Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1455: It’s hard to reach!

This "Dragon Special Envoy" is worthy of being the most mysterious intelligence and assassination organization of the ancient sacred world, "Ghosts", the super assassin who is one of the best, and still can't wait for it.

She did not advance and retreat. The right leg was like a "scorpion swaying tail". It was silent and slammed out. A thin blade like a flap, a blue blade, was like a cloud of smoke, and it was drilled out from the heel.

At the same time, the spirit can infuse the sword body, the long sword sends out the tiger screaming dragon scorpion, automatically pops up the scabbard, and turns out dozens of streamers, shooting from all sides to the enemy behind them!

It turns out that she can clearly separate the imperial objects and use the gods to control the flying swords, but she has to reach out to grasp the hilt. It is just a trick to lure the enemy deep, in order to deliberately draw the distance between the two sides and display the poisonous edge of the boot. Kill the trick!


The poisonous blade pierced into a group of slimy gums, and the venom could not penetrate the target's flesh and blood. Even the violent psionic power contained in the poisonous blade was completely sealed out.


The mansions of the sky are also punctuated by a fine needle of a scalloped cow, such as a dream bubble.


The back of the dragon's special envoy was subjected to a powerful bombardment. It was like a meteor bombarded on her spine, so that she couldn't help but spurt out the blood, and the body could appear in a moment of confusion.


A green mangling whizzed from behind her. She turned three times around her body, glaring at the moment when her psionic energy was scattered. Dozens of sharp thorns pierced her body and completely locked her body.

The more you run the psionic power, the more the spikes go deep into the bones and blood, which inspires the pain of the ants!

Long special snorted, finally unable to support, fell to the ground, shivering like an electric shock, a burst of white foam.

There was a jade-shaped vulture lock on her body, and every key was locked and dead, completely losing her fighting power.

Behind her, Li Yao took a group of gels that had been poked on the chest by a poisonous blade and took it back. She walked towards her.

Long special trembled violently, staring at Li Yao with a grudge.

When Li Yao walked up to her, she suddenly had a mouth, and the mouth of the sword was sprayed with three different colors of red, yellow and blue. It was long in the wind, and when it was in front of Li Yao, it had grown to three and a half feet. , sharp sword!

Li Yao was prepared, and the upper body was suddenly blurred. However, in a short blink of an eye, hundreds of times of ultra-high frequency dodge were made, which made the lock of the three swordsman completely chaotic, like a flies. Hovering in the air, he was easily grasped with two fingers, and then it was like an electric shock, his hand trembled and bounced off!


Just as the three blade blades flew into the air by him, suddenly in the sound of three sizzling beans, the metal fragments of the rice grain spattered more than ten meters away!

Although the power of the explosion is not large, if his reaction is slower than half a shot, it is more than enough to injure his two vital fingers.

From the point of view of the smoke that remains in the air after the explosion, the three swords are absolutely sinister poisons. Once the blood and bone marrow are deepened, even if the injury is restored, it will leave a very troublesome sequela.

The means of ghost painting is really despicable!

Li Yao did not want to send, quickly stepped forward, pinched the dragon's special bones, forced her to open her mouth, check it up and down, and did not find the self-cut magic weapon made of jade refining, which was a little loose Tone.

“You don’t have to worry about it!”

The dragon special envoy even laughed.

From the sound of Li Yao posing as Wan Mingzhu, until she was completely subdued, although the two sides had a thrilling three or four strokes, the whole process was only a second.

However, the special envoy of the dragon was neither scared by the sudden appearance of the enemy, nor desperate because of Li Yao’s suppression. Even the expression of the face was full of disguise, just to numb Li Yao, the three swords spurted for her. Pills create opportunities.

When she saw the failure of the three swords, she quickly recovered calmly and looked at Li Yao with great interest. "I am not the kind of low-level slain. If I really want to die, there are a hundred ways to do it at any time." Death in pain, even if the meridians and the meridians are locked, they can't stop me, there is no need to put poisonous pouches into the teeth so stupid."

"A good exquisite shackle not only locks my body and shackles, but also wraps my neck with a fine wire, and sticks my heart with an explosion-like magic weapon like a palm, as long as I have a little bit of a change. When the heart bursts, the wire can cut off my head. It’s really a ring, and the gods can’t escape!”

The sound of the special envoy of the dragon is still as mellow as the spring breeze, with the approval of the heart, as if this dangerous shackle is not entangled in her key points, continue to comment on the foot, "we 'ghost" has collected the dynasty The magic weapon of torture and torture in the past generations, of course, is also a variety of bans and shackles, but it took more than ten years to gather the directors of various families to refine, and they could not refine such a wonderful shackle!"

"You have such a fascinating treasure, and you have a deep and unpredictable temperament. The fine needles of the cows that broke my swordsmanship are also exquisite. I want to be the famous "Da Zhou Jian Zong" in the recent comprehension. Already?"

"The celebrity's prestige, Wang Gong has always mentioned it, his old man's evaluation of you is extremely high, saying that you are qualified to be among the top ten masters in the world. If it is not the latest situation, he is not convenient to show his face, otherwise he must find ways to find ways. See you on the side, talk about the wine, sit down and talk!"

"I thought that this was just the slogan of Wang Gong and his old man. He knew it quickly and knew what it would be like to meet!"

"Under the king's seat, the ghost character is 'Long Yangjun', see the Master of the Spirit!"

Long Yangjun struggled with one knee and slammed on the ground, holding a heavy shackle and giving a tribute to Li Yao.

Li Yao knows that this super assassin has dragged the mud and water, and Rory has smashed a large set. It is nothing more than delaying the time. He wants to wait for the big troops of Bailian’s mother to return.

He didn't have time to slap the skin with Long Yangjun, and turned a deaf ear to her. He carefully tidyed up the building's magic weapon components, activated his own ring, and designated the storage area as all the magic components in front of him.

There is no reaction at all.

"what's the situation!"

Li Yao secretly frowned, and God read into a few 乾 戒 戒 查 查 查 查 查 查 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The space of the whole three Qiankun Rings should be sufficient for storage. There will be no space conflicts. How can it not be sucked in?

“The younger brothers daring to ask, but the predecessors of Lingbi want to take away the Vientiane star disk and the core of the map left by this ancient **** demon?”

Long Yangjun asked politely.

Li Yao glanced at her and did not answer. He devoted himself to studying the problem of Qiankun.

Is it that the Qiankun ring is broken, and it is unreasonable that the three Qiankun Rings will be broken together!

"Predecessors don't know"

Long Yangjun smiled and smiled slowly. "There are no problems with the predecessors' shackles. It is only the younger generation who imposed a special ban on the Vientiane star disk and the core of this map. It is equivalent to being invisible. The big locks, only the younger generations carry them, and the banquets that match the prohibition can only be absorbed into them."

"Otherwise, such a vital thing can be inhaled by others, and it is not too ridiculous to take it away."

Li Yao glimpsed a little, and the unscrupulous gaze swept the four dragons on the fingers of Long Yangjun.

"The thoughts of the predecessors are just thinking, just cut off the four fingers of the younger generation and take away the younger generation's shackles. You can absorb the Vientiane star disk and the map core, and leave it without any traces?"

Long Yangjun deliberately opened five fingers in front of Li Yao, not flustered. "This point, before the departure of the younger generation, Wang Gong also thought of the younger generation, and his old man was planted in these four Qiankun and the younger generations. With a special ban, these four 戒 戒 只能 can only be worn on the fingers of the younger generation, sensing the body temperature, breathing, heartbeat and pulse of the younger generation, and the younger generation must launch a special kind of thought to them every other musk time. Fluctuation can guarantee stability!"

"If there is a non-conformity in the above conditions, the four self-destructive symbols in the ring will be activated, destroying the internal mustard world and turning them into four ordinary iron rings. It is also impossible to extract and absorb items."

"That is to say, no matter how the predecessors want to take away these four Qiang Kun, or want to smash the spirits of the younger generation, there is only one walking dead that keeps breathing and heartbeat, it will not work."

Li Yao’s heart screamed.

He carefully captured the direction of each silk muscle on Long Yangjun's face, trying to analyze the true and false of the words from her micro-expressions, but always found nothing.

The super assassin of this ghost painting organization must have received the most severe torture training. No matter whether the vibration of the corner of the mouth or the expansion and contraction of the pupil, there is no effective information leaking.

"If the predecessors don't believe it, they may wish to take off a younger ring on the finger of the younger generation. After a test, Wang Gong, his old man admired the seniors for a long time, and the younger generation is his subordinate, and naturally he dare not say a word to his predecessors."

Long Yangjun calmly said, "Of course, the predecessors are famous masters of refining instruments. They may have studied the prohibition. If they give their predecessors a few days, they should have the opportunity to crack down on the banned by the princes. ""

Li Yao’s eyes twitched.

There are specializations in the industry, and the length of ten fingers is also long. Although he is a master of refining, he has not studied the law of prohibition, which is a relatively weak link.

What's more, he didn't have a few days at all. Bailian's mother and other people are not fools. After chasing the dragons for dozens of miles, they will certainly feel bad and kill a very sturdy carbine! (To be continued.)


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