Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1528: Rely on you, a spiritual friend!

In the words of Meng Chi, it is said that Li Yao is also happy and worried.

The joy is that Meng Chixin did not intend to surrender to the real human empire. Even if he first learned the strength of the empire from the night, he still tried his best to ensure the independence and the best interests of the ancient sacred world.

This is very likely to be the most critical breakthrough.

After all, the Starry Federation will never be as aggressive as a real human empire. If the ancient sacred world is willing to join the Union, it is very likely to exist as a form of autonomous world.

This point, for many ancient holy monks, should have no small temptation.

Worrying is the "wolf god" Mengchi heart growing on the savannah, and the belief is still the "natural selection, the survival of the fittest", the faint and coincident with the concept of the real human empire.

This is also expected.

And an "ancient man", or "ancient barbarian" to talk about democracy and freedom, natural rights, and equality for everyone? That is Li Yao’s own brain!

"Learning friends, things up to now, no matter what choice we make, no matter how high the price of the other party, the most important point is that our own strength must be strong enough!"

Meng Chiqing stared at Li Yao very deeply. "Only we are strong enough. This kind of 'sale and sale' is possible to talk about, and the future of our homeland has a future!"

"But I don't know, according to the opinion of the Taoist priests and friends, the most sturdy place in the ancient sacred world is that the other party is most tempted and can't wait to buy us. Where is it?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment, said: "The ancient holy world is rich in aura, the strength of the vast monks is not weak, it is the best cannon fodder, which of course deserves the other party to buy."

"However, most of the ancient saints are divided into different denominations, and they are intriguing each other. They are killing each other, which is inferior to 'a loose sand'! Whether we are still a real human empire or something else, we want to do so in a short time. It’s not easy to integrate many ghosts and babies, and it’s hard to integrate them.”

"According to the views of the younger generation, the most powerful force in the ancient sacred world is still twelve!"

"it is good!"

The eyes of Mengchi’s heart bloomed with magnificent brilliance, and they sighed, “The spirits and friends can kill the encirclement from the land of Wunan’s haze. In just six months, they have become famous in the realm of comprehension and become the key figure in the trip to the Immortal Palace. Sure enough, the name is well-deserved!"

"However, you still haven't seen the whole thing!"

"From the description of the night blue, the real human empire and other forces in the Xinghai, such as the border power of the Xingyao Federation, may be more concerned about the application of large-scale magic weapons. For the strength of individual combat power, there is no We value it so much!"

"In the universe without air, darkness and coldness, if hundreds of Xinghai battleships are smashed, how can you make three heads and six arms, and the magical Yuan Ying and the gods will be turned into smashed powder and completely annihilated!"

"And the stars and the sea are too dangerous and vast. Without the aid of the 'starship', it is impossible to fly from this world to the other world with just one Yuan Ying or the god. In strategy, it is equal to one. stupid move!"

"So, with only twelve of us, the tortoise can't be rushed out in the ancient sacred world. Even if it is doubled, it's probably not worth the attention of the real human empire!"

"The reason why Black Night Lan has such a high price, in my opinion, is still in these Yunqin Jinren, the ultimate weapon in the universe, the giant soldiers!"

"There are twelve Yuan Ying and the gods, and perhaps they will not be put in the eyes of these ‘ immortals’ from the ‘仙界’, but what if the 12 Yuan Ying and the gods are driving the giant soldiers?”

"You know, the night of the night as the daughter of the Black Wind Fleet, you can only get a broken and ruined giant soldier!"

"And the Red Flame Dragon King Ding Bell, who has a well-deserved giant soldier 'Dayan Longque', is known as the "legendary strongman" of the Starry Federation!"

"It can be seen that the power of the giant soldiers is absolutely great!"

"On our side, we can definitely put together 12 giant soldiers who are basically intact and have the same strength. If we can learn how to control the twelve, it is definitely in the Xinghai, at least the Black Wind Fleet and the Star. A force that cannot be ignored between the Yao Federation, twelve are very likely to influence the precious 'chess' of the entire battle!"

“This is our true strength. This is the biggest ‘cost I’m used to bargain!’”

"So, the most urgent task is not to explore how we should make a decision in the next step, but to let us all learn how to control the giant soldiers as soon as possible, and to "awake" all the giant soldiers who have slept for hundreds of thousands of years. !"

Li Yao’s breathing became heavy, and the proportions of surprises, suspiciousness, and excitement were just right. From the wrinkles on his face, he didn’t dare to meet each other: “Meng, the predecessors, you are willing to teach us to control the giant soldiers. Wonderful? You, you are not hiding at all!"

Meng Chixin said faintly: "I don't know the vastness of the heavens and the earth. In order to compete for the little planet of ancient St., maybe I will hide it."

"But now, knowing the vastness of the Xinghai, the innocence of the universe, the ancient holy star is just a small stone on the edge of the big world. We are all the tiny dust above the stone, between the dust and the dust, and What can be hidden and counted?"

"On this pebbles, it’s boring to fight with you guys. If the husband doesn’t fight or fight, it’s time to go over nine days, between the Xinghai and the gods, and fight with the gods and gods!”

Even if there is no physical ghost repair, when you say this sentence, Meng Chixin’s arrogant pride is still like Li Yao’s face.

"To fight with the strong existence in the fairy world universe, it is impossible to single-handedly. I am strong enough. In the face of tens of millions of Xinghai warships, it will inevitably become a joke! Everyone is an ancient holy world. The 'indigenous', the 'barbarians' despised by the 'nobles' in the central part of the Xinghai. If you don't even believe in it, who can I believe?"

Meng Chi’s heart looks like a very open-minded look at Li Yaodao. “A hundred years ago, many people on the grassland called me a 'wolf god'. The wolf is not as powerful as a bear, not as fast as a cheetah, but not as fierce as a lion, but a grassland. The greatest threat to people, what is the cause? It is unity! Among the many beasts, only the wolves can be hunted in groups to fight against the cold, even in times of crisis, to make sacrifices for the ethnic group!"

"I like wolves, more than lions and tigers and leopards. In my vision, our ancient holy monks should also become the wolves in the universe, the wolves in the universe, the wolves in the stars!"

Li Yao was deeply moved and turned his eyes to Wu Suiyun.

Wu Suiyun said: "My view is consistent with Meng Chi. When the first husband 'Shi Zongyue' was still alive more than a hundred years ago, he took the opportunity to promote the integration of the major denominations and wanted to end the internal consumption. It’s unanimous, but it’s a pity that it’s a failure...”

"I just understood it. The people of the major sects are all muddy and can't help the wall! We must not learn from them, and we will use all our minds and stomachs to deal with our own people. In that case, the ancient holy world is really not saved!"

"So, I and Meng Chixin decided to train the giant gods that have been studied in these decades, together with the tricks we learned from the night, all teach you ten unreservedly, we take ten The capital of the two giant soldiers, to participate in the game in the Xinghai!"

"This is also a gamble, a gamble for the future of the ancient sacred world. I hope you are ten, don't let us down!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and was still too excited to be himself. This is the normal reaction at the moment. It does not need to cover up. Shen Sheng said: "The two predecessors are relieved that the younger generation is not the one who is blind, only knows the mud in the nest! As the predecessors said, Let's not fight, fight, and fight with the whole piece of Xinghai and the universe!"

"Just, this matter can be said in the face of the "three holy and four fierce, one emperor and one emperor" and the younger generation. Why do you want to tell the younger generation separately?"

"Because you play a vital role in the entire game."

Meng Chixin explained, "You have not mastered the giant soldiers and do not understand the mystery. In fact, if you talk about the driving force, the difficulty of manipulating the giant soldiers is not high, and it is very difficult to master the Yuan Ying series. The wisdom and the intensity of the soul, one or two days, up to three or five days of adaptation, you can control the giant soldiers to make a walk and a simple attack."

"This kind of magic weapon seems to go through the special refinement of the ancient immortals, that is, the female Yi people. It is very suitable for our human races. It is even less difficult to control than many flying swords. It is no different from ordinary armor!"

Li Yao nodded.

This is true, although the giant soldier is a treasure to the wild, but the design concept is very human, I think that when he first started the "big Yan Longque", he can display a very high-level magical power, killing a Pangu!

It is not surprising that Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun have become the gods of the two gods and have studied the mystery of the giant soldiers for decades.


Meng Chi said, "The operation of the giant soldiers is not difficult, but its structure is precise, and the spirits are mysterious. The function of the psionic function is like an antelope hanging corner. There is no trace to find, and the maintenance and maintenance is extremely difficult!"

"In fact, when we first discovered this warehouse, there were more well-preserved giant soldiers in the store. But after two decades of research, we have destroyed at least seven or eight units. It is really a violent thing. People are distressed!"

"We have also found some jade slips and catalogues. It seems to explain the refining, repairing and maintenance of the giant soldiers. But Wu and Yun and I are not the swordsmiths. For the magical treasures, It can only be said that it is rough and fur, plus we are two ghosts without entities. It is really difficult for us to repair and maintain the giant soldiers."

"Do you understand, Lingbi Daoyou? It is not difficult to let the twelve giant soldiers run and defend the future of the ancient holy world between the stars and the sea!"

"But, we must carefully debug them so that they can meet the personality and characteristics of each driver, achieve the realm of 'people and soldiers', and repair as soon as possible after the fierce battle, reduce wear and tear... In short, and the giant soldiers All the technical problems involved must be based on the spirits and friends!" (To be continued.)

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