Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1485: Crystal eye, activated! (The first day of the National Day, ask for a monthly t

Looking at the runes on the crystal column, Long Yangjun's eyes became very deep.

The road flashed with a blue-and-white rune, and there was a little blue light in the depths of her eyes, which gradually became a thin line.

The thin line beat like a string, and Long Yangjun fell into a state of groggy and embarrassing.

Like being pulled by some kind of wonderful power, Li Yao couldn't understand it from her mouth, as if dozens of syllables overlap, such as the three-dimensional scorpion-like spirit.


As Long Yangjun whispers faster and faster, the frequency is getting higher and higher, the whole bridge is like a forest that has just awakened, and there is a weak but clear spiritual fluctuation.

A magical scene is born!

In front of Long Yangjun, this array of crystal pillars is really like a big tree. From the gaps of the spiritual lines, there are layers of flames, and the flames condense into a branch-like burst. touch!

Numerous crystal clear psionic synapses spread out around, like a big tree stretching the body, growing branches, visible to the naked eye, becoming leafy!

Some of the synapses, like human hands, slowly rolled up to the head of Long Yangjun, and the two light bulbs that resembled flower buds bloomed at the end of the synapse, growing from the "Flower of Light" inside. Hundreds of extremely fine filaments were lightly penetrated into the left and right temples of Long Yangjun!

Among the dragons of Long Yangjun, the blue silk around it was immediately wrapped in hundreds of glittering pale gold wires!

The blue silk and the light silk are intertwined with each other, contact, collide, and bloom with endless fireworks!

Li Yao is watching from the side, and can't help but admire the mysterious power of the female Yi people!

No wonder the design of this bridge is very different from that of the Terran warship.

Because this female scorpion warship is actually a multi-racial co-existing joint combat force, the different races vary greatly in size. There are both female squats in the height of eight meters to ten meters, the existence of human snakes, and human beings. The medium-sized body between the first six meters and two meters, there may be some scattered and scattered, and the height is from half a meter to several tens of meters.

If all are unified into the most suitable manipulation of a certain race, then other races are very embarrassing!

Through the hundreds of array-type crystal columns, the symmetry of the light filaments and the direct exchange of brain waves can solve this problem to the greatest extent.

When Li Yao’s heart moved, he could not help but think that such a warship control model indicates that other races other than the Lahu people are equally important in the “female camp”, and the attitude of the female Yi people to these vassal races is also Relatively equal?

Long Yangjun’s eyes are full of color.

She and the "big tree of light" in front of her are undergoing in-depth exchange of ideas and instructions.

Suddenly, her eyeballs are like two high-powered light bulbs that instantly become almost milky white, releasing hundreds of arcs and filaments!

As her gaze skyrocketed, the big tree of light in front of him shook out thousands of light arcs, surging the array of crystal columns in all directions, causing a chain reaction in an instant, and more than twenty crystal columns in the vicinity were awakened and stretched. Out of countless light arc branches, each "twig" is full of bud-like light clusters, and many light clusters bloom, revealing a slightly twitching "light flower"!

Li Yao’s feeling is like being on the bottom of the ocean of light.

There are more than twenty crystal columns around, and if it becomes a sparkling seabed, colorful grass and anemones.

The gradual expansion of the light group, the light that dances with the wind is getting longer and longer, like a kind of light jellyfish.

Li Yao estimates that each "flower of light" represents an operational position of the female scorpion warship. As long as the brain field and the light wire are connected together, it can be manipulated through the mind.

"My feelings... very weird!"

Long Yangjun is like a whisper, but also like a sigh, but also like a very comfortable sigh, "I feel that it seems to be integrated with the battleship, the battleship is my body, I do not need to know the specific manipulation The way, there is no need to start any interface, just like controlling your breathing, heartbeat and meridian trembling, you can control it easily!"

Her eyes trembled, showing a very painful expression.

"The damage to the battleship is very serious. Most of the cabins have problems. It is like my bones are broken and the internal organs are burnt, just maintaining the integrity of the appearance!"

Long Yangjun gnawed his teeth. "Even these... these large pillars of light, a total of one hundred and eighty-eight, can only stimulate twenty-four of them, probably only recover one or two percent of the computing power and Control!"

"Pain, I feel, it hurts!"

"Call, call, me, I want to try hard to activate the battleship with Extreme Spirit to see if I can break the 'sleep state' and enter a state of 'self healing'!"

Her teeth were deeply embedded in her lips, her eyes trembled, and even the plump body shivered.

"and many more!"

Li Yao’s heart leaped and suddenly said.


Long Yangjun reluctantly pulled out from the state of Xuanzhi and Xuan’s "Heavy Warship" and temporarily stopped the action.

"You can't do this!"

Li Yao thought of a key, the cold sweat on the temples came down. "You don't forget, it is very possible to have a 'something' a hundred years ago. This incident caused you to be ejected by the Nvwa battleship, and the son-in-law. The battleship also sent a mysterious signal to my world!"

"If this 'something' is caused by someone or a certain force, then this person is very likely to remain in the son-in-law battleship, or in some way to monitor the situation of the son-in-law battleship in secret! ”

"We are just entering the bridge, and we have initially awakened some of the arrayed columnar crystal brains. It should not have much impact on the battleship itself. Even if it has some minor impact, it is estimated that it will be scuffled by thousands of middle and high-ranking monks outside. Covered!"

"But once you have completely activated the Nvwa battleship and really hide someone in the dark, he or they will definitely have the secret on the bridge!"

Long Yangjun glimpsed a little, and his forehead also oozes a fine cold sweat: "It makes sense. On the battleship of the son-in-law, it is very likely that there will be more terrible existence than the Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou. If we act rashly, it is self-investment. It!"

Even if we are worried, there is no such force. ”

Li Yao continued. "In the event that thousands of self-cultivators have changed the warships and chased them here, we don't know if it has been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years. Can we resist them!"

"After all, there are dozens of yuan infants outside, hundreds of knots! Really crazy, and then the strong battleships may be taken apart by them!"

"Even if they can't be opened, they just want to seal the exit firmly, can we still hide in it for a lifetime?"

"So, before we can completely understand the situation outside and control the situation, we should not try it out. After all, no one knows where the warship is damaged or what the consequences of your order will be!"

Long Yangjun said: "You are very cautious, then what should we do, is it so stupid to sit?"


Li Yao took a few breaths and opened his mouth. He used his thumb and **** to squat on both sides of the temple. He said, "I don't know if the son-in-law battleship has such a supernatural power, but in theory it should be. You can try it first. ”

"First, let's see if we can use the array columnar crystal brain. In the dormant state, activate the internal monitoring system of the whole ship. Know the things that are happening in the cabin through the crystal eyes and probes installed in the cabin!"

"Secondly, look for the transmission array in the bridge that has no direct access to the core compartment, and find out if these transmission arrays can still be activated after hundreds of thousands of years of dormancy?"

"These two supernatural powers are essential functions on the general large-scale Xinghai warships. The technical power of the female Yi people is so high that it does not exist!"

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment and focused on the following: "It makes sense to open up these two kinds of magical powers. We have countless 'eyes' distributed only in warships, and we have a pair of people who can go to any part of the battleship. 'wing'!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Around a dozen crystal columns, the branches of the flames constantly crossed, and several "flower bones" bloomed, and a flower of the twilight was sent to the hands of Long Yangjun, wrapped around her ten fingers.

Long Yangjun's fingers swayed the strings gently, and the speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a mist of light!

Her breathing is getting more and more hurried, her towering chest trembles, and even the sweat that permeates the skin becomes crystal clear, like a grain of sparkling pearl.

"found it!"

Long Yangjun’s voice came from a far-reaching deep world, his hands suddenly slammed, and countless filaments were placed in the palm of his hand, and then he slammed it, and he thought through the hundreds of filaments. , transferred to twenty-four crystal columns!

The columnar crystal brain is flickering, like a high-load operation, and the psionic energy in the air is fierce. After a while, hundreds of psionic branches hang from the air, and the end is a trembling For example, the overlord flower is generally open, but it has been transformed into hundreds of three-dimensional light curtains!

On the light curtain, there is a milky white light flame that gradually becomes clear, but it outlines the monitoring images of hundreds of different scenes inside and outside the son-in-law battleship!

"You are right, the battleship is really scattered everywhere... monitoring the crystal eye, and the level of activation is extremely high, even if the battleship is in a dormant state can start!"

Long Yangjun whispered, "Unfortunately, most of the surveillance crystal eyes have been damaged, or they need more light and large pillars, and more powerful computing power can be started. We can only see so many pictures!"

Hey, the legendary National Day double monthly ticket has finally begun. Last month, under the joint efforts of our brothers and sisters, we have achieved good results.

Send the first day of the National Day, see if we can sprint one more this month!

Sincerely ask for a monthly ticket! Subscribe! Seeking recommendations! (To be continued.) 8

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