Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1449: Who is it!

These three mysterious enemies regard Li Yao as an ordinary comprehension in Dongning.

If they know that Li Yao is a fierce "Lingling Master", I am afraid that I will not dare to shoot at Li Yao, but will run away.

Dozens of cold screams filled with ghosts and screaming wolves, Li Yao did not even shake his eyelashes half a mile, but the corner of his mouth went slightly down, and his nose snorted.

The tide-like spirit can immediately ooze the pores, fluctuating in front of the incomparably viscous form, and solidifying all the coldness in front of the half feet!

"The fishbone piercing nails of the flying island?"

These cold awns are like little sea urchins or shovel, but they are made from the sharpest bone spurs of the deep sea monsters. They bloom with colorful and lustrous luster, and there is a dizziness. The dazzling scent, containing dozens of natural toxins, is the only hidden weapon of the island.

During the period of Ziji Jianzong, Li Yao was familiar with the famous magic weapons of the major sects of the world. Naturally, he knew something about this iconic hidden weapon!

"The Feiling Island is located in the East China Sea. How can the unique fisherman's thorns penetrate into the hands of the Northwest Army?"

"Not to mention the main force of the mixed army was only broken up by the comprehension and the court at the end of last year. How can I train so many elite masters so quickly, and wear the state to cross the Central Plains and cross the Central Plains to the southeast?"

"Who are you guys, say!"

Li Yao smothered the three people, his left hand was behind him, his right hand was casually opened, and the void was caught!

The three mysterious enemies saw dozens of fish bone piercing nails that were easily fixed in the air by the target. No matter how excited they are, they can't move the points. Where do you still know that you have encountered tricky people?

Li Yao faintly glanced at it, but it made their scalp numb, and their hearts were broken!

The three men glanced at each other and shouted, while a blind man turned over and fled in three different directions.

Li Yao did not move, and the big hand shrank a little, and then he slammed it back, as if there were three invisible claws in the air, licking the neck of the three people and smashing them back!

"Hey! Hey!"

The three men were convulsed, their heads were high, the cervical vertebrae burst into a burst, and there was nothing in the neck, but there were large depressions and bruises, and Li Yao’s invisible genius blamed the hand. throat!

Under the sensation of psionics, the three can no longer maintain their sturdy body shape, accompanied by a burst of "squeaky" sounds, bones and muscles skyrocketing, turning into three big-backed sturdy men, where there is still a little bit weak The disaster victims look like?

However, no matter how strong the three strong men are, the psionic spirits are still like three dead fish, and Li Yao is firmly in the palm of his hand.

The deafening explosion, the burning fire, and such a strange scene, made all the victims a mess and a slap in the face.

"You can never be a mixed army. Who is it, how can it be colluded with the ghost soldiers?"

Li Yao squinted and his voice was very calm and asked with great certainty.

The three brawny men were pale and twitching, but they were gnashing.

"I don't want to say anything, it's a good man, then look at your bones, is it as hard as your mouth!"

Li Yao’s voice gradually brought a bit of meaning, and the cold ice was like a smog from the depths of the crypt.

"That, you got stuck in their throats."

The **** heart demon reminded me kindly.


Li Yao snorted and slammed one of the strong men on the ground. His fingers were lightly hooked, and immediately there were four "fishbone piercing nails" whistling, "嗤嗤嗤嗤" four sounds, drilling into his In both elbows and knees, crush the joints!

The brawny spewed out a **** of the throat, and immediately screamed, like a half-baked shrimp, on the iron plate!

There were three fishbone piercing nails. Under Li Yao’s psionic ability, he slowly lingered in his body, bursting with a bad poisonous mans.

Li Yao sneered: "You have two companions. If you really don't want to say it, I will ask them the same!"

"I said, I said!"

The strong man was sore and his tears gathered, and the voice was twisted into sharp and sharp. "We, we are not the mixed army, but the doorman of Feiling Island! It is the six majors such as Taixuandao, Zijijian, and Feilingdao. The faction joined forces and took advantage of the majority of the self-cultivators in the Dongning government to chase the ghost soldiers. When the city was empty, it was ready to rob the 33 sectarian mountain gates!"

As if to confirm his words, the screams of some comprehensible screams came from the depths of Dongning House: "Tai Xuan Dao! Ziji Jianzong! Feiling Island! Fenglei Valley! 驭兽斋! Jin Jiazong! You Zhongyuan comprehension, All must not die, not to die!"

It was a monk of Dongning, and he made a curse of despair before he died.

They are not fools. They were only beaten and knocked down last winter. It is said that only the mixed kings and the squadrons who survived and fled, can never rebuild to such a scale so quickly, even though they can quietly traverse the entire dry and god. I don’t know how to infiltrate into Dongning House!

They all thought that this is the banner of the six major factions who are playing the squadrons, and they are so mad and sinister!

It’s as if the black scorpion teaches the banner of white lotus, killing and looting!

Li Yao did not believe it at all!

"Which people have changed their faces and robbed them, and they have used their own sectarian iconic magic weapons. Is this for fear that others will not guess that you are not a mixed army?"

"And you have a ban on the ban, the taste of killing and cutting, this is the atmosphere that the regular army can cultivate. Whether it is the armed forces such as the mixed army, or the world of Taixuandao and Ziji Jianzong, absolutely Can't train!"

"You are all self-cultivators in the army!"

"Under the whole world, there are only two forces that can have such a strong army, either the Yulin Army of the Great Emperor, or the ghost of Qinyun!"

Li Yao's fingers changed, and the three fishbone piercing nails were spinning faster and faster, and the face of the strong man was getting closer and closer. "Say, are you a Phoenix emperor or a Han Daling?" ”

The faces of the three strong men changed, and the eyes suddenly showed a touch of radiance. When Li Yao realized that it was not good, their mouths had already evoked a mysterious smile, their faces gradually turned blue, and the pupils and eyes were mixed. Together, it becomes a piece of Bi Yingying!

The three brawny men died cleanly, and even the souls were not half-waved, and they could not collect the information that could be used!

A good suicide poison!

Awesome ways to do it yourself!

Li Yao’s face is very ugly, and he secretly swears in his heart.

Of course, he knows that those who perform such secret tasks are most likely to be determined and determined.

Therefore, after controlling the three people, the psionics penetrated into their bodies, ensuring that each joint and each muscle was in absolute control.

How did they die?

Li Yao opened the mouth of one of the strong men and carefully observed the inner wall of his mouth.

On the left side of the person's mouth, there should have been a rear molar, but it was pulled out and replaced with a milky jade denture, and a small hole was opened on the jade.

If you don't look carefully, the color of jade and teeth is almost the same, and it's easy to mix and match.

Li Yao will glimpse the inside of the denture along the small hole, and she perceives a trace of venom, and the way of the venom makes him numb.

Most of the self-defense methods of the ordinary slain are "triggered", that is, when they have to sacrifice, through a certain special movement of the body, for example, the teeth bite, the tip of the tongue is heavy, to bite and crush Poisonous sac, swallowing venom into the abdomen and ending your life.

The downside of this approach is that once a master such as Li Yao controls the bones and muscles of the body, there is no way to trigger the poison capsule.

The poisonous sac in this jade denture adopts the "anti-trigger" method. Usually, the specially trained tongue will not be lightly pressed against the jade denture to ensure that the poison sac is not activated, as long as it is slightly A lax, subtle changes in pressure between the tip of the tongue and the jade denture, the venom can be automatically released, no muscles to do extra action!

According to Li Yao’s knowledge, such a hidden and self-sufficient means of looking at the entire ancient sacred world, only one of the forces is best at using it.

Led by Daxie Wang Xi, it is known as the most powerful spying and assassination organization in the ancient sacred world.

"Is it Wang Xi? This is a dead **** who has been hiding for nearly a year. Finally, he couldn’t stand it, and he had to jump to the bright side to make waves."

Li Yao thought about electricity, and carefully examined a few of the faces of the three dead men. They felt that their bones were a bit strange, and they seemed to be decorated to a certain extent, as if they were hiding something.

"Their cheekbones should have been higher, and they are typical northerners!"

"And here, their ears"

Li Yao lived in the ear of a dead man, and gently smashed down a few flesh-colored small mud masses. On the ear of the dead man, several small pierced ears appeared immediately.

In the other two dead men's ears, they were treated like this. Sure enough, the ears of the three dead men were all covered with ear holes. They should be used to wearing earrings.

The Central Plains monk in the ancient world has not been so cool and non-mainstream. If it is a man, it will never wear earrings.

Only the ghost Qin people from Youyun Erzhou, their young men are used to wearing golden earrings. The higher the position, the bigger the earrings, but the women, only wearing unremarkable earrings.

This is three ghost Qin people.

It is no wonder that there will be such a strong military atmosphere. Ghost Qin did not practice the sects. All the comprehensions were originally military.

"A group of ghost Qin monks, equipped with Wang Xi's ghost painting organization, the dead man self-defense magic weapon, pretending to be the six major faction, playing the banner of the mixed heaven army, and the white lotus mother to join hands, what exactly is the conspiracy?" Continued ^



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