Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1468: Above the fairy palace!

This Yuan Ying’s self-confidence encounter made all the self-cultivators, including Li Yao, inevitably sigh, and quite a bit of a rabbit’s sorrowful feelings.

Yunqin Jinren and Shengxian Road, these two things are invaluable treasures, enough to stimulate the infinite greed of anyone's heart, breaking through all the shackles of reason, doing all kinds of crazy behavior.

This small expedition team, which is temporarily patched together, may not be the first one to go to the Yongye Icefield before the imperial court and the six major factions, nor will it be the last one.

At this moment, I don't know how many expeditions, how many comprehensions lost their way in the Yongye Icefield, waiting for the hurricane torn into pieces!

Stupid? Maybe it is stupid.

But how many of these people would be better than those who broke into the ice of the night when they lost their lives?

Perhaps they are well prepared, well-equipped, and a large number of masters, able to withstand the hurricane, and successfully reach the depths of the Yongye Icefield and discover the legendary Xiangong.

But when it was really the day, when Yunqin Jinren and Shengxian Road were really in front of them, would they fall into another storm that was more terrible than the hurricane, a deep heart from everyone? It is enough to destroy all the trust and reason and let everyone fight each other.

The discovery of this wreckage made the faintly divided exploration fleet of three forces, and the atmosphere was more dignified.

Qi Zhongdao found Li Yao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters to discuss countermeasures more than once. Anyway, no matter how chaotic the situation is, all five of them must be united. Only when they act as the role of “Dinghai Shenzhen” can they be stable. The situation will not be completely out of control.

The Phoenix Emperor also summoned Li Yao several times. Every time he was respectful and asked him to ask some questions about the magic weapon refining, but he did not mention the exploration of the fairy palace. He only revealed the support for Li Yao Kaizongli in the lines. The meaning of each support is getting bigger and bigger, and Li Yao is very excited.

Along the way, dozens of high-ranking monks of the Yuan Ying series did not hesitate to consume a large number of spar, expanding the scope of the search, and found three wrecks.

The smallest one is only one psionic canoe, the largest one has seven or eight large ships, carrying dozens of sectarian comprehensions!

It’s a pity that their psionics can’t be strong enough to withstand the hurricane, and there’s no “magnitude” and a relatively accurate map of the Imperial Palace. It can only be like a blind man. It’s inevitable that the ups and downs will be turned upside down. Nearly a thousand comprehensions have been frozen into statues.

Judging from the traces left on the ice sheet, it seems that there are still several masters of Jin Dan and Yuan Ying series who escaped from the blizzard.

However, the loss of the protection of the flying boat, the lack of adequate material support, how long they can support on the frozen ice sheet, and finally how it is a bitter, is something that people can't bear to imagine.

The last wreckage is not the same as the previous wreckage.

Most of the corpses have become broken limbs, and there are countless brightly colored blood flowers on the ground of the white pelicans. All the spar and materials in the psionic flying boat are looted, and all the comprehensions are in the hands of the martial arts. Rings, the pockets of the waist are also missing.

The fierce beast on the ice sheet may lick the body, but it is impossible to steal the ring.

They were not attacked by the hurricane but by the enemy.

There are still a lot of robes in the scene and the Central Plains. There are a lot of tattoos on the face, and the bodies of the alien monks wearing huge golden rings on their ears should be ghost Qin monks.

The ghost Qin people are in front of them, this is not good news.

Fortunately, the internal organs of several bodies have not been completely frozen, and there is still a faint **** smell in the air, indicating that the time of this hunting battle is not long, and it is very likely that it will be played yesterday or the day before yesterday.

When Wang Xi escaped, he snatched the core of the Xiangong map, but the Venusian disk was left in the hands of Li Yao.

The magic weapon, which is dedicated to the core of the map, is unlikely to have a second copy.

So now, both sides use the memory of Li Yao and Wang Xi’s mind to draw an inaccurate map to guide the direction.

No matter whether it is the ghost Qin, the mixed heaven army, the white lotus or the ghost character, it is unlikely to have such precise positioning means as the imperial court.

Therefore, everyone is still on the same starting line, and it is better to arrive at the "Xian Gong" than anyone else!

The ghost Qin people revealed the trace, just like slamming a whip on the **** of this big dry exploration fleet, so that they risked the arrogance of the psionic detachment at all costs, finally arrived in five days. The coordinates of the fairy palace on the map.

Here, the point on the map in Li Yao’s memory, and the magnetic meter measured several times, the position of the fleet is now coincident.


The map is a little smaller. In the real world, it is a vast area with a hundred miles.

Coupled with the measurement error of the hybrid magnetic instrument, the coordinate range of the fairy palace is very likely to move freely within hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles.

The strange world in front of us is even more ugly to the face of every comprehension.

From last night, a mist of light gauze floated on the Yongye Ice Sheet.

At the beginning, no one was in the heart, but think about it, in the horror environment of minus sixty or seventy degrees, it is impossible to create a big fog!

Perhaps this is not a fog, but a strange natural phenomenon that is very similar to fog.

This morning, as they get closer and closer to the Fairy Palace, the "ice fog" has become more and more concentrated. In the end, it is like a sea of ​​clouds floating on the earth. It goes deep into it, shadows and shadows, and reaches out to the fingers!

This kind of ice fog has a strong inhibitory effect on the spirit. No matter whether it is a self-cultivator or a magic weapon, once it is in the ice and fog, there is a problem that the psionic function is not working.

"With a radius of a few hundred miles, it is possible that the palace is in the same place, and the fairy palace is hidden in the depths of this fog!"

"We set up camp on the edge of the ice fog. All the psionic boats are connected by chains, and then holes are made in the ice sheet, and the claw anchors are fixed on the strong rocks in the depths of the ice sheet!"

"Distribute the expedition team in batches, search in all directions, and map out the map. Within a radius of five hundred miles, each square is divided into one grid. Every time you explore a grid, mark it!"

"Ghost Qin, mixed heaven, white lotus and ghost characters, it is very likely that they are hiding in the opposite side of the ice and fog, everyone must be careful!"

Qi Zhongdao gave orders in an orderly manner.

The camp consisting of twenty-six psionic cannons was quickly built, and a bronze pillar was set up around it to construct a large defensive array that could withstand the blizzard.

Li Yao and other Yuan Ying monks, led an expedition team, went deep into the fog, looking for the place of the fairy palace.

However, as soon as I entered the misty fog, Li Yao immediately felt the trouble of this action.

The ice fog is like a labyrinth and prison that can't be shredded, but it can only be a few hundred meters. The temporary walled city consisting of twenty-six psionic canals disappears without a trace. Even the brilliance of the masts, the lights that guide them, are as faint as the dying fireflies.

Shouting to the surrounding, shouting is also like being absorbed by the fluffy cotton wool, unable to pass thirty or fifty meters, it is so low that it is impossible to add.

The expedition team he led had 50 members, but only the seven or eight people closest to themselves could still see the shadow. Then people in the distance could not see anything and could not hear anything.

They are like accidentally stepping into a strange white world. The original world has completely disappeared. There is only oneself left between the heavens and the earth. Even their own breathing and heartbeat will be swallowed up by the fog.

Li Yao also thought about whether it could fly to the higher atmosphere and explore the Fairy Palace.

But when he did, he found that he was facing a milky white sea. All the mountains were looming in the sea like an island. Don't even want to see the details on the ground.

Therefore, they can only use the most clumsy way to explore the past one inch of land and build a huge mark in the area they have explored.

Fortunately, they have thousands of people, in addition to those who stay in the camp, enough to form twenty or thirty search teams, go hand in hand, the speed is not slow.

In just three days, the area close to the camp side has been explored and started to move towards the center of the ice fog.

As a result, the connection with the rear is more difficult, and the temperature in the center of the ice fog is lower, and the erosion of the human body and the magic weapon is stronger. The refining period and the foundation period comprehension will not last long, and it is necessary to return to the camp to nurse. restore.

Even Jin Yuanqiang and Li Yao, such as the Yuan Ying old blame, have been exposed to the ice and fog for a long time, constantly pressing the brain cells, releasing a trace of God to search, are exhausted and miserable.


Li Yao Chang Shu breathed, immediately forming an arrow-like white mist in front of him, and soon blended into the ice fog that covered the sky.

This is the seventeenth area he has explored, and he still has nothing to gain, except for the hard frozen soil and the ice rock that is not known to be thick.

Judging from the scale of the map of the fairy palace, this "palace" is very large. It is a small city. If it stands on the ground, it cannot be found for so long.

Unless the Palace is at their feet, it is a large underground city.

In this case, there is some trouble. They must strengthen the number of levels of the search for God, so that God can penetrate the thick ice layer, and the consumption of spar will increase exponentially.

Li Yaozheng was indulging in a sudden, and there was a dangerous sign in the depths of his brain.

The nose fluttered, breathing a few mouthfuls of air like a scraping knife, and felt a sting from the nose to the chest.

The temperature, in a short period of time, suddenly dropped by a dozen degrees, and is still falling! (To be continued.)

Chapter 1468 above the Palace of the Immortal! :


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