Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1523: A country born for war!

Li Yao’s eyes, Yu Guang’s eyes, and many Yuan Ying and Hua Shen’s eyes were very serious. They couldn’t help but scream, and they laughed and said: “To say it, we are not asking our ancient monks to give you life to the real human empire!”

"Not bad."

The dark night orchid actually admitted it again. I really don’t know if she is honest or shameless. "It is indeed for you to sell your life! However, people who struggle to survive between this dark universe and **** stars, who are not out of life to seize A glimmer of life? You ancient monks have to sell their lives, our black wind monks are not selling their lives?"

"It is good to be qualified to sell your life. At least it means that your life is worth two yuan. If you don't even have a buyer when you want to sell your life, that is the worst situation. You can only wait for death. It!"

"Remember that this sentence in the universe we live in, 'life', is not a valuable thing, there are not many 'powerful' who are qualified to sell, not many of those who have no chance to sell Poor insect!"

Li Yaoda frowned.

At first, he thought that the night orchid was easier to deal with, but did not expect the woman's true face, will be so shameless, shameless to let him have nothing to say.

Meng Chi’s eyes flashed and he asked: “If I say that if we really go to the empire and help the empire conquer a lot of new planets, are these places all for us, the empire really does not intervene at all? ?"

"That depends on the situation."

Dark night, honestly, "If in the ancient sacred world or in your newly conquered world, there are strategic materials that are extremely important to the empire, such as super fuels that can speed up the cruising speed of starships, you can upgrade the crystal scorpion and giant warriors. The rare metal of strength, etc., of course, can not be swallowed by you, the empire must take up the bulk."

"However, the probability of this happening is not great, and your luck doesn't seem so good."

"Under normal circumstances, you only need to pay a certain percentage of taxes to the empire, to ensure sustained and stable resource output, the empire will not come to control your wild world, trivial things, after all, our enemy is a covenant alliance!"

"Do you want to pay taxes?"

Meng Chixin nodded. "Also, after surrender, what is the reason for not paying taxes? But I don't know, what taxes are there in the empire, and how much is the tax?"

"This is different from place to place."

Night Green Road, "Every big world has different environments and characteristics, and the resources for production are different. It is necessary to conduct surveying, calculation and grading according to the tax officials sent by the capital. The left and right are just some spar, minerals or For slaves, taxation is certainly not too high compared to the benefits you can get from the empire."


The voice of the bitter master is a bit chilly. "Is the empire still going to take the people of the ancient sacred world like pigs and transport them to the depths of the stars beyond hundreds of millions of miles to act as slaves?"

The night of the night, the words of the night, quickly said: "Not necessarily, not necessarily, all taxes can be adjusted and converted according to the actual situation, for example, you have more spar in the world, less population, then pay more spar, It doesn't matter if you don't provide slaves. Even if you have made a lot of battles, you can use the war to pay taxes directly! Also, like you, the civilization is relatively backward, and you are in a remote and wild world. The empire has a lot of tax relief. Policy, and even directed to invest in some development funds!"

"After all, our empire is the first country to be circulated for thousands of years, 100,000 years, and millions of years. It is about sustainable development, and it will not do the stupid thing of killing chickens and taking eggs, solidifying and fish!"

The master of bitterness dropped his eyelids and silently recited the scriptures and returned.

Meng Chixin looked at the night blue with great interest. It seems that the interest in the empire is getting bigger and bigger: "I don’t think there is much irrationality when you talk about it here. I also have the idea of ​​working with the empire, but still There is a small problem."

"The first bucket of gold, this vocabulary is quite an image. As long as you have made a great battle, you can exchange a large number of starships, crystals and magical powers with the empire, and then expand like a snowball, gradually becoming a hero in the boundless star!"

"Only, as far as the situation is concerned, we don't even have our own starships. How can we dig the first bucket of gold? Isn't it left to be your guns?"

"If you don't want to be a cannon fodder, you can borrow it!"

Dark night Lan Fei fast track, "We have their own bank in the black wind world, called 'Black Wind War Bank', specializing in such a war loan business, after the black wind community was destroyed, the bank headquarters also moved to the fleet, all the way to the expedition It!"

"You can borrow from the Black Wind War Bank. After the evaluation of the bank, you will customize a set of 'cross-star expedition plan' for you. How many starships, how many crystals, how many small assault shuttles, etc., can be Help you pack and solve it!"

Meng Chixin: "Ah?"

Li Yao: "Ah?"

Wu Suiyun, Han Daling, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, Yan Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, Yan Liren, Long Yangjun, Phoenix Emperor, Bitter Master: "Ah?"

“I am not an expert in bank loans, but I am at least proficient in the battle!”

Dark Night Lan is very serious. "Despite the backwardness of civilization and technology, you lack sufficient ability to strike across the Xinghai Sea, but the individual soldier has a strong fighting capacity, and has a considerable number of Yuan Ying, even the super power of the **** series. Yes, the overall assessment, the war potential is very large, I think you can certainly lend a lot of money from the Black Wind War bank, then buy a lot of star ships to the Black Wind Fleet, or rent a part of the star ship as a vehicle Then, hire some black wind monks to serve as instructors. It will definitely be a three-and-a-half-year, or even one-and-a-half-year period, so that your monks and soldiers will undergo a radical change and become a truly modern war machine!"

"If you use this method, all the ownership of the starships will be owned by you. You can form your own 'Ancient Saints' and have a partnership with the Black Wind Fleet. We will send an 'instructor' to guide at most. You are fighting, you don't have to worry about being used as cannon fodder?"

Meng Chixin: "Wait, my mind is a bit messy, think about it."

Li Yao: "No, yes, I have to think about it."

Wu Suiyun, Han Bailing, Qi Zhongdao and others: "We must think about it, think about it!"

The two great gods and the top ten super yuan infants all fell into a rather contemplative meditation.

After a fragrant incense, Meng Chixin took a deep breath and muttered: "This ... loan, it is equivalent to what we call debt, put money, right? Use the way to put money to quickly arm yourself And going out to robbery is really unheard of, a whimsical way!"

The night of the night is proud: "The true human empire is in this way, coupled with the support of invincible force, in the short millennium, to restore most of the territory of the former Xinghai Empire!"

Meng Chixin twisted his eyebrows: "Just, in our ancient sacred world, borrowing money is to make money, money to make money, profit and profit, borrow a text, still ten, even smashing, turning over, Then there will never be a day to get rid of it!"

"The interest must be paid, and we can't make a loss of money for the black wind. It's still a deal!"

Night Green Road, "But it is absolutely impossible to be as exaggerated as usury. It must be within the range that you can afford. It can even be repaid in the decades and hundreds of years. We have a special term called ' Mortgage', you first mortgage a group of starships, crystal scorpions and modern magical powers, and after taking over the new planet, you will slowly mortgage with the spoils."

"There is another point, like the wild world that you are willing to take the initiative to return to the empire. It is a model of many worlds. In the empire, you enjoy a lot of war concessions."

“The local commercial banks such as the Imperial Bank and the Black Wind War Bank have reached a package agreement that will subsidize your loan interest, which means that they have to pay very interest. In the end, three points will be paid by the Imperial Bank, which is equivalent to the interest rate. Discount, it is more cost-effective!"

The ancient sacred people such as Meng Chixin listened to each other.

Rao is the nose of the gods and gods, and they stretch out for a long period of time, and they can’t get back for a long time.

After explaining it for a long time, Black Night Lan reluctantly explained the meaning of the mortgage, the central bank and the preferential interest rate.

Meng Chihong frowned deeply: "This is why this is the ... Imperial Central Bank, why should you be a good person for no reason?"

“Is this not easy?”

Night Green Road, "The Imperial Central Bank is not set up for profit, but for the flourishing development of the entire human civilization! For the long-term stability of the Empire!"

"It does this in order to inspire the enthusiasm of your wild world, and encourage you to buy more arms, expand outwards, and lay more territory for the empire!"

"To this day, the land of the eternal essence of the Xinghai Empire has been exhausted by the real human empire, and the expansion of the territory has turned into a thankless work, and the immortals in the core areas of the empire are reluctant to engage in this work. Work, not to mention they are shouldering even more daunting tasks against the sacred alliance."

"You, the wild worlds on the empire's border, can be reorganized into 'C-groups' and continue to expand outward!"

"So, the empire will throw such a policy, the purpose is to constantly expand the territory of the empire at the least cost. All this is open and honest, and there is nothing to conspiracy, just like the win-win situation I said at the front. !"

Meng Chiqing narrowed his eyes and his eyes swallowed for a long time. He said coldly: "It seems that you are a true human empire. It is a country born for war. All major policies and the operation of the whole country are for war service!"

"War is survival."

The dark night orchid is very calmly facing the eyes of the gods and gods. "War is evolution, war is everything in all civilizations!" (To be continued~^~)

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