Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1454: Straight through the fairy world!

This sentence made the eyes of the singer-song special enlightenment shine, could not help but step forward, the eyes of the scorpion were some smoke, hoarse throat: "I refining Yunqin Jinren, is it possible?"

"Of course it is possible!"

The special envoy of the dragon said calmly, "If you look at this illusion of glare, or listen to the historical notes of the dynasties, you should know that the Yunqin Jinren was originally a magic weapon for us. The internal space used for it is not large. If the ancient gods and widows we found in the wild are basically not drilled!"

"This is true!"

Han Yuantai and others nodded thoughtfully.

"Since it is a magic weapon created by the ancient gods and devils, it is no surprise that it is taught to us that we can refine ourselves."

The dragon special envoy took a look at the three people, and released a bomb without any trouble. "And, according to Wang’s estimation, this fairy palace can not only refine the Yunqin Jinren, but also connect with the real fairyland. And even have a mysterious 'Tongtian Road' that allows people to fly directly to the fairy world!"


This time, Wan Mingzhu, Han Yuantai and the famous singer Chang Sheng’s special envoy were really shocked. Han Yuantai’s voice was completely distorted and squinted. “So such a big secret, how did you say it beforehand?”

"The saying of Shengxian, after all, is too illusory, I said in advance, I am afraid that you will not believe it?"

Long special envoy smiled. "Only let you see it with your own eyes. This is definitely not a human world, an incredible illusion. You will believe the prince's speculation. The fairy palace, of course, is the hub connecting the world and the fairy world. Otherwise, what is called '仙宫'!"

"Wang Gong once got a shard of tens of thousands of years ago, about refining the master of this 'Wan Luo Tianxing Pan', the experience of the past in the fairy palace, it is said that he got the fairy in the fairy palace. Through some illusory illusions, I have seen the world of the heavens, and the infinite mysterious scenery, which is absolutely invisible in the ancient sanctuary, not the fairy world, and where can it be?"

"It is said that the area of ​​the fairyland is more than a hundred times, thousands of times, and ten thousand times larger than the ancient sacred world. We think that it is the ancient sacred world of the whole world, placed in front of the real fairy interface, but it is a drop in the sea!"

"In the Palace of Immortals, there is a magical magic weapon that can be freely shuttled between the secular and fairy worlds. It does not need to be cultivated to the highest realm to 'break the void', as long as you master the 诀窍Even ordinary people who don't have a little psionic power, even a cat and a dog can 'fly in the day', the so-called 'one person gets the road, the chicken and the dog rises to heaven', this is the truth."

"How, the White Lotus, the core of the map of a fairy palace, with so many sinister ghosts to exchange, is not a loss?"

Wan Mingzhu’s cold face showed a greedy color. He stared at the map for a long time, but he narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "The fairyland is too illusory and not worth the effort. Pursuing, let's talk about Yunqin Jinren first!"

"Your prince, this fairy palace is boasted in the sky, from this illusion of glare, it is also true!"

"However, there are so many mysteries in the fairy palace, we must be able to master it in our hands and develop it on a large scale!"

She regards Yunqin Jinren as the most important thing in the "Xiangong". The so-called "Fairy World" is nothing but a vain "adding head". Of course, it is very good, and it doesn't matter.

However, the special envoy of Long’s words was heard in Li Yao’s ear. It was no less than a slamming of the thunder, and every brain cell was shocked.

Of course, there is no "fairy world" in the world, and there is no "fairy man", but it does not mean that the pieces of notes collected by Wang Xi are lying!

The so-called "a hundred times more than the ancient sacred world" of the fairyland, it is very likely that the three thousand worlds outside the dark nebula, and the "master of the law, even the cat and dog can fly up the fairy world", more like a description Some kind of Xinghai jumping across the world!

Could it be said that this so-called fairy palace is a war base and an external contact point established by the Nuwa civilization in the ancient sacred world hundreds of thousands of years ago, through a launching platform in the Imperial Palace, similar to "Tianyuan cannon" and " The super-transportation magic weapon of the Eye of the Blood Demon can penetrate the Dark Nebula and eject the indigenous people of the ancient Holy Land to the outside world?

This news is really shocking!

Inside the Crystal Palace, Dragon Specialist nodded and said: "Yes, although there is a map of Xiangong, but it really needs to be developed, there are still many troubles. It is strange that the location of 'Xiangong' is too remote, even in the clouds. Tens of thousands of miles north of the two states, the North of the Night!"

“The state of the North of the Night is far from being remote and the weather is cold and simple.”

Han Yuantai frowned. "The Arctic, which is close to the entire ancient sacred world, is in the dark night of the darkness all the year round, and the aura of the heavens and the earth is extremely disordered, making it difficult for the comprehensible to play all the repairs, and the coldness of the wind. Hurricane, from time to time to roll up a super storm, ordinary people can not survive there for a day!"

"Even if the self-cultivation of the thousands of troops, we must be cautious and careful, do a good job of replenishing and camping, a slight negligence, that is, thousands of self-cultivators, can freeze in the night!"

"And, on the ice sheet of the night of the night, there are dozens of fierce beasts who are not afraid of the cold, and even free to control the frosty aura, and the savage who even retreats from the Yunqin people, which is more fierce than us. Cruelty and deceit!"

"We Yunqin people regard the night of the night as a cold and hell, and they have never been involved in it. Even if they are exiled, they will not choose the state of Yong Ye, because it is a more cruel punishment than a thousand! ”

"When I was young, I used to go to the night of the night to practice, fight with the killing giant whales there, and the frosty savage fight, laying a solid foundation for the promotion of Yuan Ying's realm. Just, if I call again, I will hesitate again and again. , think about it!"

Long special envoy said: "So, only the four of us can be united, it is possible to risk the blizzard of the night state, go deep into the fairy palace, and discover all its secrets!"


戚 胜 特 特 特 特 特 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Going to the top!"

"Well, then please ask the two special envoys to see everything that they see today, and return to the king and Han Regent."

Long special envoy laughed, "First ask the Korean Regent to establish a supply point along the way, we will be in the agreed time and place, and then the army round!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Han Yuantai and Yan Changsheng’s special envoys rushed.

The expression of Bailian's mother, Wan Mingzhu, has become quite eccentric, and her face has not changed. She is as thin as a snow-white skin, but there is a strange squirm.

Suddenly, she was like a glass ball with two eyeballs, and at the same time shot in the direction of the dragon, screaming: "Who!"

"not good!"

The special envoys of Long, Han Yuantai and Yan Changsheng were shocked at the same time. "Someone broke in!"

"Dare to swear at Bailian Island and find death!"

The white flames of Madonna's white body are raging, such as a white streamer that has not entered the pool in the center of the Crystal Palace. Ghost flames stirred up a white mist in the sea, but it was a slow step.

The Xiaolong had already started at full speed, took out the cave, and did not return to the deep sea!

"The other party must have heard all our conversations and can't let him go!"

Long special screamed with a scorpion, at the same time, his hands suddenly turned into two groups of squeaky fog, busy closing the operation interface on the storage core, and the large, well-structured "Wan Luo Tianxing disk" was dismantled again Open, prepare to classify and re-inhale different shackles.

Han Yuantai and Yan Changsheng special envoys looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the situation. They gritted behind the Wan Mingzhu and threw the Crystal Palace!

Perceived the anger of Wan Mingzhu, the whole Bailian Island was turbulent, and countless scorpions jumped from the sea sand. The black eyes of the eyes burst into a blue Yingying, a blue secluded wildfire, and a jellyfish-like disability. The soul, also assembled into a large-scale army, together with a fascinating glory!

If there is a fascinating psionic wave, escaping all the way to the west land!


Hundreds of colorful streams, like hundreds of hungry sharks, follow the psionic waves!

On the island of Bailian, there are only a handful of sinister ghosts, and the small stocks brought by Han Yuantai and Yu Changsheng special envoys are guarded.

In the Crystal Palace, only the Dragon Special is left alone, and the teeth are still disassembled and the diamond-shaped crystals are removed.

The structure of these ancient magic weapons is quite precise, and the sturdy structure is not so easy to disassemble. She is very anxious, and the more busy she is, the more she is confused.

It was hard to break all the components into pieces, and I was relieved. I was trying to inspire the Qiang Kun ring, and all of them were absorbed. The pool behind them sounded the sound of anger.

"Runned by him!"

Wan Mingzhu’s voice is sharp and sharp, and it sounds like a maddening taste!


Long special stunned, just wanting to turn back, suddenly a white hair cold sweat, a bite, suddenly rolled forward, and easily copy the sword inserted in the back!

Cold can not prevent a strong impact, slammed into her vest, the spirit can break into the meridian hole behind her like a snake, almost completely shake her whole spine, the hand to grasp the sword is not Slow for half a second!

It’s half a second, a sharp and unpredictable cold man, straightening the hilt of her shoulder!

If she insists on catching the sword, the result is that the whole palm will be broken! (To be continued.)


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