Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1467: The horror of the Everlasting Icefield!

The hurricane mixed with blizzard, whizzing for a whole day and night to gradually stop.

When the last hurricane was as far away as a full-fledged dragon, the whole world was completely changed.

Before the blizzard swept through, it was a barren and barren land, but the earth could see the gray of the rock, and occasionally saw some yellow-brown grasslands with sparse pull, and several rivers close to dryness. flow past.

At this moment, there is a silver envelope between the heavens and the earth. Looking at it, the snowfield extends from people's feet to the horizon, as if it is vertical upwards, freezing the sky, and the rolling hills become crystal clear. The ice peaks have condensed into a white world.

It should be the hot sun at noon, but the sun is still half-dead on the horizon. The only faint light is just a layer of dim orange on the horizon. Most of the sky is like being frozen. The eyes of dead fish are sloppy and confused.

Here, it is the true appearance of the state of the North Night!

On countless maps of the dynasties, this piece of horror, which is frozen all the year round, is called the "Eternal Night Icefield", which is the forbidden zone of most life!

Although the blizzard has already gone, but the temperature of the sudden drop has not been upgraded, Li Yao sneaked and measured with the thermometer of the Xingyao Federation, and found that even at "noon", the average temperature is minus five or sixty degrees!

This is just the periphery and even the edge of the Yongye Icefield. It is far from the location where the Imperial Palace is located. It can be foreseen that the farther north, the lower the temperature.

This extreme low temperature is not a word that can be described as "drip into ice". Every breath of people exhales like a small mist of ice, which is then shrouded in your face, body, hair and beard. Clotted into an ice shell.

There is no mustard battle suit with the warmth and warmth of the federal and imperial circles. Everyone can only wear thick and clumsy cotton robes. Even if this cotton robes are specially made cold robes, the cotton swarf is mixed with fire spar and each Kind of symbol.

Ordinary cotton robes are placed in this environment, and they can be frozen into ice cubes without a day or night!

Even if you wrap your own three-layer and three-layer wraps like a scorpion, the cold wind of the ice-cold ice, such as a cow's fine needle, permeates incessantly, irritating the explorer's flesh, muscles and bone marrow all the time. Some of the comprehensions have to open the psionic shield or the magic weapon to resist all the time, so that the consumption of psionic energy and spar is greatly improved.

In addition, there is another trouble, that is, most of the magic weapons are not working well at the extreme low temperature, the wear rate and the spar consumption are increased, but the use efficiency is greatly reduced.

In the environment of minus five or sixty degrees, the magical flaws on the magical treasures all condense a layer of frost, the strength of the flying swords and swords is greatly reduced, and even the squadrons are not working properly, unable to extract and store. The item is in trouble.

The magic weapon such as the Flying Sword and the Knife can be hardened to solve the problem.

However, the floating array, the dynamic array, the defensive array and the warm array on the psionic boat had to be exposed to the cold air.

Not only did the consumption of spar nearly double, but the flight speed dropped by about two-thirds. The original expedition fleet became an end-to-end tortoise army, struggling to struggle in Frost and Hell.

Fortunately, before they started exploring, they had already anticipated the problems that would arise today.

In addition to the elite soldiers, the entire 30 ships are mainly loaded with spar and various materials, and each of the comprehensions is equipped with at least two Qiankun Rings, all of which are full of stuff.

The ancient sacred rituals of the ancient sacred world will not be more developed than the Tianyuan world.

Most of the medium and low-level comprehensions use the storage magic weapon such as Qiankun Ring and Qiankun Bag. The storage space is equivalent to a backpack. That is to say, in addition to the storage space in the cabin, each person can carry two extras. A big backpack's life-saving thing, that's all.

Now, they also have twenty-six psionic cannons. In addition to the stalwart who control the flying boat, there are 975 masters from the Guards of the "Fengfeng Camp", from the "six major factions". The number of comprehensions is 1,026.

"Ling Yu Xian Shi, please!"

On the deck of the first five-toothed ship, several guards and comprehensions took Li Yao to the front of a strange magic weapon.

It is like dozens of large and small copper rings nested together for a dazzling rotation.

In the orbit of each copper ring, there are countless shiny silver beads that roll, collide, and make a squeaky noise.

This is called “mixed magnetic instrument”, which is a magic weapon used by the ancient sacred people to determine their position when they travel long distances.

In the ancient sacred world, measuring the precise coordinates of your own has always been a headache.

In the synchronous orbit of the ancient sacred world, there are not hundreds of satellites to form a network. If it is not possible to identify the sea or the land of the north and the south, how exactly do you know exactly where you are?

In the outside world, in the early days of other ancient repairs, various astronomical magic weapons for observing the stars, such as "watching stars", "nine days", etc., were invented, and a series of complex transformations were carried out through the relative position changes of the stars. To know the latitude and longitude of your location.

The sorrow of the ancient sacred world is that the "stars" here are not the stars with relatively fixed orbits in the Xinghai, but the wreckage of the floods that are full of radiation and sparkling in the vicinity of the ancient sacred circles.

These war wrecks are torn by the gravitational pull of stars, planets and satellites, and occasionally collide with each other. Their orientation and trajectory are completely chaotic, and there is no point at all.

Therefore, until ancient times, the ancient sacred world had just invented the magic weapon to measure the strength of the magnetic field to determine its specific orientation, and invented the concept of "latitude and longitude."

However, the strength of the magnetic field is a rather vague concept that is subject to many factors, so the accuracy of this positioning method is not high, only to say that it is better than nothing.

Li Yao has already drawn a few rough maps of the fairy palace by memory. It can only be said to be "roughly".

And from the royal "Yu Tianjian" several specializes in "astronomical geography" comprehensions, and "snap" to turn the grips on both sides of the "mixed magnetic instrument", so that the ring of the ring of the ring appears different The angle of the tilt, the silver ball above is constantly bumping into and out, a few people buried together and do not know what the 演 fingers have calculated, and finally get their position at the moment.

The coordinates of this place and the coordinates of the fairy palace are connected in a line, and they become their route.

The same work is repeated three times a day, constantly adjusting the course.

Sometimes there will be a disturbance of the magnetic field, the positioning is wrong, and the result is going back.

But overall, after a series of arduous trek, they are still closer to the fairy palace.

Heaven and earth have always been the ice sheet, except for the white earth and the gray sky, there is no third color. The depressed environment almost drives people crazy.

Fortunately, they are all convinced self-cultivators. In the past, they have been practicing for a year and a half, and this is barely supported.

On the fourth day of entering the Yongye Icefield, they first discovered something that did not belong here.

It was a wreckage of a psionic squad that was shattered by a hurricane. It was scattered on the ice sheet and was almost completely covered by ice and snow. Only a few bare masts were exposed on the ice sheet.

In the wrecked psionic canoe, it is likely that there will be spar and materials that have not been exhausted, and naturally will not be let go.

It took them half a day to dig up the wreckage of the flying boat, but the results were somewhat unexpected.

It was not a flying boat, but a small fleet of three flying boats. It was not a long time ago, but it was only after two days that it was broken.

Although the three flying boats did not bear the banner, Qi Zhongdao and others recognized many frozen comprehensions.

"It’s the Qihai School, Qishan School, Jingtianmen and other seven or eight sectarians!"

Qi Zhongdao's face is very ugly.

One of the conditions for the six major factions to participate in this operation is that they have to deal with the turmoil of the remaining small and medium sects and prevent them from disturbing the overall situation.

Li Yao did not know what method the six major factions used to reach an agreement with the small and medium-sized sects. But now it seems that the Jindan and Yuanying of the small and medium-sized sects are probably not going to follow the promise at all, even rushing to form a speed before them. Faster fleet, adventure deep into the ice of the night, want to get the first step, first discover the "Xian Gong"!

"It’s a dead end!"

Qi Zhongdao is cold and cold. "Even the six major factions and the imperial court join hands, as well as the best spiritual canoe and the best feng shui of the entire ancient sacred world, they must be careful, step by step!"

"These guys have a few broken ships, so few people, even the spar and materials are not enough. Even the ‘Magnitude Magnetizer’ doesn’t know if there is any preparation. Would you like to harden the ice sheet and find the fairy palace first?”

"Hey, you can't forgive, you can't live, you can't live!"

They found the body of a Yuan Ying old monster not far from the wreckage of the wrecked wreck.

This is from the Bohai School. In the past, it was regarded as a big man in the realm of comprehension. However, it was a terrible death. It was like being sucked up by the human body and died like a skeleton.

According to the analysis of Qi Zhongdao and the master of bitterness, he should have encountered a hurricane in the psionic flying boat, and after colliding with each other, he escaped alone and tried his best to fly out of danger, but unfortunately involved in the hurricane. Swirl can only continually stimulate the body's psionic power to counter the power of the heavens and the earth, and finally exhausted and died. (To be continued.)


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