Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1484: Conditions of cooperation

Li Yao shook his head. This is absolutely impossible to deceive: "No."

"As you said, I was a reincarnation of someone hundreds of thousands of years ago. It must have a great secret in me. It seems to be worthless!"

Long Yangjun is cold and cold. "How do I know that after working with you, I will not be caught by your forces, and I will study it all over the place? After all, I am single-handed, but you have a huge unfathomable behind your back. The power is enough to tie me to the bones of the belt and chew even the dregs!"

"Then how do I know that everything you said is true. You are really single-handed, ignorant and ignorant, not guilty of my power, and dig a terrible trap?"

Li Yao is incomparably sincere. "Our two of us can of course be so jealous and closed each other, but this is useless! To be honest, with the release of a mysterious signal a hundred years ago, the coordinates of the ancient sacred world are likely to have Exposed, even if the dark nebula is thick and then secret, it is impossible to protect you forever and bind you!"

"Even if you don't believe me, don't cooperate with me, the ancient holy world will be discovered by others sooner or later!"

"Pretending the ostrich to bury its head in the sand is the most useless act. Whether you are happy or not, going out of this closed world and embracing the vast expanse of the Xinghai is the only choice!"

"You don't want to embrace this piece of Xinghai. This piece of Xinghai will crush you and your world sooner or later!"

Li Yao’s words were like a slap in the face, and once again caused Long Yang to fall into a long silence. She looked down and thought for a while. It seems that the trade-offs between Li Yao and Li Yao seem to be searching for the loopholes in Li Yao’s words. In the depths of the eyelids, the radiance of the cockroaches glowed, and the corner of the mouth also evoked a faint smile: "I found that when I mentioned the 'Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou', your expression looked a bit odd and seemed to have a slight hostility towards him. And a strong alert."

"I hate Zhu Zongyou for taking things for granted. After all, he almost ruined my plans to work for decades, but you should have no resentment with him in the past, and where did your hostility and alert come from?"


Li Yaoyi, I did not expect Long Yangjun's gaze to be so sinister to this extent, has been secretly observing his micro-expression.

And he was immersed in the mystery of Long Yangjun's life experience, and did not even make 100% defense!


Long Yangjun is not slow or not. "One thing, I am very strange. If you really do not inadvertently flow to this place, but are prepared, then you must have some secrets that can communicate with your hometown. It is very convenient to return to your hometown and even summon a large number of reinforcements from your hometown, but you have not done so, why?"

The cold sweat behind Li Yao’s neck was down.

"I think of a possibility."

Long Yangjun stared at Li Yaodao. "The forces you belong to are not the only forces that have discovered the ancient sacred world. There are other forces that are hostile to you. It is also possible to discover the ancient sacred world and send out a spy like you. Yeah, the scouts, the people who can make the festival, come to the ancient holy world!"

"You are afraid of being discovered by these people, so your manners will be so secretive, and you can't wait to cooperate with me and draw me to your camp!"

"And Zhu Zongyou, the kid, is the one you most doubt. Behind him, it is very likely that you will hide your hostile forces, right?"

Li Yao was speechless, and he smacked himself in his heart. Long Yangjun is really a superb figure who once played the whole court and comprehension in the applause. It is only by the clues revealed by himself that he will be able to The truth is pieced together * not ten!

Dealing with such a person, I really can't be too careful!

"You don't answer, I will be your default."

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and gradually recovered from the chaos revealed by his own mystery. He slowly restored his former computing power and control. He muttered, "Your suspicion is really reasonable. If there is no outsider to help. Thanks to Zhu Zongyou, a guy who is not optimistic about everyone, has no support from power, is thrown into the temple to wait for death, how can the miracle rise in just a few years, and still control a mysterious And powerful power?"

"Inversely, if I am a foreign domain monk, I am tempted by the ancient sacred world, and I want to foster a blasphemy. Zhu Zongyou is so simple-minded, not deeply involved in the world, and the greatness of the ambition, and the royal family without any influence, of course, is the best. Object!"

“Looks like Zhu Zongyou is our common enemy?”


Li Yaozhen said, "Whether we cooperate in the next step, at least now, everyone should first join hands to dig out the forces behind the Phoenix Emperor! You have said that the Phoenix Emperor vaguely knows something about 'Xiangong'. I have already planned this trip to Xiangong, so his purpose will never be just to find out how many Yunqin Jinren are so simple. Maybe he already knows something. The thing about your identity is specifically for you. of!"


Long Yangjun snorted and laughed at Li Yao with a smile. "I don't have to worry about listening to my thoughts. I naturally have my own judgment!"

"Zhu Zongyou can never know my life, but what you said is also somewhat reasonable. Let him and the forces behind him continue to be active, which is not good for everyone."

"If you want to cooperate, you have to promise me a few things!"

Li Yao’s heart jumped: “You say!”

"First, about my identity, I hope that I am in this secret room. So far, unless I allow it, I don't want this thing to be known to anyone, including the forces behind you!"

Long Yangjun is cold and cold. "If we are easy to get along, I am afraid that you will also propose the same conditions, right?"

This is, this is the biggest secret of Long Yangjun. If it is made well known, it will bring her endless troubles. Li Yao thought for a moment and nodded: "Well, I promise you, but if If someone else finds out, then I can't help it."

"Everyone is a smart person, I am too lazy to hang out with you."

Long Yangjun continued. "You can certainly try to deceive me. It is best to crucify me once, or I will endure my endless anger!"

"Since you have been sent to perform such dangerous and critical tasks, you want to be an outstanding elite warrior in your world. In other words, your world, the strongest warrior will not exceed the Yuan Ying realm too much, then The overall strength of the world is limited!"

"If I am completely irritated, I will find a way to go with such a world!"

Li Yao secretly sighed in his heart. Long Yangjun is too perverted. According to his cultivation, he can infer the overall strength of the Xingyao Federation.

However, she still guessed a bit wrong.

One hundred years ago, Li Yao did represent the best of the Stars Federation, but today is not necessarily a hundred years later.

What's more, under the large industrial system of modern self-cultivation and civilization, the Xingyao Federation, which has entered the inter-satellite informatization society, the importance of individual combat power is actually weakening.

A Yuan Ying old monster can scream in the ancient holy world, but in the Federation, even if his cultivation remains unchanged or even doubled, the influence on the whole society is greatly reduced.

The so-called "martial arts are higher, but also afraid of kitchen knives, Yuan Ying is old, a shot down", this is the truth.

How can Long Yangjun be talented and talented? After all, he is born and raised in the ancient holy world. With her limitations of thinking, it is impossible to correctly estimate the full potential of a modern cultivation civilization!

However, Li Yao did not intend to deceive her.

The threats faced by the Federation are too many and too strong. The real human empire and the covenant alliance, one is more ferocious. At this juncture, there is no need to provoke a mysterious figure such as Long Yangjun who is suspected to be a female rumor.

Working with her is the most rational choice.

"The second point, I know that you are very interested in this female scorpion warship. I am afraid that there are also a few points to start it, to help your power, and the hostile forces to kill?"

Long Yangjun said faintly, "It is not impossible to discuss the power to help you kill. After all, relying on me alone, it is impossible to completely control the women's warships. It definitely needs a lot of manpower and resources to support."

"However, if I really helped you, then when I recall my mission, can you help me?"

Li Yao said in a moment: "As long as this mission does not hurt my national interests, then I will try my best to persuade our leaders to help you all the time. Even if the highest leader cannot pass this possibility, it should not be too big. I will do everything to help you!"

"it is good!"

Long Yangjun stared deeply at Li Yao. "I will believe in these two conditions. I believe that you answered at the moment. Let's first solve the problem of 'Fenghuang Emperor Zhu Zongyou'!"

Li Yao’s spirit was revamped: “How to solve it?”

"I will try to see if I can activate some of the magical battleships."

Long Yangjun smiled bitterly. "That was the first thing I did after I entered the bridge. It was delayed by you for so long!"

She walked slowly between hundreds of nearly 100-meter-high stalwart pillars, while pacing, while rubbing the spiritual lines on each array of crystal columns, she was completely sliding her own back. Exposed to Li Yao's gaze.

Li Yao indulged for a moment and did not launch a surprise attack.

Long Yangjun carefully looked and explored for a long time on every pillar of the sky, and his face showed a few embarrassing expressions from time to time. It seemed to be a lingering ridge, which was always hidden. The memory of past life in the depths of her soul.

Finally, she stopped in front of the bridge, in front of a particularly large array of crystal columns with a diameter of three or five meters. (To be continued.)

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