Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1529: Who is jealous, who is the oriole?

Meng Chixin and Wu with the clouds cool, cold and ice, such as ice and fog, like the bones of the palm of the hand, on Li Yao's shoulders shot not lightly.

Li Yao can't help but yell!

Meng Chixin said: "We have just learned that the Lingxiao Daoyou is the master of the sword-making sword that is now the best in the ancient sacred world. At the Longquan Conference, there was a subtle confrontation between the sword and the sword, and then personally. Hosted a symposium, saying that the sky is fascinating, showing a very powerful sword shovel!"

"After the first half of the year, you have turned to many sects, helping the various factaries to build swords and transform magic weapons, swords and swords, axe hooks, eighteen magic weapons, it seems that you will not refine, repair and The transformation, after the magic weapon after your repair and transformation, the power has doubled, it is simply turning into a magic!"

"Also, we have heard that the Linglong Taoist friends have been passed down by the Great Zhou Casting Swordsman's stern candle. Is there a nickname for the "Da Zhou Jian Zong"?"

"This great dynasty is the second dynasty that lasted in the ancient Yun and Qin dynasties. The ancient Yunqin started with the 'Twelve Yunqin Jinren'. When the twelve giants went to the Great Zhou Dynasty, they should not be completely destroyed. , at least half saved!"

"This 'severe candle', since it is the leading swordsman of the Great Zhou Dynasty, has he ever contacted some Yunqin Jinren? In his notes and inheritance, is there anyhow about how to debug, rebuild, repair and How to maintain the secrets of Yunqin Jinren? Do you know these secret laws?

"Ling, Tao, friends, we all know that these secret laws are definitely the capital of your bottom, and you are not willing to show people easily, but now is the moment of life and death of the ancient sacred world. Everyone should open their minds and cooperate sincerely! I and Wu Suiyun They are all prepared to make all the inheritances available to the public, and they don’t have to hide their private possessions!"

Li Yao’s heart is pounding, and the brain is even more exciting to burst!

Even if he had some idea of ​​actively revealing his identity, it was completely eliminated!

The meaning of the two major gods of Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun is the "technical director" who makes him the twelve peers. He is responsible for all technical problems of all the giant soldiers and even other magic weapons!

What an important position!

Also, think about it, in addition to his "Great Zhou Jianzong", which is second to none in the ancient sacred world, who else can be the big man?

In this way, did you not hand over the lives of the remaining eleven peerless powers to him?

Li Yao is the leading expert in the Xingyao Federation! Not to mention what kind of backdoors and bans were deliberately set up inside the giant soldiers, and said that after he thoroughly mastered the performance parameters and tactical characteristics of many giant soldiers, he could control these giant soldiers without any hands or feet. Strengths and weaknesses, the initiative is completely in his hands!


The **** demons shouted in the depths of the brain. "Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun are not fools. Don't be overwhelmed by ecstasy. Maybe they are still testing you, just waiting for you to be ecstatic. Exposed to the flaws, or have already seen your identity, but it is the desire to use it, first use you for a period of time, to debug and maintain the giant soldiers, by the way to steal your skills, as if they used the night blue, stealing It’s the same as driving the giant soldiers!”

Li Yao’s heart is a glimpse.

The **** demons are right, the two great gods believe him so easily, and hand over such an important task to him, it is a bit hasty!

Although the situation is urgent now, I can't wait for it, but my heart should still be vigilant. I must not underestimate the wisdom and strategy of these ancient people, otherwise my end will only be worse than the night!

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, Shen Sheng said: "Yes, the younger generation did get some words about repairing Yunqin Jinren from the inheritance of the swordsman of the Great Zhou caster, but those stupid things are not systematic, and the younger generation I haven’t practiced it myself, and I can’t do it with such a daunting task.

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other and gave a sigh of relief. They smiled and said: "You are willing to take up the heavy load. For the giant soldiers and the extraterrestrial universe, we are not all blind people, stumbling. Do you have to explore it? At least, as the first casting swordsman of the ancient St., and you are more confident than us, it is enough!"

"Trusted by two seniors!"

Li Yao excited, "The younger generation will do their best!"

"Very good, in addition to the maintenance and maintenance of the giant soldiers, there are two vital tasks, all of which are lacking you!"

Meng Chi said, "The first is to ban the ban between the female warrior and the Pangu Palace."

"According to my previous calculations by Wu Suiyun, this ban can not support another decade under the repeated impact of the underground monsters. At the moment, we are faced with life and death choices. For a while, we have no time to pay attention to it, maybe we have to wait. After we got more powerful magical powers and magic weapons from the real human empire or other forces in the Xinghai, we can come back to completely solve the problem of the Pangu Palace!"

"Before that, perhaps we should gather the strength of our twelve people and set up a foolproof ban to strengthen the gate!"

"Many of us are a ban on masters, but whether or not to attach other shackles to the door, it is necessary to see the sorrowful friends! I heard that you are in the process of refining shackles. Is it also an outstanding master?"

This task, reasonable, Li Yao did not refuse the reason, immediately nodded, refreshed: "This matter, the younger generation will naturally be exhausted, carefully consider, to ensure that the door of the Pangu Palace is foolproof, will never be broken by the magic!"

"it is good!"

Meng Chixiao smiled slightly. "The spirits and friends are really refreshing. We really didn't look at the wrong people! The next third task will test your heart and wisdom. Maybe in some cases, we need you to look after the truth. The female warrior of the human empire is a dark night orchid!"


Li Yao gave a slight glimpse, "What do you mean?"

Meng Chixin explained: "This woman is only a pure warrior, but her father is the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. She should be regarded as the 'noble' in the Black Wind Fleet. We look at her and seem to have been involved. Some of the magical powers related to magic weapon maintenance and starship control are all useful to us."

"In the later plans, we are very likely to need this female help to dismantle and crack the female scorpion warship, undertake the repair work of some giant soldiers, and even repair the blood-blade assault ship of her real human empire. The Wasteland's, with our own power to sail in the Xinghai, can get rid of the identity of the 'frog at the bottom of the well'!"

Li Yao nodded.

The two great gods, and sure enough for far-sightedness, so quickly put their ideas on the starry ship of the night blue.

That's right, only the formation of the ancient sacred world's own ability to sail in the Xinghai will not be like a fish on the cutting board. It can't be beaten, at least you can escape!

"We think so, but we are afraid that she will cooperate on the surface, but in the dark, she has moved her hands and feet."

There is something wrong with Meng Chi. "After all, what is her, from the technology and supernatural power of modern Xiuxian civilization, it is too complicated and mysterious. Even though we are all gods, it is impossible to completely understand them for a while."

"If she pretends to cooperate very much and helps us to repair the Aberdeen, it is secretly inspiring a magic weapon that can send a message to the mother fleet. Before we are ready, we will summon the Black Wind Fleet. Our situation is very passive!"

"So, we need a master who is skilled in refining, and stare at her! And this task is naturally not a spiritual friend!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and turned his mind.

The three tasks of Meng Chixin are quite reasonable, and it is indeed none other than him.

It seems that he is indeed the key figure in determining the survival of the ancient sacred world. It is no wonder that the two great gods will make a special trip to call him to talk.

Monitoring the night blue is also good for Li Yao.

On the one hand, he can take the opportunity to steal the secrets and magical powers of a large number of real human empire.

In more extreme cases, he can even consider killing the night blue directly, breaking the back road of the ancient holy world to the Black Wind Fleet!

Of course, this kind of practice may also have the opposite effect. It is impossible to guess what crazy behaviors the ancient holy monks who are frustrated and angered will do.

But in any case, there is always one more option, and the maneuver is more calm.

"I am not as optimistic as you are."

The **** demons yelled in the brain, "I thought of a story."

Li Yao’s heart moved and silently said: “What story?”

"Two countries are fighting. Zhang San is a spy sent by Party A to State B. On the first day, Zhang San received a task and asked him to secretly escorted a 'State Spy' Li Si to the headquarters and told Zhang. Third, this Li Si still does not know that his identity has been exposed. On the surface, it is only two people who go to the headquarters to report their duties."

"Zhang San knows that his shoulders are of great responsibility, and he will never be able to reveal his identity. He has to sacrifice the "Li Si" compatriot."

"So, along the way, Zhang San and Li Si, who did not know each other's identity, had a scene of intrigue, a fight, a knife, and a thrilling drama. Finally, Zhang San finally took Li Four 'escort' to the headquarters!"

"However, as soon as I arrived at the headquarters, Zhang San and Li Si were arrested by the military of the B State!"

"It turns out that B has long known that Zhang San and Li Si are all spies, and they don't want to stun the snakes, lest they run away. They designed such a trap of 'self-investment'. They said that Zhang San was secretly escorting Li Si. Li Si said that he was secretly escorting Zhang San. Actually, he let the two spies themselves escorted themselves, and they fought their own people, and the B country could profit from the fishermen and seized the two spies without any effort!"

"A very naive story."

Li Yao calmly said, "There are too many loopholes, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen in reality."

"It is impossible."

The Scarlet Mind said, "But let the spy of the Starry Federation go to monitor the spies of the real human empire, and the ancient Holy Aboriginal is secretly monitoring the Starry Federation spies, catching the cockroaches, the story of the oriole in the back, but it is very likely to happen! ”(~^~)

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