Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1517: Night Blue (fourth!)

Under the suppression of the two great gods, the "Thundercloud Xianjun" from the real human empire trembled more and more intensely, and it was like a fish that was about to dry up and die.

In each of her pores, she infiltrated the stinking blood beads, and the two whitened eyes were bulging out, almost hanging out of the eyelids, filled with colorful liquids, like rotten grapes. Coming soon!

Creeping, like a spider web, the blue veins of the entire face, squirming!

Even the sinister murderers, such as Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu, are shocking and scalp!

They even faintly heard the squeezing and twisting sound of each bone on the head of Lei Yun Xianjun!

In the eyes of the dead fish of Lei Yun Xian Jun, finally a few painful lusters were revealed.

She woke up from her nightmare.

But looking at her expression, it seems that it is better not to wake up forever.

Wu Suiyun manipulated the colorful synapses that stretched out from his arms. It was like pulling a line with a pick-up line. He lifted Lei Yunxianjun easily and slowly, and faintly said: "Understand your situation. If you understand it, you will blink."

Lei Yun Xianjun used all his strength, barely blinked, and his eyes were mixed with blood, and perhaps the tears of the brain.

This has nothing to do with whether her mind is determined or not, purely as an instinctive reaction of a creature!

"Well, since you know that you have fallen into our hands, it is useless to hide and struggle. Let everything be said with great enthusiasm. Who are you, from where in the Xinghai, sneak into the ancient sacred world? What is the purpose?"

Wu Suiyun inadvertently adjusted the psionic synapse that pierced the depths of Lei Yun Xianjun's brain. I didn't know what touched the area. Thundercloud Xianjun was curled up like a prawns in a pan.

Deep in her chest, there was a scream that could burst the rock, and it was distorted to the extreme expression. Even the evil spirits in the deepest part of Jiuhuang Huangquan met, and they must be scared to death!

"On our side, someone does not agree to torture you."

Wu Suiyun sneaked into the mouth of Mengqiu, and went on. "He thinks that you will definitely lie and lie. It is absolutely impossible to honestly confess. It is better to kill you directly, cut your mind, and use the secret of the soul to search for everything." It’s better to **** it out."

Meng Chixin rushed to Leiyun Xianjun and smiled.

Lei Yun Xianjun’s big eyeballs trembled fiercely.

"But I think it should still give you a chance to tell the truth. If you really want to say everything, maybe we will consider letting you go, even if you are working with you."

Wu Shouyun said, "In any case, you should perceive that your brain is full of prohibitions and our thoughts? If you have a half-say, you will be aware of it, then use the most cruel. Search the soul secret method, and squeeze your brain and the three souls and seven souls one by one, and still have time."

The eyes of Thundercloud Xianjun are spinning fast, and it seems that they have issued a pleading light, and they seem to be convinced that they will never lie.

"Well, you can start to confess your identity, origin and purpose, or try to lie!"

Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin looked at each other and took out a spear that pierced the throat of Leiyun Xianjun.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Thundercloud Xianjun coughed loudly, and almost coughed out the internal organs, but he did not care about wiping. He even screamed like a cannon. "My name is Night Lan, from the real human empire, I am not malicious, really no. A little bit malicious, I am representing the empire to help you!"

As she said every word, Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin were inserted into the spirits deep in her brain, flashing a colorful, mysterious light, which seemed to tremble slightly like a string.

The two great gods narrowed their eyes and carefully observed the vibration of the silk. After a while, they nodded with satisfaction and gestured to the other ten Yuan Ying, indicating that the "Imperial Man" did not lie.

Li Yao is a heart mad jump. "Leiyun Xianjun" is a special soldier of the real human empire. It is in all likelihood to conquer the ancient sacred world!

Damn, the two "buyers" smashed together!

"The so-called fairy world is the vast expanse of Xinghai beyond the ancient sacred world? What is the real human empire, a force in the fairy world? Compared with other forces, how is your strength?"

Wu Suiyun asked quietly, the slender ten fingers, such as stroking the strings, constantly adjusting the spirits, stimulating certain blocks in the depths of the dark blue brain, forcing her to tell the truth.

"Yes! The so-called fairy world is the whole piece of Xinghai! Our true human empire is the most powerful human kingdom in the Xinghai."

The night of the night is full of tremors and screams, "One! In addition to the covenant alliance, there is no more power in the stars and the sea, it is the opponent of the empire!"

"The real human empire, the covenant alliance? So, there are two great powers in the fairy world?"

If Wu Shouyun thinks thoughtfully, "Come to us a brief introduction to the general pattern of the stars and the sea, including the brief history of the real human empire and the covenant alliance, and the relationship between you."

The two great gods joined hands to suppress, and the dark-and-low-end elementary and medium-sized infants, who were seriously injured, did not resist the force. The bamboo tube confessed everything.

This confession is a long story, two hours.

The two great gods, in addition to Li Yao's nine Yuan Ying, all listened to intoxication, if you open a new door to the universe in your mind!

Li Yao also took the opportunity to compare the confession of the night blue with the description of the former empire colonization expert Su Changfa.

Fortunately, Su Changfa really did not lie. The history and current situation of the Empire and the Holy Alliance are roughly the same.

"Understood, if the sea of ​​stars is likened to the world of our ancient sacred world, then the central part of the Xinghai seems to be a fertile and fertile ‘Central Plains’. The region where our ancient sacred world is located can only be regarded as the frontier in the Xinghai.

After listening to the long story of two hours, Wu Suiyun took a sigh of relief and said, "Now, the 'Central Plains' of this Xinghai is firmly occupied by the two powers of 'empire' and 'Saint League'. Power, you fight for me, the stalemate, as if the history of the ancient sacred world occurred many times, the "Northern and Northern Dynasties" era of the river, is it right?"

The dark night blue nodded desperately.

"The real human empire worships the son-in-law, but the Covenant Alliance worships Pangu. The son-in-law and Pangu are the huge corpses that are scattered throughout this ‘Islandic Warship.’ They are ancient races hundreds of thousands of years ago.”

Wu Suiyun frowned slightly. "However, what is the difference between Pangu and Nüwa?"

"The Pangu civilization advocates absolute order and law. In their world, the seven passions and the free will are absolutely not allowed, and are considered to be the roots of the destruction of the entire universe!"

Night Lan Lan gasped and said, "The son-in-law civilization was born out of the Pangu civilization, but on the contrary, pay attention to the release of the seven emotions and the free will to the extreme, whatever you want, no taboo!"

"This is the biggest difference between our imperial people and those of the sacred alliance! We are the last hope of human civilization!"

Wu Suiyun is undecided and continues to ask: "Since the empire is fighting with the sacred alliance, and you are on the edge of the Xinghai Sea, what are we doing in this wild land, are you a deserter?"

The night blue shows a very painful and shy look, but under the pressure of the two great gods, it is necessary to tell the truth: "We... our entire black wind fleet is punished to carry out colonization and raids Mission!"

"Our black wind world, originally one of the most powerful worlds of the real human empire, the Black Wind Warrior is the crown of the three armed forces, the pressure on the heroes, the famous Empire of the famous Tiger Wolf!"

"Most of the empire's army is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. The first class is the absolute main force, mainly responsible for the fight against the sacred alliance; the B group is used to maintain the security and order within the empire, mainly against the extraterritorial invasion of the heavens. And the mob rebellion everywhere; the C and other regiments have the weakest strength and the worst equipment, which is to constantly wander outside the imperial border to explore the new world and expand the territory of the empire!"

Wu Suiyun said: "Like the side of the Dagan dynasty, the ban, the militia?"


The dark night blue bite the teeth, "Our black wind fleet, for the past millennium, is the first class in the first class, no matter the combat power or the battleship, the giant warrior and many other magic weapons, all are super-class, is the elite of the imperial elite, in the trump card trump card!"


"A hundred years ago, the Empire and the Holy Alliance carried out a strategic decisive battle on the spiral arms of Sirius. Both sides invested in all the military forces of more than a dozen worlds, and they were killed at the crucial moment of white heat, but because of it, but because of our Black Wind Fleet. One mistake, ruined the entire battle, causing the five great worlds on the spiral arm of the Sirius to be captured by the Holy Alliance, including our hometown of the Black Wind!"

"The imperial ruined soldiers, the entire Sirius spiral arm line completely collapsed, is the biggest defeat in the last five hundred years!"

"The news of the defeat has spread, and the whole heavens are thunderous and angry!"

"If we do not fight like this, we will lose the defeat of our mother's world. We should have split it on the spot. After the survivors were dispersed, they were merged into other worlds and battle groups. Since then, the black wind and the black wind The fleet will become a historical term and disappear into the dust of the Xinghai!"

"However, despite the fiasco, we were under the command of my father, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Black Night, and did not hurt the fundamentals, still maintaining a complete system and two-thirds of the combat effectiveness."

"The Black Wind Fleet is an empire old-fashioned elite with a lot of glory and glory. There are also many powerful people in the extreme heavens to help the activities. The last punishment for us is that we will not split them for the time being, but will defeat the remaining few who have fallen into the world. They were allotted to us for reorganization, and they were reorganized into a brand-new black wind fleet. However, they were smashed into a group of C and other battle groups. The combat missions also changed from resisting the sacred alliance to becoming an empire. The rear, the vast wilderness of the vast wilderness, colonization!" -

Although the double monthly ticket is over, but the brothers and sisters support it, the old cow should work hard.

The fourth is sent! (To be continued.)

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