Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1430: Breaking!


Hundreds of eyes were like wild dogs smelling meat, and they rushed to Li Yao.

The high-level cults of all the sects, the heads of the sages, the lords and the elders, all eyes are shining and the mysterious smile appears.

This is true, it is true that the spirits of the gods are the masters of the world, and they are the masters of the refining tools of the world. They must know the law well, and it is best for him to break through the battle!

That way, yes, the sorcerer became famous in the Longquan conference, and the name is the world. Nowadays, it is the stalwart pillar of the great dry repairing realm. He has his own personally, and he does not need to do it at all. When the timid class heard the name of "Da Zhou Jian Zong", it would scare the fart into the urine, and the city surrendered!

There are people who are right, you are too exaggerated! The cultivation of the Lingbi Master can indeed be among the top three in the world, and it is not a master of the world. But Hu Xiaotang is not a dough pinch. Where will it be easily surrendered?

Let the Lingbi masters go through the "seven savage and fierce battles", even with the strength of his old man, they are a little bit reluctant!

However, don't forget, Ziji Jianzong has another level master who has the opportunity to compete for "the world's first".

Yan Yan’s mysterious “fourth sword” is not the name of the world’s unparalleled, powerful, and even the old “big dry first treasure” Fan Tianyin can be opened with a sword? In the district, there is a "seven savage and fierce battles". Where is it hard to live with a sword, a sword will be smashed!

There are "Swordsman" Yan Yiren and "Da Zhou Jianzong" Lingbi Master, the two masters of the world, together, will be able to break this battle!

Listening to the exaggerated flattery of everyone, looking at the pungent gaze, Li Yao’s forehead sweated out of the soybeans.

He screamed a thousand words in his heart, and turned his head and glanced at Yan’s departure. He whispered: "Yan Daoyou..."

Yan is drooping from the eyelids, his expression is not chaotic, and he is very focused on his palm, as if he can see a flower from the palm print, faintly said: "I am a sword idiot, not an idiot."

At this time, it is time to play at the head.

Dan Fengzi cleared the scorpion, went up two steps, first gave a deep ritual to the people, and then he and Yan Yue color, thank you all the friends for the love and praise of the two elders of Ziji Jianzong, Ziji Jianzong to Hu Xiaotang This kind of iron-hearted heart, seeing death and not saving, regardless of the overall situation of the cultivation of the real world, is also quite eye-catching!

It’s a pity that the Longquan Conference three months ago consumed too much strength of the Ziji Jianzong, including the two elders who were the strongest, Yan Yan and the Lingbi, all of whom accumulated in the fight. Less dark injury, has reached the end of the strong, and is slowly recovering!

If the two elders are holding a serious injury and are forced to fight, the loss of Ziji Jianzong’s own is a trivial matter. In case of defeat, the name of the major sects in the realm of the realm is made, so that the Xiaoxiaotang villain is ambition. Crazy, that would be bad, right?

When this statement came out, there was something to be said by others. They had to face each other and tout each other and swear each other.

This said, my brother, your "Qin Kun Wuji heart" is the first magical power in the world, only to save the success of the three, one palm down, what "seven tigers and fierce battles" all will be turned into powder!

That said, the younger brother did not know, his brother's "Kun Kun's Promise" is nothing but gold and jade, and it is not worth mentioning. It is not worth mentioning that the younger brother's "corrugated sea" is better than the older one. Followed by his brother, he will be able to kill Duan's father and son, and the city will surrender. When the time comes, the big name will be owned by the younger brother alone, and his brother will not be touched!

Anyway, you push me, I push you, this says that he is mad, and that he said that he was old and injured, and they pushed each other for a long time, that is, no one would be the first to rush to break.

Li Yao looked at the bones of the celestial winds, and the heads and the lords of the Taoist dynasty all turned into this kind of timid appearance. It was a far cry from the imagination. For a time, he could not accept it. He whispered Dan Fengzi. : "In the Central Plains, the real world, has it always been?"

"That's not the case."

Dan Fengzi said, "In the past, there were still some brave and progressive high-ranking monks."

Li Yao asked: "What then?"


Dan Fengzi said, "They are all dead."

Li Yao: "..."

Qi Zhongdao silently looked at the high-level sects of the various sects in the realm of comprehension. They pushed each other and feared each other. The face seemed to be covered with a faint black mist, and they could not see what the expression behind the black fog was.

He was silent for a long time, and his voice was as painful as constipation: "You, all of you have come to this time, do you still want to do this? Take care of the overall situation, the overall situation!"

"It's a real person!"

An elder of the Wind Thunder Valley is in the right direction. "It's not that we don't want to take care of the overall situation. It's really too hasty here. Now only the high-ranking monks of the major sects have arrived here, and a large number of low-ranking monks have also escorted relief supplies behind. Go slowly!"

"Let's rely on high-ranking monks to go to a strong defensive array, and there are hundreds of hybrid tigers and golden crows. Isn't this a jade hit the tile?"

"It should be noted that Hu Xiaotang was not the target of everyone's attack, but the Taoist friend who looked up and did not see him in the realm of cultivation. Bailian education is the ill-health that everyone must eradicate this time!"

"I haven't seen the ghost of Bailian's mother. I first hit a **** stream under Huxiaocheng. I haven't been able to find the food and materials needed for disaster relief. Isn't it worth the loss? How do you deal with yourself? White Lotus Ghost Army?"

"So, this matter still has to wait for the lower-level disciples of the major factions to continue to come, and then from the long-term discussion!"

"Yes, from long-term planning, long-term planning!"

The words of the elders of the wind thunder Valley won the unanimous approval of all the sectarians.

"From long ... to argue!"

Qi Zhongdao squinted at his heart, his body was slightly swaying, and he laughed a few times, but he couldn’t laugh.

The master of bitterness is still in the midair. In addition to the undead, it is this great compassionate monk. In the face of a mess, it seems that nothing can be done.

Just as all the superb high-ranking monks are deadlocked here, suddenly!


A deafening loud noise came from the depths of Huxiaocheng.

In an instant, the ground moved to the mountain, the sand flew away, and the entire Tianhu Mountain was trembled a few times. "咔嚓咔嚓", above the rock, there was a thick and strange gap!

All the high-ranking monks were stunned and staring at the depths of Huxiaocheng. They only saw the depths of the city. A group of five-color clouds rose, and a strong black smoke spewed from the core, gradually forming a mushroom. shape!

The explosion, the power is absolutely strong, the core of the Tiger City has actually fallen down, and there are bursts of crying and crying!


The elders of the surname Huang of Taixuandao suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed. "The seven tigers are fierce and fierce, and they are slowly dimming!"

Everyone fixed their eyes and looked at it. Sure enough, the seven tigers and the fierce savage screaming of a golden tiger scorpion murderous soul, gradually dimmed, weak, turned into a golden mang, and finally disappeared!

The oppressive feeling that originally brought the tyrannical tyranny to the crowd quickly disappeared.

On the tower of Huxiaocheng, the crowds were swaying, and there was a panic. The original momentum was not condensed, and they all brought a taste of the stock!

"The seven revolutionary tigers and fierce battles of the operational center, actually exploded!"

Many high-ranking monks first glimpsed, and under the heart of the electricity, they quickly analyzed the latest situation and could not help but be ecstatic.

This is a godsend!

There are no seven bucks and fierce blessings, and there are no terrible things in the district.

However, how come?

With the explosion, there was a series of fierce fighting sounds in the Tiger City. From the volatility of the psionic volatility, it was a contest between several Yuan Ying and many Jin Dan!

The fighting sound was far and near, and gradually spread to the tower of the Tiger City.

I haven't seen the people fighting, and there is another explosion above the tower. A group of black things are shot from the smog, and the psionic boat in the air is thrown over!

"Take him! Stop him!"

In the Tiger City, there is a heartbreaking, screaming.


Dozens of iron locks came out of the smoke, and I wanted to intercept the black things and drag them back.

There are twenty or thirty yuan infants on the psionic canoe. You can make them easy to get rid of. Now there are dozens of swords and knives, and the iron locks are broken. This group of black things sucked, dragged over, and squatted on the deck!

This group of black things is a person.

He was tall and thin, his face was half-green and his lips were extremely thin, revealing a sinful temper, wearing a short blouse of Hu Xiaotang's lower-order disciples, but he was crushed by his body joints and blouses. The following faintly infiltrated the bleeding traces, and sealed the meridians of the body, and even the fingers of the roots could not move, only with a pair of eyes full of grievances and despair, staring at the crowd.

On this person's belt, there is also a scroll of graffiti with grass paper.

Unfolding open, it is the structural map of Huxiaocheng. There are no twists and turns in other places. There is no reference value. There are several underground secret stores. I don’t know if it is true or not!

"this is……"

Many high-ranking monks faintly feel that this person is familiar with some people, some people indulge in a moment, hoarse!

"He is the owner of the black sacred mountain ghost hall Friday!"

On the upstairs of the Tiger’s Square, there was a strange and sharp scream. “Why do you think that Hu Xiaotang insisted on not opening the city gate? Because Hu Xiaotang and the Black Skull are a group of people, the Black Skull The old nest is in the city of Huxiao. The teacher of the black martyrdom, Qufutong, is the brother of Duan Xingyi, who died in the main section of Hu Xiaotang 50 years ago. He is now at Duan Tiande’s side, and he wants to kill Husband alive. !" (To be continued.) 8


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