Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1487: Giant soldier warehouse! (third more!)

Bai Xinghe once introduced to the Li Yao system the dark forest theory of the cosmologist "The Willow Star" of the Xinghai Empire era.

According to this theory, if the total resources in the universe are limited, or even renewable, the rate of regeneration is extremely slow, and it appears as a finite form during the rise and fall of a civilization, and between many different civilizations, initially lacking enough The means of communication cannot fully understand whether the other party is hostile and falls into the "suspicion chain" state.

Then, to cover yourself as much as possible, and spare no effort to fight all the targets that are exposed, is the most rational, optimized, and most helpless choice.

The vast sea of ​​stars and the relationship between infinite civilizations will be like the son-in-law battleship in front of us. Everyone is cautious, everyone is crouching in the dark, everyone is silent, motionless, save themselves to the greatest extent, and so on. Others go to kill each other and fight for it.

Those who are bold, reckless, brave, self-reliant, and actively exposed themselves to summon their companions will often become the targets of the dark hunters to set fire, and will be wiped out in the first round of blows.

It seems that it is a very reasonable theory.

Li Yao does not like the theory of dark forests.

He once established the "Tianhuo Organization", which is to turn himself into a Mars, ignite the weeds, shrubs and trees in the dark forest, and finally burn the whole dark forest!

However, the slogan is attributed to the reality, and no matter how he thinks, he feels that the dark forest theory can at least be self-explanatory even if it is not seamless.

Whether this theory is irrefutable and how to crack it?

Until now, when he saw this small dark forest as an "observer", Li Yao suddenly thought of two very interesting questions.

First, since in this small dark forest, there are two "observers" who have higher authority and Long Yangjun, then in the real universe, the vast expanse of the sea, will it also Are there some higher levels of "observer civilization"?

If this is the case, then every dangerous hunter in the dark forest is actually a clown who performs a mime in an invisible spotlight.

They are painstaking, racking their brains, concealing, arranging, defrauding, inducing, attacking... seemingly unpredictable, God does not know the actions of ghosts, maybe the "monitoring crystal eye" of an observer civilization "Under the slightest, it will only be at a certain point in the depths of the Xinghai, causing a faint laugh."

Then, under the guidance of the dark forest theory, the self-styled and self-defeating, it becomes meaningless behavior.

Everyone unites and finds the "observer civilization", which is the right way!

Because the level of the observer's civilization is not necessarily stronger than the "observed civilization", it is very likely that the observer civilization has mastered some kind of "observation authority" under the chance of coincidence.

It seems that now, the fighting power of Li Yao and Long Yangjun cannot be stronger than the sum of thousands of self-cultivators outside.

They are no stronger, smarter, and more agile than those outside, but they have mastered some crucial "information."

If thousands of self-cultivators can unite outside, even if Li Yao and Long Yangjun can see their every move, they will inevitably be broken by the bridge and completely eliminated!

It is a pity that the existence of the theory of dark forests makes it impossible for these thousands of comprehensions to join hands.

At least until they don't realize that the "observer" exists, it is impossible to join forces.

Then, the "observer" can take advantage of the information asymmetry of their own, calmly carry out the layout, secretly induce, and each is broken!

Is this happening in the real universe?

Whether the theory of dark forests is truth, or the "thought virus" deliberately spread by a "observer civilization" is to let the countless civilizations in the sea of ​​stars fall into the entanglement of self-enclosure and self-suffocation in order to benefit from it. ?

Is this universe really a dark forest, or a normal forest that can only be surrounded by dark clouds and mists, can be vibrant and varied?

Second, even if the "dark forest theory" can be established in some local areas, such as the narrow ramp and the dark cabin of the son-in-law battleship, can the female warrior represent the whole world?

No, the female scorpion warship, there is a vast world of thousands of times, the sea is wide and the fish is leaping, and the sky is high!

The three thousand worlds that human beings know well will be just a "female battleship". No, it should be said that it is only a small cabin in the women's battleship!

Human beings, civilizations, the universe, this is really


Long Yangjun’s eyes were Li Yao’s eyes, and his voice was full of dissatisfaction and suspiciousness. “You are not in a daze?”


Li Yao took a sip of his mouth and hurriedly shook his head like a rattle. "No, I am thinking about the most important strategic issues that are related to our future!"

"Then don't think about it, we have no future!"

Long Yangjun's hands are pulling dozens of filaments, and a group of light curtains slowly inspires to the limit, showing a clear picture of half-step too illusory, "Look at this, Yunqin Jinren warehouse!"

"There are giant soldiers!"

All the emotions in Li Yao’s mind about the dark forest theory vanished, and the eyes shimmered, as if they saw the weasel that was stewed with the old hen.

He found that the cabin of the light curtain was located in the middle of the Nuwa Battleship. It was almost the most spacious and largest cabin. It was as magnificent as the giant arena!

The whole space is covered by a layer of similar blue mist in the bridge. It is faintly visible that there are one-shaped giant pits inwardly recessed on the surrounding walls. The smaller pits are more than ten meters high, and the largest ones are Ten meters, it should be used to accommodate the hangar of the giant soldiers.

In the middle of the warehouse, there are some platforms that resemble huge altars. Each platform also has hundreds of tracks nested in a ring. The tracks are either full of intricate runes, or they can be followed. An assortment of tools for track gliding.

On some of these platforms, there are riddled, ruined giant soldiers, and the outer shells are almost fragmented, revealing the inner components that are extremely precise, and should be under maintenance.

There are also some platforms that are raised high and are perpendicular to the ground at 90 degrees. Some of the giant soldiers who are about to be repaired will stand there quietly.

Even after hundreds of thousands of years of change, the metal shells of these giant soldiers are faint, and even grow rust.

But the tempest of the wind and the roaring stars are still infiltrating from each of their silent gaps.

Even through the light curtain, Li Yao can feel the heart-pulping, blood boiling, the internal organs squirming and becoming hungry!


His eyes fell at the end of the warehouse.

There, a platform that is different from the black iron throne-like maintenance platform, is a giant soldier who should be repaired.

This giant soldier...

At a height of about 30 meters, the torso and limbs are extremely thin, like a giant dragonfly cast from black black iron. It is covered with a black feather-like scale on the slender and slender skeleton. Dressed in a large feather coat or cloak.

There is nothing in the thin face like a skull. There is only a deep cross-shaped groove that divides the visor into four parts. The red crystal eye is inlaid in the groove. It is not like a bright red, but it is like a magma. Deep red with blood dried up!

Even in a dormant state, this deep red crystal eye is still like the powerful heart of the wild and savage beast, giving Li Yao a sense of "don't be" beating!

In addition, on the limbs and torso of this black scorpion giant soldier, a circle of red whip condensed by several red crystals is entangled in a circle.

It is like the vines and python bones, but also the blood vessels and meridians exposed by the black scorpion giants!

The texture and cohesion of the red crystal is very similar to that of Long Yangjun's crystal armor. It should be the common weapon of the female Yi people.

However, in terms of the degree of transparency, the degree of detail of the cut surface, and so on, it is better than Long Yangjun's crystal armor.

Elegance, mystery, coldness, tyranny... This black scorpion scorpion entangled by the crimson viper is like the king of the king of the sea. The sorghum is above the throne, staring at the rest with disdain. Giant magic!

Li Yao’s gaze is like a paste, sticking to this giant soldier, how can he break free.

Seeing this giant soldier, he suddenly felt that the giant soldiers he had personally controlled in the past, including the "Great Yan Longque", lacked a trace of the taste of the heart.

He couldn't help but want to reach out and walk through the light curtain to gently rub the black skull, and the bunch of deep red crystals of blood vessels and meridians!

"It's mine, I have to get it!"

Li Yao’s brainstormed the thunderstorm!

Until the sneer and drink of the giant soldier warehouse, Li Yaocai broke free from the shackles of a moment, gradually magnified the slightly blurred details, magnified to the wreckage of the giant gods, Pangu and the female Yi, Repair the person at the corner of the platform.

The ancient sacred indigenous people actually found the giant soldier warehouse earlier than them!

Li Yao glimpsed, and immediately understood that this has nothing to do with luck, mainly because the space occupied by the giant warrior maintenance warehouse is too large. In order to facilitate the entry and exit of the giant warriors inside and outside the warship, a huge ramp through the warships was built. It’s hard to turn a blind eye!

"Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu, Bitter Master, the four masters are all together!"

Long Yangjun concentrates on adjusting the angle and clarity of the surveillance screen, and locks the super masters one by one. "And Han Daling, Yan Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu are also coming, and the sword is arrogant, and it is instantly!" (To be continued.)

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