The practitioners should say how to do for the heavens, and the people of the world will not save them. There is no sadness in the world, and it is really insulting the word "Famous"!

Some people also shouted in the throat, saying that Hu Xiaotang did not give the true face of the real world, it is no wonder that everyone is using the Thunder means, this will smash the dog head of Hu Xiaotang, forcing them to open the warehouse to release food!

Some people say that this is not appropriate. The behavior of Hu Xiaotang is indeed a bit ruthless, but after all, it is not out of place. It is not a sinful evil demon!

If you are a self-cultivator, you can help the devil, and you will be the devil, but the tiger is not a demon. Duan Yuanwu said that it is reasonable. The ground is the ground of Hu Xiaotang. The grain is the food of Hu Xiaotang. To help the victims, is it really a crime of mass destruction?

There is also a more experienced old generation of self-cultivators who are sinking. This is not a solution to the Tiger Hill’s mountain gate. Because of the heart and mind of Duan’s father and son, it is certain that all the food and materials will be hidden in the secret. In the library, between rushes, it is impossible to be found by outsiders!

Really broke the mountain gate and killed countless people in the Huxiaotang. When half of the food could not be found, the real thing was that the Huxiaotang granary went into the water, and all the materials were paid for the "facts". At that time, what were the major sects? Haven't they all become gangsters who are obsessed with fires and robbed homes?

After all, what qualifications do they have to attack the hills of Hu Xiaotang? Now that the new emperor "Fenghuang Emperor" has just succeeded to the throne, no one can understand the character and temper of the Ninth Five-Year Reign. At this time, it is not appropriate to do things that are more sturdy and sturdy.

Everyone talked for a long time, and there was no result. At this time, a comprehension person behind the crowd was swearing: "They of the Taoist friends said that they are actually nonsense, what is the name of the teacher, and what is afraid of not being able to find Hu Xiaotang. The secret database, these are not important! The key issue is that Hu Xiaotang’s 'seven savage and fierce battles', there are hundreds of tigers and cannons, and there are some doorways, not real masters. I am afraid I can't break this battle!"

Everyone looked down at the sound, but it was the golden armor of the ancestral temple!

Step by day, the copper twisted his face and said with anger, he said with anger that the self-cultivator should help the weak and save the life as his own duty. If the disaster strikes today, the soul is smeared, and it is the time when the self-cultivator is full of magic! Such a critical moment, Hu Xiaotang's ruthlessness, seeing the shameless act of death and death, is really insulting the true meaning of the word "self-cultivator", he is quite blind!

What is this "seven savage and fierce battles", at first glance, it is amazing, in fact, in his view, it may not be so powerful!

If not, hey, if he was not at the Longquan Conference three months ago, he was the first-class master of the newly risen in the realm of the realm. It is said that Weizheng is southwest, not right. It is the whole great cause of Weizhen, and it is called "Da Zhou Jianzong". The coffin was seriously injured, and he would be seriously injured for three months. Every morning, he would spit out a heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. He had already rushed to the ground, and he was able to jump over the clowns. Flying in the air, in the face of the "Da Zhou Jian Zong" Lingbi master, dare to be so arrogant?

As I said, the step of copper seems to be a thick and sturdy Yuan Ying, while constantly glaring at Li Yao. (To be continued.) 8


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