Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1483: The game of the loser

Scarletous eyes and big eyes, wow wowed: "Yes, this way, everything is corresponding! And this explains why Long Yangjun will not remember the 'previous life' thing! Perhaps according to the standard procedures After completing the embryo culture, she will pour a lot of memories into her brain, condense into a clear consciousness, and a complex female Yi knowledge system! But because of the sudden crisis, she was rushed to shoot Come out, so this work was only carried out for a little while, she was just implanted with some vague memory fragments!"

"Then our current goal is very clear!"

Li Yao thought, "Since the first mystery has been solved, it is only necessary to figure out what happened to the Nvwa battleship a hundred years ago, and this will in turn prove our Speculate whether it is correct!"

"It’s certainly not as simple as the invasion of two gods!"

The **** demons slammed the road. "Because the ancient sacred world has circulated rumors about the son-in-law battleship for tens of thousands of years, it was regarded as the 'Xiangong' by the indigenous people in this world, leaving the 'Wan Luo Tianxing Pan' and 'Map The magic weapon like the core, it can be seen that people have entered the interior long ago. At that time, they did not touch a series of reactions. That is to say, in the judgment of the son-in-law battleship, some indigenous people entered the warship. Not big, it will not endanger the safety of itself and the embryo, just like the round silver ball automatic defense system, is not to test you, to determine that you are a real human, then gave up the attack on you? ”

"If you really don't want to be invaded, it can be converted into another set of too illusory to detect if you are the original crew. If not, it will be indiscriminate, and it will kill you instantly!"

Li Yao’s heart is a glimpse. ★

The **** demons say it makes sense.

It seems that the Phoenix Emperor is not the only object he wants to be vigilant. The Nüwa battleship itself may be hidden with great embarrassment. The thing that was born a hundred years ago is not only simply invaded by two gods and gods!

Next, how should I cope?

The mystery of Long Yangjun’s life and the original intention of why she planned this all are clear. Although she certainly has reservations, the credibility of this statement is still very high.

Is it possible to cooperate with myself and Long Yangjun?

"I still think she is weird."

The **** devil said with anxiety, "Strange, intuition tells me that what she said should be true, and there is not much distortion; but intuition also tells me that she is dangerous and extremely dangerous!"


Li Yao thought deeply and thoughtfully, "If Long Yangjun is the reverse growth or replica of a core crew member on the son-in-law battleship hundreds of thousands of years ago, it should be on our side. The female Yi nationality is not helping us. Is the human race against the Pangu tyranny?"

"And I see the body shape of Long Yangjun, and the body shape of the Kunlun ruins is tall, the female scorpion of the human snake body is quite different, it should be considered a human category, although it can secrete a strange crystal armor from the body, It is also free to change between different forms of men and women, but it is very likely to be the same as the 'Lei Zhenzi troops'. It is a special unit that accepts the genetic modulation of the female Yi people. In the final analysis, it is still human, and it is even more of its own!"

"When we came out this time, it was originally to find allies and fight against the real human empire. If Long Yangjun was born again by the Terran warriors who were transformed and taught by the Yi people hundreds of thousands of years ago, she is invaluable to the Federation! ”

"And, this female scorpion warship, the bridge is so weird, and it is not because we can activate and control it. She is the key. I don't cooperate with her. How can I get the battleship?"

"At last"

Li Yao smiled bitterly. "Even if I don't want to cooperate with her, how can I do it? I can't kill her completely. Is it because we both have to be deadlocked, and we can't live here?"

Li Yao’s words are not unreasonable, but the **** demons are ignored. Suddenly rounded their eyes and said: “I know where my uneasiness comes from! Even if your guess is correct, Long Yangjun is really The elite soldiers trained by the female Yi people, and the female Yi people are indeed on the side of the human side. It is sincere and sincere to help us overthrow the Pangu tyranny. That does not mean that Long Yangjun must cooperate with the Federation."

“The key is, who is ‘we’?”

Li Yao lived: "Who are we?"


The **** demons are serious, "If you are simple and rude, divide the position of the Pangu and the Nursing as whether or not to support human beings with seven emotions and self-awareness. The former is to use human beings as a tool and tool, and use the 'three major principles'. To bind humanity, then all human beings with emotions and self are all allies of the women's Yi, they are 'we', right?"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "... Probably right, how?"

"How about? You still don't understand!"

The **** demon has raised the door of the martial art. "If this is the case, the dragon warrior Yang Yangjun, who is cultivated by the female Yi people, must be extremely disgusted with the covenant alliance and will be willing to join hands with us to fight against the sacred and Pangu people, but Why do she have to choose the federation? The true immortals of the human empire also have self-awareness and possessive feelings. Even the most despicable slaves under the imperial rule, the empire can torment their bodies and harvest their lives. Will not deprive them of their emotions and self-awareness!"

Li Yao completely stopped.

“So, the Starry Federation and the Real Human Empire are actually ‘we’ and can be regarded as the orthodox inheritors of the female Yi spirit.”

The **** demons shook their heads and said, "Why do you think that in Long Yangjun's view, only the Federation is worthy of cooperation? Perhaps she will appreciate the system of the Empire."

"No way?"

Li Yao thought about it, but it is still unbelievable. "Is the elite of the female Yi people, will they agree that the empire is close to the tyranny of slavery?"

"How do you know if you will?"

The **** demon sneer, "There are very few relics that we unearthed about the Pangu and the Nuwa. It depends on a small Kunlun, which is not enough to depict the civilization system and social structure of the era of hundreds of thousands of years ago. I don't even know what kind of political system they are using. You shouldn't think that the female Yi people must be harmonious and equal, and democracy and freedom are so messy?"


Li Yao was speechless again.

The fear of the **** demons is very reasonable.

From the perspective of modern humans, the Pangu people are indeed "bad", but this does not mean that the female Yi people must be "good."

In the collision and competition of different civilizations, "good or bad" is a very naive concept.

Perhaps everyone's moral judgment system is fundamentally different. Many of them are "correct" in the eyes of the female Yi and Long Yangjun. In Li Yao and the Federation, it seems to be a big reversal!

However, after thinking twice, Li Yao still believes that if you can get cooperation with Long Yangjun, the benefits are more than bad.

There is no risk-free trading in the world. If you have to make sure that every ally has no problem at all, then it is impossible to find half of allies, let alone a powerful ally like Long Yangjun!

The most important point is that under normal circumstances, the federal victory rate against the empire is extremely low, and it is not necessarily as low as 1%.

In a game that can predict the outcome with a high probability, the potential winner will always try to eliminate all interference, and even the interference that may increase his winning percentage.

Because he doesn't need any variables at all, he is winning!

As a potential loser, if you want to turn over, you must strive to introduce more variables, even if it is an extremely dangerous variable!

Because even if no variables are introduced, his failure and demise are high probability events!

Therefore, even if Long Yangjun is likely to swing between the federal and the empire, the introduction of this "uncertainty factor" is beneficial to the Federation!

"I am not opposed to working with Long Yangjun."

The **** demon instantly understands Li Yao’s thoughts. He said, “In addition to Long Yangjun, there are also Phoenix emperors and deeper mysterious forces. If you don’t cooperate with her, it’s really difficult to solve this dilemma.”

"I just said that even if you want to cooperate with the **** who doesn't know what to hide in this crotch, you must raise the warning of 120,000 points. Don't completely believe every word she said, and don't rush to expose us all. The card!"


Li Yao took a sip. "I want to be so stupid. I have already been swallowed up by the belt bones, and I still get her?"

With a certainty, Li Yao once again turned his eyes to Long Yangjun, just hitting the eyes of Long Yangjun’s thoughtful reflection.

The eyes of the two men intertwined, entangled, and tempted in midair, but did not spark a hostile spark.

"Dragon Friends."

Li Yao coughed a few times and changed a name. "Now you and I have exchanged a lot of information and mastered a lot of secrets of the other side. It seems that it is very difficult to maintain the state of 'big roads, one side,' now, now we There are only two choices, either to release all means, to kill you one by one, or to die together, or only one who can be left in a state of being seriously injured and extremely weak!"

"Either, we can only upgrade the cooperation, more closely entangled, and tie each other's interests and plans into one, and gradually integrate into one, truly "life and death together, good fortune"!"

"Look, we just exchanged some information, and we almost unearthed the mystery of your life experience. It shows that cooperation between them is absolutely beneficial!"

Long Yangjun listened quietly and suddenly said: "You used to, have you ever seen someone like me in your world?" (To be continued.) 8

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