Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1452: Home of the dead

The voice of Bai Lian's mother is like the air-conditioning blown from the nine secluded yellow springs, with a sense of unceasing unassuming.

After all, I watched the sinister army of ghosts that had been painstakingly cohesed, and slammed into the iron wall of Dongning House, hitting a broken blood, and it was absolutely uncomfortable.

According to the original strategy of Bai Lian's mother, this million squadrons can at least spend a year and a half in the southeast.

Even after a year and a half, the army has been annihilated, which will certainly cultivate a group of elite forces and become the seeds of the next incident.

After hearing the dissatisfaction of Wan Mingzhu, the voice of the dragon special envoy has become somewhat dignified: "Returning to the Virgin, things are absolutely right, as long as they are combined, you can see irrefutable evidence!"

"it is good!"

Wan Mingzhu was cold and cold. "Then please ask the special envoy to go to rest first, and wait until the ‘Bai Lian Island’, let’s talk about it!”

Several special envoys from different forces retired to Wan Mingzhu one by one. For a long time, the cabins were silent and silent. I wanted to come to Wanmingzhu to get rid of Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters. I paid a lot of money.

Li Yao is like a flexible fish. With the help of ocean currents, he followed the ghost ship all the way, and traveled hundreds of kilometers forward. When he was about to reach the edge of the continental shelf, the darkness in front of him fainted. The colorful and colorful light of the bonnet seems to have a brightly lit city wall standing in the depths of the sea!

The ghost ship swam towards this "undersea city"!

Li Yao was secretly surprised. Half of his body was buried in the sand of the sea. He used his hands and feet to move forward and carefully observe the swaying light in front.

The seabed in front is slightly uplifted, like a small hill.

The hills are covered with corals and reefs, and are covered with sea anemones, seaweeds and dazzling shells to form a piece of natural architecture.

In the surrounding sea water, there are countless tiny jellyfish, and if you dance with the lights.

Around the hills, hundreds of altars are built with shells and corals. Each of the altars is topped with a pearl larger than the fist.

All the pearls shine, and the most dazzling light from the core blends with the soft light emitted by the jellyfish to illuminate the entire underwater world.

Hundreds of altars form a shadowless and invisible crystal cover that encloses the entire undersea city.

Under the protection of the "crystal cover"...

There are hundreds of cockroaches, and they are moving around the sea!

Look closely, these white miserable, sinister things, it is not like doing something evil in the claws, but in the care of anemones and seaweed, and in the sea sand, I do not know anything, and some around The colorful sea fish is like "grazing" these fish!

Li Yao also saw that there were several small baboons, which seemed to be the bodies of seven or eight-year-old children. They ran around in the sand and rushed to each other to grab a blue pearl.

Although it is difficult to transmit sound in the sea, Li Yao still feels a sense of carefree and laughter from these little cockroaches.

It’s like they are playing pearls as a ball and playing a very fun game!

Such a strange scene made Li Yao have a very ridiculous illusion.

It seems that this small town covered by a crystal hood is the home of the deceased, and these crickets, like the living farmers on the ground, are planting seaweed, feeding jellyfish, grazing sea fish, collecting pearls, and enjoying life.

"In the past, when Princess Wang was in politics, she once suspected that the altar of the White Lotus may be hidden on an island in the coastal area. Therefore, no matter how to search in the deep forests on the land, there is always nothing!"

In the cabin of the ghost ship, several special envoys gathered together again. The dragon special envoy laughed. "The prince has also joined many comprehensions and searched on the scattered islands along the coast, but he has not been able to find the trace of the White Lotus. I really didn't think that the legendary 'White Lotus Island' was actually hidden deep in the sea!"

"There is no way for the people to live on the ground."

Wan Mingzhu cold and cold road, "We are dead and dead, do not find a shelter in the sea, and where can we escape?"

"As long as this action is successful"

Long special envoy said, "I believe that it will not take long for the White Lotus and your many believers to walk in the world with great light!"

"Let's let us see if this ‘core' is really as your prince said, and it contains infinite mystery!”

The ghost ship is like a light puncture of a bubble into the crystal cover.

The sinister ghost army does not need air, so the crystal cover is not used to isolate the sea water, but to stabilize the magnetic field and prevent the ghosts from disappearing.

The ghost ship stopped slowly in front of the hills, and the front grass and pot vines squirmed, opening a small hole.

A thing like a giant sea cucumber, extending from the hole, extends into a hidden cave below the seabed. Up

This should be some kind of natural pipeline used to transport people.

Fortunately, this pipe and the walls of the cave were not closely attached. Li Yao drove the dragon, and slammed into the gap between the pipe and the wall.

After a dark journey of horror, the front suddenly shines brightly, but it is a grand palace built of countless crystal bases and showing a translucent texture.

The exit of the cave is above, and after climbing out, it is just a large pool in the middle of the Crystal Palace.

A special ban was imposed on the palace, keeping fresh air and enough air pressure, and no half of the seawater infiltrated into it.

Those who are qualified to enter this crystal palace are only the white mother and the three special envoys from the rest of the "three fierce".

Li Yao Gu Ji Wan Mingzhu's secret means, did not dare to let the dragon number too close, can only closely adhere to the edge of the pool, far to observe the four murderers.

At this moment, Wan Mingzhu is no longer a monster made up of bones and scorpions, but it is replaced by a lifelike body. It is a middle-aged woman carved out of white jade.

This should be the zombie that she carefully refined for herself. If the high-ranking monk carefully observes the spiritual eye, it is extremely difficult to tell whether she is dead or alive.

It’s just those cold, cold eyes, a little stiff, and the slender jade neck and white wrists are wearing necklaces and bracelets made of tiny enamel and white bones, giving off a cold charm.

She fell on a jade-carved white lotus altar, staring at three special envoys.

Yunqin’s special envoy Han Yuantai naturally has nothing to say, compared with a small half a year ago, the change is not big.

There is also a man who is thin and tall. The detachment is a root carving cut from a tree root. It doesn't need to be smelled. It is full of earthy smell at a glance, and it is a special envoy to win the king.

As for the most important "Dragon Special Envoy" from Wang Xi, his image made Li Yao slightly stunned.

Li Yao originally thought that she was either a kind of long-sleeved, good-spirited snake-beautiful beauty, or a frosty, mechanical-like female killer. From the point of view of the words, the first image is more likely.

Her real appearance, but unexpectedly mediocre, the hair is slightly yellowish, the skin is slightly rough, the facial features are too dull, except for a reddish sable at the top left of the corner of the mouth, there is no point to make people Keep an eye out for it.

She made clean and neat men's clothing, tight robes, thin bottom boots, the belt was very tight, the shoulders were very wide, but there was no corset, the chest was high and uplifted, but it showed a faint handsome.

Li Yao took a look at his eyes and already forgot the appearance of the "Dragon Special Envoy".

Think carefully, this is in line with the "ghost character" super assassin's identity, only such a look, can be instantly hidden in the crowd.

As for the small pimple above the corner of the mouth and the high-pitched chest, it is obviously a flaw that is deliberately sold. It is deliberately impressive. When it is time to hide the whereabouts, it will only cover the small scorpion. When you are tied up, you can completely change your face!

Li Yao did not see the "Dragon Special Envoy" and the "Mr. Changsheng Special Envoy".

However, a simple analysis, qualified to represent two peers to participate in the secret meeting, must be their most trusted confidant, just like Yun Qin Regency Han Daling, did not send Han Yuantai?

Such a confidant, where is the strength low and where can it go?

Han Yuantai is the middle-level cultivation of the Yuan Ying period. These two special envoys representing Wang Xi and Yan Changsheng, at least have the strength of the initial stage of the Yuan Ying period?

Two elementary infants, the middle stage, a meta-infant middle-aged, plus the mysterious Super Yuan Ying of Wan Mingzhu, here is the home of Wan Mingzhu, the depths of the undersea city do not know how many zombies crouched, Li Yao After assessing it, I don’t seem to be an opponent.

"let's start."

In the Crystal Palace, Wan Mingzhu made a special envoy to Long.

Long special enquiries looked at the size of the Crystal Palace. It seemed to estimate the right place. Then he went to the center of the Crystal Palace, kneeling on one knee, and the four 乾 戒 戒 双手 双手 , , , , 戒 戒 戒 戒 戒 戒 四 四 四 四The magic weapon component, "dang Dangdang" landed on the ground.

Li Yao's eyes are bright. The refining style of these magic weapons components is clearly divided into two parts, some of which are based on red copper. The refining process is relatively rough and simple, as long as it was built long ago.

But other components, on the surface, show no difference, seamless, shiny and shiny, showing super finishing power!

That means that if it is a right-angled component, the angle is absolutely ninety degrees. It is not bad. If it is a straight track, it is absolutely straight. No matter how it is measured, there will be no one-tenth of the error. !

This is a magic weapon refining process that is clearly ahead of the ancient sacred world!

Not from the Pangu civilization, it is from the women's Yi! ——

Excuse me, everyone is a little bit of calvin today. I got up at 6 in the morning, my brain was blank, and I was so scared that I came to the inspiration at two or three in the afternoon. I really can’t help you!

Today, the first two more, the old cow slowly, polished and polished the next situation! (To be continued.)


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