Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1522: The rise of the empire world


The streamer in the eyes of Meng Chi was spinning fast and smiled. "It means everyone has good meaning, right? But I think your original intention is not like, but to take our entire ancient sanctuary Repression, conquest, but also lie to us masters of these ancient sacred circles, to sell your life for the Black Wind Fleet, to die, to be cannon fodder, is it?"


The night of the night did not deny that he had to breathe for a moment and whispered. "For a while, my thoughts really summoned the Black Wind Fleet to conquer the entire ancient sacred world and turn all of you into slaves! The so-called 'weak meat and strong food What is wrong with this idea? The weak are living to be suppressed, conquered and enslaved, whether on the prairie, in the middle and large, or between the blood-stained rivers and rivers. Isn't this all the unspeakable truth?"

"If you are weak and stupid, you deserve to be conquered and enslaved!"

"But now it seems that your strength is strong enough, and you are smart enough to be able to discover my plot. You still control so many ... giant soldiers, then it is not necessarily beneficial to attack the ancient sacred world. The behavior of the graph."

"At this moment, at a time, now that you have proved the power of the ancient sacred world, you can of course cooperate under a relatively equal condition, and even let you maintain the dignity and certain independence to join the empire, which is not taken for granted. What?"

"In just a thousand years, the real human empire has hundreds of thousands of worlds, thousands of big and small planets. Of course, it is impossible for every world, every planet to be attacked after the **** battle. Stupid, too inefficient, and too costly! Whether it is the cost of war or the cost of maintaining domination, suppressing resistance and collecting resources, it is not worth the effort!"

"A considerable number of big worlds are all aware of the power of the empire, and after seeing the benefits that the empire can give, voluntarily join the empire, including our black winds, and at the very beginning! So you don't have to worry about your ancient sacred world. This is the ethical practice of this!"

If the red heart is thoughtful, it refers to Li Yaodao: "What you mean is that the attitude of the real human empire to us...the wild world is like the attitude of the Dagan dynasty to the spiritual and spiritual friends of their Wunan jungle. Because the cost of the storm and the garrison is too high, it is simply to seal a local toast, and nominally surrender to the Central Plains dynasty. Is it actually autonomous toast?"

The night of the night shines brightly and nods. "Yes, yes, that's it! If the strength of the world is weak, it is a savage that has not yet been opened up. The Imperial Fleet will certainly take it for granted! But if it is the ancient sacred world Such a master is emerging in an endless stream, and even if you have a world of strong gods, it is very likely that, like Wunan Wulu, the local strongman is the 'boundary master', implementing local autonomy, and sending a few more like 'Wu Nan Wu Lu Recruiting the role of 'making a role like a liaison officer between the borderland and the capital!'

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other and chuckled: "The imperial court enshrined Wunan Five Road, which is to give a big reward, but I don't know if our entire ancient sacred world promised to join the real human empire, the empire. What good can we give us?"

"The benefits are too much!"

In the dark night, the urgency said, "Don't look at the aura of the ancient sacred world. For tens of thousands of years, it has not been harassed by the evil spirits of the outside world. This has given you a huge number of knots, Yuan Ying and the gods."

"However, your cultivation system and thousands of supernatural powers are still at a very rough and low level. Don't say 'big gods', even if you are the mainstream king of the magic weapon in the current universe, you have never mastered it! ”

"As long as you join the empire, you will have the opportunity to receive the magical powers, resources and magic aid of the empire to help your civilization achieve thousands of years and tens of thousands of years of leap in just a few decades!"

"Modern cultivation of immortal civilization, after a thousand years of tempering, endless new magical powers and magic weapons, you can not imagine! Cultivation of these magical powers, will make your original stagnant cultivation to a higher level! Control these magic weapons, you can Your ultimate potential will be expressed in the most violent form!"

"In a word, the empire will definitely make you all reborn, so that you have set foot in the entire ancient sacred world for 100,000 years, no one has ever been involved in the mysterious realm!"

"Even, if you have made enough battles, you still have the opportunity to go to the Imperial Capital to study in the celestial capital, that is the center of the entire universe, the holy land of all the cultivators in the stars and seas! You will get the empire there. The canonization and rewards have become the princely princes of the real human empire, becoming a strong existence above hundreds of worlds, thousands of planets, and billions of creatures!"

Wu Suiyun interrupted her coldly: "This is a personal benefit to us. So what good is it for the entire ancient sacred world?"

"That's more!"

The night blue stalked the fleshy lips and smiled. "Your ancient sacred world was wrapped up by the Dark Nebula for thousands of years. It is like a group of ancient beasts that stopped evolving on an isolated island, facing less and less food. And resources, there is no way out except for killing each other."

"Don't you want to connect with the outside world, don't want to conquer more worlds to ease your internal crisis?"

"Hehehehe, the ancient sacred world has come to this day in self-enclosure, the internal contradictions are extremely sharp, and it has already reached the level of indecipherability. Han Daling, Yan Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, you all have a very deep understanding of this point. !"

"I can honestly tell you that from the history of the world of three thousand worlds, there is no way out of the world, no matter how you struggle and work hard! The double oppression of population explosion and technical bottleneck will be any The self-enclosed world is crushed! The only choice is to rush out and desperately crash the stars and evolve from a planetary civilization into a star-sea civilization!"

"The ancient sacred world was wrapped up by the Dark Nebula and lost the opportunity of self-evolution, but now the empire can lend a helping hand to you. As long as you take advantage of this opportunity and rush out of the Xinghai, you can save your world! ”

"For a borderless world like yours, the empire does not have an interest in direct ruling. It is entirely possible to authorize one of you to become a landlord and implement autonomy!"

"If your relationship with each other... is not so harmonious, you can't accept a single leader, you can also enlist 12 of you as 'the veteran', give you the title of the empire, and form a 'presbyterian' to rule the ancient sacred world!"

"Even, in addition to the ancient sacred world, the empire can also give you the power to expand the territory, compile you into the empire's C and other battle groups, and provide you with a large amount of military assistance, so that you have the ability to conquer across the Xinghai. The resource planets you have conquered and the world of the world can be ruled by you!"

"Think about it!"

"The situation in the ancient sacred world is unprecedentedly tense. The contradictions between Dagan and Ghost Qin are extremely sharp. There are also many forces such as the Alien Army, the White Lotus and the Six Schools. The roots of all these are not the same. Less, more porridge, less wolf meat, 'Is it?'

"If you are willing to join the empire, join forces with the Black Wind Fleet, sway the stars of thousands of light years nearby, and conquer a few vassal worlds for yourself, what else can you worry about?"

"At that time, Han Daling, Yan Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu... and all of you, you can have a planet of your own, with countless slaves collecting resources for you, becoming a master of the wilderness, is not perfect. Solve all the problems of the ancient sacred world?"

Night Blue is not a well-trained lobbyist.

She spoke too eagerly, too directly, and even a little anxious, like a poor player, who took all his good cards on the court.

But because of this, what she said was more sincere and sincere, and it made people feel uncomfortable.

The two great gods and ten super Yuan Ying looked at each other and all fell into meditation.

"Listen to what you said, but how can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

Li Yao's eyes are red and bloody, with a very hoarse voice, "The real human empire is willing to give us so many benefits, and we must pay a great price for it? What is the price, let's listen!"

"The universe is big, but it never leaves a free lunch."

Night Green Road, "This is a fair deal, you enjoy the benefits of the Empire, of course, to fulfill the responsibility of being an Imperial citizen and noble soldier!"

"This responsibility is very simple, it is the battle!"

"All the martial arts, magical powers, magic weapons and information can be converted into 'contribution points'. The contribution points are calculated by relying on the battlefield to obtain warfare. It is conquering a new world and discovering a resource planet. By killing an enemy sergeant, or developing a new martial art and making it public, you can get the battle and convert it into a contribution point."

"So, after you join the empire, as long as you are willing to go out with the Black Wind Fleet, first help us to capture the Firefly, catch the fish of the "Xinghai Republic Exile Government", and then clean up the indigenous forces in the band. The Federation can take a lot of exploits and become the first pot of gold in the development of the ancient sacred world!"

"With the first bucket of gold, redeem a large number of contribution points, buy advanced starships, crystals, battles, exercises, magical powers and even slaves from the Empire, and upgrade their expedition fleets to conquer more worlds. , set more battles, redeem more contribution points, buy more advanced magic weapons and exercises, and then conquer more and more worlds... As snowballs generally roll, this is a real human empire The road to rise!" (To be continued~^~)

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