Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1488: Lips and swords! (fourth more!)

Long Yangjun said that he was wrong.

It’s not a touch, but it’s been a big hit, and it’s overwhelming.

Just when Li Yao and Long Yangjun sneaked into the bridge, Qi Zhongdao and other "Da San San Sheng" plus the master of bitterness and the heads and elders of the six major factions, as well as Han Bingling and other "three murderers" "The commander of the Yunyun Ghost Qin, the mixed heaven army and the white lotus master, nearly 100 top masters, took the first step to get rid of the "dark forest" entanglement, respectively, from two different ramps, entered the giant soldier warehouse!

They have not yet regained consciousness from the shock of dozens of Yunqin Jinren, and they have now existed.

The fierce killing instantly burst!

The broken limbs of the dead limbs, the wreckage and debris of the magic weapon, and the mottled traces left after the explosion can all prove the thrill of the war!

Even the first-class masters of Qi Zhongdao and Han Daling, who are both right and wrong, have not been spared.

Qi Zhongdao's left shoulder was deeply sunken, and in the middle of the fleshy bones, a group of strange black gas slowly emerged. In the midair, it condensed into a sly image of a snake worm, and it was obviously a very strange evil. The fire invaded the body and was madly eroding his flesh and blood.

The eightteen fists of the bitter masters are only thirteen, and the other five are turned into gray-white like a honeycomb rock, and they are not able to perceive the signs of psionic fluctuations.

Calling Huazi Ba Xiaoyu's entire face turned green, green is like dripping juice, and from time to time, nervously twitching, the green mang also continues to invade deep into his eyes, it should be a strange poison in the body!

The other six major Yuan Ying are also hanging in color, or in the body of colorful poison, or burned by the demon fire mist, or the body is riddled with holes, revealing deep visible bones, a wolf appearance.

On the side of the "three murderers", it is not much better.

The chest of the ghost Qin Han Da Ling was deeply sunken, just like a meteorite that was whizzing, and the whole sternum burst.

There is also a long and narrow sword in the waist. Although the blood has stopped, the half of the bearskin robes have been seen by the blood at the time.

Wan Mingzhu was hurt even more. It was not enough to describe it with "fragmentation". The head was completely sunken, the skull was broken into dregs, a right arm was missing, and there was a bowl of transparent holes between the chest and abdomen. The chest can see the back all the way.

She is a ghost repair, this body is nothing but awkward, but it does not hurt the root.

But the glorious light that blooms from the dry eyes is also faint, as if it is crumbling like a candle in the wind, as if it can not support this broken body at any time.

Yan Changsheng has "the drought and the invincible body", and it is reasonable to say that he is not afraid of any attack against flesh and blood.

However, he kept coughing. Every cough seemed to turn the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys into pus for coughing. Every pore did not escape the white mist. The whole person seemed to want ... melted in general!

The three murderers are all so horrible, and their physical and mental abdomen is even more terrible.

Many people have broken bones, and the blood is almost drained. It is only supported by the worship of the leader and the greed of the Yunqin Jinren.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and instantly understood the meaning of the other's eyes.

If the two have just said a word, the end of these people in the light curtain is very likely to be their ending!

Both Qi Zhongdao and Han Bula Ling and other camps have just experienced a smashing of both losses. At this moment, they are hiding in the maintenance platform and behind the Yunqin Jinren.

The two sides did not know how much they had to pay to get out of the war situation. They watched the situation of their own hurricane and the torrential rains, and no one was willing to take the initiative to lighten the war.

"It's a real person!"

Han Bailing’s arm behind a Yunzhong Jinren’s arm shield, only revealing half of the blood-stained bear head, shouted loudly. “You really have to go it alone, and I am enemies with Yunqin, do you want to die?” If you lose both sides, what good is it for you? Be careful, or be behind you, the six big factions are taking advantage of it! Hey, I just now, Tai Xuandao, Ziji Jianzong, Fengleigu... those few yuan infants There is still room for them. Their injuries are not as heavy as they are on the surface, but they are all flesh-and-blood injuries. Don’t look at them now, they are swaying and sullen. When you die, make sure they are alive and kicking. La!"

Qi Zhongdao's face was blue and green, and he didn't say a word. He didn't even look at the big factions of the big faction who looked a little confused.

"It’s a real person, a friend!"

Han Bingling waved his sword and continued to scream. "The cultivation sect is the cancer of this world. Let these sects continue to exist. It is not good for anyone. As a big monk, you should have a deep understanding of this. Do you still have enough of these ungrateful, sinister, wolf-hearted things? Why do you still stand on their side and be against me?"

"You are doing what they want, but why do they think of you as a true monk? Everything that Hu Xiaocheng gave birth to, I have heard of it, you are a cult of the real world, and you are really wrong!"

"I like you, I want to re-establish a set of rules for this world, a set of rules that are fair and honest, and effective! This big dry, from the imperial court to the realm of repairing, is already rotten, and it is not destined that you can turn the tide alone. Only Yunqin can help you to raise your eyebrows and help you achieve your 'rules'!"

Han Daling’s magic weapon is very strange. It is a huge long-handled meteor hammer, but the hammerhead has been forged into a fat bear's paw. It is waving in the air, and there is a fierce roaring roar. sound.

"Hey, Han Daling, you are really better than the urine!"

Qi Zhongdao has not yet answered, and Bai Xiaoyu, who hides in the foot of a Yunqin Jinren, screamed strangely. "Let's provoke here, oh, we are here, everyone is there. Intimate and incomprehensible? 戚 Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, including your Han Daling Mausoleum, which one is not dressing up weak, pretending to be poor, which one is not trying to exaggerate his own injuries, want to save strength as much as possible, so that the fishermen will benefit ?"

"Call the flowers to persuade you to pay more attention to the two behind you. You broke the six-Korean dynasty. On the savannah, it is more or less a man, but 戚 Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu are purely two mad dogs, be careful of them. I will bite on your **** later!"

"Ba Xiaoyu!"

戚 胜 胜 咬 咬 , , , , , , , , 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们 我们This drowning? The Phoenix Emperor and the Six Schools have promised you what the benefits are. If it is for the Yunqin Jinren, it will be a big deal for us to win the Fairy Palace. One person will be one of you!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Ba Xiaoyu laughed with a big belly, smiled with his legs screaming, and tears flowed out. "Yu Changsheng, you have surrendered to the court and the major sects seven times, and raised the rebellious flag seven times. It is a capricious, no point. A mad dog with a plausible meaning, you can believe that the sow can defend the sword!"


The bitter master has pinched a small rosary that has been turned into a stone. Even if he is seriously injured, he still does not swear. "Han Shizhu, 戚 lord, 10,000 lord, barren and buddies are indeed for Yunqin Jinren. But it is not for us to get the Yunqin Jinren, but we don’t want the hegemony that can destroy the earth and the earth to reproduce the world. If it falls into ambitious and unwillingness to become a generation, it will inevitably rise. The wind and the rain, the life is smeared!"

"Spiritual charcoal?"

In the broken head of Wan Mingzhu, there was a sharp and sharp laughter. "You monk, not stupid or bad! Yunqin Jinren fell to us in the hands of the 'ambitious, arrogant', will be charred? Is it true that before the Yunqin Jinren was born, this world is not a hurricane, and it is a charcoal?"

"We are thousands of civilians in the southeast, and we are watching the fertile fertile fields used to grow jade crystals. As a result, we have to sniff the fragrance of jade crystals to starve to death. Is this a life?"

"The winds are coming and the floods are raging. Those who are comprehending all hide in their own castles, and use the defensive array to hold the portal, but sit and watch us burn, drown, starve to death in the heat of life. It’s a painful death, a rotten death! Is this a life?”

"The northwest has been drought for a long time, and there are countless fields and granules, but there is no cultivation sect to open the warehouse to release food. It is better to use a large amount of food to feed what the beast is riding, but not willing to take a little bit to help the victims, and wait for the victims to be forced. The road to ruin, turned into a squad of the army, in turn, filthy filthy people are reincarnation of the drought and the humanity, and even the ugly activities of people eating people, is this a life of charcoal? Hey, even if someone really eats people, it is also being repaired. Forced, forced by you!"

"You are a stupid and bad monk, so many things that are sinister in life are born in front of you. I don't believe that you can't hear or see it, but what have you done in addition to pretending to read the Buddha? Even if you have a hundred undead in a day, but a full 10,000 undead are born elsewhere! And those who are high above are still entrenched in their own mountain gates for their fortune, glory and glory! What can you do, but deceive yourself? Just already!"

"Now, those of us who have nothing to use, we must use the Yunqin Jinren to resist, to completely smash this injustice, to smash all the gods of false and false meanings, but you jumped out, afraid of what is 'born charcoal'? Haha, hahahaha, good monk, really is a good man!" (To be continued.) 8

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