Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1446: It’s weird!

When the sword is angry, the cockroach is not divided into two, but the direct piece is cracked, and the blast is turned into a female flower.

From the thousands of white bone fragments, a vain white smoke emerged, and quickly swept away from the rear of the squadron!

Wan Mingzhu's true body, not even hidden in the white bones, but I do not know when, hiding in such an ordinary squadron, want to fish in the water, mixed in many shackles and zombies, sneak attack on the masters of bitterness!

Yan's face is unchanged from the face, but the corner of his mouth evokes a smile of interest, his finger flicks, and Jianqi turns around in the void without warning, chasing the body of Wan Mingzhu!


Countless white bone fragments draw a sharp arc in the air, such as a blast of wind and rain on the Yan Jian's sword, but they are shattered by the sword!

The sword is as light as electricity, and instantly catches up with the body of Wan Mingzhu.


Between the heavens and the earth, there was a scream of Wan Mingzhu's creeps. Before the arrival of Jianqi, the ghosts smashed into two halves as soon as they arrived. It just happened to let Jianqi pass through the middle gap!

Even so, the edge of the sword's edge is still smashing the yin soul. When it is merged again, it turns into a white-haired robe, and the image of a middle-aged woman who is full of resentment and hatred is bleak. In the center of the body, from head to toe, there is a very obvious black line, and the smoky smoke is scattered from the outside!

Yan’s sword is the first in the world. Even the mother of the world’s ghosts can be hurt by a sword!

Wan Mingzhu gnashed his teeth and his face was extremely strong.

More and more ghosts and zombies gathered around her, rushing five super-infant babies and wielding their teeth.

Just then, there was a thunderous bang in the sky.


The entire world is turbulent, like a sudden earthquake!

There was a shout of cheers in the direction of Dongning City, but the white lotus fog on the top of the ghost army was a bit messy.

This sound mixed with strong psionic waves, like a tsunami, spread in all directions, arousing the attention of five super Yuan Ying and Bai Lian's mother.

Li Yao squinted and looked at the horizon on the northwest.

But seeing a mighty army, surrounded by a group of black things, slowly and firmly advancing toward the battlefield!

The army is up and down, the battle flag is inviting, and the huge "Ray" characters are embroidered with lightning spirits around them, as if they have their own bright arcs. Under the yellow sky, they are particularly eye-catching.

And the black-skinned things they are surrounded by, no matter how many chaotic decorations are added on the surface, no matter how much the cover is covered, it’s Li Yao’s view, that’s not

"Is the gun on the Starship battleship?"

When Li Yao’s eyes were prominent, he saw hundreds of muscle-stretching brawny men, all of them chained around the body, and the other end of the chain was tied to a giant chariot, dragging the ship of the Xinghai battleship. Cannon, move forward slowly!

These chains are probably not only used for towing, but Li Yao clearly perceives that the psionic powers and spirits of hundreds of strong men are connected through iron chains and naval guns to form a primitive. Simple launch system!


Hundreds of strong men also screamed at the same time, and the spirits rushed to the limit like a storm, and the chain collapsed straight, as if there were countless currents flowing down the chain into the guns, and it was a deafening Roaring, a flame of plasma whistling out, but not on the ground, but in the sky!

The plasma burst, releasing thousands of arcs, like a sword, tearing all the clouds into pieces, in a huge hole, revealing the blue sky, and the magnificent sun!

The sun turned into a golden arrow, and it fell on the white lotus fog above the head of the sinister ghost army. It seemed as if the ice cubes were put into the oil pan, and suddenly there was a fierce sound of "嗤嗤嗤嗤".

The white lotus is foggy and dissipates at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sinister ghost army under the fog, violently disturbed the sun with strong radiation, can continue to interfere with their yin magnetic field, which is equivalent to "continuous bloodletting" for them, so the sinister army has a kind of sunshine The instinct of fear, only in the cloudy days or nights covered by dark clouds, under the protection of the white magnetic field of Bailian, dare to come out!

"It’s the Thunder Camp! It’s the Thunder’s Thunder Camp!”

Above the tower, there was a cry.

As Dan Fengzi once said to Li Yao, the real world’s first sect is not Taixuan, but the “Thunder Gate” that created the Dagan Dynasty.

This elite "Thunder Camp" that guards the gods is a strong soldier composed of disciples inside the Leiganmen. It is by no means comparable to the ordinary court army.

In order to cope with the civil disturbances caused by the natural disasters in the southeast, even the Thunder Camp was transferred to the area of ​​Dongning Prefecture, just in time to catch up with this group of ghosts and siege wars!

The appearance of the Thunder Camp broke the balance of the stalemate between the two sides.

Wan Mingzhu, who was besieged by five super Yuan Ying, had only the power of parry. He did not fight back, and his subordinates were completely separated. It was impossible to effectively command the Yin soldiers.

In addition, the Thunder Camp's cannons are constantly being launched, and all the clouds are shredded.

Under the strong sunlight, hundreds of white lotus mists disappeared.

The sinister squadrons that are directly exposed to the sun are like being burnt by the flames. The whole body emits the sound of "sweet", and the smoke is smoky, and it disappears in an instant!

The defensive line of the sinister ghost army was gradually collapsed.

Under the instigation of the timid blood of the companions, the souls and the self-cultivators were waking up, and under the encouragement of the continuous bombardment of the giant cannons, they once again ignited courage, pilgrimage and corpse!

It’s no wonder that it’s blameless, and the contest between man and ghost is like this, the magnetic field is stronger and more resistant to interference!

"White Lotus Ghost, your army is over!"

Qi Zhongdao laughed, a large sleeve of robes, and flew over Wanmingzhu!

Wan Mingzhu swept the Thunder Camp in the sky and his face flashed a hesitant color.

The army is advancing and it takes time. At this moment, the Thunder Camp has not yet rushed to the battlefield. It is only the giant cannon. Only she has the room to retreat and rebuild.

If you are entangled with a few super Yuan Ying, and the road is blocked by the Thunder Camp, it will be completely finished!

Yes, the body of the ghost is not afraid of the waves of the sea, and can be retreated directly from the sea.

But the sinister also needs to replenish the psionic power. In the vast sea, you can't find enough resources, and there is no occlusion. If you are exposed to strong sunlight for a whole day, the sinisters of the ten will be wiped out. !

If you break into the bottom of the sea, you will encounter the effects of various undercurrents, and you will also greatly lose the soul of the ghosts, so that the souls will slowly dissipate in the depths of the dark sea.


Wan Mingzhu took the initiative and summoned the army to retreat!

"Where to go!"

Yan Yiren, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters all copied to Wan Mingzhu!

But there are dozens of golden corpses that look like gold poured out, mixed with the sinister winds, from the bottom up, to their feet, and open their mouths and bite towards their thighs.

Yan is not stunned by the eyes of the people, and the sword is once again sheathed, turning into dozens of sharp points, and smashing toward the golden corpse!

"Be careful!"

Ba Xiaoyu was a double-eyed, screaming, holding his head, and a tendon turned backwards.

After "**" dozens of strange noises, dozens of gold corpses actually bulged into a round ball, and they were smashed by Yan’s sword, which exploded just like a scent. Light golden fog!

No need to remind Ba Xiaoyu, everyone knows that these pale golden fog is not a good thing, and it is only necessary to dodge around.

It was this moment of effort. The ghost of Wan Mingzhu had been split into dozens of faint white smoke, which were sputtered into dozens of nearby white bones, scorpions and walking corpses.

These white bones, scorpions and walking corpses are all like electric shocks. The speed is almost dozens of times faster and flees in different directions.


"It’s hard to catch the white lotus ghost, we must completely annihilate her. Otherwise, even if the million squadrons and ghosts are all turned into powder, as long as the Wan Mingzhu still does not die, one day it will come back!"

Qi Zhongdao said with a grin.

This is also the voice of all the self-cultivators.

Although the million squadrons have been defeated, if they are not completely annihilated, they will still flow to the state capitals below, and the small and medium-sized sects with weak defensive powers will be looted, even all spirits. Tian Tongtong is polluted and destroyed!

The defeat of the army is like a mountain, and the sinister army is turned into a large number of squadrons and becomes a real lonely ghost!

The self-cultivator and the imperial army are imposing, and they are biting in the back, trying to completely eliminate more ghosts and ghosts, and prevent them from having to regroup.

Li Yao and other five super Yuan Ying, is to release all the thoughts, trying to lock the soul of Zhu Bailian's mother.

Both sides chased me to escape, and the more they chased the farther, the large number of sinister ghosts and soldiers gradually entered the hilly area on the south side of Dongning House, among the endless mountains.

This battle has continued for a whole day, and at this moment, the sky is gradually dimming.


In the mountains of the innocent, flying countless shocking birds, making a scream of "squeaky", flying toward the night!

Yan Yiren, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and the master of bitterness, turned into four streams of light, rushed into the mountains, and suddenly there were two earth-shattering explosions in the depths of the mountains, and large mountains and forests burned and burned in the flames. Mixed with the screams of Wan Mingzhu.

Li Yao stopped at the top of the mountain forest. If he stared thoughtfully at the black forest, there was a mist in his heart. He was screamed by Wan Mingzhu and screamed.

This embarrassment, it’s too embarrassing! (To be continued.)


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