Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1447: Who is the pig's head three?

"Hey, even if you have the heart to put a white mother and a horse, suddenly stop here, it is too obvious!"

The **** demon devours a lot of negative emotions, eats the stomach and rolls, and fills the mouth with oil, and starts to move around again, while picking his teeth and saying coldly.

"No, don't you think that the war between the living and the dead is really a bit strange?"

Li Yao looked at the night in the night as if there were endless black mountains. If he thought, "White Lotus is not easy to catch up with the natural disasters. It has gathered thousands of ghosts. It looks so powerful, but the result is broken, even one day. If there is no support, it will be defeated, and this is too sloppy!"

"Crap, let's have five super yuan infants here, plus dozens of ordinary yuan infants, and the Thunder camp of the court is carrying the naval guns of the Xinghai battleship. It is his mother's naval gun!"

The **** demon digs the nostrils. "The white lion's sinister ghost army, most of them are the ghosts and ghosts who have just been recruited. If they are converted into living people, they are the mobs who hold the manure fork. They are purely a group of ugly people. However, it is normal!"

"That would be even more weird!"

Li Yao listened to the sound of the white lotus in the depths of the forest. The brows were getting more and more tight. "These information is not top secret. The Thunder Camp will not be a bandit. The vast expanse of the excavation, just put a few ghosts to the mid-air reconnaissance, you can master their marching route, and based on their speed and the terrain in front, to calculate their time to arrive in Dongning."

"And we, the Central Plains reinforcements, have been grinding for ten days in Huxiaocheng. Almost all the southeast sects know the news of Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, Yan Liren, the bitter master and my arrival. How could she not know, we will Appear on the battlefield?"

"Five super Yuan Ying, plus dozens of ordinary Yuan Ying, plus the thirty-three sectarian comprehensions in the southeast, plus the imperial Thunder Camp of the imperial court, is simply a powerful force that is invincible in the world. As long as Bailian’s mother still has a little bit of basic computational power, it’s time to calculate the chances of winning the Wuhe people who have just recruited them.

"So, the question is coming. What we have been ignoring is that why did Bailian’s mother not attack the Dongning House?"

The blood-colored demon stunned for a long time: "Dongning is the first big city in the southeast, and it is the gate of the thirty-three cultivating sects. It contains countless spar, magic treasure and jade crystal. These things are all about the cultivation of the ghost soldiers. Great help, as long as the absorption of a large number of spar and jade crystals contained in the psionic power, there may be countless solitary ghosts will evolve into an old ghost, and the old ghost will become a more ferocious ghost king! Is this not the best reason?"

"That's why she can attack Dongning House!"

Li Yao said very calmly, "Inferred from common sense, as long as Bailian's mother is not a pig's head three, she will never know that she is impossible to take down the Dongning government under the assistance of the Central Plains monk army and the Thunder camp. Then there are more secret treasures, spar and jade crystals in Dongning. They are all in the water, and the other side is the flower that can be hopeless!"

"Maybe, maybe she is the pig's head three?"

The **** demons are not convinced. "I see the heart of Bailian's mother, obviously the source of strength, 'anger,' and 'hate,' and perhaps she was killed by some self-cultivators who died in the past. It’s so miserable, so I hate all the world’s self-cultivators and want to retaliate, so there is a chance, and we must desperately attack the great city ruled by the self-cultivator!”

"Impossible, impossible!"

Li Yao repeatedly shook his head and said, "I am qualified to be among the top ten masters of the ancient sacred world, and converted into a living person's cultivation, almost reaching the peak of the Yuan Ying period, even if it is really "hate" as the heart, absolutely I won't be completely stunned by anger and launch such a savage attack! I always feel that the words that Bailian's mother started to say to us, and now the pig-like roar, all carry a trace of performance. A little pretentious, some exaggerated!"

The blood-colored demons stunned: "Since you said that her performance is too much, then the ten is true. After all, you are a master in the field of performance!"

"And, this large-scale siege is obviously different from the style of Bailian's mother!"

Li Yao’s gaze and continued analysis, “In the past, although Bailian taught to ravage the southeast, he never attacked a large city with heavy guards, but sought out those towns with weak defenses, or located in remote mountainous areas. The small and medium-sized sects started, and they were able to fight for a long time before they were annihilated by the army. They smashed dozens of townships and counties and slaughtered several small and medium-sized sects!"

"It can be seen that Bai Lian’s mother’s brain is very clear. She deeply knows where her strengths are, and she can do her best to avoid weaknesses and weaknesses!”

"This natural disaster, the scale of the natural disaster, almost spread to hundreds of states in the southeast, everywhere are dying disaster victims, so that Bailian mother can recruit millions of sinister ghosts in such a short time!"

"If I am Bai Lian's mother, there is such a large army in hand, why should we rush to attack Dongning, the first strong city in the southeast? Continue to follow the old method and lead the army to the south, far away from Dongning, go It’s not good to attack the towns and local sects with weak defensive powers, rob the Lingtian there, and smash the gates there.”

"As a result, on the one hand, a large number of Lingtian and sectarian support can be obtained; and in a small-scale battle, the ghosts can be tempered, and the original rabble can be turned into a smashing soldier; most importantly, the southeast ground. The most powerful thirty-three sects are huddled in the Dongning House. As long as they do not touch their fundamental interests, perhaps they will not be able to make up their minds, and will spare everything and the white lotus ghosts to fight, even, even Holding the mentality of 'sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger', I watched the white lotus ghost army to weaken the power of the sects in the rest of the place!"

"In the past few months, you have also seen that the cultivation sects of the ancient world are purely scattered sands. As long as they are not forced to go nowhere, their war efficiency is very, very low!"

"So simple thinking, even I can think of it, and Bailian's mother has done this for dozens of times in the past. Why do you want to do the opposite? This is a hasty rush to gather the army and attack the city. Rotating and defeating, it’s like..."

The **** demon faintly said: "It’s like deliberately losing!"


Li Yao’s eyes lit up and snapped a finger. “It’s this feeling, she is deliberately defeated!”

"But there is no reason!"

The **** demon in the depths of Li Yao’s brain, carrying his hands and turning around, “deliberately failing, what good is it for her, is it after the fraud, there is an ambush in front?”

Li Yao looked far and wide and the mountain was not tall. This speculation was quickly denied by him.

After the scam, the enemy is infiltrated, surrounded by all sides, and gathered together - this is a very superb commanding art, must have a well-trained, such as the super-elegant arm, and the commander of the victorious battle, It is possible to play it out.

With this sinister army of ghosts, they will be kept in a state of arbitrage, and they will be able to do so, and there will be no retreat. Even if the power of Bailian’s mother is against the sky, once it collapses, even if it is a collapse, it will still collapse. I want to gather together to fight annihilation, purely idiots say dreams!

This is not a game, even if it is a squadron, there is also a "morality". After the morale collapses, many new deaths and sorrows disappeared directly, and what counterattacks were played!

Moreover, on the side of the comprehension, there are also hundreds of warlords who are proficient in the art of command. They have long let go of the exploration of horses within a thousand miles, and it is impossible to hide the elite of a sinister ghost army in the corner!

In the southeast, the terrain is gentle, although there are endless hills, but after all, it is not the 100,000 mountains that towering into the clouds in the southwest. The hills here are not steep, and most of the mountains are explored and developed, and there is no strong and fierce. The beast is crouching, and there is no ghost cave in the ground. It is quite reluctant to escape, let alone play ambush!

"White Lotus, what is the purpose?"

Li Yao was not prepared to die under the white mother's old mother, and the fog of her heart became more and more intense, and she was even more reluctant to catch up.

"Conspiracy, there must be a big conspiracy here!"

Li Yao is right in the **** heart. "You don't feel very strange. We have come to the ancient holy world for half a year. Actually, all the way has been smooth, and I have never encountered a big conspiracy!"

"This is not reasonable!"

"From the past experience, should we not go to a new world every time, if we don't take a three- or five-step road, will we encounter a big conspiracy that can destroy the world?"

Scarlet Devil: "...just, you are happy."

Li Yaoyi claped: "Bai Lian's mother is absolutely swindled. There must be a big conspiracy inside, if it is not in front, it is behind us..."

Li Yao was shocked and turned to look at the direction of Dongning.

The comprehensions in the capital of Dongning have already come out.

They hated the white lotus ghost army, and they had to kill the other party when they were defeated. They chased the ghosts and ghosts who fled all over the place and gradually became farther and farther away from Dongning.

There are only a large number of victims in the government of Dongning and a handful of self-cultivators who stay behind. It seems a bit deserted and empty.

"Hey, you don't think that Bailian's old mother is swindling, is it to tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

The **** heart demon sneer, "White Lotus is not a pig's head three. The treacherous guys in the real world are not the pig's head. "How can you think of such a simple trick?" The most careful scan of the entire Dongning House has been carried out to ensure that there are people in the city, and there will never be half a ghost!"


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