Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1469: Hail magic tide!

"What is going on, is it the cold wave?"

"Impossible, it is clear that a lot of Yuan Ying old monsters have been released around to detect changes in the weather. If there is a hurricane mixed with a blizzard, it should have been a warning!"

Li Yao feels that the frost is like a perforated poisonous insect. It spreads all the way through his nose to the chest and abdomen, helping him to depict the shape of the trachea and bronchi, and even can clearly feel the freezing of a large number of alveoli.

He suddenly knees on one knee and put his palms on the ground to feel it.

Sure enough, I felt a slight tremor, like the crack in the front fog, and something was drilled out of the ground!

"Tear off!"

In just a few seconds, the palms were frozen on the ground, and the heavy gloves were torn apart.

Li Yao stared at the ice fog in front of him. For a moment, there was a shrill scream from the ice fog, and another squirming sound of "squeaky".


“The front is a large layer of ice. We cracked the ice and spewed out a lot of ‘Ice Devil’ from inside!”

In the ice fog, dozens of comprehensions stumbled back.

Everyone's face is twisted to the extreme, like a few hammers hammered by ice hammers, many people faltering, their legs are covered with heavy ice shells, serious frostbite, but they are afraid to stop , do not hesitate to support the psionic power, like a group of running fireballs, fleeing!

Behind them, it is like a crystal clear wave, and it is like a white snow that has life, like a wild beast and a savage beast!

The legs of a comprehension had frostbite, and they barely summoned Feijian to want to escape from the sword. Unfortunately, Feijian did not work well in the environment of minus seventy or eighty degrees, and floated for a long time in high and low, and was quickly crystallized. The clear waves are catching up.


The huge waves passed by, this gentleman was frozen into hail in the air, fell heavily on the ground, smashed, leaving the size of the fingernails, bright red ice crystals!

This scene makes all the comprehensions creepy.

Before going deep into the icefield, they also collected a lot of adventurer's notes and sorted out a lot of information about Yongye Icefield.

Although there are all kinds of ferocious ice beasts in the Yongye Icefield, there are even a group of frosty savage haunted, blizzards and hurricanes are terrible natural disasters, but among all the sinisters, the most terrible thing is "Hail The magic tide is over!

The hail magic wave is a very special kind of moss.

In order to survive in such a harsh environment as the North of the Dead, it spends most of its time crouching in the thick ice, saving its life in a near-hibernating way.

And once it senses a large number of prey, it will find a way to break through the shell, continue to proliferate and move, like a swamp of eating people, rushing toward the prey!

The hail magical way of eating is to directly extract the heat from the air and the hunting object.

So when the hail magic wave bursts, the temperature around it will plummet a few tens of degrees, because the heat in the air is all sucked away by the hail magic.

Once the prey is wrapped in the hail magic, all the heat and psionic energy in the body will be sucked out in an instant, leaving an empty ice sculpture.

After all the prey has been swept away, the hail magic wave will once again sneak into the ground, enter the next hibernation state, waiting for the next batch of poor prey to come, launch a new hunt!

Li Yao once encountered a very strange ancient moss in the Kunlun ruins, named "blood tide", also known as "hungry ghost moss", which can cover dozens of miles, thick as a carpet, and feed on spiritual energy. Even dare not hesitate to attack the high-ranking monks who are equipped with crystal.

The hail magic wave is very likely to be a variant of the "blood tide" in the extreme cold regions, becoming more strange and more dangerous! ,

"Asshole, I should have thought of it!"

Li Yaozhen shot his thigh.

Although the information collected about the hail magic tide said that this horrible creature's whereabouts is uncertain, generally speaking, as long as luck is not too bad, it will not necessarily be encountered.

However, if it is really a variant of "blood tide", it is very likely to have a highly sensitive perception of psionic power. Near the Palace of Immortals, it is the best place to inhabit it, just like hiding in the depths of Kunlun, where the spirit is rich. The bloodstream of the earth is the same!

The appearance of the hail magic wave shows that the fairy palace is not far from the front, maybe it is under the ice layer that they are cracked!

Unfortunately, Li Yao did not associate the hail magic wave with the bloodstream at first. When he wanted to understand the connection between the two, the crystal clear ice tide had already come to the front!


Li Yao screamed, more than a dozen palms thundered out, and the "bombing and banging" burst above the ice tide, but only blocked the ice tide for a moment, the dozens of bursting flames condensed into translucent The ice color gradually changes from reddish to orange, from orange to blue, from blue to light blue, and finally completely transparent, blending with the whole piece of overwhelming ice tide!

This blow not only failed to blast the ice tide, but made the ice tide feel the presence of Li Yao. There was a sound of "squeaky" in the depths of the ice tide. Ice tide, ice fog and ice crystals were mixed together. Surging!

Li Yao secretly complained, turned and ran, while ran and wanted to yell, let everyone not panic, according to his experience, such a large piece of hail magic, should be based on the perception of psionic fluctuations, as long as Everyone will converge psionic fluctuations to the limit and will not be attacked!

However, I thought about it. If the weather is minus seventy or eighty degrees, if you don’t run the psionic power to resist the cold, then it’s not the same!

What's more, the ice fog is so thick, even if he condenses the psation in the throat, there is a scream of screaming waves, and there are no hundreds of meters to go!

Li Yao suddenly realized that this strange ice fog might be the trap of the ice dragon magic tide. Here is their hunting ground!

Li Yaozhen gritted his teeth and could only escape.

The temperature is too low, the magic weapon has become extremely unstable, especially the magic weapon made of metal. Once exposed to the air, it will not condense a few layers of thick ice shells to make the psionics The exchange between the arrays is extremely unsmooth, and the preparation time for the sword is greatly improved.

Many people have not waited until the psionic power of Feijian’s body has been swayed, and they are swallowed up by the hail magic tide. In a sound and hard scream, it becomes a strange shape of ice sculpture.

The rest of the survivors have long been dizzy, in the fog of reaching out and not seeing the fingers, such as no head flies, only in the rush, miss one or two marks inserted on the ground, it is very likely to lose direction, relatively unlucky Guys, instead, will run in the direction of the ice tide.

When the air around them was gradually frozen, it was too late, and the ice tide that covered the sky quickly drowned them all!

"Don't run around, follow me, walk and scream, attract neighbors, don't get lost!"

Li Yao was in a hurry.

Although he does not like the comprehensions of these ancient sacred circles, he has no iron and stone to see the extent of their freezing into hail. Although he does not know the situation of the remaining dozens of exploration teams in the fog, at least he Explore the team, but want to go all out!

In the ice fog ahead, suddenly many people shouted and fled to them in panic, apparently under the influence of the ice tide, lost their way.

"Don't panic, the camp is over there!"

Li Yao grabbed him as a comprehension and took him.

Suddenly I felt that this comprehension was a little weird. He wore a sleek bear-skin robes and a mink fur cap hanging from his head to the ear. Although he did not wear earrings, he could still wear the exposed skin. Vaguely see the corner of the tattoo.

The waist-slanted sword, the scabbard is also decorated with a large number of spikes, and the seven-star agate of the special state of Youyun.

Then carefully ponder the shouts they just made, the accent is strange, the curve turns, with a rich cloud.

This, this turned out to be a group of ghost Qin monks!

In the ice and fog, dozens of monks and dozens of ghost Qin monks are like big eyes and eyes.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward, the scene is very tense, everyone's throat is constantly rolling, the eyes are dripping, the rapid breathing, so that more white smoke is spurting in the nose, and all the people's frozen expressions are shrouded in the fog. in.

Li Yao understands that it seems that the expedition team led by the "four murderers" should be at the same time as they are now the coordinates of the fairy palace shrouded in ice, but everyone is just on the sides of the ice fog, from both ends Explore towards the middle.

And because the ice and fog have blocked all the light, sound and psionic fluctuations, and they have taken step by step, careful exploration and mapping methods have not appeared at the beginning.

It seems that from the two ends of a mountain, constantly digging into the tunnel in the middle, it is extremely difficult to detect the existence of the other side before the tunnel is through!

However, the strange hail magic wave, but at the same time perceived the two groups of prey, attacked them equally!

Under the invasion of the ice tide, many people have lost their way, not toward their own camps, but towards the depths of the ice tide, or rushing in the direction of the voice!

Now, between the Dagan monks and the ghost Qin monks, the mixed heaven army, the white lotus, and the ghosts, these forces must be staggered and chaotic!

It’s really a mess!

"you guys"

Li Yao only hopes that these ghost Qin monks can retain some basic rationality.

Idiots can see that opponents in the environment of the hail magic tide are not good for anyone!

Fortunately, the opposite ghost Qin people seem to be aware of this, or in the environment of close to zero Baidu, even the war and fierceness are frozen, although the hands clenched the handle, but did not pull out the knife Instead, in the silence, step by step.



A sword mang, from the big dry monk camp behind Li Yao whistling out, instantly did not enter the ghost Qin monk camp, cut a ghost Qin monk to the ground! (To be continued.) 8


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