Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1448: Join hands?


Li Yao looked at the far horizon of the north, leaving only the stars to ignite the lights in the night, and the feeling of restlessness became more and more obvious.

Anyway, he didn't intend to put Bai Lian's mother to death. This slap was so confusing and unclear. He didn't figure out the key, he was not reconciled!

The exchange of Li Yao and the **** demons was carried out purely in the brain in the form of a collision of gods. In the real world, it only paused for a while.

In the next second, he screamed through the clouds and shook the air, turned into a streamer, and shot into the forest, pretending to catch up with Bailian's mother.

When he landed in the dense jungle, he immediately converges the spirit, takes a big circle, and retreats in the direction of Dongning.

At this moment, the area between Dongning and the southern hills is in chaos.

Most of the self-cultivators of the classical era did not receive professional militarized training. Although the individual's combat power is strong, it can only be regarded as a group of gangsters, and there is still no small difference between the army that is really prohibited and the advance and retreat.

The biggest problem is that when they start chasing, they often do everything, slash and kill, loosely smash, and there is no point in formation and liaison. The chasing party and the routing party almost lose their effective command, purely competing individual Wu Yong.

From this point of view, the use of the word "war" to describe the killing of the comprehensible is really overestimating them. It should be said that it is a large-scale, high-level gang fight.

Everyone screams without a head and brains, desperately slashing, aimlessly charging, as long as you see the soul, the scorpion and the walking corpse, let go of the attack.

Under such a chaotic situation, Li Yao deliberately disappeared and quietly sneaked, and no one or half of the ghosts noticed his existence.

He even took off his green robes, and peeled off a few pieces of riddled holes from the battlefield. The **** robes were covered, and the faces were covered with dirt and blood, and the joints and muscles were finely adjusted. To make a subtle change in his body shape, he swayed and went to Dongning.

At this moment, the shout of smothering has gradually drifted away from Dongning, and there are only a few wounded soldiers and bodies in the siege of the city during the day. Many people in the city have been organized to bury their bodies and rescue the wounded in the open city gate. Inside and out, the endless stream, the defense is relaxed to the extreme.

Li Yao’s eyes narrowed his eyes on the city wall. There weren’t many self-cultivators stationed on the city tower. Even the Zhenhai-Tiantao, which had been running for a whole day with high intensity, stopped running. It was estimated that the loss during the day was too great. Emergency repair!

However, although the defensive power of Dongning House is weak, it does not see half of the ghosts in all directions. Even if the moon shines on the sea, it will not see the shadow of a half-day ghost ship.

With full of doubts, Li Yao slightly applied a subtotal, mixed in the wounded, and entered Dongning.

At the moment, Dongning House, the vast majority of self-cultivators and elite soldiers rushed out of the city to chase down the sinister ghost army, appearing to be empty, cold and clear.

Only the old, weak, sick and seriously injured of the large number of victims were crowded in the streets, but because of the smoothness of the war, there was not much panicking response, which was roughly orderly.

Li Yao was cold-eyed and watched the seriously injured self-cultivator receiving emergency treatment. Many of the comprehensions were carried into the general altar of the thirty-three sects of the Dongning House.

Now the manpower in the city is seriously inadequate, and the self-cultivator who suffered a serious injury and suffered serious injuries is unkempt and bloody. Many people have been sinned by the evil spirits, their faces are distorted, the blue veins are exposed, and then they are burned by the flames. More distinguishing from identity, can only be handled regardless of sectarianism, and it is convenient to carry it to a more convenient sect.

Beating up to this share, the most basic unity of the realm of cultivation is always there.

This scene has made Li Yao’s doubts more and more intense, and some unpredictable things almost come to the surface!

"The self-cultivator is not a fool. Before pursuing the sinister army, it is sure to have a comprehensive scan of the gods around the city of Dongning. It is impossible to let go of half a lonely ghost!"

"And they can release the scouts riding the cranes or driving the flying swords and look around in midair. Even if there are a large number of ghosts who want to attack across the sea, they will be seen in advance, and they will be excited by the town."

"It’s not too far away from the battlefields of the squadrons and the squadrons. If you hear the movement from Dongning, even if most of the cultivators are too late to come back, such as Qi Zhongdao and Yan Yiren. Yuan Xiaoying, such as Ba Xiaoyu and Master Bitter, will definitely be able to come back soon!"

"Then, the ghost is absolutely no chance to do it!"

"Not a ghost, is it a person?"

Li Yao was shocked and instantly infiltrated the cold sweat of the back.

Since the burning of the wind, after the natural disasters, there has been news that White Lotus has to take the opportunity to attack, there will be a large number of sinister ghosts raging southeast, and even attacking Dongning!

Even their aid to the southeast, the main purpose is to kill Bailian's mother!

This makes everyone including Li Yao fall into a misunderstanding of thinking, thinking that their enemy is only a ghost, and all living people, even if they are not allies, are at most observers, but they cannot be enemies!

But is this really true?

Li Yao always believes that living talents are the most terrible existence. They are far more insidious and sinister than ghosts. Just watching the evil spirits of the Xingyao Federation more than one hundred years ago, the enslaved ghosts can be seen for their own profits.

The "black martyrdom" that Hu Xiaotang established in the secret is not often used in the banner of white lotus to burn and rob, is it wrong?

"Living, living, and so many victims, will they be mixed with some unscrupulous living people?"

"But it's useless!"

"Even if there is such a squad of live squad, the number of people may not be too much, otherwise they will not be able to mix into Dongning!"

"If the number is not enough, it is impossible to control the entire Dongning House in a short period of time, and at most create a few small-scale chaos!"

"What's more, even if you control Dongning, how is it, now all the people are comprehensible in all directions, there is no place to escape, even if you really seized the Dongning House, it is also the shackles of the shackles, in dozens of Yuan Ying Under the indiscriminate bombing, it will never be supported for too long. What strategic significance does it have?"

"Yes, Dongning House was broken. It is indeed a big event in the world. It is equivalent to smashing on the buttocks of the dying dynasty. But the price of this is a million sinister ghosts." The army’s smog and smoke, together with a very elite, sneak sneak into the tactical squad between the many sectarian sects, the price is too great!"

"On the other hand, if there is such a conspiracy, that is to say, the plot makers of the conspiracy believe that there is something hidden in Dongning, which is worth more than a whole million ghosts and an elite tactical squad. Big!"

Li Yao thought about it, and the eagle-eyed eyes swept over many victims.

Suddenly, he felt that some of the victims who were kneeling in the corner seemed a bit strange.

Although many victims are stunned in the corner like the three of them, but staying in a fixed position for a long time will cause poor blood circulation and lead to numbness, so most ordinary people will change it every few seconds. Take a look.

Although the upper body of these three victims was shaking, the lower part of the body was deeply rooted in the ground like a tree root, and there was no movement in the time of a fragrant incense!

I don't know if it is illusory, Li Yao faintly smelled a bit of iron and blood from them.

This is a special atmosphere of professionally trained elite soldiers.

Li Yao indulged in a moment and strode toward the three victims.

The three victims immediately realized his existence and his eyes sharpened.

Although the figure does not move, Li Yao can feel that they are under the wide sack piece, the spine is shrinking, arching and accumulating in an inch, just like three slowly opening bows.

Li Yao smiled and kept on moving forward.

The eyes of the four men collided in midair. The three "disasters" still had some meaning of disguise at first. However, after they felt the firmness and sarcasm of Li Yao’s eyes, they also knew that their identity had been recognized. There is no point in concealing it, just letting out the real evil!

at this time



In all directions of the Dongning House, and within a dozen gates of the sectarian sects, almost all the explosions of the earth-shattering sounds were heard, and all the victims surrounded by the streets shook!

Li Yao saw dozens of pavilions and pavilions, surrounded by raging fires, and "hwed" to fly in the air, the goddess scattered flowers, turned into countless flying fireballs, and smashed down!

The sound of smashing, exploding, and swordsmanship has risen to the limit in almost an instant!

More than a dozen cultivating sectarian gates were attacked at the same time!

Perhaps it is the enemy who is mixed into the victims, perhaps those who have been sent to practice the sectarian mountain gates, and the "severely injured" comprehensions should be combined!

"Mixed kings and longevity here are here, handing over the treasures of property, surrendering to death, a little bit of failure, blood washing Dongning!"

Every burning corner of Dongning House has a wild roar.

It turned out to be another rebel force with the same name as Bailian, a mixed army that has always been active on the northwest ground!

The two evils are extremely evil, and they are stirring up the resistance forces that have changed the world!

I can't let Li Yao think, the three dissidents who disguised themselves as victims have jumped up, and they have turned into three different angles. In their arms, they shot dozens of stars and thorns. The key! (To be continued.) 8


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