Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1453: Fairy Palace!

Li Yao carefully looked at these seamless components and scanned the above-mentioned spirits and symbols.

After staying in the Kunlun ruins for five years, he now has a preliminary understanding of the rune system between Pangu and Nuwa. Although it is impossible to completely distinguish the meaning of all runes, the nuances of the two styles are It is clear.

The runes of the Pangu people, like their buildings, are horizontal and vertical, with a glimpse of the degree, from a strict degree to a rigid degree. They use right angles and straight lines to form a subtle geometry, and rarely see the use of arcs and circles.

The runes of the female Yi people are curved, and the flow lines and radioactive lines are often used. In many cases, they even seem cluttered, like the vitality of nowhere to vent.

On the "core" extracted from the Qiankun ring, Long special engraved a wave of runes that bloomed around the circle. This is a very obvious feature of the Literati rune system.

That is to say, in the "Fighting of the Gods" hundreds of thousands of years ago, the ancient sacred world hidden in the dark nebula did not escape the search of the women's and the Terran coalition forces. Has there been a war here?

Also, the so-called "Yun Qin Twelve Golden People" is clearly a giant **** soldier, that is, the female Yi people specialize in refining the human race, and the people have the ability to compete with the Pangu people.

If this place has not been discovered by the women's and the Terran coalition forces, it is impossible to see the "Yun Qin Twelve Gold Man".

Li Yao was stunned and concentrated on his observations.

All the components are full of pawnshops, and the refining of the relatively primitive and rough components, using a large number of 卯榫 structure, has a large number of curved and linear orbits, the track is engraved with a variety of mysterious complex array.

These runes are from the hands of later generations of human beings. Li Yaoqiang can distinguish them. Its role is to decompress some highly concise information, and it has similarities with the analytical matrix engraved on jade, but it is more complicated.

The dragon specializes on one knee and systematically puts together most of the components. It gradually forms a circular orbit with a diameter of about four or five meters. There are four odd-shaped magical elements around it, like the shackles of the mouth. It should be used to fill the spar.

Sure enough, the dragon special envoy extracted four red-sized spar-sized spar from the Qiankun ring, and put them into the big mouth of the four-headed metal enamel, just half embedded in it.


The circular track flutters for a moment, and the runes above are shining one by one, not only flashing in the track, but even turning into a virtual shadow, slowly floating into the air, forming a semi-circular mask, thousands The runes slowly turn.

The dragon special encrusted his lips, his expression was very dignified, and there was a hint of anticipation in the depths of his eyes. He carried the extremely delicate components one by one onto the fusiform "core" and combined them into an octagonal Mang, like a diamond-shaped crystal.

Han Yuantai and Yan Changsheng special envoy, all holding their breath, staring straight at the diamond-shaped crystal in the hands of Long Te.

Wan Mingzhu did not breathe at all, but in the depths of his eyes, he released two nearly coagulated wildfires, apparently nervous to the extreme.

Li Yao does not have to say that the teeth are deeply embedded in the lips.

Long specially held the diamond-shaped crystal in both hands, slowly holding it to the center of the rune reticle, and the hands were loosened a little, and the diamond-shaped crystal was suspended in the void!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

From the four sides of the circular orbit, there are dozens of silver-colored lights that are shot out, with different sections of the diamond-shaped crystal.

After a refracting in the depths of the nearly transparent diamond-shaped crystal, it turns into a circle of arc-like arc, which gradually becomes a 360-degree wrap-around interface!


In the heart of Li Yao, he secretly gave a thumbs up to the predecessors of the ancient sacred refiners.

He knows what exactly this diamond-shaped crystal is. This thing called the "core" by the special envoy of the dragon should be the storage unit on the head of the Nuwa civilization, like the storage of the human brain. Wafer.

Although I don't know how this storage unit fell into the hands of humans, it is clear that when it was discovered, it has lost the supporting master crystal and operation interface.

The circular orbit around it is obviously the person of the later generations. The idea of ​​trying to refine and extract the magic weapon for it is equivalent to rewriting a set of spells for extraction and analysis, and designing a set of simple and understandable operations. system!

Such an operating system, of course, is unlikely to be able to excite a hundred percent of its internal storage compared to the hosted crystal brain originally associated with the storage unit.

However, for the ancients who know nothing about the concept of "crystal brain", it is quite scary to be able to do this step!

Long special eagerly stared at the operating system for a while, his hands solidified in the air for a while, then followed by water flowing through thousands of runes.


The halo around the diamond-shaped crystal drowned the entire crystal palace like a sea water, and gradually became clear. It turned into a three-dimensional map with incomparable exquisiteness. It was as complicated as a maze. It should look like a guide for a large military base.

The glimpse of the light, sweeping through the face of Wan Mingzhu, Han Yuantai and Yan Changsheng, like taking their three souls and seven scorpions all together.

The indigenous people of these ancient sacred worlds are re-high, and the heart is strong again. In this era of transcendence, I don’t know how many years of dissatisfaction, I still can’t help but feel the deep shock!

Only the dragon special envoy's expression, more confused than shock, she looked at this map's eyes is particularly deep and quirky, still do not say a word, gently click on the interface.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The three-dimensional map continues to shrink, shrink, shrink, and finally shrink into a point.

Instead, it is a rolling hill and a fragmented coastline, followed by the contours of the entire continent, and even the transparent lines of the entire planet, and even the relative position of the planet in the entire galaxy.

It is like the lens that draws the map is getting farther and farther, the scale is getting smaller and smaller, and it is directly pulled into the depths of the universe.

There are countless intricate data in the void, like a group of crazy beating fish, which are mathematical expressions of the basic outline of the ancient sacred world, covering the celestial features of the ancient sacred world, possessing several planets and satellites, and the stars. Suitable for setting a stable space for jumping points, and so on.

"This is the ancient sacred world!"

Han Yuantai whispered.

In order to reach the level of Yuan Ying, as long as you hold your breath and drive the flying sword to fly upwards, you will have the opportunity to break through the atmosphere and observe the world you are in from the Xinghai.

Therefore, even the ignorant ancient world of ignorance rarely insists on the saying of "the place of heaven and earth", but realizes that the ethnic group is living on a super muddy pill. And the surrounding is the vast universe.

The same is true of the ancient sacred world. The indigenous people here have long known that the world is round, and through the mapping in the Xinghai, they have drawn many fairly detailed global maps.

Therefore, Han Yuantai and others quickly recognized the world on the map.

Long special made a slight smile, her movements on the operation interface began to be somewhat slow and stiff, like groping for the first time, but soon became more and more proficient, more and more smooth, and as if long ago After using it, the hands gradually turned into two groups of fog, more and more runes were connected by her as a command string and instruction set, and finally a series of instructions on the hundreds of runes condensed, "砰", The global map of the ancient sacred world has burst into tears, replaced by a new three-dimensional structure, like dozens of different structures of giant metal 傀儡!

Li Yao’s eyes are prominent and almost blame.

This is the structure of dozens of different "big **** soldiers"!

Although they are very rough general maps, there are still many structural diagrams that are faint and incomplete, which should be due to incomplete information extraction.

But those ingenious psionic circulatory structures, as well as the whimsical magical carrying mode, are all called Li Yao's stunned, and there are hundreds of thunders in the depths of the brain that blast at the same time.

This is not a big deal. The dragon special envoy is like trying to scare some people in the place, and by the way, the white lotus mother is scared again, and continues to inspire a series of different dynamic pictures.

In the picture, there are a small human being, who plunges into the "spiritual house" of the giant gods. They sit on their knees, their hands are constantly being printed, their mouths are filled with words, and the cycle of the body is also wonderfully changed.

Li Yao thought about electricity, and instantly realized that this is a tutorial for the giant soldiers. It is to teach human soldiers how to control dozens of different giant soldiers!

"How are you, how?"

The dragon special envoy allowed the illusion of dozens of giant soldiers to make all kinds of incredible movements in the void, and asked faintly.

Wan Mingzhu, Han Yuantai and Yan Changsheng special envoys are all in great shock.

After a fragrant time, Han Yuantai only spit out a sullen gas, muttering: "It is true, the legendary ancient demon, actually exists, and, but also has such a powerful power !"

"This kind of magic weapon, such a means, such a supernatural power, is indeed not the comprehension of those who are struggling in the secular world, can be cultivated, this is the realm of the demon!"

"We always thought that the so-called 'Yun Qin Twelve Golden People', then there are only a total of only 12, after a full 100,000 years of rumors, they have been destroyed one by one, I did not expect, but did not expect it to have Dozens of them!"

"So, even if the original 'Yun Qin Twelve Golden People' is gone, we still have the opportunity to find more and more intact gold people?"

Long special envoy smiled: "Maybe better than you imagined, according to the scattered information collected by Wang Gong from countless wild history notes of the past dynasties, this 'Xiangong' hidden in the place of the extreme northern night is not just It is so simple to bury a group of Yunqin Jinren, and it is even possible that it is the refining base of Yunqin Jinren!"

"As long as we have mastered the 'Xiangong', how many Yunqin Jinren people want to be able to refine it!" (To be continued.)


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