Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1516: One world, two buyers


Li Yao glimpsed and immediately understood that with the strength of the special human empire special forces and the magic weapon that he carried with him, he released a special magnetic fluctuation, disturbing the brainwaves of the Phoenix Emperor in his sleep, and sneaked into his subconscious, I am afraid that What is difficult.

Although many Yuan Ying and Hua Shen are not known, they also have some magical powers that can interfere with and affect dreams.

In particular, Bailian, the mother of Bailian, who is best at pretending to be a ghost, is not a surprise to her.

The Phoenix Emperor continued: "Thundercloud Xianjun appeared in the dream of a sly dream. It was just the set of rhetoric. She said that she was the ancestor of the ancestors. She flew to the fairyland more than a thousand years ago, but there are still a few dusts. And seeing the descendants of the future generations, the great rivers and mountains will be ruined, and the souls will be ruined, and the heart will not bear it, so the world will be sacred, and you will want to guide the reorganization of the rivers and mountains, and ZTE will do it!"

"In the beginning, at first, I don't believe it."

"But she told her in her dreams that her true body and Dongfu are hidden in the depths of the Benlei Mountains, more than a hundred miles west of the capital, so that when I wake up, I will find her, and I will see it!"

"In order to convince her that she is convinced, she still taught in the dream that a psionic spirit from the fairy world is working!"

"After waking up, everything in the dream is vivid and clear, it is the secret law of the immortal world, and it is deeply engraved in the mind of the embarrassment. Half a word has never been forgotten."

"At that time, I did encounter some small obstacles in my practice. I was repaired to be stagnant, and I lacked the guidance of a famous teacher. I was in a chaotic and violent battle. I was almost mad, and it was the time when I was depressed and helpless."

"Under the letter, I will silently run this secret law. It took only three days to break through the obstacles that have been plagued by the heart, and it has been greatly improved!"

"Oh, naturally, I am ecstatic. If I can't help but believe in the words of Lei Yun Xian Jun, I really regard her as the ancestor of the cockroach!"

"Thinking, anyway, at that time, but it is a lonely prince who has no dependence, no one cares, no use of value, and what can be scrupulous, left and right to go to the Benlei Mountain, and then No loss!"

"So, I entered the Benlei Mountains, and in the middle of the mountains, I found the cave house of Leiyun Xianjun!"

Although the gods are the big gods, they are mainly built for military considerations, in order to suppress the vast and innocent grasslands of the north.

Apart from the fact that the gods are particularly prosperous, the surrounding area is not rich and fertile. The Benlei Mountain, which is only a hundred or two miles away from the gods, is the famous mountain high forest, which is quite sinister.

Phoenix Dunton had a meal and continued: "Before you set off, you also sneaked through the maps of the seniors of the Leiganmen. They looked at the appearance of the "Thunderfire" and Zhu Cangshui. When you see the real person, it really looks like It was similar to the portrait, and he believed in the three points at the time."

"And the ancestor Thundercloud Xianjun, and the singer is very good, there is no shelf for the immortal, but it is to teach everything in one, even bring 朕 into the depths of Dongfu, a strange In the small room, three days and two heads let the dragonfly receive the colorful and bright light. After each black light, the dragonfly will feel full of soul and skill, and the speed of practice will be thousands of miles!"

Hearing here, Qi Zhongdao interrupted the Phoenix Emperor: "What is the appearance of Leiyun Xianjun's Dongfu?"

The Phoenix Emperor shook his head and said: "Every time I go to her Dongfu, the inside and outside of Dongfu will be covered with a faint mist. I only went into a room in Dongfu, but I have never seen the whole picture of Dongfu."


He indulged for a moment, said, "Now I want to come. The layout and structure of some rooms in the cave house are similar to the cabins of this fairy warship. Maybe it is also a warship from the sky, but I don’t know why. Deep in the Blei Mountains."

Everyone looks at each other, although some are unexpected, but it is normal to think about it.

Since it is a fairy, of course, it is coming on the battleship of the fairy world!

The Phoenix Emperor continued: "After a few years, this is the case. I have worshipped the ancestors of this tribe and got a lot of inheritance from her. From the knot-up period, I broke through to the high-level realm of the Yuan Ying period!"

"And, she often takes some magic weapons, and repeatedly rubs on the sly temples and the heavenly spirits. Many times, after her cooking, I always feel that there are more things in my mind, some... ambitious things! ”

“He asked Lei Yunxian Jun, she said that it was to help open the shackles. If you want to be a ‘Ancient Emperor’, you don’t have any talents and ambitious behavior?”

"An emperor of the ancient times, an emperor of the ancient times, at that time, I was really fascinated by these four words, and I don't care about anything else."

"And Lei Yun Xian Jun, there is really no place for people to doubt, she not only taught a lot of magical powers, helped to improve the strength, but also took out a lot of fairy magic weapons and armor, helping one to form a ' Huo Fengying' and 'Fire and Phoenix Guardian' even gave a pair of unbeatable armor and wholeheartedly helped to climb the throne of the emperor!"

"What are the doubts about such ancestors and masters?"

"Even after she went to God, she did not reveal a slight flaw. She did not ask for it. She only wanted to allocate a group of resources to help her build a temple to worship the heavens near the Benlei Mountains."

"Sacred heaven altar?"

The eyes of many Yuan Ying and Hua Shen are shining in unison. "What is that, what resources have been allocated?"

"I don't know, Lei Yun Xianjun said that it is something related to the secret of the fairy world. It is the necessary thing for her but the dusty edge. It can also pull the fairy edge from the fairy world to the lower boundary, making the Daganhai clear river, the winding mountains. Forever!"

Phoenix Road, "As for the resources allocated, there are Yanshuangjing, Jiuyi and Lilian, Chaos Red Mother Copper..."

Juveniles have reported the names of hundreds of resources in one breath.

From rare metal materials, to heavenly treasures, to the beasts of the beasts and monsters, and the inner linings, there are many kinds of things.

The value of many materials may not be very high, but it is very rare. I am afraid that only by launching the power of the court can it be collected within one and a half years.

Huashen and Yuan Ying are in conflict with each other, and it is unclear about the implicature between these resources.

Li Yao’s heart is a bright snow. Most of these materials have increased their minds and maintain long-distance transmission stability!

That is to say, this "sacrificial **** altar" is very likely to be a large magic weapon similar to the star torch or super long distance transmission array, used to contact the Imperial fleet!

now it's right!

The Imperial Special Forces did not think that they would contact the mothership. However, for the first few years, she did not know why, lost her ability to contact the mothership, and had to support an emperor to help her collect resources, repair or rebuild. The magic weapon to contact!

"So, is the temple of the gods built now?"

Qi Zhongdao asked.

"not yet."

The Phoenix Emperor replied, "I have just been sitting in the throne, and many of the resources she requested are very difficult to find, and the progress is very slow."

"At this moment, she seems to have found some clues about the 'Xian Gong' in the process of chasing Wang Xi!"

The eyes of the people are not allowed to go to the dragon.

Long Yangjun slightly frowned, as if he did not expect that he had been stared at by Lei Yunxian, and he was silent for a moment.

The Phoenix Emperor continued: "Leiyun Xianjun's interest in the fairy palace seems to be far greater than the construction of the **** altar. She immediately asked the 朕 to form an elite expedition team to go deep into the icefield and look for the fairy palace."

"And I hope that through this exploration, all the cows, ghosts, and gods that threaten the great mountains and rivers will be completely unified."

"After things... you know everything!"

After listening to the Phoenix Emperor’s remarks, the remaining eleven Yuan Ying and the gods were all immersed in meditation and analyzed the whole thing from their own perspective.

"It seems that the immortal who sneaked into the ancient sacred world has only one Leiyun Xianjun."

Meng Chixin analyzed, "And our guess is correct. The cultivation of a fairy is not necessarily stronger than ours. Therefore, she has to resort to fraud and deception to cultivate a loyalty to her and help her to implement it. Adviser's plan!"

"On the other hand, since she can communicate with the little emperor, the fairy martial arts can also work on the little emperor, indicating that the difference between us and the immortals is actually not big, even the same kind of people, but the world in which they live each other is different! ”

"So, you don't have to be too desperate. The game between us and the immortals is not without chance!"

"Now, it is time to interrogate the ‘Thundercloud Xianjun’ and figure out what the so-called 'Fairyland’ is!”

Meng Chixin smiled slightly and flew toward Lei Yunxian.

"Hey, you said that we should take the initiative to recognize our identity and tell them the existence of the Stars Federation!"

The **** demons rushed in the depths of Li Yao’s brain. “I didn’t listen to these two gods and blame. They are all willing to surrender, just to sell the ancient holy world for a good price! Now the Empire and the Federation It’s possible that they are 'buyers'. If they really get in touch with the Imperial Special Forces, they will accept the empire’s offer and sell themselves to the empire as a mercenary, then they will be finished!”


Li Yao is hesitant.

Meng Chixin has already floated to the front of Lei Yunxian, splitting the five fingers, and it is made up of the ghost. The crystal clear five fingers slowly stretch, stretch and stretch, like five strange tentacles, suddenly 狠狠Inserted, all inserted into the head of Lei Yun Xianjun!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Unconscious, Lei Yunxian Jun, suddenly screams of heartbreaking lungs, blue veins exposed, foaming at the mouth, seven bloodshed, twitching like a mouse in a pan!

"Don't kill her."

Wu Suiyun frowned, and also extended more than a dozen colorful and colorful synapses from the ghost, along the eyes, nostrils and ear holes of Lei Yunxian, piercing deep into her brain. "She is our contact with the fairyland." The middleman, maybe we still have to rely on her to negotiate with the fairy world!"


Meng Chixiao smiled and said, "I just set a few bans in her mind, lest she should lie to us later."

"Your ban is too overbearing. If you don't pay attention, you will completely smash her three souls and seven scorpions into sly idiots."

Wu Suiyun said as he manipulated more and more Lingsi to pierce the brain of Thundercloud, "I am coming!"

Li Yao is in the brain: "...have you said that?"

Scarlet Demon: "No, nothing is said, let's be honest, continue to lurk!" (~^~)

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